#include "precompiled.h" // Nasty Hack. See client.cpp/ClientCommand() const char *BotArgs[4] = {}; bool UseBotArgs = false; CBot::CBot() { // the profile will be attached after this instance is constructed m_profile = nullptr; // assign this bot a unique ID static unsigned int nextID = 1; // wraparound (highly unlikely) if (nextID == 0) ++nextID; m_id = nextID++; m_postureStackIndex = 0; } // Prepare bot for action bool CBot::Initialize(const BotProfile *profile) { m_profile = profile; return true; } void CBot::Spawn() { // Let CBasePlayer set some things up CBasePlayer::Spawn(); // Make sure everyone knows we are a bot pev->flags |= (FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT); // Bots use their own thinking mechanism SetThink(nullptr); pev->nextthink = -1; m_flNextBotThink = gpGlobals->time + g_flBotCommandInterval; m_flNextFullBotThink = gpGlobals->time + g_flBotFullThinkInterval; m_flPreviousCommandTime = gpGlobals->time; m_isRunning = true; m_isCrouching = false; m_postureStackIndex = 0; m_jumpTimestamp = 0.0f; // Command interface variable initialization ResetCommand(); // Allow derived classes to setup at spawn time SpawnBot(); } Vector CBot::GetAutoaimVector(float flDelta) { UTIL_MakeVectors(pev->v_angle + pev->punchangle); return gpGlobals->v_forward; } void CBot::BotThink() { if (gpGlobals->time >= m_flNextBotThink) { m_flNextBotThink = gpGlobals->time + g_flBotCommandInterval; Upkeep(); if (gpGlobals->time >= m_flNextFullBotThink) { m_flNextFullBotThink = gpGlobals->time + g_flBotFullThinkInterval; ResetCommand(); Update(); } ExecuteCommand(); } } void CBot::MoveForward() { m_forwardSpeed = GetMoveSpeed(); m_buttonFlags |= IN_FORWARD; // make mutually exclusive m_buttonFlags &= ~IN_BACK; } void CBot::MoveBackward() { m_forwardSpeed = -GetMoveSpeed(); m_buttonFlags |= IN_BACK; // make mutually exclusive m_buttonFlags &= ~IN_FORWARD; } void CBot::StrafeLeft() { m_strafeSpeed = -GetMoveSpeed(); m_buttonFlags |= IN_MOVELEFT; // make mutually exclusive m_buttonFlags &= ~IN_MOVERIGHT; } void CBot::StrafeRight() { m_strafeSpeed = GetMoveSpeed(); m_buttonFlags |= IN_MOVERIGHT; // make mutually exclusive m_buttonFlags &= ~IN_MOVELEFT; } bool CBot::Jump(bool mustJump) { if (IsJumping() || IsCrouching()) return false; if (!mustJump) { const float minJumpInterval = 0.9f; // 1.5f; if (gpGlobals->time - m_jumpTimestamp < minJumpInterval) return false; } // still need sanity check for jumping frequency const float sanityInterval = 0.3f; if (gpGlobals->time - m_jumpTimestamp < sanityInterval) return false; // jump m_buttonFlags |= IN_JUMP; m_jumpTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; return true; } // Zero any MoveForward(), Jump(), etc void CBot::ClearMovement() { ResetCommand(); } // Returns true if we are in the midst of a jump bool CBot::IsJumping() { // if long time after last jump, we can't be jumping if (gpGlobals->time - m_jumpTimestamp > 3.0f) return false; // if we just jumped, we're still jumping if (gpGlobals->time - m_jumpTimestamp < 1.0f) return true; // a little after our jump, we're jumping until we hit the ground if (pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND) return false; return true; } void CBot::Crouch() { m_isCrouching = true; } void CBot::StandUp() { m_isCrouching = false; } void CBot::UseEnvironment() { m_buttonFlags |= IN_USE; } void CBot::PrimaryAttack() { m_buttonFlags |= IN_ATTACK; } void CBot::ClearPrimaryAttack() { m_buttonFlags &= ~IN_ATTACK; } void CBot::TogglePrimaryAttack() { m_buttonFlags ^= IN_ATTACK; } void CBot::SecondaryAttack() { m_buttonFlags |= IN_ATTACK2; } void CBot::Reload() { m_buttonFlags |= IN_RELOAD; } // Returns ratio of ammo left to max ammo (1 = full clip, 0 = empty) float CBot::GetActiveWeaponAmmoRatio() const { CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrentWeapon = GetActiveWeapon(); if (!pCurrentWeapon) return 0.0f; // Weapons with no ammo are always full if (pCurrentWeapon->m_iClip < 0) return 1.0f; return float(pCurrentWeapon->m_iClip) / float(pCurrentWeapon->iMaxClip()); } // Return true if active weapon has an empty clip bool CBot::IsActiveWeaponClipEmpty() const { CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrentWeapon = GetActiveWeapon(); if (pCurrentWeapon && pCurrentWeapon->m_iClip == 0) return true; return false; } // Return true if active weapon has no ammo at all bool CBot::IsActiveWeaponOutOfAmmo() const { CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrentWeapon = GetActiveWeapon(); if (!pCurrentWeapon) return true; if (pCurrentWeapon->m_iClip < 0) return false; if (pCurrentWeapon->m_iClip == 0 && m_rgAmmo[pCurrentWeapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType] <= 0) return true; return false; } // Return true if looking thru weapon's scope bool CBot::IsUsingScope() const { // if our field of view is less than 90, we're looking thru a scope (maybe only true for CS...) if (m_iFOV < 90.0f) return true; return false; } void CBot::ExecuteCommand() { byte adjustedMSec; // Adjust msec to command time interval adjustedMSec = ThrottledMsec(); if (IsCrouching()) { m_buttonFlags |= IN_DUCK; } #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES // don't move if frozen state present if (pev->flags & FL_FROZEN) { adjustedMSec = 0; ResetCommand(); } #endif // Run mimic command usercmd_t botCmd; if (!RunMimicCommand(botCmd)) { botCmd.forwardmove = m_forwardSpeed; botCmd.sidemove = m_strafeSpeed; botCmd.upmove = m_verticalSpeed; botCmd.buttons = m_buttonFlags; botCmd.impulse = 0; botCmd.viewangles = pev->v_angle; } // player model is "munged" pev->angles = pev->v_angle; pev->angles.x /= -3.0f; // save the command time m_flPreviousCommandTime = gpGlobals->time; // Run the command PLAYER_RUN_MOVE(edict(), botCmd.viewangles, botCmd.forwardmove, botCmd.sidemove, botCmd.upmove, botCmd.buttons, 0, adjustedMSec); } bool CBot::RunMimicCommand(usercmd_t &botCmd) { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (cv_bot_mimic.value <= 0) return false; if (cv_bot_mimic.value > gpGlobals->maxClients) return false; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(cv_bot_mimic.value); if (!pPlayer) return false; if (!UTIL_IsValidPlayer(pPlayer)) return false; if (!pPlayer->IsAlive()) return false; if (pPlayer->IsBot()) return false; const usercmd_t *ucmd = pPlayer->GetLastUserCommand(); if (!ucmd) return false; botCmd = *ucmd; botCmd.viewangles[YAW] += cv_bot_mimic_yaw_offset.value; float mult = 8.0f; botCmd.forwardmove *= mult; botCmd.sidemove *= mult; botCmd.upmove *= mult; pev->fixangle = 0; return true; #else return false; #endif } void CBot::ResetCommand() { m_forwardSpeed = 0.0f; m_strafeSpeed = 0.0f; m_verticalSpeed = 0.0f; m_buttonFlags = 0; } byte CBot::ThrottledMsec() const { int iNewMsec; // Estimate Msec to use for this command based on time passed from the previous command iNewMsec = int((gpGlobals->time - m_flPreviousCommandTime) * 1000); // Doh, bots are going to be slower than they should if this happens. // Upgrade that CPU or use less bots! if (iNewMsec > 255) iNewMsec = 255; return byte(iNewMsec); } #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES // Do a "client command" - useful for invoking menu choices, etc. void CBot::ClientCommand(const char *cmd, const char *arg1, const char *arg2, const char *arg3) { BotArgs[0] = cmd; BotArgs[1] = arg1; BotArgs[2] = arg2; BotArgs[3] = arg3; UseBotArgs = true; ::ClientCommand_(ENT(pev)); UseBotArgs = false; } #endif // Returns TRUE if given entity is our enemy bool CBot::IsEnemy(CBaseEntity *pEntity) const { // only Players (real and AI) can be enemies if (!pEntity->IsPlayer()) return false; // corpses are no threat if (!pEntity->IsAlive()) return false; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast(pEntity); // if they are on our team, they are our friends if (BotRelationship(pPlayer) == BOT_TEAMMATE) return false; // yep, we hate 'em return true; } // Return number of enemies left alive int CBot::GetEnemiesRemaining() const { int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if (!UTIL_IsValidPlayer(pPlayer)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), "")) continue; if (!IsEnemy(pPlayer)) continue; if (!pPlayer->IsAlive()) continue; count++; } return count; } // Return number of friends left alive int CBot::GetFriendsRemaining() const { int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if (!UTIL_IsValidPlayer(pPlayer)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), "")) continue; if (IsEnemy(pPlayer)) continue; if (!pPlayer->IsAlive()) continue; if (pPlayer == static_cast(const_cast(this))) continue; count++; } return count; } bool CBot::IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe() const { // avoid crash during spawn if (!pev) return false; int myIndex = const_cast(this)->entindex(); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer(); if (!pPlayer) return false; if (((pPlayer->pev->flags & FL_SPECTATOR) || pPlayer->m_iTeam == SPECTATOR) && pPlayer->pev->iuser2 == myIndex) { switch (pPlayer->pev->iuser1) { case OBS_CHASE_LOCKED: case OBS_CHASE_FREE: case OBS_IN_EYE: return true; } } return false; } NOXREF void CBot::Print(char *format, ...) const { va_list varg; char buffer[1024]; // prefix the message with the bot's name Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s: ", STRING(pev->netname)); SERVER_PRINT(buffer); va_start(varg, format); Q_vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, varg); va_end(varg); SERVER_PRINT(buffer); } void CBot::PrintIfWatched(char *format, ...) const { if (!cv_bot_debug.value) return; if ((IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe() && (cv_bot_debug.value == 1 || cv_bot_debug.value == 3)) || (cv_bot_debug.value == 2 || cv_bot_debug.value == 4)) { va_list varg; char buffer[1024]; // prefix the message with the bot's name (this can be NULL if bot was just added) const char *name = pev ? STRING(pev->netname) : "(NULL pev)"; Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s: ", name ? name : "(NULL netname)"); SERVER_PRINT(buffer); va_start(varg, format); Q_vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, varg); va_end(varg); SERVER_PRINT(buffer); } } ActiveGrenade::ActiveGrenade(int weaponID, CGrenade *grenadeEntity) { m_id = weaponID; m_entity = grenadeEntity; m_detonationPosition = grenadeEntity->pev->origin; m_dieTimestamp = 0; } void ActiveGrenade::OnEntityGone() { if (m_id == WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE) { // smoke lingers after grenade is gone const float smokeLingerTime = 4.0f; m_dieTimestamp = gpGlobals->time + smokeLingerTime; } m_entity = nullptr; } void ActiveGrenade::CheckOnEntityGone() { if (m_dieTimestamp == 0 && !m_entity.IsValid()) OnEntityGone(); } bool ActiveGrenade::IsValid() const { if (!m_entity.IsValid()) { if (gpGlobals->time > m_dieTimestamp) return false; } return true; } const Vector *ActiveGrenade::GetPosition() { return &m_entity->pev->origin; }