2013-08-30 13:34:05 -07:00

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//========= Copyright © 1996-2001, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma once
#include "VGUI_Label.h"
#include "VGUI_LineBorder.h"
#include "VGUI_ImagePanel.h"
#include "VGUI_BitmapTGA.h"
#include "VGUI_InputSignal.h"
#include "VGUI_Button.h"
#include "voice_common.h"
#include "cl_entity.h"
#include "voice_banmgr.h"
#include "vgui_checkbutton2.h"
#include "vgui_defaultinputsignal.h"
class CVoiceStatus;
class CVoiceLabel
vgui::Label *m_pLabel;
vgui::Label *m_pBackground;
vgui::ImagePanel *m_pIcon; // Voice icon next to player name.
int m_clientindex; // Client index of the speaker. -1 if this label isn't being used.
// This is provided by each mod to access data that may not be the same across mods.
class IVoiceStatusHelper
virtual ~IVoiceStatusHelper() {}
// Get RGB color for voice status text about this player.
virtual void GetPlayerTextColor(int entindex, int color[3]) = 0;
// Force it to update the cursor state.
virtual void UpdateCursorState() = 0;
// Return the height above the bottom that the voice ack icons should be drawn at.
virtual int GetAckIconHeight() = 0;
// Return true if the voice manager is allowed to show speaker labels
// (mods usually return false when the scoreboard is up).
virtual bool CanShowSpeakerLabels() = 0;
// Purpose: Holds a color for the shared image
class VoiceImagePanel : public vgui::ImagePanel
virtual void paintBackground()
if (_image!=null)
vgui::Color col;
class CVoiceStatus : public CHudBase, public vgui::CDefaultInputSignal
virtual ~CVoiceStatus();
// CHudBase overrides.
// Initialize the cl_dll's voice manager.
virtual int Init(
IVoiceStatusHelper *m_pHelper,
vgui::Panel **pParentPanel);
// ackPosition is the bottom position of where CVoiceStatus will draw the voice acknowledgement labels.
virtual int VidInit();
// Call from HUD_Frame each frame.
void Frame(double frametime);
// Called when a player starts or stops talking.
// entindex is -1 to represent the local client talking (before the data comes back from the server).
// When the server acknowledges that the local client is talking, then entindex will be gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer().
// entindex is -2 to represent the local client's voice being acked by the server.
void UpdateSpeakerStatus(int entindex, qboolean bTalking);
// sets the correct image in the label for the player
void UpdateSpeakerImage(vgui::Label *pLabel, int iPlayer);
// Call from the HUD_CreateEntities function so it can add sprites above player heads.
void CreateEntities();
// Called when the server registers a change to who this client can hear.
void HandleVoiceMaskMsg(int iSize, void *pbuf);
// The server sends this message initially to tell the client to send their state.
void HandleReqStateMsg(int iSize, void *pbuf);
// Squelch mode functions.
// When you enter squelch mode, pass in
void StartSquelchMode();
void StopSquelchMode();
bool IsInSquelchMode();
// returns true if the target client has been banned
// playerIndex is of range 1..maxplayers
bool IsPlayerBlocked(int iPlayerIndex);
// returns false if the player can't hear the other client due to game rules (eg. the other team)
bool IsPlayerAudible(int iPlayerIndex);
// blocks the target client from being heard
void SetPlayerBlockedState(int iPlayerIndex, bool blocked);
CVoiceLabel* FindVoiceLabel(int clientindex); // Find a CVoiceLabel representing the specified speaker.
// Returns NULL if none.
// entindex can be -1 if you want a currently-unused voice label.
CVoiceLabel* GetFreeVoiceLabel(); // Get an unused voice label. Returns NULL if none.
void RepositionLabels();
void FreeBitmaps();
void UpdateServerState(bool bForce);
// Update the button artwork to reflect the client's current state.
void UpdateBanButton(int iClient);
float m_LastUpdateServerState; // Last time we called this function.
int m_bServerModEnable; // What we've sent to the server about our "voice_modenable" cvar.
vgui::Panel **m_pParentPanel;
CPlayerBitVec m_VoicePlayers; // Who is currently talking. Indexed by client index.
// This is the gamerules-defined list of players that you can hear. It is based on what teams people are on
// and is totally separate from the ban list. Indexed by client index.
CPlayerBitVec m_AudiblePlayers;
// Players who have spoken at least once in the game so far
CPlayerBitVec m_VoiceEnabledPlayers;
// This is who the server THINKS we have banned (it can become incorrect when a new player arrives on the server).
// It is checked periodically, and the server is told to squelch or unsquelch the appropriate players.
CPlayerBitVec m_ServerBannedPlayers;
cl_entity_s m_VoiceHeadModels[VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS]; // These aren't necessarily in the order of players. They are just
// a place for it to put data in during CreateEntities.
IVoiceStatusHelper *m_pHelper; // Each mod provides an implementation of this.
// Scoreboard icons.
double m_BlinkTimer; // Blink scoreboard icons..
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pScoreboardNeverSpoken;
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pScoreboardNotSpeaking;
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pScoreboardSpeaking;
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pScoreboardSpeaking2;
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pScoreboardSquelch;
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pScoreboardBanned;
vgui::Label *m_pBanButtons[VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS]; // scoreboard buttons.
// Squelch mode stuff.
bool m_bInSquelchMode;
HSPRITE m_VoiceHeadModel; // Voice head model (goes above players who are speaking).
float m_VoiceHeadModelHeight; // Height above their head to place the model.
vgui::Image *m_pSpeakerLabelIcon; // Icon next to speaker labels.
// Lower-right icons telling when the local player is talking..
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pLocalBitmap; // Represents the local client talking.
vgui::BitmapTGA *m_pAckBitmap; // Represents the server ack'ing the client talking.
vgui::ImagePanel *m_pLocalLabel; // Represents the local client talking.
bool m_bTalking; // Set to true when the client thinks it's talking.
bool m_bServerAcked; // Set to true when the server knows the client is talking.
CVoiceBanMgr m_BanMgr; // Tracks which users we have squelched and don't want to hear.
bool m_bBanMgrInitialized;
// Labels telling who is speaking.
CVoiceLabel m_Labels[MAX_VOICE_SPEAKERS];
// Cache the game directory for use when we shut down
char * m_pchGameDir;
// Get the (global) voice manager.
CVoiceStatus* GetClientVoiceMgr();
#endif // VOICE_STATUS_H