//*@@@+++@@@@****************************************************************** // // Copyright © Microsoft Corp. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //*@@@---@@@@****************************************************************** #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <JXRTest.h> #pragma pack(push, 1) #define BI_RGB 0 #define BI_BITFIELDS 3 #define BI_RGB555_MASK_B 0x001F #define BI_RGB555_MASK_G 0x03E0 #define BI_RGB555_MASK_R 0x7C00 #define BI_RGB565_MASK_B 0x001F #define BI_RGB565_MASK_G 0x07E0 #define BI_RGB565_MASK_R 0xF800 #define BI_RGB101010_MASK_B 0x000003FF #define BI_RGB101010_MASK_G 0x000FFC00 #define BI_RGB101010_MASK_R 0x3FF00000 typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { U8 szBM[2]; U32 uSize; U16 reserved1; U16 reserved2; U32 uOffBits; } BITMAPFILEHEADER, *PBITMAPFILEHEADER; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER{ U32 uSize; I32 iWidth; I32 iHeight; I16 iPlanes; I16 iBitCount; U32 uCompression; U32 uImageSize; I32 iPelsPerMeterX; I32 iPelsPerMeterY; U32 uColorUsed; U32 uColorImportant; } BITMAPINFOHEADER, *PBITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADEREXT{ U32 uA; U32 uB; U32 uC; U32 uD; } BITMAPINFOHEADEREXT, *PBITMAPINFOHEADEREXT; #pragma pack(pop) //================================================================ // PKImageEncode_BMP //================================================================ ERR WriteBMPHeader( PKImageEncode* pIE) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; static U32 rguColorTable[256] = {0}; size_t cbColorTable = 0; size_t cbLineS = 0; U32 i = 0; struct WMPStream* pS = pIE->pStream; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpFH = { 0, }; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmpIH = {sizeof(bmpIH), 0, }; bmpFH.szBM[0] = 'B'; bmpFH.szBM[1] = 'M'; if (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat24bppRGB, &pIE->guidPixFormat) || IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat24bppBGR, &pIE->guidPixFormat)) { pIE->cbPixel = 3; cbColorTable = 0; } else if (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppBGRA, &pIE->guidPixFormat) || IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppBGR, &pIE->guidPixFormat) || IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppPBGRA, &pIE->guidPixFormat)) { pIE->cbPixel = 4; cbColorTable = 0; } else if (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat8bppGray, &pIE->guidPixFormat)) { pIE->cbPixel = 1; cbColorTable = sizeof(rguColorTable); for (i = 0; i < sizeof2(rguColorTable); ++i) { rguColorTable[i] = i | (i << 8) | (i << 16); } } else if (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppRGB555, &pIE->guidPixFormat)) { pIE->cbPixel = 2; bmpIH.uCompression = BI_BITFIELDS; cbColorTable = sizeof(rguColorTable[0]) * 3; rguColorTable[0] = BI_RGB555_MASK_R; rguColorTable[1] = BI_RGB555_MASK_G; rguColorTable[2] = BI_RGB555_MASK_B; } else if (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppRGB565, &pIE->guidPixFormat)) { pIE->cbPixel = 2; bmpIH.uCompression = BI_BITFIELDS; cbColorTable = sizeof(rguColorTable[0]) * 3; rguColorTable[0] = BI_RGB565_MASK_R; rguColorTable[1] = BI_RGB565_MASK_G; rguColorTable[2] = BI_RGB565_MASK_B; } else if (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppRGB101010, &pIE->guidPixFormat)) { pIE->cbPixel = 4; bmpIH.uCompression = BI_BITFIELDS; cbColorTable = sizeof(rguColorTable[0]) * 3; rguColorTable[0] = BI_RGB101010_MASK_R; rguColorTable[1] = BI_RGB101010_MASK_G; rguColorTable[2] = BI_RGB101010_MASK_B; } else Call(WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); cbLineS = (pIE->cbPixel * pIE->uWidth + 3) / 4 * 4; bmpFH.uOffBits = (U32)(sizeof(bmpFH) + sizeof(bmpIH) + cbColorTable); bmpFH.uSize = (U32)(bmpFH.uOffBits + cbLineS * pIE->uHeight); bmpIH.iWidth = pIE->uWidth; bmpIH.iHeight = pIE->uHeight; bmpIH.iPlanes = 1; bmpIH.iBitCount = (I16)(8 * pIE->cbPixel); bmpIH.uImageSize = (U32)(cbLineS * pIE->uHeight); bmpIH.iPelsPerMeterX = (I32)(pIE->fResX * 39.37); bmpIH.iPelsPerMeterY = (I32)(pIE->fResY * 39.37); Call(pS->Write(pS, &bmpFH, sizeof(bmpFH))); Call(pS->Write(pS, &bmpIH, sizeof(bmpIH))); Call(pS->Write(pS, rguColorTable, cbColorTable)); pIE->offPixel = pIE->offStart + bmpFH.uOffBits; pIE->fHeaderDone = !FALSE; Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageEncode_WritePixels_BMP( PKImageEncode* pIE, U32 cLine, U8* pbPixel, U32 cbStride) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; struct WMPStream* pS = pIE->pStream; size_t cbLineM = 0, cbLineS = 0; I32 i = 0; static U8 pPadding[4] = {0}; // header if (!pIE->fHeaderDone) { // WriteBMPHeader() also inits this object Call(WriteBMPHeader(pIE)); } // body // calculate line size in memory and in stream cbLineM = pIE->cbPixel * pIE->uWidth; cbLineS = (cbLineM + 3) / 4 * 4; //FailIf(pRect->X < 0 || pID->uWidth <= pRect->X, WMP_errInvalidParameter); //FailIf(pRect->Y < 0 || pID->uHeight <= pRect->Y, WMP_errInvalidParameter); //FailIf(pRect->Width < 0 || pID->uWidth < pRect->X + pRect->Width, WMP_errInvalidParameter); //FailIf(pRect->Height < 0 || pID->uHeight < pRect->Y + pRect->Height, WMP_errInvalidParameter); FailIf(cbStride < cbLineM, WMP_errInvalidParameter); for (i = cLine - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { size_t offM = cbStride * i; size_t offS = cbLineS * (pIE->uHeight - (pIE->idxCurrentLine + i + 1)); Call(pS->SetPos(pS, pIE->offPixel + offS)); Call(pS->Write(pS, pbPixel + offM, cbLineM)); } Call(pS->Write(pS, pPadding, (cbLineS - cbLineM))); pIE->idxCurrentLine += cLine; Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageEncode_Create_BMP( PKImageEncode** ppIE) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; PKImageEncode* pIE = NULL; Call(PKImageEncode_Create(ppIE)); pIE = *ppIE; pIE->WritePixels = PKImageEncode_WritePixels_BMP; Cleanup: return err; } //================================================================ // PKImageDecode_BMP //================================================================ ERR ParseBMPHeader( PKTestDecode* pID, struct WMPStream* pWS) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpFH = {0}; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmpIH = {0}; static U32 bmpIHE[32] = {0}; // should be >= sizeof(BITMAPV5HEADER) - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) static U32 rguColorTable[256] = {0}; U32 i = 0; Call(pWS->Read(pWS, &bmpFH, sizeof(bmpFH))); FailIf(bmpFH.szBM != (U8 *) strstr((char *) bmpFH.szBM, "BM"), WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); Call(pWS->Read(pWS, &bmpIH, sizeof(bmpIH))); FailIf(((sizeof(bmpIH) > bmpIH.uSize) || ((sizeof(bmpIH) + sizeof(bmpIHE)) < bmpIH.uSize)), WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); if (sizeof(bmpIH) < bmpIH.uSize) Call(pWS->Read(pWS, &bmpIHE, bmpIH.uSize - sizeof(bmpIH))); switch (bmpIH.iBitCount) { case 8: // check the color table to verify the image is actually gray scale Call(pWS->Read(pWS, rguColorTable, sizeof(rguColorTable))); for (i = 0; i < sizeof2(rguColorTable); ++i) { U32 c = i | (i << 8) | (i << 16); FailIf(c != rguColorTable[i], WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); } pID->guidPixFormat = GUID_PKPixelFormat8bppGray; pID->EXT.BMP.cbPixel = 1; break; case 16: // Call(pWS->Read(pWS, rguColorTable, sizeof(rguColorTable[0] * 3))); /* if (BI_RGB555_MASK_B == rguColorTable[0] && BI_RGB555_MASK_G == rguColorTable[1] && BI_RGB555_MASK_R == rguColorTable[2]) { pID->guidPixFormat = GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppRGB555; } if (BI_RGB565_MASK_B == rguColorTable[0] && BI_RGB565_MASK_G == rguColorTable[1] && BI_RGB565_MASK_R == rguColorTable[2]) { pID->guidPixFormat = GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppRGB565; } else { Call(WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); } */ pID->EXT.BMP.cbPixel = 2; break; case 24: pID->guidPixFormat = GUID_PKPixelFormat24bppBGR; pID->EXT.BMP.cbPixel = 3; break; case 32: /* Call(pWS->Read(pWS, rguColorTable, sizeof(rguColorTable[0] * 3))); if (BI_RGB101010_MASK_B == rguColorTable[0] && BI_RGB101010_MASK_G == rguColorTable[1] && BI_RGB101010_MASK_R == rguColorTable[2]) { pID->guidPixFormat = GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppRGB101010; } else { Call(WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); } */ // pID->guidPixFormat = GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppBGRA; pID->EXT.BMP.cbPixel = 4; break; default: Call(WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); break; } pID->uWidth = (U32)bmpIH.iWidth; pID->uHeight = (U32)bmpIH.iHeight; pID->fResX = (0 == bmpIH.iPelsPerMeterX ? 96 : (Float)(bmpIH.iPelsPerMeterX * .0254)); pID->fResY = (0 == bmpIH.iPelsPerMeterY ? 96 : (Float)(bmpIH.iPelsPerMeterY * .0254)); pID->EXT.BMP.offPixel = pID->offStart + bmpFH.uOffBits; Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageDecode_Initialize_BMP( PKTestDecode* pID, struct WMPStream* pWS) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; Call(PKTestDecode_Initialize(pID, pWS)); Call(ParseBMPHeader(pID, pWS)); Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageDecode_Copy_BMP( PKTestDecode* pID, const PKRect* pRect, U8* pb, U32 cbStride) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; struct WMPStream* pS = pID->pStream; size_t cbLineS = (pID->EXT.BMP.cbPixel * pID->uWidth + 3) / 4 * 4; size_t cbLineM = pID->EXT.BMP.cbPixel * pRect->Width; I32 i = 0; //FailIf(pRect->X < 0 || pID->uWidth <= pRect->X, WMP_errInvalidParameter); //FailIf(pRect->Y < 0 || pID->uHeight <= pRect->Y, WMP_errInvalidParameter); //FailIf(pRect->Width < 0 || pID->uWidth < pRect->X + pRect->Width, WMP_errInvalidParameter); //FailIf(pRect->Height < 0 || pID->uHeight < pRect->Y + pRect->Height, WMP_errInvalidParameter); FailIf(cbStride < cbLineM, WMP_errInvalidParameter); for (i = pRect->Y + pRect->Height - 1; pRect->Y <= i; --i) { size_t offLine = pID->EXT.BMP.cbPixel * pRect->X; size_t offS = cbLineS * (pID->uHeight - i - 1) + offLine; size_t offM = cbStride * (i - pRect->Y) + offLine; Call(pS->SetPos(pS, pID->EXT.BMP.offPixel + offS)); Call(pS->Read(pS, pb + offM, cbLineM)); } Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageDecode_Create_BMP( PKTestDecode** ppID) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; PKTestDecode* pID = NULL; Call(PKTestDecode_Create(ppID)); pID = *ppID; pID->Initialize = PKImageDecode_Initialize_BMP; pID->Copy = PKImageDecode_Copy_BMP; Cleanup: return err; }