/* * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to * link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL * Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, * L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs * from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception * to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. * */ #pragma once class CBasePlayer; const float MAX_NORMAL_BATTERY = 100.0f; const float MAX_DIST_RELOAD_SOUND = 512.0f; #define MAX_WEAPONS 32 #define ITEM_FLAG_SELECTONEMPTY 1 #define ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD 2 #define ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTOSWITCHEMPTY 4 #define ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD 8 #define ITEM_FLAG_EXHAUSTIBLE 16 // A player can totally exhaust their ammo supply and lose this weapon #define WEAPON_IS_ONTARGET 0x40 // the maximum amount of ammo each weapon's clip can hold #define WEAPON_NOCLIP -1 #define LOUD_GUN_VOLUME 1000 #define NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME 600 #define QUIET_GUN_VOLUME 200 #define BRIGHT_GUN_FLASH 512 #define NORMAL_GUN_FLASH 256 #define DIM_GUN_FLASH 128 #define BIG_EXPLOSION_VOLUME 2048 #define NORMAL_EXPLOSION_VOLUME 1024 #define SMALL_EXPLOSION_VOLUME 512 #define WEAPON_ACTIVITY_VOLUME 64 // spawn flags #define SF_DETONATE BIT(0) // Grenades flagged with this will be triggered when the owner calls detonateSatchelCharges // custom enum enum ArmorType { ARMOR_NONE, // no armor ARMOR_KEVLAR, // body vest only ARMOR_VESTHELM, // vest and helmet }; enum ArmouryItemPack { ARMOURY_MP5NAVY, ARMOURY_TMP, ARMOURY_P90, ARMOURY_MAC10, ARMOURY_AK47, ARMOURY_SG552, ARMOURY_M4A1, ARMOURY_AUG, ARMOURY_SCOUT, ARMOURY_G3SG1, ARMOURY_AWP, ARMOURY_M3, ARMOURY_XM1014, ARMOURY_M249, ARMOURY_FLASHBANG, ARMOURY_HEGRENADE, ARMOURY_KEVLAR, ARMOURY_ASSAULT, ARMOURY_SMOKEGRENADE, ARMOURY_SHIELD, ARMOURY_FAMAS, ARMOURY_SG550, ARMOURY_GALIL, ARMOURY_UMP45, ARMOURY_GLOCK18, ARMOURY_USP, ARMOURY_ELITE, ARMOURY_FIVESEVEN, ARMOURY_P228, ARMOURY_DEAGLE, }; struct ItemInfo { int iSlot; int iPosition; const char *pszAmmo1; int iMaxAmmo1; const char *pszAmmo2; int iMaxAmmo2; const char *pszName; int iMaxClip; int iId; int iFlags; int iWeight; }; struct AmmoInfo { const char *pszName; int iId; }; struct MULTIDAMAGE { CBaseEntity *pEntity; float amount; int type; }; #include "weapontype.h" #include "items.h" class CArmoury: public CBaseEntity { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual void Restart() = 0; virtual void KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd) = 0; public: ArmouryItemPack m_iItem; int m_iCount; int m_iInitialCount; bool m_bAlreadyCounted; }; // Smoke Grenade / HE grenade / Flashbang grenade / C4 class CGrenade: public CBaseMonster { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual int Save(CSave &save) = 0; virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0; virtual int ObjectCaps() = 0; virtual void Killed(entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib) = 0; virtual int BloodColor() = 0; virtual void Use(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value) = 0; virtual void BounceSound() = 0; public: bool m_bStartDefuse; bool m_bIsC4; EntityHandle m_pBombDefuser; float m_flDefuseCountDown; float m_flC4Blow; float m_flNextFreqInterval; float m_flNextBeep; float m_flNextFreq; char *m_sBeepName; float m_fAttenu; float m_flNextBlink; float m_fNextDefuse; bool m_bJustBlew; int m_iTeam; int m_iCurWave; edict_t *m_pentCurBombTarget; int m_SGSmoke; int m_angle; unsigned short m_usEvent; bool m_bLightSmoke; bool m_bDetonated; Vector m_vSmokeDetonate; int m_iBounceCount; BOOL m_fRegisteredSound; // whether or not this grenade has issued its DANGER sound to the world sound list yet. }; // Items that the player has in their inventory that they can use class CBasePlayerItem: public CBaseAnimating { public: virtual int Save(CSave &save) = 0; virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0; virtual void SetObjectCollisionBox() = 0; virtual CBaseEntity *Respawn() = 0; virtual int AddToPlayer(CBasePlayer *pPlayer) = 0; // return TRUE if the item you want the item added to the player inventory virtual int AddDuplicate(CBasePlayerItem *pItem) = 0; // return TRUE if you want your duplicate removed from world virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; // returns 0 if struct not filled out virtual BOOL CanDeploy() = 0; virtual BOOL CanDrop() = 0; // returns is deploy was successful virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual BOOL IsWeapon() = 0; virtual BOOL CanHolster() = 0; // can this weapon be put away right now? virtual void Holster(int skiplocal = 0) = 0; virtual void UpdateItemInfo() = 0; virtual void ItemPreFrame() = 0; // called each frame by the player PreThink virtual void ItemPostFrame() = 0; // called each frame by the player PostThink virtual void Drop() = 0; virtual void Kill() = 0; virtual void AttachToPlayer(CBasePlayer *pPlayer) = 0; virtual int PrimaryAmmoIndex() = 0; virtual int SecondaryAmmoIndex() = 0; virtual int UpdateClientData(CBasePlayer *pPlayer) = 0; virtual CBasePlayerItem *GetWeaponPtr() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; // return 0 to MAX_ITEMS_SLOTS, used in hud public: CBasePlayer *m_pPlayer; CBasePlayerItem *m_pNext; int m_iId; // WEAPON_??? }; // inventory items that class CBasePlayerWeapon: public CBasePlayerItem { public: virtual int Save(CSave &save) = 0; virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0; // generic weapon versions of CBasePlayerItem calls virtual int AddToPlayer(CBasePlayer *pPlayer) = 0; virtual int AddDuplicate(CBasePlayerItem *pItem) = 0; virtual BOOL CanDeploy() = 0; virtual BOOL IsWeapon() = 0; virtual void Holster(int skiplocal = 0) = 0; virtual void UpdateItemInfo() = 0; virtual void ItemPostFrame() = 0; virtual int PrimaryAmmoIndex() = 0; virtual int SecondaryAmmoIndex() = 0; virtual int UpdateClientData(CBasePlayer *pPlayer) = 0; virtual CBasePlayerItem *GetWeaponPtr() = 0; virtual int ExtractAmmo(CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon) = 0; virtual int ExtractClipAmmo(CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon) = 0; virtual int AddWeapon() = 0; virtual BOOL PlayEmptySound() = 0; virtual void ResetEmptySound() = 0; virtual void SendWeaponAnim(int iAnim, int skiplocal = 0) = 0; virtual BOOL IsUseable() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual void RetireWeapon() = 0; virtual BOOL ShouldWeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: BOOL IsPistol() { return (m_iId == WEAPON_USP || m_iId == WEAPON_GLOCK18 || m_iId == WEAPON_P228 || m_iId == WEAPON_DEAGLE || m_iId == WEAPON_ELITE || m_iId == WEAPON_FIVESEVEN); } int m_iPlayEmptySound; int m_fFireOnEmpty; float m_flNextPrimaryAttack; // soonest time ItemPostFrame will call PrimaryAttack float m_flNextSecondaryAttack; // soonest time ItemPostFrame will call SecondaryAttack float m_flTimeWeaponIdle; // soonest time ItemPostFrame will call WeaponIdle int m_iPrimaryAmmoType; // "primary" ammo index into players m_rgAmmo[] int m_iSecondaryAmmoType; // "secondary" ammo index into players m_rgAmmo[] int m_iClip; // number of shots left in the primary weapon clip, -1 it not used int m_iClientClip; // the last version of m_iClip sent to hud dll int m_iClientWeaponState; // the last version of the weapon state sent to hud dll (is current weapon, is on target) int m_fInReload; // Are we in the middle of a reload; int m_fInSpecialReload; // Are we in the middle of a reload for the shotguns int m_iDefaultAmmo; // how much ammo you get when you pick up this weapon as placed by a level designer. int m_iShellId; float m_fMaxSpeed; bool m_bDelayFire; int m_iDirection; bool m_bSecondarySilencerOn; float m_flAccuracy; float m_flLastFire; int m_iShotsFired; Vector m_vVecAiming; string_t model_name; float m_flGlock18Shoot; // time to shoot the remaining bullets of the glock18 burst fire int m_iGlock18ShotsFired; // used to keep track of the shots fired during the Glock18 burst fire mode. float m_flFamasShoot; int m_iFamasShotsFired; float m_fBurstSpread; int m_iWeaponState; float m_flNextReload; float m_flDecreaseShotsFired; unsigned short m_usFireGlock18; unsigned short m_usFireFamas; // hle time creep vars float m_flPrevPrimaryAttack; float m_flLastFireTime; }; class CBasePlayerAmmo: public CBaseEntity { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual BOOL AddAmmo(CBaseEntity *pOther) = 0; virtual CBaseEntity *Respawn() = 0; }; class CWeaponBox: public CBaseEntity { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual void KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd) = 0; virtual int Save(CSave &save) = 0; virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0; virtual void SetObjectCollisionBox() = 0; virtual void Touch(CBaseEntity *pOther) = 0; public: CBasePlayerItem *m_rgpPlayerItems[MAX_ITEM_TYPES]; string_t m_rgiszAmmo[MAX_AMMO_SLOTS]; int m_rgAmmo[MAX_AMMO_SLOTS]; int m_cAmmoTypes; bool m_bIsBomb; }; const float USP_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float USP_DAMAGE = 34.0f; const float USP_DAMAGE_SIL = 30.0f; const float USP_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.79f; const float USP_RELOAD_TIME = 2.7f; enum usp_e { USP_IDLE, USP_SHOOT1, USP_SHOOT2, USP_SHOOT3, USP_SHOOT_EMPTY, USP_RELOAD, USP_DRAW, USP_ATTACH_SILENCER, USP_UNSIL_IDLE, USP_UNSIL_SHOOT1, USP_UNSIL_SHOOT2, USP_UNSIL_SHOOT3, USP_UNSIL_SHOOT_EMPTY, USP_UNSIL_RELOAD, USP_UNSIL_DRAW, USP_DETACH_SILENCER, }; enum usp_shield_e { USP_SHIELD_IDLE, USP_SHIELD_SHOOT1, USP_SHIELD_SHOOT2, USP_SHIELD_SHOOT_EMPTY, USP_SHIELD_RELOAD, USP_SHIELD_DRAW, USP_SHIELD_UP_IDLE, USP_SHIELD_UP, USP_SHIELD_DOWN, }; class CUSP: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual BOOL IsPistol() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireUSP; } private: unsigned short m_usFireUSP; }; const float MP5N_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float MP5N_DAMAGE = 26.0f; const float MP5N_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.84f; const float MP5N_RELOAD_TIME = 2.63f; enum mp5n_e { MP5N_IDLE1, MP5N_RELOAD, MP5N_DRAW, MP5N_SHOOT1, MP5N_SHOOT2, MP5N_SHOOT3, }; class CMP5N: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireMP5N; } private: unsigned short m_usFireMP5N; }; const float SG552_MAX_SPEED = 235.0f; const float SG552_MAX_SPEED_ZOOM = 200.0f; const float SG552_DAMAGE = 33.0f; const float SG552_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.955f; const float SG552_RELOAD_TIME = 3.0f; enum sg552_e { SG552_IDLE1, SG552_RELOAD, SG552_DRAW, SG552_SHOOT1, SG552_SHOOT2, SG552_SHOOT3, }; class CSG552: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireSG552; } private: unsigned short m_usFireSG552; }; const float AK47_MAX_SPEED = 221.0f; const float AK47_DAMAGE = 36.0f; const float AK47_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.98f; const float AK47_RELOAD_TIME = 2.45f; enum ak47_e { AK47_IDLE1, AK47_RELOAD, AK47_DRAW, AK47_SHOOT1, AK47_SHOOT2, AK47_SHOOT3, }; class CAK47: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireAK47; } private: unsigned short m_usFireAK47; }; const float AUG_MAX_SPEED = 240.0f; const float AUG_DAMAGE = 32.0f; const float AUG_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.96f; const float AUG_RELOAD_TIME = 3.3f; enum aug_e { AUG_IDLE1, AUG_RELOAD, AUG_DRAW, AUG_SHOOT1, AUG_SHOOT2, AUG_SHOOT3, }; class CAUG: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireAug; } private: unsigned short m_usFireAug; }; const float AWP_MAX_SPEED = 210.0f; const float AWP_MAX_SPEED_ZOOM = 150.0f; const float AWP_DAMAGE = 115.0f; const float AWP_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.99f; const float AWP_RELOAD_TIME = 2.5f; enum awp_e { AWP_IDLE, AWP_SHOOT, AWP_SHOOT2, AWP_SHOOT3, AWP_RELOAD, AWP_DRAW, }; class CAWP: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireAWP; } private: unsigned short m_usFireAWP; }; // for usermsg BombDrop #define BOMB_FLAG_DROPPED 0 // if the bomb was dropped due to voluntary dropping or death/disconnect #define BOMB_FLAG_PLANTED 1 // if the bomb has been planted will also trigger the round timer to hide will also show where the dropped bomb on the Terrorist team's radar. const float C4_MAX_AMMO = 1.0f; const float C4_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float C4_ARMING_ON_TIME = 3.0f; enum c4_e { C4_IDLE1, C4_DRAW, C4_DROP, C4_ARM, }; class CC4: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual void KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd) = 0; virtual void Use(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value) = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual void Holster(int skiplocal) = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: bool m_bStartedArming; bool m_bBombPlacedAnimation; float m_fArmedTime; bool HasShield() const { return m_bHasShield; } private: bool m_bHasShield; }; const float DEAGLE_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float DEAGLE_DAMAGE = 54.0f; const float DEAGLE_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.81f; const float DEAGLE_RELOAD_TIME = 2.2f; enum deagle_e { DEAGLE_IDLE1, DEAGLE_SHOOT1, DEAGLE_SHOOT2, DEAGLE_SHOOT_EMPTY, DEAGLE_RELOAD, DEAGLE_DRAW, }; class CDEAGLE: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual BOOL IsPistol() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireDeagle; } private: unsigned short m_usFireDeagle; }; const float FLASHBANG_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float FLASHBANG_MAX_SPEED_SHIELD = 180.0f; enum flashbang_e { FLASHBANG_IDLE, FLASHBANG_PULLPIN, FLASHBANG_THROW, FLASHBANG_DRAW, }; class CFlashbang: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL CanDeploy() = 0; virtual BOOL CanDrop() = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual void Holster(int skiplocal) = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual BOOL IsPistol() = 0; }; const float G3SG1_MAX_SPEED = 210.0f; const float G3SG1_MAX_SPEED_ZOOM = 150.0f; const float G3SG1_DAMAGE = 80.0f; const float G3SG1_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.98f; const float G3SG1_RELOAD_TIME = 3.5f; enum g3sg1_e { G3SG1_IDLE, G3SG1_SHOOT, G3SG1_SHOOT2, G3SG1_RELOAD, G3SG1_DRAW, }; class CG3SG1: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireG3SG1; } private: unsigned short m_usFireG3SG1; }; const float GLOCK18_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float GLOCK18_DAMAGE = 25.0f; const float GLOCK18_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.75f; const float GLOCK18_RELOAD_TIME = 2.2f; enum glock18_e { GLOCK18_IDLE1, GLOCK18_IDLE2, GLOCK18_IDLE3, GLOCK18_SHOOT, GLOCK18_SHOOT2, GLOCK18_SHOOT3, GLOCK18_SHOOT_EMPTY, GLOCK18_RELOAD, GLOCK18_DRAW, GLOCK18_HOLSTER, GLOCK18_ADD_SILENCER, GLOCK18_DRAW2, GLOCK18_RELOAD2, }; enum glock18_shield_e { GLOCK18_SHIELD_IDLE1, GLOCK18_SHIELD_SHOOT, GLOCK18_SHIELD_SHOOT2, GLOCK18_SHIELD_SHOOT_EMPTY, GLOCK18_SHIELD_RELOAD, GLOCK18_SHIELD_DRAW, GLOCK18_SHIELD_IDLE, GLOCK18_SHIELD_UP, GLOCK18_SHIELD_DOWN, }; class CGLOCK18: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual BOOL IsPistol() = 0; public: int m_iShell; bool m_bBurstFire; }; const float HEGRENADE_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float HEGRENADE_MAX_SPEED_SHIELD = 180.0f; enum hegrenade_e { HEGRENADE_IDLE, HEGRENADE_PULLPIN, HEGRENADE_THROW, HEGRENADE_DRAW, }; class CHEGrenade: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL CanDeploy() = 0; virtual BOOL CanDrop() = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual void Holster(int skiplocal) = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: unsigned short m_usCreateExplosion; }; const float KNIFE_BODYHIT_VOLUME = 128.0f; const float KNIFE_WALLHIT_VOLUME = 512.0f; const float KNIFE_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float KNIFE_MAX_SPEED_SHIELD = 180.0f; enum knife_e { KNIFE_IDLE, KNIFE_ATTACK1HIT, KNIFE_ATTACK2HIT, KNIFE_DRAW, KNIFE_STABHIT, KNIFE_STABMISS, KNIFE_MIDATTACK1HIT, KNIFE_MIDATTACK2HIT, }; enum knife_shield_e { KNIFE_SHIELD_IDLE, KNIFE_SHIELD_SLASH, KNIFE_SHIELD_ATTACKHIT, KNIFE_SHIELD_DRAW, KNIFE_SHIELD_UPIDLE, KNIFE_SHIELD_UP, KNIFE_SHIELD_DOWN, }; class CKnife: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL CanDrop() = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual void Holster(int skiplocal) = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; public: TraceResult m_trHit; unsigned short m_usKnife; }; const float M249_MAX_SPEED = 220.0f; const float M249_DAMAGE = 32.0f; const float M249_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.97f; const float M249_RELOAD_TIME = 4.7f; enum m249_e { M249_IDLE1, M249_SHOOT1, M249_SHOOT2, M249_RELOAD, M249_DRAW, }; class CM249: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireM249; } private: unsigned short m_usFireM249; }; const float M3_MAX_SPEED = 230.0f; const Vector M3_CONE_VECTOR = Vector(0.0675, 0.0675, 0.0); // special shotgun spreads enum m3_e { M3_IDLE, M3_FIRE1, M3_FIRE2, M3_RELOAD, M3_PUMP, M3_START_RELOAD, M3_DRAW, M3_HOLSTER, }; class CM3: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; float m_flPumpTime; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireM3; } private: unsigned short m_usFireM3; }; const float M4A1_MAX_SPEED = 230.0f; const float M4A1_DAMAGE = 32.0f; const float M4A1_DAMAGE_SIL = 33.0f; const float M4A1_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.97f; const float M4A1_RANGE_MODIFER_SIL = 0.95f; const float M4A1_RELOAD_TIME = 3.05f; enum m4a1_e { M4A1_IDLE, M4A1_SHOOT1, M4A1_SHOOT2, M4A1_SHOOT3, M4A1_RELOAD, M4A1_DRAW, M4A1_ATTACH_SILENCER, M4A1_UNSIL_IDLE, M4A1_UNSIL_SHOOT1, M4A1_UNSIL_SHOOT2, M4A1_UNSIL_SHOOT3, M4A1_UNSIL_RELOAD, M4A1_UNSIL_DRAW, M4A1_DETACH_SILENCER, }; class CM4A1: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireM4A1; } private: unsigned short m_usFireM4A1; }; const float MAC10_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float MAC10_DAMAGE = 29.0f; const float MAC10_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.82f; const float MAC10_RELOAD_TIME = 3.15f; enum mac10_e { MAC10_IDLE1, MAC10_RELOAD, MAC10_DRAW, MAC10_SHOOT1, MAC10_SHOOT2, MAC10_SHOOT3, }; class CMAC10: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireMAC10; } private: unsigned short m_usFireMAC10; }; const float P228_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float P228_DAMAGE = 32.0f; const float P228_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.8f; const float P228_RELOAD_TIME = 2.7f; enum p228_e { P228_IDLE, P228_SHOOT1, P228_SHOOT2, P228_SHOOT3, P228_SHOOT_EMPTY, P228_RELOAD, P228_DRAW, }; enum p228_shield_e { P228_SHIELD_IDLE, P228_SHIELD_SHOOT1, P228_SHIELD_SHOOT2, P228_SHIELD_SHOOT_EMPTY, P228_SHIELD_RELOAD, P228_SHIELD_DRAW, P228_SHIELD_IDLE_UP, P228_SHIELD_UP, P228_SHIELD_DOWN, }; class CP228: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual BOOL IsPistol() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireP228; } private: unsigned short m_usFireP228; }; const float P90_MAX_SPEED = 245.0f; const float P90_DAMAGE = 21.0f; const float P90_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.885f; const float P90_RELOAD_TIME = 3.4f; enum p90_e { P90_IDLE1, P90_RELOAD, P90_DRAW, P90_SHOOT1, P90_SHOOT2, P90_SHOOT3, }; class CP90: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireP90; } private: unsigned short m_usFireP90; }; const float SCOUT_MAX_SPEED = 260.0f; const float SCOUT_MAX_SPEED_ZOOM = 220.0f; const float SCOUT_DAMAGE = 75.0f; const float SCOUT_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.98f; const float SCOUT_RELOAD_TIME = 2.0f; enum scout_e { SCOUT_IDLE, SCOUT_SHOOT, SCOUT_SHOOT2, SCOUT_RELOAD, SCOUT_DRAW, }; class CSCOUT: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireScout; } private: unsigned short m_usFireScout; }; const float SMOKEGRENADE_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float SMOKEGRENADE_MAX_SPEED_SHIELD = 180.0f; enum smokegrenade_e { SMOKEGRENADE_IDLE, SMOKEGRENADE_PINPULL, SMOKEGRENADE_THROW, SMOKEGRENADE_DRAW, }; class CSmokeGrenade: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL CanDeploy() = 0; virtual BOOL CanDrop() = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual void Holster(int skiplocal) = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: unsigned short m_usCreateSmoke; }; const float TMP_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float TMP_DAMAGE = 20.0f; const float TMP_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.85f; const float TMP_RELOAD_TIME = 2.12f; enum tmp_e { TMP_IDLE1, TMP_RELOAD, TMP_DRAW, TMP_SHOOT1, TMP_SHOOT2, TMP_SHOOT3, }; class CTMP: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireTMP; } private: unsigned short m_usFireTMP; }; const float XM1014_MAX_SPEED = 240.0f; const Vector XM1014_CONE_VECTOR = Vector(0.0725, 0.0725, 0.0); // special shotgun spreads enum xm1014_e { XM1014_IDLE, XM1014_FIRE1, XM1014_FIRE2, XM1014_RELOAD, XM1014_PUMP, XM1014_START_RELOAD, XM1014_DRAW, }; class CXM1014: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; float m_flPumpTime; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireXM1014; } private: unsigned short m_usFireXM1014; }; const float ELITE_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float ELITE_RELOAD_TIME = 4.5f; const float ELITE_DAMAGE = 36.0f; const float ELITE_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.75f; enum elite_e { ELITE_IDLE, ELITE_IDLE_LEFTEMPTY, ELITE_SHOOTLEFT1, ELITE_SHOOTLEFT2, ELITE_SHOOTLEFT3, ELITE_SHOOTLEFT4, ELITE_SHOOTLEFT5, ELITE_SHOOTLEFTLAST, ELITE_SHOOTRIGHT1, ELITE_SHOOTRIGHT2, ELITE_SHOOTRIGHT3, ELITE_SHOOTRIGHT4, ELITE_SHOOTRIGHT5, ELITE_SHOOTRIGHTLAST, ELITE_RELOAD, ELITE_DRAW, }; class CELITE: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual BOOL IsPistol() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID_Left() const { return m_usFireELITE_LEFT; } unsigned short GetEventID_Right() const { return m_usFireELITE_RIGHT; } private: unsigned short m_usFireELITE_LEFT; unsigned short m_usFireELITE_RIGHT; }; const float FIVESEVEN_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float FIVESEVEN_DAMAGE = 20.0f; const float FIVESEVEN_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.885f; const float FIVESEVEN_RELOAD_TIME = 2.7f; enum fiveseven_e { FIVESEVEN_IDLE, FIVESEVEN_SHOOT1, FIVESEVEN_SHOOT2, FIVESEVEN_SHOOT_EMPTY, FIVESEVEN_RELOAD, FIVESEVEN_DRAW, }; class CFiveSeven: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; virtual BOOL IsPistol() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireFiveSeven; } private: unsigned short m_usFireFiveSeven; }; const float UMP45_MAX_SPEED = 250.0f; const float UMP45_DAMAGE = 30.0f; const float UMP45_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.82f; const float UMP45_RELOAD_TIME = 3.5f; enum ump45_e { UMP45_IDLE1, UMP45_RELOAD, UMP45_DRAW, UMP45_SHOOT1, UMP45_SHOOT2, UMP45_SHOOT3, }; class CUMP45: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireUMP45; } private: unsigned short m_usFireUMP45; }; const float SG550_MAX_SPEED = 210.0f; const float SG550_MAX_SPEED_ZOOM = 150.0f; const float SG550_DAMAGE = 70.0f; const float SG550_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.98f; const float SG550_RELOAD_TIME = 3.35f; enum sg550_e { SG550_IDLE, SG550_SHOOT, SG550_SHOOT2, SG550_RELOAD, SG550_DRAW, }; class CSG550: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireSG550; } private: unsigned short m_usFireSG550; }; const float GALIL_MAX_SPEED = 240.0f; const float GALIL_DAMAGE = 30.0f; const float GALIL_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.98f; const float GALIL_RELOAD_TIME = 2.45f; enum galil_e { GALIL_IDLE1, GALIL_RELOAD, GALIL_DRAW, GALIL_SHOOT1, GALIL_SHOOT2, GALIL_SHOOT3, }; class CGalil: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; unsigned short GetEventID() const { return m_usFireGalil; } private: unsigned short m_usFireGalil; }; const float FAMAS_MAX_SPEED = 240.0f; const float FAMAS_RELOAD_TIME = 3.3f; const float FAMAS_DAMAGE = 30.0f; const float FAMAS_DAMAGE_BURST = 34.0f; const float FAMAS_RANGE_MODIFER = 0.96f; enum famas_e { FAMAS_IDLE1, FAMAS_RELOAD, FAMAS_DRAW, FAMAS_SHOOT1, FAMAS_SHOOT2, FAMAS_SHOOT3, }; class CFamas: public CBasePlayerWeapon { public: virtual void Spawn() = 0; virtual void Precache() = 0; virtual int GetItemInfo(ItemInfo *p) = 0; virtual BOOL Deploy() = 0; virtual float GetMaxSpeed() = 0; virtual int iItemSlot() = 0; virtual void PrimaryAttack() = 0; virtual void SecondaryAttack() = 0; virtual void Reload() = 0; virtual void WeaponIdle() = 0; virtual BOOL UseDecrement() = 0; public: int m_iShell; int iShellOn; };