// Choreo version 1
event section "Get to jalopy"
  time 6.903080 -1.000000
  param "noaction"
event section "pause"
  time 55.833652 -1.000000
  param "noaction"
event section "pause"
  time 65.206070 -1.000000
  param "noaction"
event section "pause"
  time 10.804256 -1.000000
  param "noaction"
event section "pause"
  time 39.719780 -1.000000
  param "noaction"
event section "pause"
  time 48.626293 -1.000000
  param "noaction"
event section "pause"
  time 2.967205 -1.000000
  param "noaction"
actor "alyx"
  channel "audio"
    event speak "Oh my god.."
      time 8.338927 9.404710
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_wescored01"
      param2 ".4"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "I can't tell you .. how grateful I am.."
      time 39.966797 43.316139
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_thankful"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "We Scored!"
      time 16.768183 18.197525
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_wescored02"
      param2 ".6"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "Look at this car..."
      time 12.141872 13.421872
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_wescored03"
      param2 ".45"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "Shotgun"
      time 19.689363 20.929363
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_shotgun"
      param2 ".45"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "Stay safe!"
      time 66.087357 67.346039
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_bye01"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "Oh.. unless you want it"
      time 21.494917 24.257593
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_unlessyou"
      param2 ".45"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "We'll keep on the lookout"
      time 31.404007 33.068020
      param "ep_02.al_bridge_keeplookout"
      param2 ".45"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
  channel "look at"
    event lookat "look at jeep"
      time 4.446182 16.178070
      param "jeep"
        0.0000 0.0000
        0.1700 0.0753
        0.6789 0.7491
        0.8600 0.8926
        1.0611 0.9749
        1.2378 1.0000
        10.3949 1.0000
        10.6093 0.9583
        10.8227 0.8564
        11.0238 0.6426
        11.5182 0.0601
        11.7319 0.0000
    event lookat "look at vort"
      time 21.195318 32.011833
      param "vort"
        0.1167 0.0538
        0.9833 0.8459
        1.2250 0.9606
        1.5333 1.0000
        9.2838 1.0000
        9.6395 0.9462
        9.8283 0.8423
        10.6283 0.1183
        10.8165 0.0143
    event lookat "mark_look_door"
      time 0.006002 2.179031
      param "mark_look_door"
        0.0000 0.0000
        0.1000 0.0496
        0.8167 0.8865
        0.9278 0.9681
        1.1140 0.9964
        1.2768 0.9570
        1.3911 0.8602
        2.0500 0.0638
        2.1730 0.0000
    event lookat "look at player"
      time 15.135214 19.220270
      param "!player"
        0.0000 0.0000
        0.1961 0.0823
        0.5394 0.5043
        0.7439 0.7796
        0.9345 0.9262
        1.2111 0.9966
        2.4406 1.0000
        2.7284 0.9713
        3.0996 0.8244
        3.9046 0.1004
    event lookat "look at vort"
      time 32.470322 35.577934
      param "vort"
        0.1167 0.0538
        0.9833 0.8459
        1.2250 0.9606
        1.5750 1.0000
        1.9306 0.9462
        2.1194 0.8423
        2.9194 0.1183
        3.1076 0.0143
    event lookat "look at player"
      time 30.704842 33.945457
      param "!player"
        0.1683 0.0466
        0.9727 0.6165
        1.2222 0.8387
        1.5111 0.9677
        1.8190 0.9534
        2.0722 0.8387
        2.2944 0.6308
        2.8056 0.1935
        3.0601 0.0431
    event lookat "mark_look_road"
      time 34.097649 37.826225
      param "mark_look_road"
        0.1683 0.0466
        0.9727 0.6165
        1.3050 0.8136
        1.6900 0.9534
        2.0840 1.0000
        2.3718 0.9426
        2.7430 0.7742
        3.5480 0.1004
    event lookat "look at vort"
      time 36.478653 48.563278
      param "vort"
        0.1167 0.0538
        0.9833 0.8459
        1.2250 0.9606
        1.5333 1.0000
        10.5519 1.0000
        10.9075 0.9462
        11.0963 0.8423
        11.8963 0.1183
        12.0845 0.0143
    event lookat "vort"
      time 65.244057 71.914894
      param "vort"
        0.1444 0.0573
        0.8556 0.8423
        1.1222 0.9749
        1.3722 1.0000
        5.0000 1.0000
        5.2722 0.9498
        5.4722 0.8638
        6.5111 0.0502
    event lookat "jeep"
      time 18.534319 22.260263
      param "jeep"
        0.1683 0.0466
        0.9727 0.6165
        1.3050 0.8136
        1.6900 0.9534
        2.0814 1.0000
        2.3692 0.9713
        2.7404 0.8244
        3.5454 0.1004
    event lookat "look at player"
      time 3.078101 5.428342
      param "!player"
        0.1061 0.0466
        0.7883 0.8100
        0.9489 0.9319
        1.1005 0.9857
        1.2641 1.0000
        1.3246 1.0000
        1.5444 0.9444
        1.7315 0.8049
        2.2000 0.0873
        2.3502 0.0000
    event lookat "!self"
      time 47.395321 55.379948
      param "!self"
        0.1167 0.0538
        0.9833 0.8459
        1.2250 0.9606
        1.5333 1.0000
        6.4519 1.0000
        6.8075 0.9462
        6.9963 0.8423
        7.7963 0.1183
        7.9845 0.0143
    event lookat "look at vort"
      time 54.206432 58.437355
      param "vort"
        0.1167 0.0538
        0.9833 0.8459
        1.2250 0.9606
        1.5333 1.0000
        2.6982 1.0000
        3.0538 0.9462
        3.2426 0.8423
        4.0426 0.1183
        4.2308 0.0143
  channel "face to"
    event face "face jeep"
      time 4.427124 5.732432
      param "jeep"
        0.0000 0.0000
        0.1511 0.0624
        0.8889 0.8452
        1.0556 0.9603
        1.2167 1.0000
        1.3054 1.0000
    event face "vort"
      time 20.415625 30.043709
      param "vort"
        0.1333 0.0573
        0.9667 0.7455
        1.2167 0.8817
        1.4667 0.9642
        1.7417 1.0000
        9.6282 1.0000
    event face "mark_look_door"
      time 0.114767 2.151713
      param "mark_look_door"
        0.0611 0.0394 "curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x"
        0.4611 0.5556 "curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x"
        0.6444 0.7384
        0.9389 0.8710
        1.1251 0.8925
        1.2973 0.8065
        1.5361 0.5986
        2.0370 0.0000
    event face "face player"
      time 14.917653 17.360037
      param "!player"
        0.1545 0.0430
        0.5697 0.3370
        1.0127 0.7598
        1.2664 0.9296
        1.5196 1.0000
        2.4424 1.0000
    event face "vort"
      time 47.111046 48.683762
      param "vort"
        0.1333 0.0573
        0.9949 0.8531
        1.2116 0.9642
        1.4616 1.0000
        1.5727 0.9964
    event face "face jeep"
      time 6.968832 8.521800
      param "jeep"
        0.1400 0.0681
        1.0550 0.8208
        1.2929 0.9534
        1.5021 1.0000
        1.5530 1.0000
    event face "vort"
      time 36.379517 47.972870
      param "vort"
        0.1333 0.0573
        0.9667 0.7455
        1.2167 0.8817
        1.4667 0.9642
        1.7417 1.0000
        11.5934 1.0000
    event face "!player"
      time 30.084869 33.799019
      param "!player"
        0.1833 0.0538
        0.8778 0.4122
        1.1278 0.5483
        1.3778 0.6237
        1.6528 0.6595
        2.1592 0.6595
        2.4378 0.6129
        2.6521 0.5412
        2.8592 0.4444
        3.5450 0.0394
        3.7142 0.0000
    event face "mark_look_road"
      time 33.329746 37.941322
      param "mark_look_road"
        0.1833 0.0538
        0.8778 0.4598
        1.1278 0.6061
        1.3778 0.6883
        1.6528 0.7241
        3.0566 0.7241
        3.3352 0.6775
        3.5495 0.6058
        3.7566 0.4920
        4.4424 0.0394
        4.6116 0.0000
    event face "vort"
      time 65.255348 69.161804
      param "vort"
        0.1833 0.0538
        0.8722 0.6057
        1.1222 0.7884
        1.3722 0.8638
        1.6472 0.8996
        2.3459 0.8996
        2.6245 0.8530
        2.8388 0.7813
        3.0459 0.6379
        3.7373 0.0394
        3.9065 0.0000
    event face "vort"
      time 54.316948 57.594200
      param "vort"
        0.1333 0.0573
        0.8278 0.8889
        1.0778 0.9821
        1.3778 1.0000
        3.2773 0.9964
    event face "face jeep"
      time 11.061428 16.191317
      param "jeep"
        0.1400 0.0647
        0.9717 0.8208
        1.2096 0.9534
        1.4799 1.0000
        5.1299 1.0000
    event face "!player"
      time 3.041159 4.416644
      param "!player"
        0.1056 0.0512
        0.8792 0.8328
        1.0904 0.9590
        1.2792 1.0000
        1.3755 1.0000
    event face "!player"
      time 1.356948 4.399100
      param "!player"
        0.1056 0.0512
        0.7833 0.5051
        1.0167 0.6041
        1.2500 0.6348 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein"
        2.0292 0.6348 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein"
        3.0422 0.6382 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
  channel "move to"
    event moveto "mark_alyx_vehicle"
      time 5.521560 7.845130
      param "mark_alyx_vehicle"
      param2 "Run"
    event moveto "jeep"
      time 20.144045 20.910673
      param "jeep"
      param2 "Run"
      distancetotarget 50.00
    event moveto "jeep"
      time 7.960454 10.977081
      param "jeep"
      param2 "Walk"
      distancetotarget 200.00
    event moveto "vort"
      time 39.633179 40.378277
      param "vort"
      param2 "Walk"
      distancetotarget 55.00
    event moveto "vort"
      time 48.163727 48.663727
      param "vort"
      param2 "Walk"
      distancetotarget 32.00
    event moveto "mark_alyx_stairs"
      time 0.618720 4.259149
      param "mark_alyx_stairs"
      param2 "Walk"
    event generic "dont worry be happy"
      time 47.500000 49.533333
      param2 "vort"
    event generic "dont worry be happy"
      time 47.500000 49.533333
      param2 "!player"
  channel "postures"
    event gesture "A_P_left_hiplean"
      time 21.134306 30.030212
      param "A_P_left_hiplean"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.113238
        "loop" 0.207603
        "end" 0.762093
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.220588
        "loop" 0.404412
        "end" 0.625000
      sequenceduration 4.566667
    event gesture "A_P_rt_leanbk"
      time 30.265556 39.529839
      param "A_P_rt_leanbk"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.108785
        "loop" 0.188560
        "end" 0.830334
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.234375
        "loop" 0.406250
        "end" 0.640625
      sequenceduration 4.300000
    event sequence "null"
      time 48.694420 54.094421
      param "ss_vort_alyx_goodbye"
    event gesture "A_bg_bighshake"
      time 39.765503 43.065498
      param "A_bg_bighshake"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.132653
        "extreme" 0.479592
        "loop" 0.612245
        "end" 0.714286
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.132653
        "extreme" 0.479592
        "loop" 0.612245
        "end" 0.714286
      sequenceduration 3.300000
  channel "head"
    event gesture "A_HG_smallnod"
      time 30.241013 33.041016
      param "A_HG_smallnod"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.060241
        "extreme" 0.120482
        "loop" 0.566265
        "end" 0.662651
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.060241
        "extreme" 0.120482
        "loop" 0.566265
        "end" 0.662651
      sequenceduration 2.800000
    event gesture "A_g_high_pclose2out"
      time 39.794914 42.761581
      param "A_g_high_pclose2out"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.204545
        "accent" 0.476821
        "loop" 0.751656
        "end" 0.784768
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.204545
        "accent" 0.443182
        "loop" 0.568182
        "end" 0.681818
      sequenceduration 2.966667
    event gesture "p_inspect_left"
      time 11.443466 16.206423
      param "p_inspect_left"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.161922
        "loop" 0.542088
        "end" 0.612767
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.136905
        "loop" 0.458333
        "end" 0.654762
      sequenceduration 5.633333
  channel "gestures"
    event gesture "A_g_rthandonface"
      time 7.657193 11.182198
      param "A_g_rthandonface"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "in" 0.240051
        "loop" 0.392465
        "end" 0.486476
        "out" 0.641878
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "in" 0.242647
        "loop" 0.360294
        "end" 0.654412
        "out" 0.735294
      sequenceduration 4.566667
    event gesture "A_bigshrug_g"
      time 11.219784 14.186451
      param "A_bigshrug_g"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.181818
        "accent" 0.397727
        "loop" 0.568182
        "end" 0.681818
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.181818
        "accent" 0.397727
        "loop" 0.568182
        "end" 0.681818
      sequenceduration 2.966667
    event gesture "A_g_necklacetouch"
      time 21.212080 24.112078
      param "A_g_necklacetouch"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "in" 0.313953
        "loop" 0.616279
        "end" 0.720930
        "out" 0.930233
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "in" 0.313953
        "loop" 0.616279
        "end" 0.720930
        "out" 0.930233
      sequenceduration 2.900000
    event gesture "g_shrug_dunno"
      time 22.578745 25.400969
      param "g_shrug_dunno"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.419465
        "accent" 0.575267
        "loop" 0.659160
        "end" 0.671144
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.514706
        "accent" 0.705882
        "loop" 0.808824
        "end" 0.823529
      sequenceduration 2.300000
    event gesture "A_g_rtthumb_overshould"
      time 31.085457 33.885460
      param "A_g_rtthumb_overshould"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.204819
        "accent" 0.397590
        "loop" 0.542169
        "end" 0.662651
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.204819
        "accent" 0.397590
        "loop" 0.542169
        "end" 0.662651
      sequenceduration 2.800000
    event gesture "A_g_armscrossed"
      time 33.261391 39.221809
      param "A_g_armscrossed"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "in" 0.079164
        "loop" 0.226184
        "end" 0.741259
        "out" 0.828671
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "in" 0.155556
        "loop" 0.444444
        "end" 0.566667
        "out" 0.722222
      sequenceduration 3.033333
    event gesture "A_g_buggy_lh_palmup"
      time 65.719063 67.919060
      param "A_g_buggy_lh_palmup"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.169541
        "accent" 0.246604
        "loop" 0.308255
        "end" 0.633155
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.189655
        "accent" 0.275862
        "loop" 0.344828
        "end" 0.775862
      sequenceduration 1.966667
    event gesture "A_bigshrug_g"
      time 40.946426 44.316837
      param "A_bigshrug_g"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.279828
        "accent" 0.469873
        "loop" 0.619910
        "end" 0.719933
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.181818
        "accent" 0.397727
        "loop" 0.568182
        "end" 0.681818
      sequenceduration 2.966667
    event gesture "g_scored"
      time 15.949053 19.230532
      param "g_scored"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "in" 0.338983
        "loop" 0.548486
        "end" 0.582031
        "out" 0.722935
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "in" 0.255102
        "loop" 0.551020
        "end" 0.602041
        "out" 0.724490
      sequenceduration 3.300000
    event gesture "A_pointdown_g"
      time 19.310167 22.295343
      param "A_pointdown_g"
        0.0000 0.7075 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
        0.4556 0.7619
        0.7612 0.6055
        0.9667 0.3401
        1.3696 0.0000
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.165265
        "accent" 0.492391
        "loop" 0.639034
        "end" 0.684155
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.244898
        "accent" 0.540816
        "loop" 0.673469
        "end" 0.714286
      sequenceduration 3.300000
  channel "triggers"
    event firetrigger "6 SS GOODBYE"
      time 48.694420 -1.000000
      param "6"
    event firetrigger "8 SS_CHARGE"
      time 58.847687 -1.000000
      param "8"
    event firetrigger "3 DOOR close"
      time 2.264443 -1.000000
      param "3"
    event firetrigger "10 Gen Charge"
      time 61.290962 -1.000000
      param "10"
    event firetrigger "7 CAR"
      time 58.425774 -1.000000
      param "7"
    event firetrigger "5 PAUSE"
      time 4.326116 -1.000000
      param "5"
    event firetrigger "2 enable SC"
      time 2.619965 -1.000000
      param "2"
    event firetrigger "9 chargeFX"
      time 59.703239 -1.000000
      param "9"
  channel "flex"
    event flexanimation "mouth"
      time 0.012151 14.490364
      param ""
      flexanimations samples_use_time defaultcurvetype=curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x
        "puckerer" combo 
          3.4314 0.0000
          5.6923 0.0000
          8.2535 0.0000
          9.5815 0.0000
          10.0118 0.2800
          10.5886 0.3200
          11.0387 0.2600
          11.6646 0.0000
          13.4146 0.0000
          13.9979 0.0000
          3.4314 0.5000
          5.6923 0.5000
          8.2535 0.5000
          10.0118 0.5000
          11.6646 0.5000
          13.4146 0.5000
          13.9979 0.5000
          3.4314 0.0000
          4.4068 0.0000
          5.2669 0.4078
          6.0723 0.5500
          7.0691 0.5029
          7.6979 0.3300
          8.2535 0.0000
          11.6646 0.0000
          13.4146 0.0000
          13.9979 0.0000
        "cheek_raiser" combo 
        "corner_puller" combo 
          2.6314 0.0000
          2.9496 0.4100
          3.0676 0.5100
          3.2586 0.5100
          3.8587 0.3900
          4.1495 0.3300
          4.5405 0.0000
          5.0242 0.0000
          5.6923 0.0000
          8.2535 0.0000
          11.6646 0.0000
          13.4146 0.0000
          13.9979 0.0000
          3.4314 0.5000
          3.7496 0.5000
          4.6005 0.5000
          4.6587 0.5000
          5.0242 0.5000
          5.6923 0.5000
          8.2535 0.5000
          11.6646 0.5000
          13.4146 0.5000
          13.9979 0.5000
        "corner_depressor" combo 
          3.4314 0.0000
          3.7496 0.0000
          4.6005 0.0000
          5.0242 0.3400
          5.3802 0.1000
          5.6923 0.0000
          8.2535 0.0000
          8.6979 0.1600
          9.1535 0.2200
          9.6091 0.2400
          10.4757 0.2200
          11.3313 0.1100
          11.6646 0.0885
          12.8021 0.1974
          13.9979 0.2353
          3.4314 0.5000
          3.7496 0.5000
          4.6005 0.5000
          4.6587 0.5000
          5.0242 0.5000
          5.6923 0.5000
          8.2535 0.5000
          11.6646 0.5000
          13.4146 0.5000
          13.9979 0.5000
        "part" combo 
          4.5367 0.0000
          5.0242 0.6100
          5.4095 0.6600
          5.6923 0.0000
          8.2535 0.0000
          11.6646 0.0000
          13.4146 0.0000
          13.9979 0.0000
          5.0242 0.5000
          5.6923 0.5000
          8.2535 0.5000
          11.6646 0.5000
          13.4146 0.5000
          13.9979 0.5000
        "jaw_drop" range 0.0 2.0 
          4.5640 0.0000
          5.0242 0.1500
          5.4095 0.1200
          5.6701 0.0000
          8.2535 0.0000
          9.4958 0.0000
          10.0118 0.1100
          11.0958 0.1300
          11.6646 0.0000
          13.4146 0.0000
          13.9979 0.0000
        "mouth_sideways" range -1.0 1.0 
          11.6091 0.5000 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          12.9956 0.5000 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          13.4917 0.6100
          13.9687 0.6400
          14.2758 0.6200
          5.0242 0.0000
          5.6923 0.0000
          8.2535 0.0000
          11.6646 0.0000
          13.4146 0.0000
          13.9979 0.0000
    event flexanimation "brows & eyes"
      time 0.011454 14.505316
      param ""
      flexanimations samples_use_time defaultcurvetype=curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x
        "lid_raiser" combo 
          2.4629 0.0000
          4.6143 0.0000
          4.8152 0.4300
          4.9186 0.5100
          5.5097 0.5000
          5.6871 0.4800
          5.8471 0.4600
          5.9805 0.3900
          6.1710 0.0000
          7.7788 0.0000
          8.0088 0.5600
          8.1033 0.5900
          8.3464 0.6000
          8.6214 0.6100
          8.9043 0.6000
          9.0896 0.4900
          9.1984 0.2000
          9.3278 0.0000
          11.7708 0.0000
          12.0681 0.0000
          12.2337 0.3500
          12.3781 0.3900
          12.7681 0.3900
          14.2414 0.3800
          14.3186 0.3700
          2.4629 0.5000
          4.8143 0.5000
          8.0088 0.5000
          9.3278 0.5000
          12.2337 0.5000
        "lid_closer" combo 
          0.0692 0.9806
          0.1231 1.0000
          0.2077 0.0000
          2.4629 0.0000
          3.0606 0.0000
          3.1239 1.0000
          3.1552 1.0000
          3.2158 0.0000
          4.3629 0.0000
          4.5390 1.0000
          4.6152 1.0000
          4.8099 0.0000
          11.8464 0.0000
          11.9798 1.0000
          12.0264 1.0000
          12.1214 0.0000
          14.3664 0.0000
          14.4664 1.0000
          2.4629 0.5000
          3.0714 0.5000
          3.1552 0.5000
        "inner_raiser" combo 
          0.0676 0.1700
          0.1676 0.1400
          0.2676 0.0000
          2.4629 0.0000
          3.1552 0.1900
          3.2810 0.4300
          3.5215 0.4300
          3.7431 0.4300
          4.0350 0.4300
          4.0660 0.4500
          4.2108 0.4000
          4.2901 0.3000
          4.4315 0.0500
          4.5522 0.0000
          4.6108 0.0000
          4.8055 0.6600
          4.9572 0.7100
          5.6097 0.7000
          5.6629 0.7000
          5.7488 0.6900
          5.9233 0.6000
          6.0757 0.2300
          6.4469 0.1400
          6.8893 0.1300
          7.4036 0.1100
          7.6750 0.1200
          7.7670 0.1300
          8.0088 0.8100
          8.1033 0.8100
          9.3278 0.8100
          10.2631 0.8300
          11.0323 0.8500
          11.7477 0.8500
          12.0081 0.8700
          12.2337 1.0000
          2.4629 0.5000
          3.1552 0.5000
          3.2810 0.5000
          3.5215 0.5000
          3.7431 0.5000
          4.0350 0.5000
          4.8143 0.5000
          8.0088 0.5000
          9.3278 0.5000
          12.2337 0.5000
        "outer_raiser" combo 
          2.4629 0.0000
          3.2810 0.1800
          3.5215 0.1800
          3.7431 0.1800
          4.0350 0.1800
          4.6177 0.0000
          4.7453 0.3800
          4.9419 0.4500
          5.7595 0.4200
          5.8805 0.3500
          6.0130 0.0600
          6.1233 0.0000
          6.4421 0.0000
          7.4750 0.0000
          7.7941 0.0000
          8.0088 0.0000
          9.3278 0.0000
          11.7516 0.0000
          12.0031 0.0000
          12.0931 0.0000
          12.2337 0.4400
          12.2931 0.5000
          12.4431 0.5300
          12.5731 0.5200
          12.7431 0.5100
          13.0998 0.4500
          13.6064 0.4400
          13.9798 0.4400
          14.2920 0.4500
          2.4629 0.5000
          3.2810 0.5000
          3.5215 0.5000
          3.7431 0.5000
          4.0350 0.5000
          4.8143 0.5000
          8.0088 0.5000
          9.3278 0.5000
          10.5864 0.5000
          11.3398 0.5000
          12.0198 0.5200 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          12.2337 0.6700
          12.4798 0.7300
          12.8731 0.7200
          14.1264 0.7000
          14.2598 0.6800
          14.3664 0.6300
        "lowerer" combo 
          0.0000 0.0000
          0.0577 0.2600
          0.0962 0.3100
          0.1885 0.1400
          0.2500 0.0000
          2.4629 0.0000
          3.0309 0.0000
          3.1390 0.3700
          3.1942 0.2700
          3.2780 0.0000
          4.3529 0.0000
          4.5193 0.4500
          4.5913 0.4600
          4.7350 0.0000
          4.8646 0.0000
          4.9081 0.0000
          5.8805 0.0000
          5.9948 0.3800
          6.4660 0.4000
          7.0798 0.4600
          7.3702 0.4400
          7.6179 0.4400
          7.8736 0.3700
          8.0088 0.2100
          8.1268 0.2100
          8.4298 0.2100
          8.7714 0.2100
          8.9548 0.2100
          9.0543 0.2100
          9.1778 0.7100
          9.3278 0.7400
          9.5660 0.6900
          9.7307 0.7300
          10.2477 0.7000
          10.5581 0.6900
          11.0323 0.6500
          11.3181 0.6100
          11.5631 0.6200
          11.7477 0.6200
          11.8827 0.7200
          12.0081 0.8000
          12.0881 0.7000
          12.2337 0.2200
          12.5198 0.2100
          12.8531 0.1900
          14.0798 0.2000
          14.2464 0.2200
          14.3853 0.6500
          14.4655 0.9300
          2.4629 0.5000
          3.0714 0.5000
          3.1552 0.5000
          4.8143 0.4600
          8.0088 0.3500
          9.0664 0.5000
          9.3278 0.4900
          10.0731 0.4700
          11.5853 0.4800
          12.0520 0.4800
          12.2270 0.2400
          12.4864 0.2200
          12.7864 0.2100
          13.0853 0.2200
          14.3520 0.2700
    event flexanimation "brows & eyes"
      time 14.573359 75.666428
      param ""
      flexanimations samples_use_time defaultcurvetype=curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x
        "lid_raiser" combo 
          2.2462 0.0000
          2.8846 0.0000
          2.9679 0.6700
          3.0846 1.0000
          3.4012 1.0000
          3.6762 0.8300
          3.8762 0.8200
          4.0512 0.6100
          4.2165 0.0000
          4.5110 0.0000
          6.1568 0.0000
          6.8380 0.0000
          7.1957 0.0000
          7.4624 0.0000
          7.8894 0.0000
          8.2853 0.0000
          8.7290 0.0000
          9.2957 0.0000
          10.0290 0.0000
          15.5036 0.0000
          16.0267 0.0000
          16.2574 0.0000
          16.3574 0.0000
          16.7421 0.1100
          17.0805 0.1572
          17.8801 0.1572
          18.8012 0.0000
          22.8846 0.0000
          24.8681 0.0000
          26.8314 0.0000
          27.4881 0.0000
          28.0081 0.0000
          29.4681 0.0000
          30.4674 0.1415
          31.5963 0.2127
          32.8822 0.1600
          33.1036 0.0500
          33.8179 0.0000
          38.5846 0.0000
          38.9679 0.1700
          40.2012 0.1400
          41.4512 0.0600
          44.9346 0.1300
          46.7679 0.0000
          50.5179 0.0002
          51.6471 0.3800
          52.5512 0.3800
          53.9512 0.0002
          2.2462 0.5000
          4.2165 0.5000
          4.5110 0.5000
          6.1568 0.5000
          6.8380 0.5000
          7.1957 0.5000
          7.4624 0.5000
          7.8894 0.5000
          8.2853 0.5000
          8.7290 0.5000
          9.2957 0.5000
          10.0290 0.5000
          15.5036 0.5000
          16.0267 0.5000
          16.2574 0.5000
          16.3574 0.5000
          16.7421 0.5000
          17.0805 0.5000
          17.8801 0.5000
          24.8681 0.5000
          25.4959 0.5000
          26.8314 0.5000
          27.4881 0.5000
          28.0081 0.5000
          29.4681 0.5000
          30.4674 0.5000
          31.5963 0.5000
          34.4557 0.5000
          35.4757 0.5000
          36.0443 0.5000
          36.4187 0.5000
          37.4583 0.5000
          40.1971 0.5000
          44.9346 0.5000
          46.7679 0.5000
          50.5179 0.5000
          51.6471 0.5000
          52.5512 0.5000
          53.9512 0.5000
        "lid_closer" combo 
          0.5471 0.0000
          0.7059 0.9900
          0.9353 1.0000
          1.0882 0.0000
          4.1429 0.0000
          4.2492 0.9762
          4.2992 0.9762
          4.3929 0.0119
          6.1568 0.0000
          6.8380 0.0000
          7.1957 0.0000
          7.4624 0.0000
          7.8894 0.0000
          8.2853 0.0000
          8.7290 0.0000
          9.2957 0.0000
          10.0290 0.0000
          10.2088 1.0000
          10.2906 0.9800
          10.4815 0.0000
          13.4068 0.0000
          13.6100 1.0000
          13.6846 0.9881
          13.8512 0.0000
          15.5036 0.0000
          16.0267 0.0000
          16.2574 1.0000
          16.3574 1.0000
          16.7421 0.0000
          17.0805 0.0000
          17.8801 0.0000
          18.3493 0.0000
          18.4955 0.9700
          18.5801 0.9700
          18.7032 0.0000
          19.5224 0.0000
          19.6195 0.9800
          19.6607 1.0000
          19.7724 0.0000
          21.9564 0.0000
          22.1256 1.0000
          22.1948 1.0000
          22.3410 0.0000
          25.0481 0.0000
          25.2579 0.9500
          25.4379 1.0000
          25.6379 0.6000
          25.8559 0.0000
          26.8314 0.0000
          27.4881 0.0000
          28.0081 0.0000
          29.4681 0.0000
          30.4674 0.0000
          31.5963 0.0000
          32.7179 0.0000
          32.8965 1.0000
          32.9965 1.0000
          33.1393 0.0000
          34.4557 0.0000
          35.4757 0.0000
          36.0443 0.0000
          36.4187 0.0000
          36.7011 1.0000
          37.3726 1.0000
          37.5011 0.8700
          37.8083 0.0000
          38.3226 0.0000
          38.5083 1.0000
          38.5654 1.0000
          38.7226 0.0100
          40.1971 0.0000
          44.9346 0.0000
          46.7679 0.0000
          50.5179 0.0000
          51.6471 0.0000
          52.5512 0.0000
          53.9512 0.0000
          4.2165 0.5000
          4.5110 0.5000
          6.1568 0.5000
          6.8380 0.5000
          7.1957 0.5000
          7.4624 0.5000
          7.8894 0.5000
          8.2853 0.5000
          8.7290 0.5000
          9.2957 0.5000
          10.0290 0.5000
          13.6100 0.5000
          15.5036 0.5000
          16.0267 0.5000
          16.2574 0.5000
          16.3574 0.5000
          16.7421 0.5000
          17.0805 0.5000
          17.8801 0.5000
          24.8681 0.5000
          25.4959 0.5000
          26.8314 0.5000
          27.4881 0.5000
          28.0081 0.5000
          29.4681 0.5000
          30.4674 0.5000
          31.5963 0.5000
          34.4557 0.5000
          35.4757 0.5000
          36.0443 0.5000
          36.4187 0.5000
          37.4583 0.5000
          40.1971 0.5000
          44.9346 0.5000
          46.7679 0.5000
          50.5179 0.5000
          51.6471 0.5000
          52.5512 0.5000
          53.9512 0.5000
        "inner_raiser" combo 
          0.3373 0.2700
          0.5441 0.3000
          0.6941 0.1100
          0.9846 0.0800
          1.1693 0.2500
          1.7451 0.2400
          1.8929 0.2600
          1.9962 0.3800
          2.2462 1.0000
          2.5501 1.0000
          2.6879 1.0000
          3.3679 1.0000
          4.0853 0.9991
          4.2179 0.2700
          4.3304 0.1600
          4.5110 0.3241
          4.8241 0.4200
          5.0366 0.8600
          5.1241 0.8200
          5.2992 0.4200
          5.4679 0.3300
          5.7804 0.3100
          5.9346 0.3000
          6.1568 0.3241
          6.8380 0.3241
          7.1957 0.4300
          7.4624 0.4300
          7.8894 0.4300
          8.2853 0.4300
          8.7290 0.8504
          9.2957 0.8500
          10.0290 0.8504
          10.2361 0.3500
          10.4361 0.2300
          10.9543 0.1400
          11.5815 0.1700
          12.7815 0.1800
          13.2270 0.1800
          13.5068 0.1900
          13.6735 0.2600
          13.8997 0.7400
          14.1570 0.7800
          14.6724 0.7500
          15.1801 0.7600
          15.5036 0.8081
          15.7493 0.9700
          16.0267 1.0000
          16.2574 0.0000
          16.3574 0.0000
          16.7421 0.2400
          17.0805 0.2603
          17.8801 0.2203
          18.7957 0.8000
          19.2989 0.8739
          19.4901 0.8468
          19.6048 0.6937
          19.6901 0.6937
          19.8107 0.8288
          19.9989 0.8600
          20.5564 0.8300
          21.5256 0.7000
          22.2979 0.7200
          23.1779 0.8800
          23.9179 0.9800
          24.8681 1.0000
          25.4959 0.6900
          26.8314 1.0000
          27.4881 0.7500
          28.0081 0.7500
          29.4681 0.7500
          30.4674 0.6181
          31.1179 0.7200
          31.5963 0.7503
          32.1579 0.6700
          32.6679 0.5300
          32.8822 0.0000
          32.9679 0.0000
          33.1593 0.2600
          33.4250 0.3700
          33.7465 0.3900
          34.1322 0.3500
          34.4557 0.3400
          35.1179 0.3600
          35.4757 0.3100
          35.8179 0.2700
          36.0443 0.2000
          36.4187 0.8400
          36.6368 0.9100
          37.0654 0.8900
          37.4583 0.8400
          40.1971 0.8600
          43.7179 0.9500
          44.9346 0.8600
          45.6012 0.7400
          46.7679 0.0000
          50.5179 0.0000
          51.6471 0.3300
          52.5512 0.3300
          53.9512 0.0000
          1.9562 0.5000
          2.2462 0.5000
          3.3679 0.5000
          4.2165 0.5000
          4.4054 0.5000
          4.5110 0.5000
          6.1568 0.5000
          6.8380 0.5000
          7.1957 0.5000
          7.4624 0.5000
          7.8894 0.5000
          8.2853 0.5000
          8.7290 0.5000
          9.2957 0.5000
          10.0290 0.5000
          15.5036 0.5000
          16.0267 0.5000
          16.2574 0.5000
          16.3574 0.5000
          16.7421 0.5000
          17.0805 0.5000
          17.8801 0.5000
          24.8681 0.5000
          25.4959 0.5000
          26.8314 0.5000
          27.4881 0.5000
          28.0081 0.5000
          29.4681 0.5000
          30.4674 0.5000
          31.5963 0.5000
          34.4557 0.5000
          35.4757 0.5000
          36.0443 0.5000
          36.4187 0.5000
          37.4583 0.5000
          40.1971 0.5000
          44.9346 0.5000
          46.7679 0.5000
          50.5179 0.5000
          51.6471 0.5000
          52.5512 0.5000
          53.9512 0.5000
        "outer_raiser" combo 
          1.1029 0.0000
          1.9129 0.0000
          2.0112 0.1000
          2.2462 0.5700
          2.4362 0.6600
          2.5501 0.6700
          2.6829 0.6400
          3.3679 0.6200
          3.8241 0.6500
          3.9943 0.6000
          4.2165 0.1302
          4.4054 0.6400
          4.5110 0.7235
          4.8617 0.7600
          5.3742 0.8100
          5.7992 0.7600
          6.1568 0.8035
          6.6742 0.8400
          6.8380 0.8035
          7.1957 0.2800
          7.4624 0.2800
          7.8894 0.2800
          8.2853 0.2800
          8.7290 0.5703
          9.2957 0.5700
          10.0290 0.5703
          10.2179 0.4400
          10.4088 0.3200
          11.6543 0.3400
          12.7724 0.3700
          13.4906 0.3800
          13.7179 0.3700
          14.0955 0.4900
          14.6570 0.4400
          15.1570 0.4700
          15.5036 0.5183
          15.7263 0.7100
          15.8878 0.7800
          16.0267 0.7500
          16.2574 0.0000
          16.3574 0.0000
          16.7421 0.0000
          17.0805 0.0594
          17.8801 0.0994
          18.7623 0.4900
          19.2313 0.5600
          19.4695 0.5100
          19.6032 0.3500
          19.7636 0.3800
          19.8989 0.4900
          20.0166 0.4900
          20.2724 0.4900
          20.9779 0.5400
          22.7379 0.5500
          24.8681 0.4900
          25.4959 0.2300
          26.2179 0.4900
          26.8314 0.4400
          27.4881 0.0000
          28.0081 0.0000
          29.4681 0.0000
          30.4674 0.4949
          31.1179 0.4200
          31.5963 0.4107
          32.4893 0.4600
          32.6779 0.4100
          32.9179 0.0200
          33.0393 0.0100
          33.4179 0.0000
          34.4557 0.0000
          35.4757 0.0000
          35.8797 0.0000
          36.0514 0.0000
          36.4187 0.4900
          37.4583 0.4900
          40.1971 0.5100
          44.9346 0.5100
          45.5346 0.3600
          46.7679 0.0000
          50.5179 0.0000
          51.6471 0.5900
          52.5512 0.5900
          53.9512 0.0000
          1.9562 0.5700
          2.2462 0.5700
          3.3679 0.5000
          4.2165 0.4998
          4.4054 0.5000
          4.5110 0.5000
          6.1568 0.5000
          6.8380 0.5000
          7.1957 0.5000
          7.4624 0.5000
          7.8894 0.5000
          8.2853 0.5000
          8.7290 0.5000
          9.2957 0.5000
          10.0290 0.5000
          15.5036 0.5000
          16.0267 0.5000
          16.2574 0.5000
          16.3574 0.5000
          16.7421 0.5000
          17.0805 0.5000
          17.8801 0.5000
          24.8681 0.5000
          25.4959 0.5000
          26.8314 0.5000
          27.4881 0.5000
          28.0081 0.5000
          29.4681 0.5000
          30.4674 0.5000
          31.5963 0.5000
          34.4557 0.5000
          35.4757 0.5000
          36.0443 0.5000
          36.4187 0.5000
          37.4583 0.5000
          40.1971 0.5000
          44.9346 0.5000
          46.7679 0.5000
          50.5179 0.5000
          51.6471 0.5000
          52.5512 0.5000
          53.9512 0.5000
        "lowerer" combo 
          0.3423 0.4000
          0.6990 0.7700
          0.9588 0.7100
          1.1653 0.3700
          1.6701 0.2700
          1.8629 0.2200
          1.9462 0.1500
          2.1762 0.0000
          2.2312 0.0000
          3.3679 0.0000
          4.2165 0.0000
          4.4054 0.0000
          4.5110 0.0000
          6.1568 0.0000
          6.8380 0.0000
          7.1957 0.3900
          7.4624 0.3900
          7.8894 0.3900
          8.2853 0.3900
          8.7290 0.0000
          9.2957 0.0000
          9.9199 0.0000
          10.1724 0.2400
          10.3452 0.2600
          10.5452 0.0000
          13.3735 0.0400
          13.6100 0.3400
          13.7179 0.3800
          13.8401 0.3500
          14.0401 0.3100
          14.6186 0.2900
          15.2186 0.2700
          15.5036 0.1918
          15.7263 0.0300
          16.0267 0.0000
          16.2574 0.1500
          16.3574 0.1500
          16.7421 0.2100
          17.0805 0.2371
          17.8801 0.2371
          18.4109 0.6300
          18.5724 0.6700
          18.7570 0.3100
          19.0109 0.0000
          19.4577 0.0000
          19.6136 0.2200
          19.7313 0.2700
          19.8960 0.0000
          19.9989 0.0000
          21.8717 0.0000
          22.0871 0.6000
          22.3641 0.6700
          22.7641 0.5400
          24.0487 0.4800
          24.8681 0.0000
          25.4959 0.7400
          26.8314 0.0000
          27.4881 0.3800
          28.0081 0.3800
          29.4681 0.3800
          30.6179 0.3600
          31.5963 0.3457
          32.5779 0.3400
          32.8965 0.6100
          33.0608 0.5900
          33.4579 0.0800
          34.4557 0.0000
          35.4757 0.0000
          36.0443 0.0000
          36.4187 0.0000
          37.4583 0.0000
          40.1971 0.0000
          44.9346 0.0000
          46.7679 0.0000
          50.5179 0.0000
          51.6471 0.0000
          52.5512 0.0000
          53.9512 0.0000
          2.2462 0.5300
          3.3679 0.5000
          4.2165 0.5000
          4.4054 0.5000
          4.5110 0.5000
          6.1568 0.5000
          6.8380 0.5000
          7.1957 0.5000
          7.4624 0.5000
          7.8894 0.5000
          8.2853 0.5000
          8.7290 0.5000
          9.2957 0.5000
          10.0290 0.5000
          13.6100 0.5000
          15.5036 0.5000
          16.0267 0.5000
          16.2574 0.5000
          16.3574 0.5000
          16.7421 0.5000
          17.0805 0.5000
          17.8801 0.5000
          24.8681 0.5000
          25.4959 0.6246
          26.8314 0.5000
          27.4881 0.3600
          28.0081 0.3600
          29.4681 0.3600
          30.4674 0.5000
          31.5963 0.5734
          34.4557 0.6619
          35.4757 0.6619
          36.0443 0.6619
          36.4187 0.5300
          37.4583 0.5300
          40.1971 0.5300
          44.9346 0.5300
          46.7679 0.5300
          50.5179 0.5300
          51.6471 0.5300
          52.5512 0.5300
          53.9512 0.5300
    event flexanimation "mouth"
      time 14.526438 75.745125
      param ""
      flexanimations samples_use_time defaultcurvetype=curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x
        "puckerer" combo 
          24.9157 0.0000
          36.3952 0.0000
          36.8130 0.8100
          36.8130 0.8100
          37.8102 0.7700 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          38.2264 0.0100
          24.9157 0.5000
          36.3952 0.5000
          36.8130 0.5000
          36.8130 0.5000
          9.3909 0.0000
          11.2243 0.0000
          24.9157 0.0000
          36.3972 0.0000
          36.8130 1.0000
          37.7102 1.0000
          38.1751 0.0000
        "cheek_raiser" combo 
          1.1655 0.0000
          2.4281 0.3400
          2.6238 0.4300
          2.8488 0.4000
          2.9405 0.3500
          3.1072 0.0000
          3.9281 0.0000
          4.5655 0.0000
          6.0655 0.0000
          24.5407 0.0000
          25.7155 0.3900
          26.7655 0.4900
          28.8405 0.2800
          29.9405 0.0700
          45.5655 0.0000
          2.4281 0.5000
          3.9281 0.5000
          24.9157 0.5000
        "corner_puller" combo 
          1.4988 0.1400
          2.4281 0.8900
          2.8322 0.8400
          3.3322 0.0100
          4.0988 0.4600
          4.3365 0.6200
          4.8029 0.2800
          5.5613 0.2400
          6.6238 0.4800
          7.5029 0.0300
          9.3909 0.5000
          10.6243 0.4200
          12.1490 0.0000
          24.9157 0.0000
          27.3988 0.1100
          28.5365 0.2500
          29.3391 0.2200
          30.1105 0.1100
          30.8534 0.0000
          32.4512 0.0000
          33.3941 0.3500
          34.1369 0.5000
          34.9512 0.4700
          36.0941 0.2500
          36.7655 0.0000
          37.7369 0.0000
          38.7369 0.0400
          39.6084 0.2700
          40.8941 0.3000
          43.4369 0.3100
          45.8941 0.0000
          2.4281 0.5000
          3.9281 0.5000
          9.3909 0.6800
          11.2243 0.5000
          24.9157 0.5000
          28.5365 0.5000
        "corner_depressor" combo 
          0.4045 0.0000
          9.3909 0.0000
          11.2243 0.0000
          24.9157 0.0000
          9.3909 0.5000
          11.2243 0.5000
          24.9157 0.5000
        "part" combo 
          24.9157 0.0000
          24.9157 0.5000
        "jaw_drop" range 0.0 2.0 
          9.3909 0.0000
          11.2243 0.0000
          24.9157 0.0000
        "mouth_sideways" range -1.0 1.0 
          2.4281 0.5000 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          3.9281 0.5000 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          9.3909 0.5000 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          11.2243 0.5000 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
          24.9157 0.5000
          24.9157 0.0000
  faceposermodel "U:\main\game\ep2\models\alyx.mdl"

actor "vort"
  channel "audio"
    event speak "I fear more urgent errand demands our attention.."
      time 24.395044 27.744387
      param "ep_02.vort_bridge_hunt01"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "There are advisors yet unhatched"
      time 27.865400 30.713406
      param "ep_02.vort_bridge_hunt02"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "This road will take you near whiteforest.. But be wary that other may use it aswell"
      time 33.452950 39.834309
      param "ep_02.vort_bridge_thisroad"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "Our bonds are of nature, and require no gratitude"
      time 43.706207 48.403168
      param "ep_02.vort_bridge_honored"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
    event speak "Likewise! .. and farewell! ...  It has been an honor!"
      time 67.391281 72.575569
      param "ep_02.vort_bridge_farewell"
      cctype "cc_master"
      cctoken ""
  channel "look at"
    event lookat "alyx"
      time 16.997240 36.267445
      param "alyx"
        0.1400 0.0502
        0.9800 0.7419
        1.2600 0.9247
        1.4933 0.9785
        1.7867 1.0000
        16.9857 1.0000
        17.2991 0.9857
        17.5057 0.9427
        17.7857 0.8351
        19.0724 0.0573
    event lookat "alyx"
      time 36.666565 48.533432
      param "alyx"
        0.1556 0.0645
        1.1111 0.8817
        1.3000 0.9642
        1.5444 1.0000
        10.4343 1.0000
        10.7455 0.9642
        10.9677 0.8495
        11.7344 0.0466
    event lookat "look at jeep"
      time 12.891151 17.129602
      param "jeep"
        1.3733 1.0000
        2.8564 1.0000
    event lookat "mark_look_road"
      time 32.604408 37.989319
      param "mark_look_road"
        0.1333 0.0430
        1.1333 0.8423
        1.3667 0.9355
        1.6222 0.9821
        1.9889 1.0000
        3.6056 1.0000
        4.0722 0.9498
        4.4056 0.7957
        5.1722 0.0681
    event lookat "alyx"
      time 5.457935 11.679874
      param "Alyx"
        0.1400 0.0681
        0.5334 0.6058
        0.8233 0.8961
        1.0700 1.0000
        4.9773 1.0000
        5.1553 0.9785
        5.3268 0.8889
        5.5287 0.7025
        5.6768 0.5341
        6.1020 0.0753
    event lookat "mark_look_door"
      time 0.601070 2.413031
      param "mark_look_door"
        0.0929 0.0394
        0.6635 0.8530
        0.8278 0.9606
        0.9344 1.0000
        1.1125 0.9606
        1.2869 0.8280
        1.6861 0.0645
    event lookat "alyx"
      time 65.511925 73.620148
      param "alyx"
        0.1556 0.0645
        1.1111 0.8817
        1.3000 0.9642
        1.5444 1.0000
        6.6757 1.0000
        6.9869 0.9642
        7.2091 0.8495
        7.9758 0.0466
    event lookat "!player"
      time 72.344177 75.827217
      param "!player"
        0.1556 0.0645
        1.1111 0.8817
        1.3000 0.9642
        1.5444 1.0000
        2.0504 1.0000
        2.3616 0.9642
        2.5838 0.8495
        3.3505 0.0466
  channel "face to"
    event face "Alyx"
      time 22.929438 31.346107
      param "Alyx"
        0.2250 0.0645
        1.2482 0.7276
        1.5536 0.8996
        1.8286 0.9785
        2.1411 1.0000
        8.4167 1.0000
    event face "Alyx"
      time 65.304749 71.713814
      param "Alyx"
        0.1500 0.0609
        0.9064 0.7634
        1.2098 0.9247
        5.0630 1.0000
        6.4091 1.0000
    event face "jeep"
      time 11.489941 14.355721
      param "jeep"
        0.1500 0.0609
        0.9064 0.7634
        1.2098 0.9247
        1.5197 1.0000
        2.8658 1.0000
    event face "!player"
      time 71.878342 75.594749
      param "!player"
        0.1500 0.0609
        0.9064 0.7634
        1.2098 0.9247
        2.3703 1.0000
        3.7164 1.0000
    event face "Alyx"
      time 36.596115 48.667130
      param "Alyx"
        0.2250 0.0645
        1.2482 0.7276
        1.5536 0.8996
        1.8286 0.9785
        2.1411 1.0000
        12.0710 1.0000
    event face "mark_look_road"
      time 31.429443 38.616936
      param "mark_look_road"
        0.1861 0.0394
        1.2482 0.4695
        1.5536 0.6093
        1.8286 0.6917
        2.1411 0.7132 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein"
        7.1875 0.7132 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein"
    event face "!player"
      time 3.051343 6.206597
      param "!player"
        0.1500 0.0609
        0.9064 0.7634
        1.2098 0.9247
        1.8092 1.0000
        3.1553 1.0000
  channel "move to"
    event moveto "mark_vort_vehicle"
      time 6.781269 8.889576
      param "mark_vort_vehicle"
      param2 "Run"
    event moveto "Alyx"
      time 27.901663 30.789314
      param "Alyx"
      param2 "Walk"
      distancetotarget 85.00
    event moveto "jeep"
      time 9.188683 11.962643
      param "jeep"
      param2 "Walk"
      distancetotarget 200.00
    event moveto "mark_vort_stairs"
      time 2.033941 4.147714
      param "mark_vort_stairs"
      param2 "Walk"
  channel "postures"
    event sequence "null"
      time 58.847687 62.781021
      param "generator_charge"
    event sequence "null"
      time 48.694420 54.094421
      param "ss_vort_alyx_goodbye"
  channel "head"
    event gesture "hg_shake"
      time 45.020691 48.237350
      param "hg_shake"
        0.0000 0.6308 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein"
        3.2167 0.6272 "curve_easein_to_curve_easeout"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.140827
        "extreme" 0.644613
        "loop" 0.802046
        "end" 0.812542
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.089744
        "extreme" 0.705128
        "loop" 0.897436
        "end" 0.910256
      sequenceduration 2.633333
    event gesture "hg_shake"
      time 22.967142 25.954649
      param "hg_shake"
        0.0000 0.6531 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein"
        2.9875 0.6497 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein"
      absolutetags playback_time
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        "extreme" 0.740085
        "loop" 0.909595
        "end" 0.920896
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.089744
        "extreme" 0.705128
        "loop" 0.897436
        "end" 0.910256
      sequenceduration 2.633333
  channel "gestures"
    event gesture "g_cross_palmout_left"
      time 32.257462 37.774124
      param "g_cross_palmout_left"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.148036
        "accent" 0.387507
        "loop" 0.577039
        "end" 0.610272
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.205882
        "accent" 0.632353
        "loop" 0.882353
        "end" 0.897059
      sequenceduration 2.300000
    event gesture "g_hold_hands"
      time 35.881798 43.948471
      param "g_hold_hands"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "in" 0.154188
        "loop" 0.283373
        "end" 0.805785
        "out" 0.892562
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "in" 0.313559
        "loop" 0.576271
        "end" 0.669492
        "out" 0.788136
      sequenceduration 3.966667
    event gesture "g_Accent_Right"
      time 43.604019 47.570686
      param "g_Accent_Right"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.110644
        "accent" 0.187244
        "loop" 0.383000
        "end" 0.644351
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.166667
        "accent" 0.282051
        "loop" 0.576923
        "end" 0.769231
      sequenceduration 2.633333
    event gesture "g_palm_mid_both"
      time 46.220688 49.129776
      param "g_palm_mid_both"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.231895
        "accent" 0.382627
        "loop" 0.533358
        "end" 0.649306
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.238095
        "accent" 0.392857
        "loop" 0.547619
        "end" 0.666667
      sequenceduration 2.833333
    event gesture "g_bigwave"
      time 66.846191 73.250359
      param "g_bigwave"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "in" 0.153094
        "loop" 0.442997
        "end" 0.775244
        "out" 0.902280
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "in" 0.177966
        "loop" 0.516949
        "end" 0.720339
        "out" 0.889831
      sequenceduration 3.966667
    event gesture "g_Accent_BothHands01"
      time 27.321314 31.454651
      param "g_Accent_BothHands01"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.276476
        "accent" 0.421629
        "loop" 0.609491
        "end" 0.732010
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.166667
        "accent" 0.282051
        "loop" 0.576923
        "end" 0.769231
      sequenceduration 2.633333
  channel "lookAt"
    event lookat "mark_generator"
      time 56.765038 59.075813
      param "mark_generator"
        0.0900 0.0430
        0.7300 0.7885
        0.9167 0.9355
        1.1667 1.0000
        1.4531 0.8746
        1.9864 0.2151
        2.1733 0.0538
    event gesture "g_palm_right"
      time 23.025728 28.284067
      param "g_palm_right"
      absolutetags playback_time
        "apex" 0.245970
        "accent" 0.403145
        "loop" 0.454508
        "end" 0.789683
      absolutetags shifted_time
        "apex" 0.153846
        "accent" 0.346154
        "loop" 0.448718
        "end" 0.769231
      sequenceduration 2.633333
  channel "moveTo"
    event moveto "mark_vort_generator"
      time 54.338135 59.806808
      param "mark_vort_generator"
      param2 "Run"
    event moveto "mark_vort_end"
      time 64.274239 66.275665
      param "mark_vort_end"
      param2 "Walk"
  channel "flex"
    event flexanimation "close_eyes"
      time 0.028083 77.350761
      param ""
      flexanimations samples_use_time defaultcurvetype=curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x
          0.1751 0.0000
          5.5667 0.0100
          5.7533 0.2500
          5.9867 0.5900
          6.2133 0.3700
          6.4600 0.0900
          6.6733 0.0000
          7.2267 0.0000
          26.9533 0.0000
          27.0800 0.2100
          27.2400 0.3600
          27.5067 0.3000
          27.7533 0.1900
          28.0933 0.0600
          28.6467 0.0000
          30.2933 0.0000
          30.4067 0.3200
          30.5933 0.6800
          30.7867 0.7900
          31.0200 0.7200
          31.1333 0.5300
          31.3200 0.2500
          31.5667 0.1100
          31.9200 0.0000
          35.4467 0.0000
          35.7400 0.4700
          36.1667 0.5700
          36.4333 0.2300
          36.7533 0.0000
          42.3667 0.0000
          42.6867 0.4900
          42.9067 0.6200
          43.4800 0.5900
          44.2600 0.1300
          44.8600 0.0300
          46.0867 0.0000
          46.3467 0.6200
          46.4867 0.8100
          46.6733 0.7400
          46.8133 0.5100
          47.0200 0.2300
          47.2267 0.0800
          47.5733 0.0000
          49.3200 0.0100
          49.5933 0.6000
          49.8000 0.6400
          50.1200 0.2400
          50.4333 0.0000
          53.1988 0.0000
          53.4988 0.7829
          53.6042 0.7924
          53.8636 0.0042
          54.2879 0.0329
          54.4528 0.2039
          54.6042 0.3816
          54.7744 0.1711
          54.8825 0.0724
          61.9867 0.0000
          62.1267 0.2000
          62.3200 0.4800
          62.5600 0.4100
          62.6933 0.0000
          63.9800 0.0000
          64.2600 0.5600
          64.5133 0.5000
          64.7400 0.1700
          65.0600 0.0000
          69.5267 0.0000
          69.7533 0.6000
          70.2067 0.6600
          70.5200 0.3200
          70.9200 0.0600
          71.2733 0.1400
          71.5667 0.7800
          71.7867 0.8600
          72.1467 0.6700
          72.3333 0.3100
          72.7600 0.0000
          0.1751 0.0000
          28.6600 0.0000
          28.8867 0.4078
          29.0200 0.5513
          29.2400 0.6214
          29.5600 0.6198
          29.8533 0.5534
          30.1333 0.3883
          30.3333 0.0000
          38.8400 0.0000
          39.0933 0.2718
          39.4067 0.7379
          39.7800 0.7379
          40.3600 0.7379
          41.1667 0.6796
          41.5400 0.4854
          41.8600 0.0097
          54.6667 0.0097
          54.9733 0.4272
          55.3800 0.3689
          55.8333 0.0097
          0.1751 0.0000
          0.5067 0.0000
          0.7046 1.0000
          0.7733 0.9900
          0.9533 0.0000
          5.3667 0.0000
          5.5133 1.0000
          5.5800 1.0000
          5.7467 0.0000
          12.7867 0.0000
          12.9533 0.9900
          13.0533 1.0000
          13.2200 0.0000
          18.8733 0.0000
          19.0533 0.9900
          19.1400 1.0000
          19.2933 0.0000
          25.3333 0.0100
          25.5933 1.0000
          26.1467 0.9700
          26.3533 0.0000
          34.6067 0.0000
          34.8333 1.0000
          35.0400 1.0000
          35.2600 0.0000
          38.6800 0.0000
          38.8800 1.0000
          38.9667 1.0000
          39.1933 0.0000
          45.3067 0.0000
          45.5267 1.0000
          45.6333 1.0000
          45.8400 0.0000
          47.4867 0.0000
          47.7000 1.0000
          48.0400 1.0000
          48.3667 0.0000
          48.8067 0.0000
          53.4771 0.0000
          53.6933 1.0000
          53.8338 1.0000
          53.9988 1.0000
          54.0667 0.9300
          54.3852 0.0200
          54.6467 0.0900
          54.8267 0.6000
          55.1333 0.5200
          55.5200 0.0900
          55.9267 0.0000
          56.1000 0.0000
          56.2667 1.0000
          56.4467 1.0000
          56.6733 0.0000
          62.5533 0.0000
          62.7267 1.0000
          63.7533 1.0000
          63.9400 0.0000
          67.2867 0.0000
          67.5267 0.9800
          67.6000 0.9700
          67.8200 0.0000
  faceposermodel "U:\main\game\ep2\models\vortigaunt.mdl"

  "SceneRampTool" "100"
  "GestureTool" "100"
  "RampTool" "36"
  "ExpressionTool" "68"
  "CChoreoView" "140"
fps 60
snap off
ignorePhonemes off