diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7f5b7885..d62db6bd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Archive's bin directory contains 2 subdirectories, 'bugfixed' and 'pure'
| showtriggers | 0 | 0 | 1 | Debug cvar shows triggers. |
| sv_alltalk | 0 | 0 | 4 | When players can hear each other ([further explanation](../../wiki/sv_alltalk)).
`0` dead don't hear alive
`1` no restrictions
`2` teammates hear each other
`3` Same as 2, but spectators hear everybody
`4` alive hear alive, dead hear dead and alive.
| bot_deathmatch | 0 | 0 | 1 | Set's the mode for the zBot.
`0` disabled
`1` enable mode Deathmatch and not allow to do the scenario |
-| bot_quota_mode | normal | - | - | Determines the type of quota.
`normal` default behaviour
`fill` the server will adjust bots to keep `N` players in the game, where `N` is bot_quota |
+| bot_quota_mode | normal | - | - | Determines the type of quota.
`normal` default behaviour
`fill` the server will adjust bots to keep `N` players in the game, where `N` is bot_quota
`match` the server will maintain a `1:N` ratio of humans to bots, where `N` is bot_quota |
| mp_item_staytime | 300 | - | - | Time to remove item that have been dropped from the players. |
| mp_legacy_bombtarget_touch | 1 | 0 | 1 | Legacy func_bomb_target touch. New one is more strict.
`0` New behavior
`1` Legacy behavior|
| mp_respawn_immunitytime | 0 | 0 | - | Specifies the players defense time after respawn. (in seconds).
`0` disabled
`>0.00001` time delay to remove protection |
diff --git a/dist/game.cfg b/dist/game.cfg
index 398c7309..ddb2ec01 100644
--- a/dist/game.cfg
+++ b/dist/game.cfg
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ bot_deathmatch 0
// Determines the type of quota.
// normal - default behaviour
// fill - the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota
+// match - the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota
// Default value: "normal"
bot_quota_mode "normal"