Mayeul Cantan 0f80f2f52c Import print_function from __future__ for python compatibility
This alters the behaviour of python2's print statement to be compatible
with python3's print function. While not strictly necessary for now,
this might help future compatibility.
Thanks to Seppo Yli-Olli (@nanonyme) for suggesting this.
2018-08-24 09:28:52 +02:00

535 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
#NOTE: If you make modifications here, consider whether they should
#be duplicated in ../vrclient/
from __future__ import print_function
import pprint
import sys
import clang.cindex
import os
import re
sdk_versions = [
files = [
("steam_api.h", [
("isteamappticket.h", [
("isteamgameserver.h", [
("isteamgameserverstats.h", [
("isteammasterserverupdater.h", [
("isteamgamecoordinator.h", [
("isteamparentalsettings.h", [
aliases = {
#Some interface versions are not present in the public SDK
#headers, but are actually requested by games. It would be nice
#to verify that these interface versions are actually binary
#compatible. Lacking that, we hope the next highest version
#is compatible.
"SteamUtils004":["SteamUtils003"], # TimeShift uses SteamUtils003
#leaving these commented-out. let's see if they turn up in practice,
#and handle them correctly if so.
# "SteamFriends011":["SteamFriends010"],
# "SteamFriends013":["SteamFriends012"],
# "SteamGameServer008":["SteamGameServer007", "SteamGameServer006"],
# "SteamMatchMaking004":["SteamMatchMaking003"],
# "SteamMatchMaking006":["SteamMatchMaking005"],
# "SteamUser016":["SteamUser015"],
# TODO: we could do this automatically by creating temp files and
# having clang parse those and detect when the MS-style padding results
# in identical struct widths. But there's only a couple, so let's cheat...
skip_structs = [
print_sizes = []
class_versions = {}
def handle_destructor(cfile, classname, winclassname, method):
cfile.write("DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(%s_destructor, 4)\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write("void __thiscall %s_destructor(%s *_this)\n{/* never called */}\n\n" % (winclassname, winclassname))
return "destructor"
def handle_method(cfile, classname, winclassname, cppname, method, cpp, cpp_h, existing_methods):
used_name = method.spelling
idx = '2'
while used_name in existing_methods:
used_name = "%s_%s" % (method.spelling, idx)
idx = chr(ord(idx) + 1)
returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD
if returns_record:
parambytes = 8 #_this + return pointer
parambytes = 4 #_this
for param in list(method.get_children()):
if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
parambytes += param.type.get_size()
cfile.write("DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(%s_%s, %s)\n" % (winclassname, used_name, parambytes))
cpp_h.write("extern ")
if method.result_type.spelling.startswith("ISteam"):
cfile.write("win%s " % (method.result_type.spelling))
cpp.write("void *")
cpp_h.write("void *")
elif returns_record:
cfile.write("%s *" % method.result_type.spelling)
cpp.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling))
cpp_h.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling))
cfile.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling))
cpp.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling))
cpp_h.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling))
cfile.write('__thiscall %s_%s(%s *_this' % (winclassname, used_name, winclassname))
cpp.write("%s_%s(void *linux_side" % (cppname, used_name))
cpp_h.write("%s_%s(void *" % (cppname, used_name))
if returns_record:
cfile.write(", %s *_r" % method.result_type.spelling)
unnamed = 'a'
for param in list(method.get_children()):
if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
if param.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER and \
param.type.get_pointee().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.UNEXPOSED:
#unspecified function pointer
typename = "void *"
typename = param.type.spelling.split("::")[-1];
if param.spelling == "":
cfile.write(", %s _%s" % (typename, unnamed))
cpp.write(", %s _%s" % (typename, unnamed))
cpp_h.write(", %s" % typename)
unnamed = chr(ord(unnamed) + 1)
cfile.write(", %s %s" % (typename, param.spelling))
cpp.write(", %s %s" % (typename, param.spelling))
cpp_h.write(", %s" % (typename))
char_param_is_unix_path = "GetAppInstallDir" in used_name or \
"GetItemInstallInfo" in used_name
path_param_name = None
path_size_param_name = None
if char_param_is_unix_path:
cfile.write(" uint32 path_result;\n")
cfile.write(" TRACE(\"%p\\n\", _this);\n")
if method.result_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.VOID:
cfile.write(" ")
cpp.write(" ")
elif char_param_is_unix_path:
cfile.write(" path_result = ")
cpp.write(" return ")
elif returns_record:
cfile.write(" *_r = ")
cpp.write(" return ")
cfile.write(" return ")
cpp.write(" return ")
should_gen_wrapper = method.result_type.spelling.startswith("ISteam") or \
if should_gen_wrapper:
cfile.write("create_win_interface(pchVersion,\n ")
cfile.write("%s_%s(_this->linux_side" % (cppname, used_name))
cpp.write("((%s*)linux_side)->%s(" % (classname, method.spelling))
unnamed = 'a'
first = True
for param in list(method.get_children()):
if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
if not first:
cpp.write(", ")
first = False
if char_param_is_unix_path:
if param.type.spelling == "char *":
path_param_name = param.spelling
elif not path_param_name is None and \
(param.type.spelling == "uint32" or
param.type.spelling == "int"):
path_size_param_name = param.spelling
if param.spelling == "":
cfile.write(", _%s" % unnamed)
cpp.write("(%s)_%s" % (param.type.spelling, unnamed))
unnamed = chr(ord(unnamed) + 1)
elif "ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse" in param.type.spelling:
cfile.write(", create_LinuxMatchmakingServerListResponse(%s)" % param.spelling)
cpp.write("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling))
cfile.write(", %s" % param.spelling)
cpp.write("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling))
if should_gen_wrapper:
if returns_record:
cfile.write(" return _r;\n")
if char_param_is_unix_path and not path_param_name is None and not path_size_param_name is None:
cfile.write(" return steamclient_unix_path_to_dos_path(path_result, %s, %s);\n" % (path_param_name, path_size_param_name))
return used_name
def get_iface_version(classname):
defname = "%s_INTERFACE_VERSION" % classname[1:].upper()
if defname in iface_versions.keys():
ver = iface_versions[defname]
if classname in class_versions.keys() and ver in class_versions[classname]:
return (ver, True)
if not classname in class_versions.keys():
class_versions[classname] = []
return (ver, False)
def handle_class(sdkver, classnode):
children = list(classnode.get_children())
if len(children) == 0:
(iface_version, already_generated) = get_iface_version(classnode.spelling)
if already_generated:
winname = "win%s" % classnode.spelling
cppname = "cpp%s_%s" % (classnode.spelling, iface_version)
file_exists = os.path.isfile("%s.c" % winname)
cfile = open("%s.c" % winname, "a")
if not file_exists:
cfile.write("""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
#include "cxx.h"
#include "steam_defs.h"
#include "steamclient_private.h"
cpp = open("%s.cpp" % cppname, "w")
cpp.write("#include \"steamclient_private.h\"\n")
cpp.write("#include \"steam_defs.h\"\n")
cpp.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/steam_api.h\"\n" % sdkver)
if not fname == "steam_api.h":
cpp.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/%s\"\n" % (sdkver, fname))
cpp.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n" % cppname)
cpp.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n")
cpp_h = open("%s.h" % cppname, "w")
cpp_h.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n")
winclassname = "win%s_%s" % (classnode.spelling, iface_version)
cfile.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n\n" % cppname)
cfile.write("typedef struct __%s {\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" vtable_ptr *vtable;\n")
cfile.write(" void *linux_side;\n")
cfile.write("} %s;\n\n" % winclassname)
methods = []
for child in children:
if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CXX_METHOD:
methods.append(handle_method(cfile, classnode.spelling, winclassname, cppname, child, cpp, cpp_h, methods))
elif child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR:
methods.append(handle_destructor(cfile, classnode.spelling, winclassname, child))
cfile.write("extern vtable_ptr %s_vtable;\n\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write("#ifndef __GNUC__\n")
cfile.write("void __asm_dummy_vtables(void) {\n")
cfile.write(" __ASM_VTABLE(%s,\n" % winclassname)
for method in methods:
cfile.write(" VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(%s_%s)\n" % (winclassname, method))
cfile.write(" );\n")
cfile.write("#ifndef __GNUC__\n")
cfile.write("%s *create_%s(void *linux_side)\n{\n" % (winclassname, winclassname))
cfile.write(" %s *r = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(%s));\n" % (winclassname, winclassname))
cfile.write(" TRACE(\"-> %p\\n\", r);\n")
cfile.write(" r->vtable = &%s_vtable;\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" r->linux_side = linux_side;\n")
cfile.write(" return r;\n}\n\n")
cpp.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n")
cpp_h.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n")
constructors = open("win_constructors.h", "a")
constructors.write("extern void *create_%s(void *);\n" % winclassname)
constructors = open("win_constructors_table.dat", "a")
constructors.write(" {\"%s\", &create_%s},\n" % (iface_version, winclassname))
if iface_version in aliases.keys():
for alias in aliases[iface_version]:
constructors.write(" {\"%s\", &create_%s}, /* alias */\n" % (alias, winclassname))
generated_cb_handlers = []
generated_cb_ids = []
cpp_files_need_close_brace = []
cb_table = {}
#because of struct packing differences between win32 and linux, we
#need to convert these structs from their linux layout to the win32
#TODO: could we optimize this by detecting if the structs are the
#same layout at generation-time?
def handle_callback_struct(sdkver, callback, cb_num):
handler_name = "%s_%s" % (callback.displayname, callback.type.get_size())
if handler_name in generated_cb_handlers:
# we already have a handler for the callback struct of this size
if handler_name in skip_structs:
# due to padding, some structs have the same width across versions of
# the SDK. since we key our lin->win conversion on the win struct size,
# we can skip the smaller structs and just write into the padding on
# older versions
# TODO: we could automate this. see comment near skip_structs declaration
cb_id = cb_num | (callback.type.get_size() << 16)
if cb_id in generated_cb_ids:
# either this cb changed name, or steam used the same ID for different structs
filename_base = "cb_converters_%s" % sdkver
cppname = "%s.cpp" % filename_base
file_exists = os.path.isfile(cppname)
cppfile = open(cppname, "a")
if not file_exists:
cppfile.write("#include \"steamclient_private.h\"\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"steam_defs.h\"\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/steam_api.h\"\n" % sdkver)
cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgameserver.h\"\n" % (sdkver))
if os.path.isfile("steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgameserverstats.h" % sdkver):
cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgameserverstats.h\"\n" % (sdkver))
if os.path.isfile("steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgamecoordinator.h" % sdkver):
cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgamecoordinator.h\"\n" % sdkver)
cppfile.write("extern \"C\" {\n")
datfile = open("cb_converters.dat", "a")
datfile.write("case 0x%08x: win_msg->m_cubParam = sizeof(struct win%s); win_msg->m_pubParam = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, win_msg->m_cubParam); cb_%s(lin_msg.m_pubParam, win_msg->m_pubParam); break;\n" % (cb_id, handler_name, handler_name))
hfile = open("cb_converters.h", "a")
hfile.write("struct win%s {\n" % handler_name)
for m in callback.get_children():
if m.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
hfile.write(" %s %s[%u];\n" % (m.type.element_type.spelling, m.displayname, m.type.element_count))
hfile.write(" %s %s;\n" % (m.type.spelling, m.displayname))
hfile.write("} __attribute__ ((ms_struct));\n")
hfile.write("extern void cb_%s(void *l, void *w);\n" % handler_name)
cppfile.write("struct win%s {\n" % handler_name)
for m in callback.get_children():
if m.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
cppfile.write(" %s %s[%u];\n" % (m.type.element_type.spelling, m.displayname, m.type.element_count))
cppfile.write(" %s %s;\n" % (m.type.spelling, m.displayname))
cppfile.write("} __attribute__ ((ms_struct));\n")
cppfile.write("void cb_%s(void *l, void *w)\n{\n" % handler_name)
cppfile.write(" %s *lin = (%s *)l;\n" % (callback.displayname, callback.displayname))
cppfile.write(" struct win%s *win = (struct win%s *)w;\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
for m in callback.get_children():
if m.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
#TODO: if this is a struct, or packed differently, we'll have to
# copy each element in a for-loop
cppfile.write(" memcpy(win->%s, lin->%s, sizeof(win->%s));\n" % (m.displayname, m.displayname, m.displayname))
cppfile.write(" win->%s = lin->%s;\n" % (m.displayname, m.displayname))
if not cb_num in cb_table.keys():
# latest SDK linux size, list of windows struct names
cb_table[cb_num] = (callback.type.get_size(), [])
def handle_callback_maybe(sdkver, callback):
members = callback.get_children()
for c in members:
if c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.ENUM_DECL:
enums = c.get_children()
for e in enums:
if e.displayname == "k_iCallback":
handle_callback_struct(sdkver, callback, e.enum_value)
prog = re.compile("^#define\s*(\w*)\s*\"(.*)\"")
for sdkver in sdk_versions:
iface_versions = {}
for f in os.listdir("steamworks_sdk_%s" % sdkver):
x = open("steamworks_sdk_%s/%s" % (sdkver, f), "r")
for l in x:
result = prog.match(l)
if result:
iface, version =, 2)
iface_versions[iface] = version
for fname, classes in files:
# Parse as 32-bit C++
input_name = "steamworks_sdk_%s/%s" % (sdkver, fname)
sys.stdout.write("about to parse %s\n" % input_name)
if not os.path.isfile(input_name):
index = clang.cindex.Index.create()
tu = index.parse(input_name, args=['-x', 'c++', '-m32', '-Isteamworks_sdk_%s/' % sdkver, '-I/usr/lib/clang/5.0.1/include/'])
diagnostics = list(tu.diagnostics)
if len(diagnostics) > 0:
print('There were parse errors')
children = list(tu.cursor.get_children())
for child in children:
if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CLASS_DECL and child.displayname in classes:
handle_class(sdkver, child)
if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL or \
child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CLASS_DECL:
handle_callback_maybe(sdkver, child)
if child.displayname in print_sizes:
sys.stdout.write("size of %s is %u\n" % (child.displayname, child.type.get_size()))
for f in cpp_files_need_close_brace:
m = open(f, "a")
getapifile = open("cb_getapi_table.dat", "w")
cbsizefile = open("cb_getapi_sizes.dat", "w")
for cb in cb_table.keys():
cbsizefile.write("case %u: /* %s */\n" % (cb, cb_table[cb][1][0]))
cbsizefile.write(" return %u;\n" % cb_table[cb][0])
getapifile.write("case %u:\n" % cb)
getapifile.write(" switch(callback_len){\n")
getapifile.write(" default:\n") # the first one should be the latest, should best support future SDK versions
for struct in cb_table[cb][1]:
getapifile.write(" case sizeof(struct win%s): cb_%s(lin_callback, callback); break;\n" % (struct, struct))
getapifile.write(" }\n break;\n")