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2013-08-30 13:34:05 -07:00
// nav_area.h
// Navigation areas
// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), January 2003
#ifndef _NAV_AREA_H_
#define _NAV_AREA_H_
2024-08-20 19:58:27 -07:00
#undef min
#undef max
2013-08-30 13:34:05 -07:00
#include <list>
#include "nav.h"
#include "steam_util.h"
class CNavArea;
void DestroyHidingSpots( void );
void StripNavigationAreas( void );
bool SaveNavigationMap( const char *filename );
NavErrorType LoadNavigationMap( void );
void DestroyNavigationMap( void );
* Used when building a path to determine the kind of path to build
enum RouteType
* The NavConnect union is used to refer to connections to areas
union NavConnect
unsigned int id;
CNavArea *area;
bool operator==( const NavConnect &other ) const
return (area == other.area) ? true : false;
typedef std::list<NavConnect> NavConnectList;
enum LadderDirectionType
* The NavLadder class encapsulates traversable ladders, and their connections to NavAreas
* @todo Deal with ladders that allow jumping off to areas in the middle
class CNavLadder
CNavLadder( void )
m_topForwardArea = NULL;
m_topRightArea = NULL;
m_topLeftArea = NULL;
m_topBehindArea = NULL;
m_bottomArea = NULL;
m_entity = NULL;
Vector m_top; ///< world coords of the top of the ladder
Vector m_bottom; ///< world coords of the top of the ladder
float m_length; ///< the length of the ladder
NavDirType m_dir; ///< which way the ladder faces (ie: surface normal of climbable side)
Vector2D m_dirVector; ///< unit vector representation of m_dir
CBaseEntity *m_entity; ///< the ladder itself
CNavArea *m_topForwardArea; ///< the area at the top of the ladder
CNavArea *m_topLeftArea;
CNavArea *m_topRightArea;
CNavArea *m_topBehindArea; ///< area at top of ladder "behind" it - only useful for descending
CNavArea *m_bottomArea; ///< the area at the bottom of the ladder
bool m_isDangling; ///< if true, the bottom of the ladder is hanging too high to climb up
void OnDestroyNotify( CNavArea *dead ) ///< invoked when given area is going away
if (dead == m_topForwardArea)
m_topForwardArea = NULL;
if (dead == m_topLeftArea)
m_topLeftArea = NULL;
if (dead == m_topRightArea)
m_topRightArea = NULL;
if (dead == m_topBehindArea)
m_topBehindArea = NULL;
if (dead == m_bottomArea)
m_bottomArea = NULL;
typedef std::list<CNavLadder *> NavLadderList;
extern NavLadderList TheNavLadderList;
* A HidingSpot is a good place for a bot to crouch and wait for enemies
class HidingSpot
HidingSpot( void ); ///< for use when loading from a file
HidingSpot( const Vector *pos, unsigned char flags ); ///< for use when generating - assigns unique ID
IN_COVER = 0x01, ///< in a corner with good hard cover nearby
GOOD_SNIPER_SPOT = 0x02, ///< had at least one decent sniping corridor
IDEAL_SNIPER_SPOT = 0x04 ///< can see either very far, or a large area, or both
bool HasGoodCover( void ) const { return (m_flags & IN_COVER) ? true : false; } ///< return true if hiding spot in in cover
bool IsGoodSniperSpot( void ) const { return (m_flags & GOOD_SNIPER_SPOT) ? true : false; }
bool IsIdealSniperSpot( void ) const { return (m_flags & IDEAL_SNIPER_SPOT) ? true : false; }
void SetFlags( unsigned char flags ) { m_flags |= flags; } ///< FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
unsigned char GetFlags( void ) const { return m_flags; }
void Save( int fd, unsigned int version ) const;
void Load( SteamFile *file, unsigned int version );
const Vector *GetPosition( void ) const { return &m_pos; } ///< get the position of the hiding spot
unsigned int GetID( void ) const { return m_id; }
void Mark( void ) { m_marker = m_masterMarker; }
bool IsMarked( void ) const { return (m_marker == m_masterMarker) ? true : false; }
static void ChangeMasterMarker( void ) { ++m_masterMarker; }
friend void DestroyHidingSpots( void );
Vector m_pos; ///< world coordinates of the spot
unsigned int m_id; ///< this spot's unique ID
unsigned int m_marker; ///< this spot's unique marker
unsigned char m_flags; ///< bit flags
static unsigned int m_nextID; ///< used when allocating spot ID's
static unsigned int m_masterMarker; ///< used to mark spots
typedef std::list<HidingSpot *> HidingSpotList;
extern HidingSpotList TheHidingSpotList;
extern HidingSpot *GetHidingSpotByID( unsigned int id );
* Stores a pointer to an interesting "spot", and a parametric distance along a path
struct SpotOrder
float t; ///< parametric distance along ray where this spot first has LOS to our path
HidingSpot *spot; ///< the spot to look at
unsigned int id; ///< spot ID for save/load
typedef std::list<SpotOrder> SpotOrderList;
* This struct stores possible path segments thru a CNavArea, and the dangerous spots
* to look at as we traverse that path segment.
struct SpotEncounter
NavConnect from;
NavDirType fromDir;
NavConnect to;
NavDirType toDir;
Ray path; ///< the path segment
SpotOrderList spotList; ///< list of spots to look at, in order of occurrence
typedef std::list<SpotEncounter> SpotEncounterList;
* A CNavArea is a rectangular region defining a walkable area in the map
class CNavArea
CNavArea( CNavNode *nwNode, CNavNode *neNode, CNavNode *seNode, CNavNode *swNode );
CNavArea( void );
CNavArea( const Vector *corner, const Vector *otherCorner );
CNavArea( const Vector *nwCorner, const Vector *neCorner, const Vector *seCorner, const Vector *swCorner );
void ConnectTo( CNavArea *area, NavDirType dir ); ///< connect this area to given area in given direction
void Disconnect( CNavArea *area ); ///< disconnect this area from given area
void Save( FILE *fp ) const;
void Save( int fd, unsigned int version );
void Load( SteamFile *file, unsigned int version );
NavErrorType PostLoad( void );
unsigned int GetID( void ) const { return m_id; }
void SetAttributes( unsigned char bits ) { m_attributeFlags = bits; }
unsigned char GetAttributes( void ) const { return m_attributeFlags; }
void SetPlace( Place place ) { m_place = place; } ///< set place descriptor
Place GetPlace( void ) const { return m_place; } ///< get place descriptor
bool IsOverlapping( const Vector *pos ) const; ///< return true if 'pos' is within 2D extents of area.
bool IsOverlapping( const CNavArea *area ) const; ///< return true if 'area' overlaps our 2D extents
bool IsOverlappingX( const CNavArea *area ) const; ///< return true if 'area' overlaps our X extent
bool IsOverlappingY( const CNavArea *area ) const; ///< return true if 'area' overlaps our Y extent
int GetPlayerCount( int teamID = 0, CBasePlayer *ignore = NULL ) const; ///< return number of players with given teamID in this area (teamID == 0 means any/all)
float GetZ( const Vector *pos ) const; ///< return Z of area at (x,y) of 'pos'
float GetZ( float x, float y ) const; ///< return Z of area at (x,y) of 'pos'
bool Contains( const Vector *pos ) const; ///< return true if given point is on or above this area, but no others
bool IsCoplanar( const CNavArea *area ) const; ///< return true if this area and given area are approximately co-planar
void GetClosestPointOnArea( const Vector *pos, Vector *close ) const; ///< return closest point to 'pos' on this area - returned point in 'close'
float GetDistanceSquaredToPoint( const Vector *pos ) const; ///< return shortest distance between point and this area
bool IsDegenerate( void ) const; ///< return true if this area is badly formed
bool IsEdge( NavDirType dir ) const; ///< return true if there are no bi-directional links on the given side
int GetAdjacentCount( NavDirType dir ) const { return m_connect[ dir ].size(); } ///< return number of connected areas in given direction
CNavArea *GetAdjacentArea( NavDirType dir, int i ) const; /// return the i'th adjacent area in the given direction
CNavArea *GetRandomAdjacentArea( NavDirType dir ) const;
const NavConnectList *GetAdjacentList( NavDirType dir ) const { return &m_connect[dir]; }
bool IsConnected( const CNavArea *area, NavDirType dir ) const; ///< return true if given area is connected in given direction
float ComputeHeightChange( const CNavArea *area ); ///< compute change in height from this area to given area
const NavLadderList *GetLadderList( LadderDirectionType dir ) const { return &m_ladder[dir]; }
void ComputePortal( const CNavArea *to, NavDirType dir, Vector *center, float *halfWidth ) const; ///< compute portal to adjacent area
void ComputeClosestPointInPortal( const CNavArea *to, NavDirType dir, const Vector *fromPos, Vector *closePos ) const; ///< compute closest point within the "portal" between to adjacent areas
NavDirType ComputeDirection( Vector *point ) const; ///< return direction from this area to the given point
//- for hunting algorithm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetClearedTimestamp( int teamID ) { m_clearedTimestamp[ teamID ] = gpGlobals->time; } ///< set this area's "clear" timestamp to now
float GetClearedTimestamp( int teamID ) { return m_clearedTimestamp[ teamID ]; } ///< get time this area was marked "clear"
//- hiding spots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const HidingSpotList *GetHidingSpotList( void ) const { return &m_hidingSpotList; }
void ComputeHidingSpots( void ); ///< analyze local area neighborhood to find "hiding spots" in this area - for map learning
void ComputeSniperSpots( void ); ///< analyze local area neighborhood to find "sniper spots" in this area - for map learning
SpotEncounter *GetSpotEncounter( const CNavArea *from, const CNavArea *to ); ///< given the areas we are moving between, return the spots we will encounter
void ComputeSpotEncounters( void ); ///< compute spot encounter data - for map learning
//- "danger" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void IncreaseDanger( int teamID, float amount ); ///< increase the danger of this area for the given team
float GetDanger( int teamID ); ///< return the danger of this area (decays over time)
float GetSizeX( void ) const { return m_extent.hi.x - m_extent.lo.x; }
float GetSizeY( void ) const { return m_extent.hi.y - m_extent.lo.y; }
const Extent *GetExtent( void ) const { return &m_extent; }
const Vector *GetCenter( void ) const { return &m_center; }
const Vector *GetCorner( NavCornerType corner ) const;
//- approach areas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ApproachInfo
NavConnect here; ///< the approach area
NavConnect prev; ///< the area just before the approach area on the path
NavTraverseType prevToHereHow;
NavConnect next; ///< the area just after the approach area on the path
NavTraverseType hereToNextHow;
const ApproachInfo *GetApproachInfo( int i ) const { return &m_approach[i]; }
int GetApproachInfoCount( void ) const { return m_approachCount; }
void ComputeApproachAreas( void ); ///< determine the set of "approach areas" - for map learning
//- A* pathfinding algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void MakeNewMarker( void ) { ++m_masterMarker; if (m_masterMarker == 0) m_masterMarker = 1; }
void Mark( void ) { m_marker = m_masterMarker; }
BOOL IsMarked( void ) const { return (m_marker == m_masterMarker) ? true : false; }
void SetParent( CNavArea *parent, NavTraverseType how = NUM_TRAVERSE_TYPES ) { m_parent = parent; m_parentHow = how; }
CNavArea *GetParent( void ) const { return m_parent; }
NavTraverseType GetParentHow( void ) const { return m_parentHow; }
bool IsOpen( void ) const; ///< true if on "open list"
void AddToOpenList( void ); ///< add to open list in decreasing value order
void UpdateOnOpenList( void ); ///< a smaller value has been found, update this area on the open list
void RemoveFromOpenList( void );
static bool IsOpenListEmpty( void );
static CNavArea *PopOpenList( void ); ///< remove and return the first element of the open list
bool IsClosed( void ) const; ///< true if on "closed list"
void AddToClosedList( void ); ///< add to the closed list
void RemoveFromClosedList( void );
static void ClearSearchLists( void ); ///< clears the open and closed lists for a new search
void SetTotalCost( float value ) { m_totalCost = value; }
float GetTotalCost( void ) const { return m_totalCost; }
void SetCostSoFar( float value ) { m_costSoFar = value; }
float GetCostSoFar( void ) const { return m_costSoFar; }
//- editing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Draw( byte red, byte green, byte blue, int duration = 50 ); ///< draw area for debugging & editing
void DrawConnectedAreas( void );
void DrawMarkedCorner( NavCornerType corner, byte red, byte green, byte blue, int duration = 50 );
bool SplitEdit( bool splitAlongX, float splitEdge, CNavArea **outAlpha = NULL, CNavArea **outBeta = NULL ); ///< split this area into two areas at the given edge
bool MergeEdit( CNavArea *adj ); ///< merge this area and given adjacent area
bool SpliceEdit( CNavArea *other ); ///< create a new area between this area and given area
void RaiseCorner( NavCornerType corner, int amount ); ///< raise/lower a corner (or all corners if corner == NUM_CORNERS)
//- ladders -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AddLadderUp( CNavLadder *ladder ) { m_ladder[ LADDER_UP ].push_back( ladder ); }
void AddLadderDown( CNavLadder *ladder ) { m_ladder[ LADDER_DOWN ].push_back( ladder ); }
friend void ConnectGeneratedAreas( void );
friend void MergeGeneratedAreas( void );
friend void MarkJumpAreas( void );
friend bool SaveNavigationMap( const char *filename );
friend NavErrorType LoadNavigationMap( void );
friend void DestroyNavigationMap( void );
friend void DestroyHidingSpots( void );
friend void StripNavigationAreas( void );
friend class CNavAreaGrid;
friend class CCSBotManager;
void Initialize( void ); ///< to keep constructors consistent
static bool m_isReset; ///< if true, don't bother cleaning up in destructor since everything is going away
static unsigned int m_nextID; ///< used to allocate unique IDs
unsigned int m_id; ///< unique area ID
Extent m_extent; ///< extents of area in world coords (NOTE: lo.z is not necessarily the minimum Z, but corresponds to Z at point (lo.x, lo.y), etc
Vector m_center; ///< centroid of area
unsigned char m_attributeFlags; ///< set of attribute bit flags (see NavAttributeType)
Place m_place; ///< place descriptor
/// height of the implicit corners
float m_neZ;
float m_swZ;
enum { MAX_AREA_TEAMS = 2 };
//- for hunting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float m_clearedTimestamp[ MAX_AREA_TEAMS ]; ///< time this area was last "cleared" of enemies
//- "danger" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float m_danger[ MAX_AREA_TEAMS ]; ///< danger of this area, allowing bots to avoid areas where they died in the past - zero is no danger
float m_dangerTimestamp[ MAX_AREA_TEAMS ]; ///< time when danger value was set - used for decaying
void DecayDanger( void );
//- hiding spots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HidingSpotList m_hidingSpotList;
bool IsHidingSpotCollision( const Vector *pos ) const; ///< returns true if an existing hiding spot is too close to given position
//- encounter spots ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SpotEncounterList m_spotEncounterList; ///< list of possible ways to move thru this area, and the spots to look at as we do
void AddSpotEncounters( const CNavArea *from, NavDirType fromDir, const CNavArea *to, NavDirType toDir ); ///< add spot encounter data when moving from area to area
//- approach areas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum { MAX_APPROACH_AREAS = 16 };
ApproachInfo m_approach[ MAX_APPROACH_AREAS ];
unsigned char m_approachCount;
void Strip( void ); ///< remove "analyzed" data from nav area
//- A* pathfinding algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------------
static unsigned int m_masterMarker;
unsigned int m_marker; ///< used to flag the area as visited
CNavArea *m_parent; ///< the area just prior to this on in the search path
NavTraverseType m_parentHow; ///< how we get from parent to us
float m_totalCost; ///< the distance so far plus an estimate of the distance left
float m_costSoFar; ///< distance travelled so far
static CNavArea *m_openList;
CNavArea *m_nextOpen, *m_prevOpen; ///< only valid if m_openMarker == m_masterMarker
unsigned int m_openMarker; ///< if this equals the current marker value, we are on the open list
//- connections to adjacent areas -------------------------------------------------------------------
NavConnectList m_connect[ NUM_DIRECTIONS ]; ///< a list of adjacent areas for each direction
NavLadderList m_ladder[ NUM_LADDER_DIRECTIONS ]; ///< list of ladders leading up and down from this area
CNavNode *m_node[ NUM_CORNERS ]; ///< nav nodes at each corner of the area
void FinishMerge( CNavArea *adjArea ); ///< recompute internal data once nodes have been adjusted during merge
void MergeAdjacentConnections( CNavArea *adjArea ); ///< for merging with "adjArea" - pick up all of "adjArea"s connections
void AssignNodes( CNavArea *area ); ///< assign internal nodes to the given area
void FinishSplitEdit( CNavArea *newArea, NavDirType ignoreEdge ); ///< given the portion of the original area, update its internal data
std::list<CNavArea *> m_overlapList; ///< list of areas that overlap this area
void OnDestroyNotify( CNavArea *dead ); ///< invoked when given area is going away
CNavArea *m_prevHash, *m_nextHash; ///< for hash table in CNavAreaGrid
typedef std::list<CNavArea *> NavAreaList;
extern NavAreaList TheNavAreaList;
// Inlines
inline bool CNavArea::IsDegenerate( void ) const
return (m_extent.lo.x >= m_extent.hi.x || m_extent.lo.y >= m_extent.hi.y);
inline CNavArea *CNavArea::GetAdjacentArea( NavDirType dir, int i ) const
NavConnectList::const_iterator iter;
for( iter = m_connect[dir].begin(); iter != m_connect[dir].end(); ++iter )
if (i == 0)
return (*iter).area;
return NULL;
inline bool CNavArea::IsOpen( void ) const
return (m_openMarker == m_masterMarker) ? true : false;
inline bool CNavArea::IsOpenListEmpty( void )
return (m_openList) ? false : true;
inline CNavArea *CNavArea::PopOpenList( void )
if (m_openList)
CNavArea *area = m_openList;
// disconnect from list
return area;
return NULL;
inline bool CNavArea::IsClosed( void ) const
if (IsMarked() && !IsOpen())
return true;
return false;
inline void CNavArea::AddToClosedList( void )
inline void CNavArea::RemoveFromClosedList( void )
// since "closed" is defined as visited (marked) and not on open list, do nothing
* The CNavAreaGrid is used to efficiently access navigation areas by world position.
* Each cell of the grid contains a list of areas that overlap it.
* Given a world position, the corresponding grid cell is ( x/cellsize, y/cellsize ).
class CNavAreaGrid
CNavAreaGrid( void );
void Reset( void ); ///< clear the grid to empty
void Initialize( float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY ); ///< clear and reset the grid to the given extents
void AddNavArea( CNavArea *area ); ///< add an area to the grid
void RemoveNavArea( CNavArea *area ); ///< remove an area from the grid
unsigned int GetNavAreaCount( void ) const { return m_areaCount; } ///< return total number of nav areas
CNavArea *GetNavArea( const Vector *pos, float beneathLimt = 120.0f ) const; ///< given a position, return the nav area that IsOverlapping and is *immediately* beneath it
CNavArea *GetNavAreaByID( unsigned int id ) const;
CNavArea *GetNearestNavArea( const Vector *pos, bool anyZ = false ) const;
Place GetPlace( const Vector *pos ) const; ///< return radio chatter place for given coordinate
const float m_cellSize;
NavAreaList *m_grid;
int m_gridSizeX;
int m_gridSizeY;
float m_minX;
float m_minY;
unsigned int m_areaCount; ///< total number of nav areas
enum { HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 256 };
CNavArea *m_hashTable[ HASH_TABLE_SIZE ]; ///< hash table to optimize lookup by ID
inline int ComputeHashKey( unsigned int id ) const ///< returns a hash key for the given nav area ID
return id & 0xFF;
inline int WorldToGridX( float wx ) const
int x = (wx - m_minX) / m_cellSize;
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
else if (x >= m_gridSizeX)
x = m_gridSizeX-1;
return x;
inline int WorldToGridY( float wy ) const
int y = (wy - m_minY) / m_cellSize;
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
else if (y >= m_gridSizeY)
y = m_gridSizeY-1;
return y;
extern CNavAreaGrid TheNavAreaGrid;
// Function prototypes
extern NavErrorType LoadNavigationMap( void );
extern void GenerateNavigationAreaMesh( void );
extern void SanityCheckNavigationMap( const char *mapName ); ///< Performs a lightweight sanity-check of the specified map's nav mesh
extern void ApproachAreaAnalysisPrep( void );
extern void CleanupApproachAreaAnalysisPrep( void );
extern void BuildLadders( void );
extern bool TestArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height );
extern int BuildArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height );
extern bool GetGroundHeight( const Vector *pos, float *height, Vector *normal = NULL );
extern bool GetSimpleGroundHeight( const Vector *pos, float *height, Vector *normal = NULL );
class CBasePlayer;
class CBaseEntity;
extern bool IsSpotOccupied( CBaseEntity *me, const Vector *pos ); // if a player is at the given spot, return true
extern const Vector *FindNearbyHidingSpot( CBaseEntity *me, const Vector *pos, CNavArea *currentArea, float maxRange = 1000.0f, bool isSniper = false, bool useNearest = false );
extern const Vector *FindRandomHidingSpot( CBaseEntity *me, Place place, bool isSniper = false );
#define NO_CROUCH_SPOTS false
extern const Vector *FindNearbyRetreatSpot( CBaseEntity *me, const Vector *start, CNavArea *startArea, float maxRange = 1000.0f, int avoidTeam = 0, bool useCrouchAreas = true );
/// return true if moving from "start" to "finish" will cross a player's line of fire.
extern bool IsCrossingLineOfFire( const Vector &start, const Vector &finish, CBaseEntity *ignore = NULL, int ignoreTeam = 0 );
extern void IncreaseDangerNearby( int teamID, float amount, CNavArea *area, const Vector *pos, float maxRadius );
extern void DrawDanger( void );
enum NavEditCmdType
EDIT_DELETE, ///< delete current area
EDIT_SPLIT, ///< split current area
EDIT_MERGE, ///< merge adjacent areas
EDIT_JOIN, ///< define connection between areas
EDIT_BREAK, ///< break connection between areas
EDIT_MARK, ///< mark an area for further operations
EDIT_ATTRIB_CROUCH, ///< toggle crouch attribute on current area
EDIT_ATTRIB_JUMP, ///< toggle jump attribute on current area
EDIT_ATTRIB_PRECISE, ///< toggle precise attribute on current area
EDIT_ATTRIB_NO_JUMP, ///< toggle inhibiting discontinuity jumping in current area
EDIT_BEGIN_AREA, ///< begin creating a new nav area
EDIT_END_AREA, ///< end creation of the new nav area
EDIT_CONNECT, ///< connect marked area to selected area
EDIT_DISCONNECT, ///< disconnect marked area from selected area
EDIT_SPLICE, ///< create new area in between marked and selected areas
EDIT_TOGGLE_PLACE_MODE, ///< switch between normal and place editing
EDIT_TOGGLE_PLACE_PAINTING, ///< switch between "painting" places onto areas
EDIT_PLACE_FLOODFILL, ///< floodfill areas out from current area
EDIT_PLACE_PICK, ///< "pick up" the place at the current area
EDIT_MARK_UNNAMED, ///< mark an unnamed area for further operations
EDIT_WARP_TO_MARK, ///< warp a spectating local player to the selected mark
EDIT_SELECT_CORNER, ///< select a corner on the current area
EDIT_RAISE_CORNER, ///< raise a corner on the current area
EDIT_LOWER_CORNER, ///< lower a corner on the current area
extern void EditNavAreasReset( void );
extern void EditNavAreas( NavEditCmdType cmd );
extern CNavArea *GetMarkedArea( void );
// Templates
* Functor used with NavAreaBuildPath()
class ShortestPathCost
float operator() ( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *fromArea, const CNavLadder *ladder )
if (fromArea == NULL)
// first area in path, no cost
return 0.0f;
// compute distance travelled along path so far
float dist;
if (ladder)
dist = ladder->m_length;
dist = (*area->GetCenter() - *fromArea->GetCenter()).Length();
float cost = dist + fromArea->GetCostSoFar();
// if this is a "crouch" area, add penalty
if (area->GetAttributes() & NAV_CROUCH)
const float crouchPenalty = 20.0f; // 10
cost += crouchPenalty * dist;
// if this is a "jump" area, add penalty
if (area->GetAttributes() & NAV_JUMP)
const float jumpPenalty = 5.0f;
cost += jumpPenalty * dist;
return cost;
* Find path from startArea to goalArea via an A* search, using supplied cost heuristic.
* If cost functor returns -1 for an area, that area is considered a dead end.
* This doesn't actually build a path, but the path is defined by following parent
* pointers back from goalArea to startArea.
* If 'closestArea' is non-NULL, the closest area to the goal is returned (useful if the path fails).
* If 'goalArea' is NULL, will compute a path as close as possible to 'goalPos'.
* If 'goalPos' is NULL, will use the center of 'goalArea' as the goal position.
* Returns true if a path exists.
template< typename CostFunctor >
bool NavAreaBuildPath( CNavArea *startArea, CNavArea *goalArea, const Vector *goalPos, CostFunctor &costFunc, CNavArea **closestArea = NULL )
if (closestArea)
*closestArea = NULL;
if (startArea == NULL)
return false;
// If goalArea is NULL, this function will return the closest area to the goal.
// However, if there is also no goal, we can't do anything.
if (goalArea == NULL && goalPos == NULL)
return false;
startArea->SetParent( NULL );
// if we are already in the goal area, build trivial path
if (startArea == goalArea)
goalArea->SetParent( NULL );
if (closestArea)
*closestArea = goalArea;
return true;
// determine actual goal position
Vector actualGoalPos = (goalPos) ? *goalPos : *goalArea->GetCenter();
// start search
// compute estimate of path length
/// @todo Cost might work as "manhattan distance"
startArea->SetTotalCost( (*startArea->GetCenter() - actualGoalPos).Length() );
float initCost = costFunc( startArea, NULL, NULL );
if (initCost < 0.0f)
return false;
startArea->SetCostSoFar( initCost );
// keep track of the area we visit that is closest to the goal
if (closestArea)
*closestArea = startArea;
float closestAreaDist = startArea->GetTotalCost();
// do A* search
while( !CNavArea::IsOpenListEmpty() )
// get next area to check
CNavArea *area = CNavArea::PopOpenList();
// check if we have found the goal area
if (area == goalArea)
if (closestArea)
*closestArea = goalArea;
return true;
// search adjacent areas
bool searchFloor = true;
int dir = NORTH;
const NavConnectList *floorList = area->GetAdjacentList( NORTH );
NavConnectList::const_iterator floorIter = floorList->begin();
bool ladderUp = true;
const NavLadderList *ladderList = NULL;
NavLadderList::const_iterator ladderIter;
int ladderTopDir;
CNavArea *newArea;
NavTraverseType how;
const CNavLadder *ladder = NULL;
// Get next adjacent area - either on floor or via ladder
if (searchFloor)
// if exhausted adjacent connections in current direction, begin checking next direction
if (floorIter == floorList->end())
if (dir == NUM_DIRECTIONS)
// checked all directions on floor - check ladders next
searchFloor = false;
ladderList = area->GetLadderList( LADDER_UP );
ladderIter = ladderList->begin();
ladderTopDir = AHEAD;
// start next direction
floorList = area->GetAdjacentList( (NavDirType)dir );
floorIter = floorList->begin();
newArea = (*floorIter).area;
how = (NavTraverseType)dir;
else // search ladders
if (ladderIter == ladderList->end())
if (!ladderUp)
// checked both ladder directions - done
// check down ladders
ladderUp = false;
ladderList = area->GetLadderList( LADDER_DOWN );
ladderIter = ladderList->begin();
if (ladderUp)
ladder = *ladderIter;
// cannot use this ladder if the ladder bottom is hanging above our head
if (ladder->m_isDangling)
// do not use BEHIND connection, as its very hard to get to when going up a ladder
if (ladderTopDir == AHEAD)
newArea = ladder->m_topForwardArea;
else if (ladderTopDir == LEFT)
newArea = ladder->m_topLeftArea;
else if (ladderTopDir == RIGHT)
newArea = ladder->m_topRightArea;
newArea = (*ladderIter)->m_bottomArea;
ladder = (*ladderIter);
if (newArea == NULL)
// don't backtrack
if (newArea == area)
float newCostSoFar = costFunc( newArea, area, ladder );
// check if cost functor says this area is a dead-end
if (newCostSoFar < 0.0f)
if ((newArea->IsOpen() || newArea->IsClosed()) && newArea->GetCostSoFar() <= newCostSoFar)
// this is a worse path - skip it
// compute estimate of distance left to go
float newCostRemaining = (*newArea->GetCenter() - actualGoalPos).Length();
// track closest area to goal in case path fails
if (closestArea && newCostRemaining < closestAreaDist)
*closestArea = newArea;
closestAreaDist = newCostRemaining;
newArea->SetParent( area, how );
newArea->SetCostSoFar( newCostSoFar );
newArea->SetTotalCost( newCostSoFar + newCostRemaining );
if (newArea->IsClosed())
if (newArea->IsOpen())
// area already on open list, update the list order to keep costs sorted
// we have searched this area
return false;
* Compute distance between two areas. Return -1 if can't reach 'endArea' from 'startArea'.
template< typename CostFunctor >
float NavAreaTravelDistance( CNavArea *startArea, CNavArea *endArea, CostFunctor &costFunc )
if (startArea == NULL)
return -1.0f;
if (endArea == NULL)
return -1.0f;
if (startArea == endArea)
return 0.0f;
// compute path between areas using given cost heuristic
if (NavAreaBuildPath( startArea, endArea, NULL, costFunc ) == false)
return -1.0f;
// compute distance along path
float distance = 0.0f;
for( CNavArea *area = endArea; area->GetParent(); area = area->GetParent() )
distance += (*area->GetCenter() - *area->GetParent()->GetCenter()).Length();
return distance;
* Compute distance from area to position. Return -1 if can't reach position.
template< typename CostFunctor >
float NavAreaTravelDistance( const Vector *startPos, CNavArea *startArea, const Vector *goalPos, CostFunctor &costFunc )
if (startArea == NULL || startPos == NULL || goalPos == NULL)
return -1.0f;
// compute path between areas using given cost heuristic
CNavArea *goalArea = NULL;
if (NavAreaBuildPath( startArea, TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea( goalPos ), goalPos, costFunc, &goalArea ) == false)
return -1.0f;
if (goalArea == NULL)
return -1.0f;
// compute distance along path
if (goalArea->GetParent() == NULL)
return (*goalPos - *startPos).Length();
CNavArea *area = goalArea->GetParent();
float distance = (*goalPos - *area->GetCenter()).Length();
for( ; area->GetParent(); area = area->GetParent() )
distance += (*area->GetCenter() - *area->GetParent()->GetCenter()).Length();
return distance;
* Do a breadth-first search, invoking functor on each area.
* If functor returns 'true', continue searching from this area.
* If functor returns 'false', the area's adjacent areas are not explored (dead end).
* If 'maxRange' is 0 or less, no range check is done (all areas will be examined).
* NOTE: Returns all areas that overlap range, even partially
* @todo Use ladder connections
// helper function
inline void AddAreaToOpenList( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *parent, const Vector *startPos, float maxRange )
if (area == NULL)
if (!area->IsMarked())
area->SetTotalCost( 0.0f );
area->SetParent( parent );
if (maxRange > 0.0f)
// make sure this area overlaps range
Vector closePos;
area->GetClosestPointOnArea( startPos, &closePos );
if ((closePos - *startPos).Make2D().IsLengthLessThan( maxRange ))
// compute approximate distance along path to limit travel range, too
float distAlong = parent->GetCostSoFar();
distAlong += (*area->GetCenter() - *parent->GetCenter()).Length();
area->SetCostSoFar( distAlong );
// allow for some fudge due to large size areas
if (distAlong <= 1.5f * maxRange)
// infinite range
template < typename Functor >
void SearchSurroundingAreas( CNavArea *startArea, const Vector *startPos, Functor &func, float maxRange = -1.0f )
if (startArea == NULL || startPos == NULL)
startArea->SetTotalCost( 0.0f );
startArea->SetCostSoFar( 0.0f );
startArea->SetParent( NULL );
while( !CNavArea::IsOpenListEmpty() )
// get next area to check
CNavArea *area = CNavArea::PopOpenList();
// invoke functor on area
if (func( area ))
// explore adjacent floor areas
for( int dir=0; dir<NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++dir )
int count = area->GetAdjacentCount( (NavDirType)dir );
for( int i=0; i<count; ++i )
CNavArea *adjArea = area->GetAdjacentArea( (NavDirType)dir, i );
AddAreaToOpenList( adjArea, area, startPos, maxRange );
// explore adjacent areas connected by ladders
NavLadderList::const_iterator ladderIt;
// check up ladders
const NavLadderList *ladderList = area->GetLadderList( LADDER_UP );
if (ladderList)
for( ladderIt = ladderList->begin(); ladderIt != ladderList->end(); ++ladderIt )
const CNavLadder *ladder = *ladderIt;
// cannot use this ladder if the ladder bottom is hanging above our head
if (ladder->m_isDangling)
// do not use BEHIND connection, as its very hard to get to when going up a ladder
AddAreaToOpenList( ladder->m_topForwardArea, area, startPos, maxRange );
AddAreaToOpenList( ladder->m_topLeftArea, area, startPos, maxRange );
AddAreaToOpenList( ladder->m_topRightArea, area, startPos, maxRange );
// check down ladders
ladderList = area->GetLadderList( LADDER_DOWN );
if (ladderList)
for( ladderIt = ladderList->begin(); ladderIt != ladderList->end(); ++ladderIt )
const CNavLadder *ladder = *ladderIt;
AddAreaToOpenList( ladder->m_bottomArea, area, startPos, maxRange );
* Apply the functor to all navigation areas
template < typename Functor >
void ForAllAreas( Functor &func )
NavAreaList::iterator iter;
for( iter = TheNavAreaList.begin(); iter != TheNavAreaList.end(); ++iter )
CNavArea *area = *iter;
func( area );
* Fuctor that returns lowest cost for farthest away areas
* For use with FindMinimumCostArea()
class FarAwayFunctor
float operator() ( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *fromArea, const CNavLadder *ladder )
if (area == fromArea)
return 9999999.9f;
return 1.0f/(*fromArea->GetCenter() - *area->GetCenter()).Length();
* Fuctor that returns lowest cost for areas farthest from given position
* For use with FindMinimumCostArea()
class FarAwayFromPositionFunctor
FarAwayFromPositionFunctor( const Vector *pos )
m_pos = pos;
float operator() ( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *fromArea, const CNavLadder *ladder )
return 1.0f/(*m_pos - *area->GetCenter()).Length();
const Vector *m_pos;
* Pick a low-cost area of "decent" size
template< typename CostFunctor >
CNavArea *FindMinimumCostArea( CNavArea *startArea, CostFunctor &costFunc )
const float minSize = 150.0f;
// collect N low-cost areas of a decent size
enum { NUM_CHEAP_AREAS = 32 };
CNavArea *area;
float cost;
cheapAreaSet[ NUM_CHEAP_AREAS ];
int cheapAreaSetCount = 0;
NavAreaList::iterator iter;
for( iter = TheNavAreaList.begin(); iter != TheNavAreaList.end(); ++iter )
CNavArea *area = *iter;
// skip the small areas
const Extent *extent = area->GetExtent();
if (extent->hi.x - extent->lo.x < minSize || extent->hi.y - extent->lo.y < minSize)
// compute cost of this area
float cost = costFunc( area, startArea, NULL );
if (cheapAreaSetCount < NUM_CHEAP_AREAS)
cheapAreaSet[ cheapAreaSetCount ].area = area;
cheapAreaSet[ cheapAreaSetCount++ ].cost = cost;
// replace most expensive cost if this is cheaper
int expensive = 0;
for( int i=1; i<NUM_CHEAP_AREAS; ++i )
if (cheapAreaSet[i].cost > cheapAreaSet[expensive].cost)
expensive = i;
if (cheapAreaSet[expensive].cost > cost)
cheapAreaSet[expensive].area = area;
cheapAreaSet[expensive].cost = cost;
if (cheapAreaSetCount)
// pick one of the areas at random
return cheapAreaSet[ RANDOM_LONG( 0, cheapAreaSetCount-1 ) ].area;
// degenerate case - no decent sized areas - pick a random area
int numAreas = TheNavAreaList.size();
int which = RANDOM_LONG( 0, numAreas-1 );
NavAreaList::iterator iter;
for( iter = TheNavAreaList.begin(); iter != TheNavAreaList.end(); ++iter )
if (which-- == 0)
return *iter;
#endif // _NAV_AREA_H_