2023-12-19 19:42:14 +01:00

1598 lines
56 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
#NOTE: If you make modifications here, consider whether they should
#be duplicated in ../lsteamclient/
from clang.cindex import Cursor, CursorKind, Index, Type, TypeKind
import concurrent.futures
import os
import re
"v1.0.3a", #non-public build used by The Lab, see Proton github PR#2075
# "v0.9.11", problematic GetComponentState, may cause crash since we don't implement it
# "v0.9.5", doesn't compile, fixed in 0.9.6
ABIS = ['u32', 'u64', 'w32', 'w64']
"ivrclientcore.h": [
[ #classes
], [ #vrclient-allocated structs
SDK_CLASSES = {klass: source for source, value in SDK_SOURCES.items()
for klass in value[0]}
SDK_STRUCTS = {klass: source for source, value in SDK_SOURCES.items()
for klass in value[1]}
"VROverlayIntersectionMaskPrimitive_t" # not next, but next-next uint32 is the size
"Compositor_OverlaySettings": ["size"],
"Compositor_FrameTiming": ["size", "m_nSize"],
"DriverDirectMode_FrameTiming": ["m_nSize"],
"parent_name": "SetActionManifestPath",
"w2l_names": ["pchActionManifestPath"],
"w2l_arrays": [False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "SetOverlayFromFile",
"w2l_names": ["pchFilePath"],
"w2l_arrays": [False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "AddApplicationManifest",
"w2l_names": ["pchApplicationManifestFullPath"],
"w2l_arrays": [False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "RemoveApplicationManifest",
"w2l_names": ["pchApplicationManifestFullPath"],
"w2l_arrays": [False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "RequestScreenshot",
"w2l_names": ["pchPreviewFilename", "pchVRFilename"],
"w2l_arrays": [False, False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "TakeStereoScreenshot",
"w2l_names": ["pchPreviewFilename", "pchVRFilename"],
"w2l_arrays": [False, False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "SubmitScreenshot",
"w2l_names": ["pchSourcePreviewFilename", "pchSourceVRFilename"],
"w2l_arrays": [False, False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "GetScreenshotPropertyFilename",
"w2l_names": [],
"w2l_arrays": [],
"return_is_size": True
"parent_name": "undoc23",
"w2l_names": ["a"],
"w2l_arrays": [False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "undoc27",
"w2l_names": ["a"],
"w2l_arrays": [False],
"return_is_size": False
"parent_name": "SetStageOverride_Async",
"w2l_names": ["pchRenderModelPath"],
"w2l_arrays": [False],
"return_is_size": False
# {#maybe?
# "parent_name": "GetRenderModelOriginalPath",
# "l2w_names":[pchOriginalPath],
# "l2w_lens":[unOriginalPathLen],
# "w2l_names": [],
# "w2l_arrays": [],
# "return_is_size": False
# },
# {#maybe?
# "parent_name": "GetResourceFullPath",
# "l2w_names":[pchPathBuffer],
# "l2w_lens":[unBufferLen],
# "w2l_names": [pchResourceTypeDirectory],
# "w2l_arrays": [False],
# "return_is_size": False
# },
#TODO: LaunchInternalProcess, need steam cooperation
struct_conversion_cache = {}
struct_needs_size_adjustment_cache = {}
all_classes = {}
all_records = {}
all_structs = {}
all_sources = {}
all_versions = {}
def ivrclientcore_is_hmd_present(cppname, method):
return "ivrclientcore_is_hmd_present"
def ivrclientcore_init(cppname, method):
if "002" in cppname:
return "ivrclientcore_002_init"
return "ivrclientcore_init"
def ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface(cppname, method):
return "ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface"
def ivrclientcore_cleanup(cppname, method):
return "ivrclientcore_cleanup"
def ivrsystem_get_dxgi_output_info(cppname, method):
arguments = list(method.get_arguments())
param_count = len(arguments)
return {
1: "get_dxgi_output_info",
2: "get_dxgi_output_info2"
}.get(param_count, "unhandled_get_dxgi_output_info_method")
def ivrsystem_get_output_device(cppname, method):
#introduced in 016, changed in 017
if "016" in cppname:
return "ivrsystem_016_get_output_device"
return "ivrsystem_get_output_device"
def ivrcompositor_submit(cppname, method):
if "005" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_005_submit"
if "006" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_006_submit"
if "007" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_007_submit"
if "008" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_008_submit"
return "ivrcompositor_submit"
def ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override(cppname, method):
if "008" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_008_set_skybox_override"
return "ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override"
def ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff(cppname, method):
return "ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff"
def ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses(cppname, method):
for version in ["016", "017", "018", "019", "020", "021", "022", "024", "026"]:
if version in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses"
return None
def ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required(cppname, method):
return "ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required"
def ivrrendermodels_load_texture_d3d11_async(cppname, method):
assert "004" in cppname or "005" in cppname or "006" in cppname
return "ivrrendermodels_load_texture_d3d11_async"
def ivrrendermodels_free_texture_d3d11(cppname, method):
assert "004" in cppname or "005" in cppname or "006" in cppname
return "ivrrendermodels_free_texture_d3d11"
def ivrrendermodels_load_into_texture_d3d11_async(cppname, method):
assert "005" in cppname or "006" in cppname
return "ivrrendermodels_load_into_texture_d3d11_async"
def ivrmailbox_undoc3(cppname, method):
assert "001" in cppname
return "ivrmailbox_undoc3"
def ivroverlay_set_overlay_texture(cppname, method):
if "001" in cppname:
return "ivroverlay_001_set_overlay_texture"
for version in ["002", "003", "004", "005"]:
if version in cppname:
return "ivroverlay_005_set_overlay_texture"
assert \
"007" in cppname or \
"008" in cppname or \
"010" in cppname or \
"011" in cppname or \
"012" in cppname or \
"013" in cppname or \
"014" in cppname or \
"016" in cppname or \
"017" in cppname or \
"018" in cppname or \
"019" in cppname or \
"020" in cppname or \
"021" in cppname or \
"022" in cppname or \
"024" in cppname or \
"025" in cppname or \
"026" in cppname or \
"027" in cppname
return "ivroverlay_set_overlay_texture"
def ivrinput_get_digital_action_data(cppname, method):
if "003" in cppname:
return None
return "ivrinput_get_digital_action_data"
method_overrides = [
("IVRClientCore", "BIsHmdPresent", ivrclientcore_is_hmd_present),
("IVRClientCore", "Init", ivrclientcore_init),
("IVRClientCore", "GetGenericInterface", ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface),
("IVRClientCore", "Cleanup", ivrclientcore_cleanup),
("IVRSystem", "GetDXGIOutputInfo", ivrsystem_get_dxgi_output_info),
("IVRSystem", "GetOutputDevice", ivrsystem_get_output_device),
("IVRCompositor", "Submit", ivrcompositor_submit),
("IVRCompositor", "SetSkyboxOverride", ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override),
("IVRCompositor", "PostPresentHandoff", ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff),
("IVRCompositor", "WaitGetPoses", ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses),
("IVRCompositor", "GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired", ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required),
("IVRRenderModels", "LoadTextureD3D11_Async", ivrrendermodels_load_texture_d3d11_async),
("IVRRenderModels", "FreeTextureD3D11", ivrrendermodels_free_texture_d3d11),
("IVRRenderModels", "LoadIntoTextureD3D11_Async", ivrrendermodels_load_into_texture_d3d11_async),
("IVRMailbox", "undoc3", ivrmailbox_undoc3),
("IVROverlay", "SetOverlayTexture", ivroverlay_set_overlay_texture),
("IVRInput", "GetDigitalActionData", ivrinput_get_digital_action_data),
method_overrides_data = [
("IVRClientCore", "struct client_core_data", None),
class Method:
def __init__(self, sdkver, abi, cursor, index, override):
self._sdkver = sdkver
self._abi = abi
self._cursor = cursor
self._index = index
self._override = override
self.result_type = cursor.result_type
self.spelling = cursor.spelling
def name(self):
if self._override > 1: return f'{self.spelling}_{self._override}'
return self.spelling
def get_arguments(self):
return self._cursor.get_arguments()
def get_children(self):
return self._cursor.get_children()
class Destructor(Method):
def __init__(self, sdkver, abi, cursor, index, override):
super().__init__(sdkver, abi, cursor, index, override)
def name(self):
if self._override > 1: return f'destructor_{self._override}'
return 'destructor'
class Class:
def __init__(self, sdkver, abi, cursor):
self._sdkver = sdkver
self._abi = abi
self._cursor = cursor
self.spelling = cursor.spelling
self.filename = SDK_CLASSES[self.spelling]
self.version = all_versions[sdkver][self.spelling]
self._methods = None
def methods(self):
if self._methods:
return self._methods
overrides = {}
is_method = lambda c: c.kind == CursorKind.CXX_METHOD and c.is_virtual_method()
in_vtable = lambda c: is_method(c) or c.kind == CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR
self._methods = []
for i, method in enumerate(filter(in_vtable, self._cursor.get_children())):
index, override = overrides.get(method.spelling, (i, 1))
overrides[method.spelling] = (index, override + 1)
if method.kind == CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR:
self._methods.append(Destructor(self._sdkver, self._abi, method, index, override))
self._methods.append(Method(self._sdkver, self._abi, method, index, override))
return self._methods
def get_children(self):
return self._cursor.get_children()
def display_sdkver(s):
if s.startswith("v"):
s = s[1:]
return s.replace(".", "")
def strip_ns(name):
return name.replace("vr::","")
def get_path_converter(parent):
for conv in PATH_CONV:
if conv["parent_name"] in parent.spelling:
if None in conv["l2w_names"]:
return conv
if type(parent) == Type:
children = list(parent.get_fields())
children = list(parent.get_children())
for child in children:
if child.spelling in conv["w2l_names"] or \
child.spelling in conv["l2w_names"]:
return conv
return None
def underlying_type(decl):
if type(decl) is Cursor:
decl = decl.type
decl = decl.get_canonical()
if decl.kind == TypeKind.LVALUEREFERENCE: return underlying_type(decl.get_pointee())
if decl.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY: return underlying_type(decl.element_type)
if decl.kind == TypeKind.POINTER: return underlying_type(decl.get_pointee())
return decl
def declspec(decl, name):
if type(decl) is Cursor:
decl = decl.type
const = 'const ' if decl.is_const_qualified() else ''
if decl.kind in (TypeKind.POINTER, TypeKind.LVALUEREFERENCE):
decl = decl.get_pointee()
return declspec(decl, f"*{const}{name}")
if decl.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
decl, count = decl.element_type, decl.element_count
return declspec(decl, f"({const}{name})[{count}]")
if len(name):
name = f' {name}'
if decl.kind in (TypeKind.UNEXPOSED, TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO):
return f'void{name}'
if decl.kind == TypeKind.ENUM:
return f'{decl.spelling.split("::")[-1]}{name}'
real_name = canonical_typename(decl)
real_name = real_name.removeprefix("const ")
real_name = real_name.removeprefix("vr::")
if real_name in SDK_STRUCTS:
typename = f"win{real_name}_{display_sdkver(sdkver)}"
elif struct_needs_conversion(decl.get_canonical()) \
and not decl.is_const_qualified(): # FIXME
typename = f"win{real_name}_{display_sdkver(sdkver)}"
typename = decl.spelling
typename = typename.removeprefix("const ")
typename = typename.removeprefix("vr::")
return f'{const}{typename}{name}'
def handle_method_hpp(method, cppname, out):
ret = f'{declspec(method.result_type, "")} '
params = [declspec(p, "") for p in method.get_arguments()]
params = ['void *'] + params
out(f'extern {ret}{cppname}_{}({", ".join(params)});\n')
def handle_method_cpp(method, classname, cppname, out):
returns_void = method.result_type.kind == TypeKind.VOID
ret = f'{declspec(method.result_type, "")} '
names = [p.spelling if p.spelling != "" else f'_{chr(0x61 + i)}'
for i, p in enumerate(method.get_arguments())]
params = [declspec(p, names[i]) for i, p in enumerate(method.get_arguments())]
names = ['linux_side'] + names
params = ['void *linux_side'] + params
out(f'{ret}{cppname}_{}({", ".join(params)})\n')
if not returns_void:
out(f' {declspec(method.result_type, "_ret")};\n')
do_lin_to_win = None
do_win_to_lin = None
do_wrap = None
do_unwrap = None
for param in method.get_arguments():
if param.type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER and \
param.type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.UNEXPOSED:
#unspecified function pointer
real_type = param.type;
while real_type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
real_type = real_type.get_pointee()
if param.type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
if strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling) in SDK_STRUCTS:
do_unwrap = (strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling), param.spelling)
elif param.type.get_pointee().get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.POINTER and \
strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling) in SDK_STRUCTS:
do_wrap = (strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling), param.spelling)
elif real_type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD and \
real_name = canonical_typename(real_type)
do_win_to_lin = (strip_ns(real_name), param.spelling)
if not real_type.is_const_qualified():
do_lin_to_win = (strip_ns(real_name), param.spelling)
if do_lin_to_win or do_win_to_lin:
if do_lin_to_win:
out(f' {do_lin_to_win[0]} lin;\n')
out(f' {do_win_to_lin[0]} lin;\n')
if do_wrap:
out(f' {do_wrap[0]} *lin;\n')
if do_win_to_lin:
#XXX we should pass the struct size here
out(f' if ({do_win_to_lin[1]})\n')
out(f' struct_{strip_ns(do_win_to_lin[0])}_{display_sdkver(sdkver)}_win_to_lin({do_win_to_lin[1]}, &lin);\n')
size_fixup = {}
convert_size_param = ""
params = list(zip(names[1:], method.get_arguments()))
params += [(None, None)] # for next_name, next_param
for i, (name, param) in enumerate(params[:-1]):
real_type = underlying_type(param)
if strip_ns(real_type.spelling) not in STRUCTS_NEXT_IS_SIZE:
next_name, next_param = params[i + 1]
if not next_param or next_param.type.spelling != "uint32_t":
convert_size_param = ', -1'
elif struct_needs_size_adjustment(real_type.get_canonical()):
real_name = real_type.spelling
out(f' uint32_t lin_{next_name} = std::min({next_name}, (uint32_t)sizeof({real_name}));\n')
convert_size_param = f', {next_name}'
size_fixup[next_name] = True
elif do_win_to_lin and do_win_to_lin[1] == name:
assert do_win_to_lin[0] not in STRUCTS_NEXT_IS_SIZE_UNHANDLED
out(f' uint32_t lin_{next_name} = {next_name} ? sizeof(lin) : 0;\n')
convert_size_param = f', {next_name}'
size_fixup[next_name] = True
if returns_void:
out(u' ')
out(u' _ret = ')
params = []
for name, param in zip(names[1:], method.get_arguments()):
if name in size_fixup:
elif do_lin_to_win and do_lin_to_win[1] == name or \
do_win_to_lin and do_win_to_lin[1] == name or \
do_wrap and do_wrap[1] == name:
params.append("%s ? &lin : nullptr" % name)
elif do_unwrap and do_unwrap[1] == name:
params.append("struct_%s_%s_unwrap(%s)" % (strip_ns(do_unwrap[0]), display_sdkver(sdkver), do_unwrap[1]))
elif "&" in param.type.spelling:
params.append("*%s" % name)
params.append("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, name))
out(f'(({classname}*)linux_side)->{method.spelling}({", ".join(params)});\n')
if do_lin_to_win:
out(f' if ({do_lin_to_win[1]})\n')
out(f' struct_{strip_ns(do_lin_to_win[0])}_{display_sdkver(sdkver)}_lin_to_win(&lin, {do_lin_to_win[1]}{convert_size_param});\n')
if do_wrap and not returns_void:
out(u' if (_ret == 0)\n')
out(f' *{do_wrap[1]} = struct_{strip_ns(do_wrap[0])}_{display_sdkver(sdkver)}_wrap(lin);\n')
if not returns_void:
out(u' return _ret;\n')
def handle_thiscall_wrapper(klass, method, out):
returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD
def param_stack_size(param):
if param.type.kind == TypeKind.LVALUEREFERENCE: return 4
return ((param.type.get_size() + 3) // 4) * 4
size = 4 + sum(param_stack_size(p) for p in method.get_arguments())
if returns_record: size += 4
name = f'win{klass.spelling}_{klass.version}_{}'
out(f'DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER({name}, {size})\n')
def handle_method_c(method, classname, winclassname, cppname, iface_version, out):
returns_void = method.result_type.kind == TypeKind.VOID
returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD
ret = "*" if returns_record else ""
ret = f'{declspec(method.result_type, ret)} '
names = [p.spelling if p.spelling != "" else f'_{chr(0x61 + i)}'
for i, p in enumerate(method.get_arguments())]
params = [declspec(p, names[i]) for i, p in enumerate(method.get_arguments())]
if returns_record:
params = [f'{declspec(method.result_type, "*_ret")}'] + params
names = ['_ret'] + names
params = [f'{winclassname} *_this'] + params
names = ['_this'] + names
out(f'{ret}__thiscall {winclassname}_{}({", ".join(params)})\n')
if returns_record:
del params[1]
del names[1]
if not returns_record and not returns_void:
out(f' {ret}_ret;\n')
path_conv = get_path_converter(method)
if path_conv:
for i in range(len(path_conv["w2l_names"])):
if path_conv["w2l_arrays"][i]:
out(f' const char **lin_{path_conv["w2l_names"][i]} = vrclient_dos_to_unix_stringlist({path_conv["w2l_names"][i]});\n')
out(f' char lin_{path_conv["w2l_names"][i]}[PATH_MAX];\n')
out(f' vrclient_dos_path_to_unix_path({path_conv["w2l_names"][i]}, lin_{path_conv["w2l_names"][i]});\n')
out(u' TRACE("%p\\n", _this);\n')
if returns_record:
out(u' *_ret = ')
elif not returns_void:
out(u' _ret = ')
out(u' ')
is_method_overridden = False
for classname_pattern, methodname, override_generator in method_overrides:
if == methodname and classname_pattern in classname:
fn_name = override_generator(cppname, method)
if fn_name:
out("%s(%s_%s, " % (fn_name, cppname,
is_method_overridden = True
def param_call(param, name):
if name == '_this': return '_this->linux_side'
if path_conv and name in path_conv["w2l_names"]: return f'{name} ? lin_{name} : NULL'
return name
params = ['_this'] + list(method.get_arguments())
out(", ".join([param_call(p, n) for p, n in zip(params, names)]))
if is_method_overridden:
out(f', {iface_version[iface_version.find("_") + 1:].lstrip("0")}')
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, _ in method_overrides_data:
if classname_pattern in classname:
out(u', &_this->user_data')
if path_conv and len(path_conv["l2w_names"]) > 0:
for i in range(len(path_conv["l2w_names"])):
assert(path_conv["l2w_names"][i]) #otherwise, no name means string is in return value. needs special handling.
out(u' ')
if path_conv["return_is_size"]:
out(u'_ret = ')
out(f'vrclient_unix_path_to_dos_path(_ret, {path_conv["l2w_names"][i]}, {path_conv["l2w_names"][i]}, {path_conv["l2w_lens"][i]});\n')
if path_conv:
for i in range(len(path_conv["w2l_names"])):
if path_conv["w2l_arrays"][i]:
out(f' vrclient_free_stringlist(lin_{path_conv["w2l_names"][i]});\n')
if not returns_void:
out(u' return _ret;\n')
max_c_api_param_count = 0
def get_capi_thunk_params(method):
def toBOOL(x):
return "TRUE" if x else "FALSE"
returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD
param_types = [x.type for x in method.get_arguments()]
if returns_record:
param_types.insert(0, method.result_type)
param_count = len(param_types)
has_float_params = any(x.spelling == "float" for x in param_types)
is_4th_float = param_count >= 4 and param_types[3].spelling == "float"
return "%s, %s, %s" % (param_count, toBOOL(has_float_params), toBOOL(is_4th_float))
def handle_class(klass):
cppname = f"cpp{klass.spelling}_{klass.version}"
with open(f"vrclient_x64/{cppname}.h", "w") as file:
out = file.write
out(u'#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
out(u'extern "C" {\n')
for method in klass.methods:
if type(method) is Destructor:
handle_method_hpp(method, cppname, out)
out(u'#ifdef __cplusplus')
with open(f"vrclient_x64/{cppname}.cpp", "w") as file:
out = file.write
out(u'#include "vrclient_private.h"\n')
out(u'#include "vrclient_defs.h"\n')
if os.path.isfile(f"openvr_{klass._sdkver}/ivrclientcore.h"):
out(f'#include "openvr_{klass._sdkver}/ivrclientcore.h"\n')
out(f'#include "openvr_{klass._sdkver}/openvr.h"\n')
out(u'using namespace vr;\n')
out(u'extern "C" {\n')
out(u'#include "struct_converters.h"\n')
out(f'#include "{cppname}.h"\n')
out(u'#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
out(u'extern "C" {\n')
for method in klass.methods:
if type(method) is Destructor:
handle_method_cpp(method, klass.spelling, cppname, out)
out(u'#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
winclassname = f'win{klass.spelling}_{klass.version}'
with open(f'vrclient_x64/win{klass.spelling}.c', 'a') as file:
out = file.write
out(f'#include "{cppname}.h"\n\n')
out(f'typedef struct __{winclassname} {{\n')
out(u' vtable_ptr *vtable;\n') # make sure to keep this first (flat API depends on it)
out(u' void *linux_side;\n')
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, _ in method_overrides_data:
if classname_pattern in klass.spelling:
out(f' {user_data_type} user_data;\n')
out(f'}} {winclassname};\n\n')
for method in klass.methods:
handle_thiscall_wrapper(klass, method, out)
for method in klass.methods:
if type(method) is Destructor:
handle_method_c(method, klass.spelling, winclassname, cppname, klass.version, out)
out(f'extern vtable_ptr {winclassname}_vtable;\n\n')
out(u'#ifndef __GNUC__\n')
out(u'void __asm_dummy_vtables(void) {\n')
out(f' __ASM_VTABLE({winclassname},\n')
for method in sorted(klass.methods, key=lambda x: (x._index, -x._override)):
out(f' VTABLE_ADD_FUNC({winclassname}_{})\n')
out(u' );\n')
out(u'#ifndef __GNUC__\n')
out(f'{winclassname} *create_{winclassname}(void *linux_side)\n')
out(f' {winclassname} *r = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof({winclassname}));\n')
out(u' TRACE("-> %p\\n", r);\n')
out(f' r->vtable = &{winclassname}_vtable;\n')
out(u' r->linux_side = linux_side;\n')
out(u' return r;\n')
out(f'void destroy_{winclassname}(void *object)\n')
out(u' TRACE("%p\\n", object);\n')
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, user_data_destructor in method_overrides_data:
if user_data_destructor and classname_pattern in klass.spelling:
out(f' struct __{winclassname} *win_object = object;\n')
out(f' {user_data_destructor}(&win_object->user_data);\n')
out(u' HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, object);\n')
# flat (FnTable) API
out(f'{winclassname} *create_{winclassname}_FnTable(void *linux_side)\n')
out(f' {winclassname} *r = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof({winclassname}));\n')
out(f' struct thunk *thunks = alloc_thunks({len(klass.methods)});\n')
out(f' struct thunk **vtable = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, {len(klass.methods)} * sizeof(*vtable));\n')
out(u' int i;\n\n')
out(u' TRACE("-> %p, vtable %p, thunks %p\\n", r, vtable, thunks);\n')
for i, method in enumerate(klass.methods):
thunk_params = get_capi_thunk_params(method)
arguments = list(method.get_arguments())
global max_c_api_param_count
max_c_api_param_count = max(len(arguments), max_c_api_param_count)
out(f' init_thunk(&thunks[{i}], r, {winclassname}_{}, {thunk_params});\n')
out(f' for (i = 0; i < {len(klass.methods)}; i++)\n')
out(u' vtable[i] = &thunks[i];\n')
out(u' r->linux_side = linux_side;\n')
out(u' r->vtable = (void *)vtable;\n')
out(u' return r;\n')
out(f'void destroy_{winclassname}_FnTable(void *object)\n')
out(f' {winclassname} *win_object = object;\n')
out(u' TRACE("%p\\n", win_object);\n')
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, user_data_destructor in method_overrides_data:
if user_data_destructor and classname_pattern in klass.spelling:
out(f' {user_data_destructor}(&win_object->user_data);\n')
out(u' VirtualFree(win_object->vtable[0], 0, MEM_RELEASE);\n')
out(u' HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, win_object->vtable);\n')
out(u' HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, win_object);\n')
constructors = open("vrclient_x64/win_constructors.h", "a")
constructors.write(f'extern void *create_{winclassname}(void *);\n')
constructors.write(f'extern void *create_{winclassname}_FnTable(void *);\n')
destructors = open("vrclient_x64/win_destructors.h", "a")
destructors.write(f'extern void destroy_{winclassname}(void *);\n')
destructors.write(f'extern void destroy_{winclassname}_FnTable(void *);\n')
constructors = open("vrclient_x64/win_constructors_table.dat", "a")
constructors.write(f" {{\"{klass.version}\", &create_{winclassname}, &destroy_{winclassname}}},\n")
constructors.write(f" {{\"FnTable:{klass.version}\", &create_{winclassname}_FnTable, &destroy_{winclassname}_FnTable}},\n")
generate_c_api_thunk_tests(winclassname, klass.methods)
def canonical_typename(cursor):
if type(cursor) is Cursor:
return canonical_typename(cursor.type)
name = cursor.get_canonical().spelling
return name.removeprefix("const ")
def find_struct_abis(name):
records = all_records[sdkver]
missing = [name not in records[abi] for abi in ABIS]
assert all(missing) or not any(missing)
if any(missing): return None
return {abi: records[abi][name].type for abi in ABIS}
def struct_needs_conversion_nocache(struct):
name = canonical_typename(struct)
abis = find_struct_abis(name)
if abis is None:
return False, False
names = {a: [f.spelling for f in abis[a].get_fields()]
for a in ABIS}
assert names['u32'] == names['u64']
assert names['u32'] == names['w32']
assert names['u32'] == names['w64']
offsets = {a: {f: abis[a].get_offset(f) for f in names[a]}
for a in ABIS}
if offsets['u32'] != offsets['w32']:
return True, False
if offsets['u64'] != offsets['w64']:
return True, False
types = {a: [f.type.get_canonical() for f in abis[a].get_fields()]
for a in ABIS}
if any(t.kind == TypeKind.RECORD and struct_needs_conversion(t)
for t in types['u32']):
return True, False
if any(t.kind == TypeKind.RECORD and struct_needs_conversion(t)
for t in types['u64']):
return True, False
assert abis['u32'].get_size() <= abis['w32'].get_size()
if abis['u32'].get_size() < abis['w32'].get_size():
return False, True
assert abis['u64'].get_size() <= abis['w64'].get_size()
if abis['u64'].get_size() < abis['w64'].get_size():
return False, True
return False, False
def struct_needs_conversion(struct):
name = canonical_typename(struct)
if not sdkver in struct_conversion_cache:
struct_conversion_cache[sdkver] = {}
struct_needs_size_adjustment_cache[sdkver] = {}
if not name in struct_conversion_cache[sdkver]:
struct_conversion_cache[sdkver][name], \
struct_needs_size_adjustment_cache[sdkver][name] = \
return struct_conversion_cache[sdkver][name]
def struct_needs_size_adjustment(struct):
name = canonical_typename(struct)
return not struct_needs_conversion(struct) and struct_needs_size_adjustment_cache[sdkver][name]
def get_field_attribute_str(field):
ftype = field.type.get_canonical()
if ftype.kind != TypeKind.RECORD:
return ""
name = canonical_typename(ftype)
abis = find_struct_abis(name)
align = abis['w32'].get_align()
return " __attribute__((aligned(" + str(align) + ")))"
generated_struct_handlers = []
cpp_files_need_close_brace = []
#because of struct packing differences between win32 and linux, we
#need to convert these structs from their linux layout to the win32
def handle_struct(sdkver, struct):
handler_name = "%s_%s" % (struct.displayname, display_sdkver(sdkver))
if handler_name in generated_struct_handlers:
# we already have a handler for the struct struct of this size
which = set()
if struct_needs_conversion(struct.type.get_canonical()):
if strip_ns(struct.displayname) in SDK_STRUCTS:
if len(which) == 0:
filename_base = "struct_converters_%s" % display_sdkver(sdkver)
cppname = "vrclient_x64/%s.cpp" % filename_base
file_exists = os.path.isfile(cppname)
cppfile = open(cppname, "a")
if not file_exists:
cppfile.write("#include <stdlib.h>\n");
cppfile.write("#include <string.h>\n");
cppfile.write("#include \"vrclient_private.h\"\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"vrclient_defs.h\"\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"openvr_%s/openvr.h\"\n" % sdkver)
cppfile.write("using namespace vr;\n")
cppfile.write("extern \"C\" {\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"struct_converters.h\"\n")
hfile = open("vrclient_x64/struct_converters.h", "a")
hfile.write("typedef struct win%s win%s;\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write("#pragma pack(push, 8)\n")
cppfile.write("struct win%s {\n" % handler_name)
for m in struct.get_children():
if m.kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
if m.type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
cppfile.write(" %s %s[%u]" % (m.type.element_type.spelling, m.displayname, m.type.element_count))
elif m.type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD and \
cppfile.write(" win%s_%s %s" % (strip_ns(m.type.spelling), display_sdkver(sdkver), m.displayname))
if m.type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.POINTER and \
m.type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO:
cppfile.write(" void *%s /*fn pointer*/ " % m.displayname)
cppfile.write(" %s %s" % (m.type.spelling, m.displayname))
cppfile.write(get_field_attribute_str(m) + ";\n")
if WRAPPERS in which:
cppfile.write("\n %s *linux_side;\n" % struct.displayname)
cppfile.write("} __attribute__ ((ms_struct));\n")
cppfile.write("#pragma pack(pop)\n\n")
def dump_converter(src, dst, size):
for m in struct.get_children():
if m.kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
if m.type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
#TODO: if this is a struct, or packed differently, we'll have to
# copy each element in a for-loop
cppfile.write(" memcpy(" + dst + "->" + m.displayname + ", " + src + "->" + m.displayname + ", sizeof(" + dst + "->" + m.displayname + "));\n")
elif m.type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD and \
cppfile.write(" struct_" + strip_ns(m.type.spelling) + "_" + display_sdkver(sdkver) + "_" + src + "_to_" + dst + \
"(&" + src + "->" + m.displayname + ", &" + dst + "->" + m.displayname + ");\n")
elif struct.displayname in STRUCTS_SIZE_FIELD and \
m.displayname in STRUCTS_SIZE_FIELD[struct.displayname]:
cppfile.write(" " + dst + "->" + m.displayname + " = sizeof(*" + dst + ");\n")
elif size and strip_ns(m.type.get_canonical().spelling) == "VREvent_Data_t":
#truncate variable-length data struct at the end of the parent struct
#XXX: dumb hard-coding. are the other types with lengths variable length?
cppfile.write(" memcpy(&" + dst + "->data, &" + src + "->data, " + size + " - (((char*)&" + dst + "->data) - ((char*)" + dst + ")));\n")
cppfile.write(" " + dst + "->" + m.displayname + " = " + src + "->" + m.displayname + ";\n")
if strip_ns(struct.displayname) in STRUCTS_NEXT_IS_SIZE:
size_arg = "sz"
size_arg_type = ", uint32_t sz"
size_arg = None
size_arg_type = ""
if LIN_TO_WIN in which:
hfile.write("extern void struct_%s_lin_to_win(void *l, void *w%s);\n" % (handler_name, size_arg_type))
cppfile.write("void struct_%s_lin_to_win(void *l, void *w%s)\n{\n" % (handler_name, size_arg_type))
cppfile.write(" struct win%s *win = (struct win%s *)w;\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" %s *lin = (%s *)l;\n" % (struct.displayname, struct.displayname))
dump_converter("lin", "win", size_arg)
if WIN_TO_LIN in which:
#XXX: should pass size param here, too
hfile.write("extern void struct_%s_win_to_lin(const void *w, void *l);\n" % handler_name)
cppfile.write("void struct_%s_win_to_lin(const void *w, void *l)\n{\n" % handler_name)
cppfile.write(" struct win%s *win = (struct win%s *)w;\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" %s *lin = (%s *)l;\n" % (struct.displayname, struct.displayname))
dump_converter("win", "lin", None)
if WRAPPERS in which:
hfile.write("extern struct win%s *struct_%s_wrap(void *l);\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write("struct win%s *struct_%s_wrap(void *l)\n{\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" struct win%s *win = (struct win%s *)malloc(sizeof(*win));\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" %s *lin = (%s *)l;\n" % (struct.displayname, struct.displayname))
dump_converter("lin", "win", None)
cppfile.write(" win->linux_side = lin;\n");
cppfile.write(" return win;\n")
hfile.write("extern %s *struct_%s_unwrap(win%s *w);\n" % (struct.displayname, handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write("struct %s *struct_%s_unwrap(win%s *w)\n{\n" % (struct.displayname, handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" %s *ret = w->linux_side;\n" % struct.displayname)
cppfile.write(" free(w);\n")
cppfile.write(" return ret;\n")
def generate_x64_call_flat_method(cfile, param_count, has_floats, is_4th_float):
assert param_count >= 4
if is_4th_float:
assert has_floats
def l(line):
cfile.write(line + '\n')
stack_space = 0x20 # shadow register space
stack_space += 0x8 * (param_count - 3)
stack_space |= 0x8
src_offset = 0x20 + 0x8 + stack_space # shadow register space + ret
dst_offset = 0x20
name = "call_flat_method%s%s%s" % (param_count, "_f" if has_floats else "", "_f" if is_4th_float else "")
l(r"__ASM_GLOBAL_FUNC(%s," % name)
l(r' "subq $0x%x, %%rsp\n\t"' % stack_space);
l(r' __ASM_CFI(".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %d\n\t")' % stack_space)
if is_4th_float:
l(r' "movq %%xmm3, 0x%x(%%rsp)\n\t"' % dst_offset)
l(r' "movq %%r9, 0x%x(%%rsp)\n\t"' % dst_offset)
dst_offset += 8
for i in range(5, param_count + 1):
l(r' "movq 0x%x(%%rsp), %%rax\n\t" // copy parameter' % src_offset)
l(r' "movq %%rax, 0x%x(%%rsp)\n\t"' % dst_offset)
src_offset += 8
dst_offset += 8
l(r' "movq %r8, %r9\n\t" // shift over arguments')
l(r' "movq %rdx, %r8\n\t"')
l(r' "movq %rcx, %rdx\n\t"')
l(r' "movq %r10, %rcx\n\t" // add This pointer')
if has_floats:
l(r' "movaps %xmm2, %xmm3\n\t"')
l(r' "movaps %xmm1, %xmm2\n\t"')
l(r' "movaps %xmm0, %xmm1\n\t"')
l(r' "call *%r11\n\t"')
l(r' "addq $0x%x, %%rsp\n\t"' % stack_space);
l(r' __ASM_CFI(".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -%d\n\t")' % stack_space)
l(r' "ret");')
l(r'extern void %s(void);' % name);
def generate_flatapi_c():
with open("vrclient_x64/flatapi.c", "w") as f:
f.write(r"""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "cxx.h"
#include "flatapi.h"
#ifdef __i386__
"popl %eax\n\t"
"pushl %ecx\n\t"
"pushl %eax\n\t"
"jmp *%edx");
// handles "this" and up to 3 parameters
"movq %r8, %r9\n\t" // shift over arguments
"movq %rdx, %r8\n\t"
"movq %rcx, %rdx\n\t"
"movq %r10, %rcx\n\t" // add This pointer
"jmp *%r11");
extern void call_flat_method(void);
"movq %r8, %r9\n\t" // shift over arguments
"movq %rdx, %r8\n\t"
"movq %rcx, %rdx\n\t"
"movq %r10, %rcx\n\t" // add This pointer
"movaps %xmm2, %xmm3\n\t"
"movaps %xmm1, %xmm2\n\t"
"movaps %xmm0, %xmm1\n\t"
"jmp *%r11");
extern void call_flat_method_f(void);
for i in range(4, max_c_api_param_count + 1):
generate_x64_call_flat_method(f, i, False, False)
for i in range(4, max_c_api_param_count + 1):
generate_x64_call_flat_method(f, i, True, False)
generate_x64_call_flat_method(f, i, True, True)
f.write('get_call_flat_method_pfn( int param_count, BOOL has_floats, BOOL is_4th_float )\n{\n')
f.write(' if (!has_floats)\n')
f.write(' {\n')
f.write(' if (param_count <= 3) return call_flat_method;\n')
for i in range(4, max_c_api_param_count):
f.write(' if (param_count == %s) return call_flat_method%s;\n' % (i, i))
f.write(' return call_flat_method%s;\n' % max_c_api_param_count)
f.write(' }\n')
f.write(' if (is_4th_float)\n')
f.write(' {\n')
f.write(' if (param_count <= 3) return call_flat_method_f;\n')
for i in range(4, max_c_api_param_count):
f.write(' if (param_count == %s) return call_flat_method%s_f_f;\n' % (i, i))
f.write(' return call_flat_method%s_f_f;\n' % max_c_api_param_count)
f.write(' }\n')
f.write(' if (param_count <= 3) return call_flat_method_f;\n')
for i in range(4, max_c_api_param_count):
f.write(' if (param_count == %s) return call_flat_method%s_f;\n' % (i, i))
f.write(' return call_flat_method%s_f;\n' % max_c_api_param_count)
def generate_c_api_method_test(f, header, thunks_c, class_name, method):
thunk_params = get_capi_thunk_params(method)
f.write("\n init_thunk(t, this_ptr_value, %s_%s, %s);\n" % (class_name,, thunk_params))
f.write(" ")
returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD
if returns_record:
f.write("%s *" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
header.write("%s *" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
thunks_c.write("%s *" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
f.write("%s " % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
header.write("%s " % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
thunks_c.write("%s " % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
first_param = True
f.write('(__stdcall *capi_%s_%s)(' % (class_name,
header.write('__thiscall %s_%s(void *_this' % (class_name,
thunks_c.write('__thiscall %s_%s(void *_this' % (class_name,
if returns_record:
f.write("%s *_r" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
first_param = False
header.write(", %s *_r" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
thunks_c.write(", %s *_r" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
for param in method.get_arguments():
if param.type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER \
and param.type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.UNEXPOSED:
typename = "void *"
typename = param.type.spelling.split("::")[-1].replace("&", "*");
if not first_param:
f.write(", ")
first_param = False
f.write("%s %s" % (typename, param.spelling))
header.write(", %s %s" % (typename, param.spelling))
thunks_c.write(", %s %s" % (typename, param.spelling))
f.write(") = (void *)t;\n")
def get_param_typename(param):
param_size = param.type.get_size()
if param.type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER \
or param.type.spelling.endswith("&") \
or param.type.spelling == "vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t":
return "ptr"
elif param.type.spelling == "bool":
return "bool"
elif param.type.spelling == "float":
return "float"
elif param.type.spelling == "vr::HmdRect2_t":
return "HmdRect2"
elif param.type.spelling == "vr::HmdVector2_t":
return "HmdVector2"
elif param.type.spelling == "vr::HmdVector3_t":
return "HmdVector3"
elif param.type.spelling == "vr::HmdColor_t":
return "HmdColor"
elif param_size == 8:
return "uint64"
elif param_size == 4 or param_size == 2:
return "uint32"
return "unknown"
thunks_c.write(" push_ptr_parameter(_this);\n")
if returns_record:
thunks_c.write(" push_ptr_parameter(_r);\n")
for param in method.get_arguments():
typename = get_param_typename(param)
thunks_c.write(" push_%s_parameter(%s);\n" % (typename, param.spelling))
if method.result_type.kind != TypeKind.VOID:
thunks_c.write(" return 0;\n")
parameter_checks = []
def add_parameter_check(typename, value):
parameter_checks.append("check_%s_parameter(\"%s_%s\", %s)" % (typename, class_name,, value))
add_parameter_check("ptr", "this_ptr_value")
f.write(" clear_parameters();\n")
f.write(" capi_%s_%s(" % (class_name,
first_param = True
if returns_record:
first_param = False
add_parameter_check("ptr", "data_ptr_value")
for i, param in enumerate(method.get_arguments()):
i += 1
typename = get_param_typename(param)
if typename == "ptr":
v = "(void *)%s" % i
elif typename == "bool":
v = "1"
elif typename == "float":
v = "%s.0f" % i
elif typename == "HmdRect2":
elif typename == "HmdVector2":
elif typename == "HmdVector3":
elif typename == "HmdColor":
v = str(i)
if not first_param:
f.write(", ")
first_param = False
add_parameter_check(typename, v)
for c in parameter_checks:
f.write(" %s;\n" % c)
def generate_c_api_thunk_tests(winclassname, methods):
class_name = re.sub(r'^win[A-Za-z]+_', '', winclassname)
filename = "tests/capi_thunks_autogen.h"
file_exists = os.path.isfile(filename)
header = open(filename, "a")
if not file_exists:
header.write("""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "cxx.h"
#include "flatapi.h"
#include "vrclient_defs.h"
#include "capi_thunks.h"
header.write("\nvoid test_capi_thunks_%s(void);\n" % class_name)
filename = "tests/capi_thunks_autogen.c"
file_exists = os.path.isfile(filename)
thunks_c = open(filename, "a")
if not file_exists:
thunks_c.write("""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */
#include "capi_thunks_autogen.h"
filename = "tests/capi_thunks_tests_autogen.c"
file_exists = os.path.isfile(filename)
with open(filename, "a") as f:
if not file_exists:
f.write("""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */
#include "capi_thunks_autogen.h"
f.write("\nvoid test_capi_thunks_%s(void)\n{\n" % class_name)
f.write(" struct thunk *t = alloc_thunks(1);\n");
for method in methods:
generate_c_api_method_test(f, header, thunks_c, class_name, method)
f.write(" VirtualFree(t, 0, MEM_RELEASE);\n")
filename = "tests/main_autogen.c"
file_exists = os.path.isfile(filename)
with open(filename, "a") as f:
if not file_exists:
f.write("""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */
#include "capi_thunks_autogen.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
f.write(" test_capi_thunks_%s();\n" % class_name)
def enumerate_structs(cursor, vr_only=False):
for child in cursor.get_children():
if child.kind == CursorKind.NAMESPACE \
and child.displayname == "vr":
yield from child.get_children()
elif not vr_only:
yield child
def parse(sources, sdkver, abi):
args = [f'-m{abi[1:]}', '-I' + CLANG_PATH + '/include/']
if abi[0] == 'w':
args += ["-D_WIN32", "-U__linux__"]
args += ["-fms-extensions", "-mms-bitfields"]
args += ["-Wno-ignored-attributes", "-Wno-incompatible-ms-struct"]
if abi[0] == 'u':
args += ["-DGNUC"]
index = Index.create()
build = index.parse("source.cpp", args=args, unsaved_files=sources.items())
diagnostics = list(build.diagnostics)
for diag in diagnostics: print(diag)
assert len(diagnostics) == 0
return sdkver, abi, build
def load(sdkver):
prog = re.compile("^.*const\s*char.* \*?(\w*)_Version.*\"(.*)\"")
sdkdir = f'openvr_{sdkver}'
sources = {}
versions = {}
has_vrclientcore = False
for file in os.listdir(sdkdir):
x = open(f"{sdkdir}/{file}", "r")
if file == "ivrclientcore.h":
has_vrclientcore = True
for l in x:
if "_Version" in l:
result = prog.match(l)
if result:
iface, version =, 2)
versions[iface] = version
if not has_vrclientcore:
source = [f'#include "{sdkdir}/openvr.h"']
source = [f'#include "{sdkdir}/{file}"'
for file in SDK_SOURCES.keys()]
sources["source.cpp"] = "\n".join(source)
return versions, sources
def generate(sdkver, structs):
print(f'generating SDK version {sdkver}...')
for child in structs['u32'].values():
handle_struct(sdkver, child)
for i, sdkver in enumerate(SDK_VERSIONS):
print(f'loading SDKs... {i * 100 // len(SDK_VERSIONS)}%', end='\r')
all_versions[sdkver], all_sources[sdkver] = load(sdkver)
print(u'loading SDKs... 100%')
tmp_classes = {}
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
arg0 = [sdkver for sdkver in SDK_VERSIONS for abi in ABIS]
arg1 = [abi for sdkver in SDK_VERSIONS for abi in ABIS]
def parse_map(sdkver, abi):
return parse(all_sources[sdkver], sdkver, abi)
results =, arg0, arg1)
for i, result in enumerate(results):
print(f'parsing SDKs... {i * 100 // len(arg0)}%', end='\r')
sdkver, abi, build = result
if sdkver not in all_records: all_records[sdkver] = {}
if sdkver not in tmp_classes: tmp_classes[sdkver] = {}
if sdkver not in all_structs: all_structs[sdkver] = {}
versions = all_versions[sdkver]
records = enumerate_structs(build.cursor)
# reverse the order to favor definitions over declarations
records = dict(reversed([(c.type.spelling, c) for c in records]))
classes = enumerate_structs(build.cursor, vr_only=True)
classes = filter(lambda c: c.is_definition(), classes)
classes = filter(lambda c: c.kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL, classes)
classes = filter(lambda c: c.spelling in SDK_CLASSES, classes)
classes = filter(lambda c: c.spelling in versions, classes)
classes = [Class(sdkver, abi, c) for c in classes]
classes = {c.version: c for c in classes}
structs = enumerate_structs(build.cursor, vr_only=True)
struct_kinds = (CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL, CursorKind.CLASS_DECL)
structs = filter(lambda c: c.kind in struct_kinds, structs)
structs = {c.spelling: c for c in structs}
all_records[sdkver][abi] = records
tmp_classes[sdkver][abi] = classes
all_structs[sdkver][abi] = structs
for i, sdkver in enumerate(reversed(SDK_VERSIONS)):
print('parsing SDKs... 100%')
for klass in all_classes.values():
with open(f"vrclient_x64/win{klass.spelling}.c", "w") as file:
out = file.write
out(u'/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */\n')
out(u'#include <stdarg.h>\n')
out(u'#include <stdint.h>\n')
out(u'#include "windef.h"\n')
out(u'#include "winbase.h"\n')
out(u'#include "wine/debug.h"\n')
out(u'#include "cxx.h"\n')
out(u'#include "vrclient_defs.h"\n')
out(u'#include "vrclient_private.h"\n')
out(u'#include "struct_converters.h"\n')
out(u'#include "flatapi.h"\n')
for _, klass in sorted(all_classes.items()):
sdkver = klass._sdkver
for sdkver in SDK_VERSIONS:
generate(sdkver, all_structs[sdkver])
for f in cpp_files_need_close_brace:
m = open(f, "a")
with open("tests/main_autogen.c", "a") as f:
f.write(" printf(\"All tests executed.\\n\");\n")