mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 13:19:07 +03:00
842 lines
15 KiB
842 lines
15 KiB
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
#include "qlumpy.h"
#include "math.h"
#pragma warning (disable : 4244)
typedef struct
short ofs, length;
} row_t;
typedef struct
int width, height;
int widthbits, heightbits;
unsigned char data[4];
} qtex_t;
typedef struct
int width, height;
byte data[4]; // variably sized
} qpic_t;
// Font stuff
#define NUM_GLYPHS 256
const unsigned kFontMarker = 254;
typedef struct
short startoffset;
short charwidth;
} charinfo;
typedef struct
int width, height;
int rowcount;
int rowheight;
charinfo fontinfo[ NUM_GLYPHS ];
byte data[4];
} qfont_t;
extern qboolean fTransparent255;
#define SCRN(x,y) (*(byteimage+(y)*byteimagewidth+x))
void GrabPalette16( void );
extern qboolean do16bit;
filename RAW x y width height
void GrabRaw (void)
int x,y,xl,yl,xh,yh,w,h;
byte *screen_p;
int linedelta;
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
w = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
h = atoi (token);
if (xl == -1)
xl = yl = 0;
w = byteimagewidth;
h = byteimageheight;
xh = xl+w;
yh = yl+h;
screen_p = byteimage + yl*byteimagewidth + xl;
linedelta = byteimagewidth - w;
for (y=yl ; y<yh ; y++)
for (x=xl ; x<xh ; x++)
*lump_p++ = *screen_p;
*screen_p++ = 0;
screen_p += linedelta;
filename PALETTE [startcolor endcolor]
void GrabPalette (void)
int start, end, length;
if (TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
start = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
end = atoi (token);
start = 0;
end = 255;
length = 3*(end-start+1);
memcpy (lump_p, lbmpalette+start*3, length);
lump_p += length;
filename qpic x y width height
void GrabPic (void)
int x,y,xl,yl,xh,yh;
int width;
qpic_t *header;
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
xh = xl+atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
yh = yl+atoi (token);
if (xl == -1)
xl = yl = 0;
xh = byteimagewidth;
yh = byteimageheight;
if (xh<xl || yh<yl || xl < 0 || yl<0) // || xh>319 || yh>239)
Error ("GrabPic: Bad size: %i, %i, %i, %i",xl,yl,xh,yh);
// fill in header
header = (qpic_t *)lump_p;
width = xh-xl;
header->width = LittleLong(width);
header->height = LittleLong(yh-yl);
// start grabbing posts
lump_p = (byte *)header->data;
for (y=yl ; y< yh ; y++)
for (x=xl ; x<xh ; x++)
*lump_p++ = SCRN(x,y);
// New for 16bpp display
if( do16bit )
byte BestColor (int r, int g, int b, int start, int stop)
int i;
int dr, dg, db;
int bestdistortion, distortion;
int bestcolor;
byte *pal;
// let any color go to 0 as a last resort
bestdistortion = ( (int)r*r + (int)g*g + (int)b*b )*2;
bestcolor = 0;
pal = lbmpalette + start*3;
for (i=start ; i<= stop ; i++)
dr = r - (int)pal[0];
dg = g - (int)pal[1];
db = b - (int)pal[2];
pal += 3;
distortion = dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db;
if (distortion < bestdistortion)
if (!distortion)
return i; // perfect match
bestdistortion = distortion;
bestcolor = i;
return bestcolor;
filename COLORMAP levels fullbrights
the first map is an identiy 0-255
the final map is all black except for the fullbrights
the remaining maps are evenly spread
fullbright colors start at the top of the palette.
void GrabColormap (void)
int levels, brights;
int l, c;
float frac, red, green, blue;
GetToken (false);
levels = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
brights = atoi (token);
// identity lump
for (l=0 ; l<256 ; l++)
*lump_p++ = l;
// shaded levels
for (l=1;l<levels;l++)
frac = 1.0 - (float)l/(levels-1);
for (c=0 ; c<256-brights ; c++)
red = lbmpalette[c*3];
green = lbmpalette[c*3+1];
blue = lbmpalette[c*3+2];
red = (int)(red*frac+0.5);
green = (int)(green*frac+0.5);
blue = (int)(blue*frac+0.5);
// note: 254 instead of 255 because 255 is the transparent color, and we
// don't want anything remapping to that
*lump_p++ = BestColor(red,green,blue, 0, 254);
for ( ; c<256 ; c++)
*lump_p++ = c;
*lump_p++ = brights;
experimental -- not used by quake
filename COLORMAP2 range levels fullbrights
fullbright colors start at the top of the palette.
Range can be greater than 1 to allow overbright color tables.
the first map is all 0
the last (levels-1) map is at range
void GrabColormap2 (void)
int levels, brights;
int l, c;
float frac, red, green, blue;
float range;
GetToken (false);
range = atof (token);
GetToken (false);
levels = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
brights = atoi (token);
// shaded levels
for (l=0;l<levels;l++)
frac = range - range*(float)l/(levels-1);
for (c=0 ; c<256-brights ; c++)
red = lbmpalette[c*3];
green = lbmpalette[c*3+1];
blue = lbmpalette[c*3+2];
red = (int)(red*frac+0.5);
green = (int)(green*frac+0.5);
blue = (int)(blue*frac+0.5);
// note: 254 instead of 255 because 255 is the transparent color, and we
// don't want anything remapping to that
*lump_p++ = BestColor(red,green,blue, 0, 254);
// fullbrights allways stay the same
for ( ; c<256 ; c++)
*lump_p++ = c;
*lump_p++ = brights;
typedef struct
char name[16];
unsigned width, height;
unsigned offsets[4]; // four mip maps stored
} miptex_t;
byte pixdata[256];
float linearpalette[256][3];
float d_red, d_green, d_blue;
int colors_used;
int color_used[256];
float maxdistortion;
byte AddColor( float r, float g, float b )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
if (!color_used[i])
linearpalette[i][0] = r;
linearpalette[i][1] = g;
linearpalette[i][2] = b;
if (r < 0) r = 0.0;
if (r > 1.0) r = 1.0;
lbmpalette[i*3+0] = pow( r, 1.0 / 2.2) * 255;
if (g < 0) g = 0.0;
if (g > 1.0) g = 1.0;
lbmpalette[i*3+1] = pow( g, 1.0 / 2.2) * 255;
if (b < 0) b = 0.0;
if (b > 1.0) b = 1.0;
lbmpalette[i*3+2] = pow( b, 1.0 / 2.2) * 255;
color_used[i] = 1;
return i;
return 0;
byte AveragePixels (int count)
float r,g,b;
int i;
int vis;
int pix;
float dr, dg, db;
float bestdistortion, distortion;
int bestcolor;
byte *pal;
vis = 0;
r = g = b = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
pix = pixdata[i];
r += linearpalette[pix][0];
g += linearpalette[pix][1];
b += linearpalette[pix][2];
r /= count;
g /= count;
b /= count;
r += d_red;
g += d_green;
b += d_blue;
// find the best color
// bestdistortion = r*r + g*g + b*b;
bestdistortion = 3.0;
bestcolor = -1;
for ( i=0; i<255; i++)
if (color_used[i])
pix = i; //pixdata[i];
dr = r - linearpalette[i][0];
dg = g - linearpalette[i][1];
db = b - linearpalette[i][2];
distortion = dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db;
if (distortion < bestdistortion)
if (!distortion)
d_red = d_green = d_blue = 0; // no distortion yet
return pix; // perfect match
bestdistortion = distortion;
bestcolor = pix;
if (bestdistortion > 0.001 && colors_used < 255)
// printf("%f %f %f\n", r, g, b );
bestcolor = AddColor( r, g, b );
d_red = d_green = d_blue = 0;
bestdistortion = 0;
// error diffusion
d_red = r - linearpalette[bestcolor][0];
d_green = g - linearpalette[bestcolor][1];
d_blue = b - linearpalette[bestcolor][2];
if (bestdistortion > maxdistortion)
maxdistortion = bestdistortion;
return bestcolor;
filename MIP x y width height
must be multiples of sixteen
void GrabMip (void)
int i,j,x,y,xl,yl,xh,yh,w,h;
byte *screen_p, *source, testpixel;
int linedelta;
miptex_t *qtex;
int miplevel, mipstep;
int xx, yy, pix;
int count;
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
w = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
h = atoi (token);
if (xl == -1)
xl = yl = 0;
w = byteimagewidth;
h = byteimageheight;
if ( (w & 15) || (h & 15) )
Error ("line %i: miptex sizes must be multiples of 16", scriptline);
xh = xl+w;
yh = yl+h;
qtex = (miptex_t *)lump_p;
qtex->width = LittleLong(w);
qtex->height = LittleLong(h);
strcpy (qtex->name, lumpname);
lump_p = (byte *)&qtex->offsets[4];
screen_p = byteimage + yl*byteimagewidth + xl;
linedelta = byteimagewidth - w;
source = lump_p;
qtex->offsets[0] = LittleLong(lump_p - (byte *)qtex);
for (y=yl ; y<yh ; y++)
for (x=xl ; x<xh ; x++)
pix = *screen_p;
*screen_p++ = 0;
// if (pix == 255)
// pix = 0;
*lump_p++ = pix;
screen_p += linedelta;
// calculate gamma corrected linear palette
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
float f;
f = lbmpalette[i*3+j] / 255.0;
linearpalette[i][j] = pow(f, 2.2 ); // assume textures are done at 2.2, we want to remap them at 1.0
maxdistortion = 0;
if (!fTransparent255)
// figure out what palette entries are actually used
colors_used = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
color_used[i] = 0;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
if (!color_used[source[ y*w + x]])
color_used[source[ y*w + x]] = 1;
// assume palette full if it's a transparent texture
colors_used = 256;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
color_used[i] = 1;
// printf("colors_used %d : ", colors_used );
// subsample for greater mip levels
for (miplevel = 1 ; miplevel<4 ; miplevel++)
int pixTest;
d_red = d_green = d_blue = 0; // no distortion yet
qtex->offsets[miplevel] = LittleLong(lump_p - (byte *)qtex);
mipstep = 1<<miplevel;
pixTest = (int)( (float)(mipstep * mipstep) * 0.4 ); // 40% of pixels
for (y=0 ; y<h ; y+=mipstep)
for (x = 0 ; x<w ; x+= mipstep)
count = 0;
for (yy=0 ; yy<mipstep ; yy++)
for (xx=0 ; xx<mipstep ; xx++)
testpixel = source[ (y+yy)*w + x + xx ];
// If 255 is not transparent, or this isn't a transparent pixel, add it in to the image filter
if ( !fTransparent255 || testpixel != 255 ) {
pixdata[count] = testpixel;
if ( count <= pixTest ) // Solid pixels account for < 40% of this pixel, make it transparent
*lump_p++ = 255;
*lump_p++ = AveragePixels (count);
// printf(" %d %f\n", colors_used, maxdistortion );
if( do16bit )
void GrabPalette16( void )
int i;
// Write out palette in 16bit mode
*(unsigned short *) lump_p = 256; // palette size
lump_p += sizeof(short);
memcpy( lump_p, lbmpalette, 768 );
lump_p += 768;
font x y width height startglyph
void GrabFont( void )
int x, y, y2, xl, x2, yl, xh, yh, i, j;
int index, offset;
int width;
int iCurX; // current x in destination
int iMaxX; // max x in destination
byte *pbuf, *pCur;
qfont_t *header;
iMaxX = 255;
iCurX = 0;
// Set up header
header = (qfont_t *)lump_p;
memset( header, 0, sizeof(qfont_t) );
GetToken( false );
header->width = header->rowheight = atoi( token ); //mwh why does width equal rowheight?
header->height = 1;
lump_p = (byte *)header->data;
pCur = (byte *)lump_p;
memset( lump_p, 0xFF, 256 * 160);
GetToken( false );
index = atoi( token );
while( index != -1 )
// Get/Process source bitmap coordinates
GetToken (false);
xl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
yl = atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
xh = xl-1+atoi (token);
GetToken (false);
yh = atoi (token) - 1;
if (xl == -1)
xl = yl = 0;
xh = byteimagewidth;
yh = byteimageheight;
if( xh<xl || yh<yl || xl < 0 || yl<0 )
Error( "GrabFont line %1: Bad size: %i, %i, %i, %i", scriptline, xl, yl, xh, yh );
// Fill in font information
// Create a bitmap that is up to 256 wide and as tall as we need to accomadate the font.
// We limit the bitmap to 256 because some 3d boards have problems with textures bigger
// than that.
for( y=yl; y<yh; y+=header->rowheight+1 )
// Make sure we're at a marker
if( y != yl )
for( y2=y-header->rowheight; y2<yh; y2++ )
if( kFontMarker == (unsigned) SCRN(xl,y2) )
if( y2 == yh )
else if( y2 != y )
Error( "GrabFont line %d: rowheight doesn't seem to match bitmap (%d, %d)\n", scriptline, y, y2 );
for( x=xl; x<xh; )
// find next marker
for( x2=x+1; x2<xh; x2++ )
if( kFontMarker == (unsigned) SCRN(x2,y) )
// check for end of row
if( x2 == xh )
// Set up glyph information
if( index >= NUM_GLYPHS )
printf( "GrabFont: Glyph out of range\n" );
goto getout;
// Fill in glyph info
header->fontinfo[ index ].charwidth = x2 - x - 1;
// update header
// output glyph data
iCurX += header->fontinfo[index].charwidth;
// Will this glyph fit on this row?
if (iCurX >= iMaxX)
// Nope -- move to next row
pCur = (byte *)lump_p + 256 * header->rowheight * header->height;
iCurX = header->fontinfo[index].charwidth;
// copy over the glyph bytes
pbuf = pCur;
header->fontinfo[ index ].startoffset = pCur - (byte *) header->data;
for(j = 1; j <= header->rowheight; j++)
byte *psrc = byteimage + (y + j) * byteimagewidth + (x + 1);
for(i = x + 1; i < x2; i++)
*pbuf++ = *psrc++;
pbuf = pCur + j * 256;
// move the lump pointer to point at the next possible glyph
pCur += header->fontinfo[index].charwidth;
x = x2;
// Get next ASCII index
GetToken (false);
index = atoi (token);
// advance the lump pointer so that the last row is saved.
lump_p += (256 * header->rowheight) * header->height;
// JAY: Round up to the next power of 2 for GL
offset = header->height * header->rowheight;
y = (offset>128)?256:(offset>64)?128:(offset>32)?64:(offset>16)?32:16;
if ( offset != y )
printf("Rounding font from 256x%d to 256x%d\n", offset, y );
lump_p += (256 * (y - offset));
header->rowcount = header->height;
header->height = y;
if( do16bit )