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synced 2025-03-22 10:20:40 +03:00
The current script based on fontforge seems to have a few problems. The generated fonts show glitches, for example in Cyberpunk 2077 for Thai and in FIFA 22 for Arabic. I don't precisely know what is the problem, and it might be that the real bug is in the rendering code rather than in the merging script. But since this seems to work better overall, I'm sticking with it. CW-Bug-Id: #20302
251 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File
251 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Based on merge_noto.py and merge_fonts.py from the nototools
# (https://github.com/googlefonts/nototools), with the following
# copyright notice:
# Copyright 2014-2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# The font name changing logic is taken from
# https://github.com/chrissimpkins/fontname.py/blob/master/fontname.py,
# with the following copyright notice:
# Copyright 2019 Christopher Simpkins
# MIT License
"""Merges a number of Noto fonts and then sets a given name to the
import sys
import tempfile
import os
from fontTools import merge
from fontTools import ttLib
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables
def read_line_metrics(font):
metrics = {
"ascent": font["hhea"].ascent,
"descent": font["hhea"].descent,
"usWinAscent": font["OS/2"].usWinAscent,
"usWinDescent": font["OS/2"].usWinDescent,
"sTypoAscender": font["OS/2"].sTypoAscender,
"sTypoDescender": font["OS/2"].sTypoDescender,
"sxHeight": font["OS/2"].sxHeight,
"sCapHeight": font["OS/2"].sCapHeight,
"sTypoLineGap": font["OS/2"].sTypoLineGap,
return metrics
def set_line_metrics(font, metrics):
font["hhea"].ascent = metrics["ascent"]
font["hhea"].descent = metrics["descent"]
font["OS/2"].usWinAscent = metrics["usWinAscent"]
font["OS/2"].usWinDescent = metrics["usWinDescent"]
font["OS/2"].sTypoAscender = metrics["sTypoAscender"]
font["OS/2"].sTypoDescender = metrics["sTypoDescender"]
font["OS/2"].sxHeight = metrics["sxHeight"]
font["OS/2"].sCapHeight = metrics["sCapHeight"]
font["OS/2"].sTypoLineGap = metrics["sTypoLineGap"]
def has_gsub_table(fontfile):
font = ttLib.TTFont(fontfile)
return "GSUB" in font
# Retrieved from Opentype 1.9 delta specs. Prerelease scripttags used out of necessity. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/scripttags
"Carian": "cari",
"CypriotSyllabary": "cprt",
"CyproMinoan": "cpmn",
"Deseret": "dsrt",
"Glagolitic": "glag",
"EgyptianHieroglyphs": "egyp",
"ImperialAramaic": "armi",
"LinearA": "lina",
"LinearB": "linb",
"Lisu": "lisu",
"Lycian": "lyci",
"Lydian": "lydi",
"Ogham": "ogam",
"OldItalic": "ital",
"OldPersian": "xpeo",
"OldSouthArabian": "sarb",
"OldTurkic": "orkh",
"OldSogdian": "sogo",
"OldNorthArabian": "narb",
"OldHungarian": "hung",
"Osmanya": "osma",
"Phoenician": "phnx",
"SumeroAkkadianCuneiform": "xsux",
"Ugaritic": "ugar",
"OlChiki": "olck",
"TaiLe": "tale",
"Cuneiform": "xsux",
"Cypriot": "cprt",
"Runic": "runr",
"Shavian": "shaw",
"Vai": "vai ",
"Yi": "yi ",
"AnatolianHieroglyphs": "hluw",
"Bamum": "bamu",
"ByzantineMusic": "byzm",
"Gothic": "goth",
"ImperialAramaic": "armi",
"InscriptionalPahlavi": "phli",
"InscriptionalParthian": "prti",
"Khojki": "khoj",
"MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols": "math",
"MeroiticCursive": "merc",
"MeroiticHieroglyphs": "mero",
"MusicalSymbols": "musc",
"Palmyrene": "palm",
"Rejang": "rjng",
"Samaritan": "samr",
"Carian": "cari",
"Ahom": "ahom",
"Adlam": "adlm",
"Dogra": "dogr",
"Lisu": "lisu",
"Mandaean": "mand",
"Manichaean": "mani",
"Tifinagh": "tfng",
"Wancho": "wcho",
"Yezidi": "yezi",
"Cherokee": "cher",
"Chorasmian": "chrs",
"PahawhHmong": "hmng",
"Phagspa": "phag",
"Sundanese": "sund",
"WarangCiti": "wara",
"SylotiNagri": "sylo",
"PsalterPahlavi": "phlp",
"CaucasianAlbanian": "aghb",
"Medefaidrin": "medf",
"MeiteiMayek": "mtei",
"MendeKikakui": "mend",
"Mro": "mroo",
"Multani": "mult",
"Nabataean": "nbat",
"Nandinagari": "nand",
"Newa": "newa",
"NewTaiLue": "talu",
"Nushu": "nshu",
"NyiakengPuachueHmong": "hmnp",
"OldPermic": "perm",
"SoraSompeng": "sora",
"Soyombo": "soyo",
"SylotiNagri": "sylo",
"Tagbanwa": "tagb",
"Tagalog": "tglg",
"Takri": "takr",
"TaiTham": "lana",
"TaiViet": "tavt",
"Tangut": "tang",
"Thaana": "thaa",
"UgariticCuneiform": "ugar",
"ZanabazarSquare": "zanb",
"SignWriting": "sgnw",
"OldUyghur": "ougr",
"Tangsa": "tnsa",
"Toto": "toto",
"Vithkuqi": "vith",
"Duployan": "dupl",
"Hatran": "hatr",
# These last two would only merge using the long script name including the 'NotoSerif' part
"NotoSerifYezidi": "yezi",
"NotoSerifNyiakengPuachueHmong": "hmnp",
def get_opentype_script_tag(fontfile):
fontfile = os.path.basename(fontfile)
if fontfile.startswith("NotoSans"):
fontfile = fontfile[8:]
fontfile = fontfile[: fontfile.index("-")]
def add_gsub_to_font(fontfile):
"""Adds an empty GSUB table to a font."""
font = ttLib.TTFont(fontfile)
gsub_table = ttLib.getTableClass("GSUB")("GSUB")
gsub_table.table = otTables.GSUB()
gsub_table.table.Version = 1.0
gsub_table.table.ScriptList = otTables.ScriptList()
gsub_table.table.ScriptCount = 1
gsub_table.table.LookupList = otTables.LookupList()
gsub_table.table.LookupList.LookupCount = 0
gsub_table.table.LookupList.Lookup = []
gsub_table.table.FeatureList = otTables.FeatureList()
gsub_table.table.FeatureList.FeatureCount = 0
gsub_table.table.LookupList.FeatureRecord = []
script_record = otTables.ScriptRecord()
script_record.ScriptTag = get_opentype_script_tag(fontfile)
script_record.Script = otTables.Script()
script_record.Script.LangSysCount = 0
script_record.Script.LangSysRecord = []
default_lang_sys = otTables.DefaultLangSys()
default_lang_sys.FeatureIndex = []
default_lang_sys.FeatureCount = 0
default_lang_sys.LookupOrder = None
default_lang_sys.ReqFeatureIndex = 65535
script_record.Script.DefaultLangSys = default_lang_sys
gsub_table.table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord = [script_record]
font["GSUB"] = gsub_table
target_file = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + os.path.basename(fontfile)
return target_file
def main():
output_filename = sys.argv[-1]
weight = sys.argv[-2]
font_name = sys.argv[-3]
ps_name = sys.argv[-4]
input_filenames = sys.argv[1:-4]
# Add a GSUB table to the fonts that do not have one
for index, filename in enumerate(input_filenames):
if not has_gsub_table(filename):
input_filenames[index] = add_gsub_to_font(filename)
# Merge the fonts together
merger = merge.Merger()
font = merger.merge(input_filenames)
# Use the line metrics defined by the first font
metrics = read_line_metrics(ttLib.TTFont(input_filenames[0]))
set_line_metrics(font, metrics)
# Rename the result
for record in font['name'].names:
if record.nameID == 1:
record.string = font_name
elif record.nameID == 4:
record.string = "{} {}".format(font_name, weight)
elif record.nameID == 6:
record.string = "{}-{}".format(ps_name, weight.replace(' ', ''))
if __name__ == '__main__':