//========= Copyright © 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============ // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #ifndef VGUI_H #define VGUI_H //If you are going to add stuff to the vgui core... // //Keep it simple. // //Never put code in a header. // //The name of the class is the name of the the file // //Each class gets its own .cpp file for its definition and a .h for its header. Helper //classes can be used but only within the .cpp and not referenceable from anywhere else. // //Don't add unneeded files. Keep the API clean. // //No platform specific code in vgui\lib-src\vgui dir. Code in vgui\lib-src\vgui should //only include from vgui\include or standard C includes. ie, if I see windows.h included //anywhere but vgui\lib-src\win32 I will hunt you down and kill you. Don't give me any crap //that mfc is platform inspecific. // //Always use <> and not "" for includes // //Use minimum dependencies in headers. Don't include another header if you can get away //with forward declaring (which is usually the case) // //No macros in headers. They are tools of satan. This also means no use of DEFINEs, use enum // //Minimize global functions // //No global variables. // //Panel is getting pretty plump, try and avoid adding junk to it if you can //TODO: Look and Feel support // add Panel::setPaintProxy, if _paintProxy exists, it calls _paintProxy->paint // instead of Panel::paint. Components should implement their painting in a seperate // plugin class. Perhaps to encourage this, Panel::paint should just go away completely // The other option is to have Panel have the interface Paintable // class Paintable // { // public: // virtual void paint()=0; // }; // Then a component can implement its paint in the class itself and then call // setPaintProxy(this). If this is the case _paintProxy->paint should always be called // and never Panel::paint from within paintTraverse //TODO: Figure out the 'Valve' Look and Feel and implement that instead of a the Java one //TODO: Determine ownership policy for Borders, Layouts, etc.. //TODO: tooltips support //TODO: ComboKey (hot key support) //TODO: add Background.cpp, remove paintBackground from all components // Panel implements setBackground, Panel::paintBackground calls _background->paintBackground // similiar to the way Border works. //TODO: Builtin components should never overide paintBackground, only paint //TODO: All protected members should be converted to private //TODO: All member variables should be moved to the top of the class prototype //TODO: All private methods should be prepended with private //TODO: Use of word internal in method names is not consistent and confusing //TODO: Cleanup so bullshit publics are properly named, maybe even figure out // a naming convention for them //TODO: Breakup InputSignal into logical pieces //TODO: Button is in a state of disarray, it should have ButtonModel support //TODO: get rid of all the stupid strdup laziness, convert to vgui_strdup //TODO: actually figure out policy on String and implement it consistently //TODO: implement createLayoutInfo for other Layouts than need it //TODO: BorderLayout should have option for a null LayoutInfo defaulting to center //TODO: SurfaceBase should go away, put it in Surface //TODO: ActionSignals and other Signals should just set a flag when they fire. // then App can come along later and fire all the signals //TODO: Change all method naming to starting with a capital letter. #ifdef _WIN32 # define VGUIAPI __declspec( dllexport ) #else # define VGUIAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #include <sys/types.h> // size_t define #endif #define null 0L typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned long ulong; namespace vgui { VGUIAPI void vgui_setMalloc(void *(*malloc)(size_t size) ); VGUIAPI void vgui_setFree(void (*free)(void* memblock)); VGUIAPI void vgui_strcpy(char* dst,int dstLen,const char* src); VGUIAPI char* vgui_strdup(const char* src); VGUIAPI int vgui_printf(const char* format,...); VGUIAPI int vgui_dprintf(const char* format,...); VGUIAPI int vgui_dprintf2(const char* format,...); } #endif