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* Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
// hud_redraw.cpp
#include <math.h>
#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#define MAX_LOGO_FRAMES 56
int grgLogoFrame[MAX_LOGO_FRAMES] =
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 30, 31
extern int g_iVisibleMouse;
// Think
void CHud::Think(void)
m_scrinfo.iSize = sizeof(m_scrinfo);
HUDLIST *pList = m_pHudList;
while (pList)
if (pList->p->m_iFlags & HUD_ACTIVE)
pList = pList->pNext;
// think about default fov
if ( m_iFOV == 0 )
{ // only let players adjust up in fov, and only if they are not overriden by something else
m_iFOV = max( default_fov->value, 90 );
// Redraw
// step through the local data, placing the appropriate graphics & text as appropriate
// returns 1 if they've changed, 0 otherwise
int CHud :: Redraw( float flTime, int intermission )
m_fOldTime = m_flTime; // save time of previous redraw
m_flTime = flTime;
m_flTimeDelta = (double)m_flTime - m_fOldTime;
// Clock was reset, reset delta
if ( m_flTimeDelta < 0 )
m_flTimeDelta = 0;
m_iIntermission = intermission;
// if no redrawing is necessary
// return 0;
HUDLIST *pList = m_pHudList;
while (pList)
if ( !intermission )
if ((pList->p->m_iFlags & HUD_ACTIVE) && !(m_iHideHUDDisplay & HIDEHUD_ALL))
{ // it's an intermission, so only draw hud elements that are set to draw during intermissions
if ( pList->p->m_iFlags & HUD_INTERMISSION )
pList->p->Draw( flTime );
pList = pList->pNext;
// are we in demo mode? do we need to draw the logo in the top corner?
if (m_iLogo)
int x, y, i;
if (m_hsprLogo == 0)
m_hsprLogo = LoadSprite("sprites/%d_logo.spr");
SPR_Set(m_hsprLogo, 250, 250, 250 );
x = SPR_Width(m_hsprLogo, 0);
x = ScreenWidth - x;
y = SPR_Height(m_hsprLogo, 0)/2;
// Draw the logo at 20 fps
int iFrame = (int)(flTime * 20) % MAX_LOGO_FRAMES;
i = grgLogoFrame[iFrame] - 1;
SPR_DrawAdditive(i, x, y, NULL);
return 1;
void ScaleColors( int &r, int &g, int &b, int a )
float x = (float)a / 255;
r = (int)(r * x);
g = (int)(g * x);
b = (int)(b * x);
int CHud :: DrawHudString(int xpos, int ypos, int iMaxX, char *szIt, int r, int g, int b )
// draw the string until we hit the null character or a newline character
for ( ; *szIt != 0 && *szIt != '\n'; szIt++ )
int next = xpos + gHUD.m_scrinfo.charWidths[ *szIt ]; // variable-width fonts look cool
if ( next > iMaxX )
return xpos;
TextMessageDrawChar( xpos, ypos, *szIt, r, g, b );
xpos = next;
return xpos;
int CHud :: DrawHudNumberString( int xpos, int ypos, int iMinX, int iNumber, int r, int g, int b )
char szString[32];
sprintf( szString, "%d", iNumber );
return DrawHudStringReverse( xpos, ypos, iMinX, szString, r, g, b );
// draws a string from right to left (right-aligned)
int CHud :: DrawHudStringReverse( int xpos, int ypos, int iMinX, char *szString, int r, int g, int b )
// find the end of the string
char *szIt;
for ( szIt = szString; *szIt != 0; szIt++ )
{ // we should count the length?
// iterate throug the string in reverse
for ( szIt--; szIt != (szString-1); szIt-- )
int next = xpos - gHUD.m_scrinfo.charWidths[ *szIt ]; // variable-width fonts look cool
if ( next < iMinX )
return xpos;
xpos = next;
TextMessageDrawChar( xpos, ypos, *szIt, r, g, b );
return xpos;
int CHud :: DrawHudNumber( int x, int y, int iFlags, int iNumber, int r, int g, int b)
int iWidth = GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_number_0).right - GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_number_0).left;
int k;
if (iNumber > 0)
// SPR_Draw 100's
if (iNumber >= 100)
k = iNumber/100;
SPR_Set(GetSprite(m_HUD_number_0 + k), r, g, b );
SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_number_0 + k));
x += iWidth;
else if (iFlags & (DHN_3DIGITS))
//SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &rc );
x += iWidth;
// SPR_Draw 10's
if (iNumber >= 10)
k = (iNumber % 100)/10;
SPR_Set(GetSprite(m_HUD_number_0 + k), r, g, b );
SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_number_0 + k));
x += iWidth;
else if (iFlags & (DHN_3DIGITS | DHN_2DIGITS))
//SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &rc );
x += iWidth;
// SPR_Draw ones
k = iNumber % 10;
SPR_Set(GetSprite(m_HUD_number_0 + k), r, g, b );
SPR_DrawAdditive(0, x, y, &GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_number_0 + k));
x += iWidth;
else if (iFlags & DHN_DRAWZERO)
SPR_Set(GetSprite(m_HUD_number_0), r, g, b );
// SPR_Draw 100's
if (iFlags & (DHN_3DIGITS))
//SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &rc );
x += iWidth;
if (iFlags & (DHN_3DIGITS | DHN_2DIGITS))
//SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &rc );
x += iWidth;
// SPR_Draw ones
SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &GetSpriteRect(m_HUD_number_0));
x += iWidth;
return x;
int CHud::GetNumWidth( int iNumber, int iFlags )
if (iFlags & (DHN_3DIGITS))
return 3;
if (iFlags & (DHN_2DIGITS))
return 2;
if (iNumber <= 0)
if (iFlags & (DHN_DRAWZERO))
return 1;
return 0;
if (iNumber < 10)
return 1;
if (iNumber < 100)
return 2;
return 3;