//====== Copyright 1996-2013, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======= // // Purpose: interface to display html pages in a texture // //============================================================================= #ifndef ISTEAMHTMLSURFACE_H #define ISTEAMHTMLSURFACE_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "steam_api_common.h" typedef uint32 HHTMLBrowser; const uint32 INVALID_HTMLBROWSER = 0; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Functions for displaying HTML pages and interacting with them //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ISteamHTMLSurface { public: virtual ~ISteamHTMLSurface() {} // Must call init and shutdown when starting/ending use of the interface virtual bool Init() = 0; virtual bool Shutdown() = 0; // Create a browser object for display of a html page, when creation is complete the call handle // will return a HTML_BrowserReady_t callback for the HHTMLBrowser of your new browser. // The user agent string is a substring to be added to the general user agent string so you can // identify your client on web servers. // The userCSS string lets you apply a CSS style sheet to every displayed page, leave null if // you do not require this functionality. // // YOU MUST HAVE IMPLEMENTED HANDLERS FOR HTML_BrowserReady_t, HTML_StartRequest_t, // HTML_JSAlert_t, HTML_JSConfirm_t, and HTML_FileOpenDialog_t! See the CALLBACKS // section of this interface (AllowStartRequest, etc) for more details. If you do // not implement these callback handlers, the browser may appear to hang instead of // navigating to new pages or triggering javascript popups. // STEAM_CALL_RESULT( HTML_BrowserReady_t ) virtual SteamAPICall_t CreateBrowser( const char *pchUserAgent, const char *pchUserCSS ) = 0; // Call this when you are done with a html surface, this lets us free the resources being used by it virtual void RemoveBrowser( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // Navigate to this URL, results in a HTML_StartRequest_t as the request commences virtual void LoadURL( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchURL, const char *pchPostData ) = 0; // Tells the surface the size in pixels to display the surface virtual void SetSize( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 unWidth, uint32 unHeight ) = 0; // Stop the load of the current html page virtual void StopLoad( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // Reload (most likely from local cache) the current page virtual void Reload( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // navigate back in the page history virtual void GoBack( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // navigate forward in the page history virtual void GoForward( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // add this header to any url requests from this browser virtual void AddHeader( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchKey, const char *pchValue ) = 0; // run this javascript script in the currently loaded page virtual void ExecuteJavascript( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchScript ) = 0; enum EHTMLMouseButton { eHTMLMouseButton_Left = 0, eHTMLMouseButton_Right = 1, eHTMLMouseButton_Middle = 2, }; // Mouse click and mouse movement commands virtual void MouseUp( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, EHTMLMouseButton eMouseButton ) = 0; virtual void MouseDown( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, EHTMLMouseButton eMouseButton ) = 0; virtual void MouseDoubleClick( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, EHTMLMouseButton eMouseButton ) = 0; // x and y are relative to the HTML bounds virtual void MouseMove( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, int x, int y ) = 0; // nDelta is pixels of scroll virtual void MouseWheel( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, int32 nDelta ) = 0; enum EMouseCursor { dc_user = 0, dc_none, dc_arrow, dc_ibeam, dc_hourglass, dc_waitarrow, dc_crosshair, dc_up, dc_sizenw, dc_sizese, dc_sizene, dc_sizesw, dc_sizew, dc_sizee, dc_sizen, dc_sizes, dc_sizewe, dc_sizens, dc_sizeall, dc_no, dc_hand, dc_blank, // don't show any custom cursor, just use your default dc_middle_pan, dc_north_pan, dc_north_east_pan, dc_east_pan, dc_south_east_pan, dc_south_pan, dc_south_west_pan, dc_west_pan, dc_north_west_pan, dc_alias, dc_cell, dc_colresize, dc_copycur, dc_verticaltext, dc_rowresize, dc_zoomin, dc_zoomout, dc_help, dc_custom, dc_last, // custom cursors start from this value and up }; enum EHTMLKeyModifiers { k_eHTMLKeyModifier_None = 0, k_eHTMLKeyModifier_AltDown = 1 << 0, k_eHTMLKeyModifier_CtrlDown = 1 << 1, k_eHTMLKeyModifier_ShiftDown = 1 << 2, }; // keyboard interactions, native keycode is the virtual key code value from your OS, system key flags the key to not // be sent as a typed character as well as a key down virtual void KeyDown( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nNativeKeyCode, EHTMLKeyModifiers eHTMLKeyModifiers, bool bIsSystemKey = false ) = 0; virtual void KeyUp( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nNativeKeyCode, EHTMLKeyModifiers eHTMLKeyModifiers ) = 0; // cUnicodeChar is the unicode character point for this keypress (and potentially multiple chars per press) virtual void KeyChar( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 cUnicodeChar, EHTMLKeyModifiers eHTMLKeyModifiers ) = 0; // programmatically scroll this many pixels on the page virtual void SetHorizontalScroll( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nAbsolutePixelScroll ) = 0; virtual void SetVerticalScroll( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nAbsolutePixelScroll ) = 0; // tell the html control if it has key focus currently, controls showing the I-beam cursor in text controls amongst other things virtual void SetKeyFocus( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bHasKeyFocus ) = 0; // open the current pages html code in the local editor of choice, used for debugging virtual void ViewSource( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // copy the currently selected text on the html page to the local clipboard virtual void CopyToClipboard( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // paste from the local clipboard to the current html page virtual void PasteFromClipboard( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // find this string in the browser, if bCurrentlyInFind is true then instead cycle to the next matching element virtual void Find( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchSearchStr, bool bCurrentlyInFind, bool bReverse ) = 0; // cancel a currently running find virtual void StopFind( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // return details about the link at position x,y on the current page virtual void GetLinkAtPosition( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, int x, int y ) = 0; // set a webcookie for the hostname in question virtual void SetCookie( const char *pchHostname, const char *pchKey, const char *pchValue, const char *pchPath = "/", RTime32 nExpires = 0, bool bSecure = false, bool bHTTPOnly = false ) = 0; // Zoom the current page by flZoom ( from 0.0 to 2.0, so to zoom to 120% use 1.2 ), zooming around point X,Y in the page (use 0,0 if you don't care) virtual void SetPageScaleFactor( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, float flZoom, int nPointX, int nPointY ) = 0; // Enable/disable low-resource background mode, where javascript and repaint timers are throttled, resources are // more aggressively purged from memory, and audio/video elements are paused. When background mode is enabled, // all HTML5 video and audio objects will execute ".pause()" and gain the property "._steam_background_paused = 1". // When background mode is disabled, any video or audio objects with that property will resume with ".play()". virtual void SetBackgroundMode( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bBackgroundMode ) = 0; // Scale the output display space by this factor, this is useful when displaying content on high dpi devices. // Specifies the ratio between physical and logical pixels. virtual void SetDPIScalingFactor( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, float flDPIScaling ) = 0; // Open HTML/JS developer tools virtual void OpenDeveloperTools( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle ) = 0; // CALLBACKS // // These set of functions are used as responses to callback requests // // You MUST call this in response to a HTML_StartRequest_t callback // Set bAllowed to true to allow this navigation, false to cancel it and stay // on the current page. You can use this feature to limit the valid pages // allowed in your HTML surface. virtual void AllowStartRequest( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bAllowed ) = 0; // You MUST call this in response to a HTML_JSAlert_t or HTML_JSConfirm_t callback // Set bResult to true for the OK option of a confirm, use false otherwise virtual void JSDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bResult ) = 0; // You MUST call this in response to a HTML_FileOpenDialog_t callback STEAM_IGNOREATTR() virtual void FileLoadDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char **pchSelectedFiles ) = 0; }; #define STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION "STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION_005" // Global interface accessor inline ISteamHTMLSurface *SteamHTMLSurface(); STEAM_DEFINE_USER_INTERFACE_ACCESSOR( ISteamHTMLSurface *, SteamHTMLSurface, STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION ); // callbacks #if defined( VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_SMALL ) #pragma pack( push, 4 ) #elif defined( VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_LARGE ) #pragma pack( push, 8 ) #else #error steam_api_common.h should define VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_xxx #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The browser is ready for use //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_BrowserReady_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 1 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // this browser is now fully created and ready to navigate to pages STEAM_CALLBACK_END(1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: the browser has a pending paint //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN(HTML_NeedsPaint_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 2) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle) // the browser that needs the paint STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(1, const char *, pBGRA ) // a pointer to the B8G8R8A8 data for this surface, valid until SteamAPI_RunCallbacks is next called STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(2, uint32, unWide) // the total width of the pBGRA texture STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(3, uint32, unTall) // the total height of the pBGRA texture STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(4, uint32, unUpdateX) // the offset in X for the damage rect for this update STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(5, uint32, unUpdateY) // the offset in Y for the damage rect for this update STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(6, uint32, unUpdateWide) // the width of the damage rect for this update STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(7, uint32, unUpdateTall) // the height of the damage rect for this update STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(8, uint32, unScrollX) // the page scroll the browser was at when this texture was rendered STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(9, uint32, unScrollY) // the page scroll the browser was at when this texture was rendered STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(10, float, flPageScale) // the page scale factor on this page when rendered STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(11, uint32, unPageSerial) // incremented on each new page load, you can use this to reject draws while navigating to new pages STEAM_CALLBACK_END(12) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The browser wanted to navigate to a new page // NOTE - you MUST call AllowStartRequest in response to this callback //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN(HTML_StartRequest_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 3) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle) // the handle of the surface navigating STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(1, const char *, pchURL) // the url they wish to navigate to STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(2, const char *, pchTarget) // the html link target type (i.e _blank, _self, _parent, _top ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(3, const char *, pchPostData ) // any posted data for the request STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(4, bool, bIsRedirect) // true if this was a http/html redirect from the last load request STEAM_CALLBACK_END(5) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The browser has been requested to close due to user interaction (usually from a javascript window.close() call) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN(HTML_CloseBrowser_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 4) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER(0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_END(1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: the browser is navigating to a new url //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_URLChanged_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 5 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface navigating STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchURL ) // the url they wish to navigate to STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, const char *, pchPostData ) // any posted data for the request STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 3, bool, bIsRedirect ) // true if this was a http/html redirect from the last load request STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 4, const char *, pchPageTitle ) // the title of the page STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 5, bool, bNewNavigation ) // true if this was from a fresh tab and not a click on an existing page STEAM_CALLBACK_END(6) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A page is finished loading //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_FinishedRequest_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 6 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchURL ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, const char *, pchPageTitle ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(3) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: a request to load this url in a new tab //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_OpenLinkInNewTab_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 7 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchURL ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: the page has a new title now //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_ChangedTitle_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 8 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchTitle ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: results from a search //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_SearchResults_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 9 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, uint32, unResults ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, uint32, unCurrentMatch ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(3) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: page history status changed on the ability to go backwards and forward //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_CanGoBackAndForward_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 10 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, bool, bCanGoBack ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, bool, bCanGoForward ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(3) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: details on the visibility and size of the horizontal scrollbar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_HorizontalScroll_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 11 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, uint32, unScrollMax ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, uint32, unScrollCurrent ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 3, float, flPageScale ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 4, bool , bVisible ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 5, uint32, unPageSize ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(6) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: details on the visibility and size of the vertical scrollbar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_VerticalScroll_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 12 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, uint32, unScrollMax ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, uint32, unScrollCurrent ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 3, float, flPageScale ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 4, bool, bVisible ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 5, uint32, unPageSize ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(6) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: response to GetLinkAtPosition call //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_LinkAtPosition_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 13 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, uint32, x ) // NOTE - Not currently set STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, uint32, y ) // NOTE - Not currently set STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 3, const char *, pchURL ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 4, bool, bInput ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 5, bool, bLiveLink ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(6) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: show a Javascript alert dialog, call JSDialogResponse // when the user dismisses this dialog (or right away to ignore it) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_JSAlert_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 14 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchMessage ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: show a Javascript confirmation dialog, call JSDialogResponse // when the user dismisses this dialog (or right away to ignore it) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_JSConfirm_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 15 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchMessage ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: when received show a file open dialog // then call FileLoadDialogResponse with the file(s) the user selected. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_FileOpenDialog_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 16 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchTitle ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, const char *, pchInitialFile ) // STEAM_CALLBACK_END(3) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: a new html window is being created. // // IMPORTANT NOTE: at this time, the API does not allow you to acknowledge or // render the contents of this new window, so the new window is always destroyed // immediately. The URL and other parameters of the new window are passed here // to give your application the opportunity to call CreateBrowser and set up // a new browser in response to the attempted popup, if you wish to do so. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_NewWindow_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 21 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the current surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchURL ) // the page to load STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 2, uint32, unX ) // the x pos into the page to display the popup STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 3, uint32, unY ) // the y pos into the page to display the popup STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 4, uint32, unWide ) // the total width of the pBGRA texture STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 5, uint32, unTall ) // the total height of the pBGRA texture STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 6, HHTMLBrowser, unNewWindow_BrowserHandle_IGNORE ) STEAM_CALLBACK_END(7) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: change the cursor to display //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_SetCursor_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 22 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, uint32, eMouseCursor ) // the EMouseCursor to display STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: informational message from the browser //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_StatusText_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 23 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchMsg ) // the EMouseCursor to display STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: show a tooltip //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_ShowToolTip_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 24 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchMsg ) // the EMouseCursor to display STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: update the text of an existing tooltip //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_UpdateToolTip_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 25 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, const char *, pchMsg ) // the EMouseCursor to display STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: hide the tooltip you are showing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_HideToolTip_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 26 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // the handle of the surface STEAM_CALLBACK_END(1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The browser has restarted due to an internal failure, use this new handle value //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( HTML_BrowserRestarted_t, k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 27 ) STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, HHTMLBrowser, unBrowserHandle ) // this is the new browser handle after the restart STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, HHTMLBrowser, unOldBrowserHandle ) // the handle for the browser before the restart, if your handle was this then switch to using unBrowserHandle for API calls STEAM_CALLBACK_END(2) #pragma pack( pop ) #endif // ISTEAMHTMLSURFACE_H