2024-08-20 19:58:27 -07:00

277 lines
7.2 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright © 2022-2023 Intel Corporation
"""Rust CFG parser.
Rust uses its `cfg()` format in cargo.
This may have the following functions:
- all()
- any()
- not()
And additionally is made up of `identifier [ = str]`. Where the str is optional,
so you could have examples like:
[target.'cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")'.dependencies]
[target.'cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))'.dependencies]
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import enum
import functools
import typing as T
from . import builder
from .. import mparser
from ..mesonlib import MesonBugException
_T = T.TypeVar('_T')
_LEX_TOKEN = T.Tuple['TokenType', T.Optional[str]]
_LEX_STREAM_AH = T.Iterator[T.Tuple[_LEX_TOKEN, T.Optional[_LEX_TOKEN]]]
class TokenType(enum.Enum):
LPAREN = enum.auto()
RPAREN = enum.auto()
STRING = enum.auto()
IDENTIFIER = enum.auto()
ALL = enum.auto()
ANY = enum.auto()
NOT = enum.auto()
COMMA = enum.auto()
EQUAL = enum.auto()
def lexer(raw: str) -> _LEX_STREAM:
"""Lex a cfg() expression.
:param raw: The raw cfg() expression
:return: An iterable of tokens
buffer: T.List[str] = []
is_string: bool = False
for s in raw:
if s.isspace() or s in {')', '(', ',', '='} or (s == '"' and buffer):
val = ''.join(buffer)
if is_string:
yield (TokenType.STRING, val)
elif val == 'any':
yield (TokenType.ANY, None)
elif val == 'all':
yield (TokenType.ALL, None)
elif val == 'not':
yield (TokenType.NOT, None)
elif val:
yield (TokenType.IDENTIFIER, val)
if s == '(':
yield (TokenType.LPAREN, None)
elif s == ')':
yield (TokenType.RPAREN, None)
elif s == ',':
yield (TokenType.COMMA, None)
elif s == '=':
yield (TokenType.EQUAL, None)
elif s.isspace():
if s == '"':
is_string = not is_string
if buffer:
# This should always be an identifier
yield (TokenType.IDENTIFIER, ''.join(buffer))
def lookahead(iter: T.Iterator[_T]) -> T.Iterator[T.Tuple[_T, T.Optional[_T]]]:
"""Get the current value of the iterable, and the next if possible.
:param iter: The iterable to look into
:yield: A tuple of the current value, and, if possible, the next
:return: nothing
current: _T
next_: T.Optional[_T]
next_ = next(iter)
except StopIteration:
# This is an empty iterator, there's nothing to look ahead to
while True:
current = next_
next_ = next(iter)
except StopIteration:
next_ = None
yield current, next_
if next_ is None:
class IR:
"""Base IR node for Cargo CFG."""
filename: str
class String(IR):
value: str
class Identifier(IR):
value: str
class Equal(IR):
lhs: IR
rhs: IR
class Any(IR):
args: T.List[IR]
class All(IR):
args: T.List[IR]
class Not(IR):
value: IR
def _parse(ast: _LEX_STREAM_AH, filename: str) -> IR:
(token, value), n_stream = next(ast)
if n_stream is not None:
ntoken, _ = n_stream
ntoken, _ = (None, None)
stream: T.List[_LEX_TOKEN]
if token is TokenType.IDENTIFIER:
if ntoken is TokenType.EQUAL:
return Equal(filename, Identifier(filename, value), _parse(ast, filename))
if token is TokenType.STRING:
return String(filename, value)
if token is TokenType.EQUAL:
# In this case the previous caller already has handled the equal
return _parse(ast, filename)
if token in {TokenType.ANY, TokenType.ALL}:
type_ = All if token is TokenType.ALL else Any
assert ntoken is TokenType.LPAREN
next(ast) # advance the iterator to get rid of the LPAREN
stream = []
args: T.List[IR] = []
while token is not TokenType.RPAREN:
(token, value), _ = next(ast)
if token is TokenType.COMMA:
args.append(_parse(lookahead(iter(stream)), filename))
stream.append((token, value))
if stream:
args.append(_parse(lookahead(iter(stream)), filename))
return type_(filename, args)
if token is TokenType.NOT:
next(ast) # advance the iterator to get rid of the LPAREN
stream = []
# Mypy can't figure out that token is overridden inside the while loop
while token is not TokenType.RPAREN: # type: ignore
(token, value), _ = next(ast)
stream.append((token, value))
return Not(filename, _parse(lookahead(iter(stream)), filename))
raise MesonBugException(f'Unhandled Cargo token: {token}')
def parse(ast: _LEX_STREAM, filename: str) -> IR:
"""Parse the tokenized list into Meson AST.
:param ast: An iterable of Tokens
:param filename: The name of the file being parsed
:return: An mparser Node to be used as a conditional
ast_i: _LEX_STREAM_AH = lookahead(iter(ast))
return _parse(ast_i, filename)
def ir_to_meson(ir: T.Any) -> mparser.BaseNode:
raise NotImplementedError
def _(ir: String) -> mparser.BaseNode:
return builder.string(ir.value, ir.filename)
def _(ir: Identifier) -> mparser.BaseNode:
host_machine = builder.identifier('host_machine', ir.filename)
if ir.value == "target_arch":
return builder.method('cpu_family', host_machine)
elif ir.value in {"target_os", "target_family"}:
return builder.method('system', host_machine)
elif ir.value == "target_endian":
return builder.method('endian', host_machine)
raise MesonBugException(f"Unhandled Cargo identifier: {ir.value}")
def _(ir: Equal) -> mparser.BaseNode:
return builder.equal(ir_to_meson(ir.lhs), ir_to_meson(ir.rhs))
def _(ir: Not) -> mparser.BaseNode:
return builder.not_(ir_to_meson(ir.value), ir.filename)
def _(ir: Any) -> mparser.BaseNode:
args = iter(reversed(ir.args))
last = next(args)
cur = builder.or_(ir_to_meson(next(args)), ir_to_meson(last))
for a in args:
cur = builder.or_(ir_to_meson(a), cur)
return cur
def _(ir: All) -> mparser.BaseNode:
args = iter(reversed(ir.args))
last = next(args)
cur = builder.and_(ir_to_meson(next(args)), ir_to_meson(last))
for a in args:
cur = builder.and_(ir_to_meson(a), cur)
return cur