2024-08-21 18:31:07 -07:00

238 lines
8.1 KiB

import os
import sys
import struct
from PIL import Image
import math
# Sprite type:
# Texture format:
#TODO: original width / height preservation throughout, use that for offsets and bounding radii
def write_spr_header(spr_file, width, height, numframes, sprite_type=2, texture_format=1, synctype=0):
bounding_radius = 32
if width > 0 and height > 0:
bounding_radius = math.sqrt( ( (width / 2) ** 2 ) + ( ( height / 2) ** 2 ) )
spr_file.write(b'IDSP') # Identifier
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', 2)) # Version (2 for Half-Life)
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', sprite_type)) # Sprite type
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', texture_format)) #Texture Format (0 = SPR_NORMAL)
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<f', bounding_radius))
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', width)) # Width
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', height)) # Height
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', numframes)) # Number of frames
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<f', 0.0)) # Beamlength (not used)
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', synctype)) # Synctype (0 for synchronized)
def write_palette_data(spr_file, image, palette):
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<h', 256))
#palette = image.getpalette()#[:768] # 256 colors * 3 (R, G, B)
def closest_color_index(rgb, color_list):
"""Find the index of the closest color in the list."""
distances = [euclidean_distance(rgb, color) for color in color_list]
return distances.index(min(distances))
def euclidean_distance(c1, c2):
"""Calculate the Euclidean distance between two colors."""
return sum((a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(c1, c2)) ** 0.5
def write_indexed_data(spr_file, image, palette):
img_data = list( image.getdata() )
indexed_data = []
palette_colors = []
for i in range(0, len(palette)-4, 3):
palette_colors.append( palette[i:i+3] )
img_colors = []
for i in range(0, len(img_data), 1):
col = img_data[i]
img_colors.append( list(col) )
#print(f"palette_colors: {palette_colors}\n\n")
num_prints = 0
for p in img_colors:
idx = 0
if p in palette_colors:
#print(f"found {p} in palette_colors")
idx = palette_colors.index(p)
num_prints = num_prints + 1
if num_prints < 30:
print(f"couldn't find {p}")
# for index in indexed_data:
# spr_file.write(struct.pack('<B', index))
def next_power_of_two(n):
"""Return the next power of two for given n."""
return 2 ** (n - 1).bit_length()
def pad_image_to_power_of_two(image):
"""Pad image dimensions to the next power of two."""
width, height = image.size
new_width = next_power_of_two(width)
new_height = next_power_of_two(height)
# Create a new blank image with the padded size
padded_image = Image.new("RGB", (new_width, new_height), 0)
padded_image.paste(image, (0, 0))
return padded_image
def create_palette(img):
"""Extract unique colors from the image and create a palette."""
# Get the list of all colors in the image
colors = list(img.getdata())
# Deduplicate the colors
unique_colors = sorted(list(set(colors)))
#print( f"unique_colors: {unique_colors}" )
# Create a palette
palette = []
for color in unique_colors:
palette.extend(color[:3]) # We only want RGB, not RGBA
# Fill the rest of the 256-color palette with black
while len(palette) < 256 * 3:
palette.extend((0, 0, 0))
#print( f"palette: {palette}" )
return unique_colors, palette
def palettize_image(img, unique_colors, palette):
# Create a palette image whose size does not matter
arbitrary_size = 16, 16
palimage = Image.new('P', arbitrary_size)
img_p = img.convert("P", 0, palimage.im)
return img_p
def img_to_spr(img_path, spr_path):
# 1. Read the image file and convert to indexed color
image = Image.open(img_path).convert("RGBA")
# 1.1. Pad image to power of two dimensions
image = pad_image_to_power_of_two(image)
width, height = image.size
# Extract unique colors and create a palette
unique_colors, palette = create_palette(image)
# Palettize the image
# image.save(spr_path + "_PALETTETIME.png")
with open(spr_path, 'wb') as spr_file:
# 2. Write SPR header
write_spr_header(spr_file, width, height, 1)
# 3. Write the palette data
write_palette_data(spr_file, image, palette)
# 4. Write the frame header
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', 0)) # frame group
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', int(-width/2)) ) # frame_origin_x
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', int(-height/2)) ) # frame_origin_y
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', width)) # frame_width
spr_file.write(struct.pack('<i', height)) # frame_height
# 4.1 Write the indexed data
write_indexed_data(spr_file, image, palette)
def read_spr(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
# Read the SPR header
id = f.read(4).decode()
if id != 'IDSP':
raise ValueError("Not a valid SPR file")
version, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
type, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
if type != 2: # 2 = VP_PARALLEL
raise ValueError(f"Only VP_PARALLEL type supported, got {type}")
# other header info...
format, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
bounding_radius, = struct.unpack('<f', f.read(4))
width, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
height, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
num_frames, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
beam_len, = struct.unpack('<f', f.read(4))
sync_type, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
#print(f"format: {format}\nbounding_radius: {bounding_radius}\nwidth: {width}\nheight: {height}\nnum_frames: {num_frames}\nbeam_len: {beam_len}\nsync_type: {sync_type}\n")
# For simplicity, assume a single frame
if num_frames != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Only single frame SPRs supported, got {num_frames}")
palette_len, = struct.unpack('<h', f.read(2))
# Read the palette (256 RGB entries)
palette = [(ord(f.read(1)), ord(f.read(1)), ord(f.read(1))) for _ in range(256)]
#print( f"palette: {palette}" )
# Read the frame
frame_group, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
frame_origin_x, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
frame_origin_y, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
frame_width, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
frame_height, = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))
#print(f"frame_group: {frame_group} frame_origin_x: {frame_origin_x} frame_origin_y: {frame_origin_y} frame_width: {frame_width} frame_height: {frame_height}")
data = f.read(width * height)
return width, height, palette, data
def save_as_png(filename, width, height, palette, data):
img_data = [palette[byte] for byte in data]
img = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python image_to_spr.py path_to_image (psd/png)")
img_path = sys.argv[1]
spr_path = img_path.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + ".spr" # Replace .png with .spr for output
print(f"{img_path} -> {spr_path}")
img_to_spr(img_path, spr_path)
width, height, palette, data = read_spr(spr_path)
save_as_png(spr_path + "__.png", width, height, palette, data)
print(f"Converted {img_path} to {spr_path}")
#spr_path = 'content/materialsrc/Sprites/1280/test.spr'
#width, height, palette, data = read_spr(spr_path)
#save_as_png(spr_path + "__.png", width, height, palette, data)