#include "precompiled.h" /* * Globals initialization */ #ifndef HOOK_GAMEDLL static short s_iBeamSprite = 0; static float cosTable[ COS_TABLE_SIZE ]; #else short s_iBeamSprite; float cosTable[ COS_TABLE_SIZE ]; #endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL /* <4ad1c6> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:26 */ bool UTIL_IsNameTaken(const char *name, bool ignoreHumans) { for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBaseEntity *player = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if (player == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(player->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(player->pev->netname), "")) continue; if (player->IsPlayer() && (((CBasePlayer *)player)->IsBot() == TRUE)) { // bots can have prefixes so we need to check the name // against the profile name instead. CBot *bot = reinterpret_cast(player); if (FStrEq(name, bot->GetProfile()->GetName())) { return true; } } else { if (!ignoreHumans) { if (FStrEq(name, STRING(player->pev->netname))) return true; } } } return false; } /* <4ad2da> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:66 */ int UTIL_ClientsInGame(void) { int iCount = 0; for (int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients; iIndex++) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(iIndex); if (pPlayer == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(pPlayer->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), "")) continue; iCount++; } return iCount; } /* <4ad385> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:93 */ NOBODY int UTIL_ActivePlayersInGame(void) { int iCount = 0; for (int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients; iIndex++) { CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(iIndex); if (entity == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(entity->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(entity->pev->netname), "")) continue; CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(entity); // ignore spectators if (player->m_iTeam != TERRORIST && player->m_iTeam != CT) continue; if (player->m_iJoiningState != JOINED) continue; iCount++; } return iCount; } /* <4ad43f> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:128 */ NOBODY int UTIL_HumansInGame(bool ignoreSpectators) { int iCount = 0; for (int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients; iIndex++) { CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(iIndex); if (entity == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(entity->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(entity->pev->netname), "")) continue; CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(entity); if (player->IsBot()) continue; if (ignoreSpectators && player->m_iTeam != TERRORIST && player->m_iTeam != CT) continue; if (ignoreSpectators && player->m_iJoiningState != JOINED) continue; iCount++; } return iCount; } /* <4ad507> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:174 */ NOBODY int UTIL_HumansOnTeam(int teamID, bool isAlive) { int iCount = 0; for (int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients; iIndex++) { CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(iIndex); if (entity == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(entity->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(entity->pev->netname), "")) continue; CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(entity); if (player->IsBot()) continue; if (player->m_iTeam != teamID) continue; if (isAlive && !player->IsAlive()) continue; iCount++; } return iCount; } /* <4ad5db> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:210 */ NOBODY int UTIL_BotsInGame(void) { int iCount = 0; for (int iIndex = 1; iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients; iIndex++) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(iIndex)); if (pPlayer == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(pPlayer->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), "")) continue; if (!pPlayer->IsBot()) continue; iCount++; } return iCount; } /* <4ad686> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:240 */ NOBODY bool UTIL_KickBotFromTeam(TeamName kickTeam) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i)); if (player == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(player->pev)) continue; const char *name = STRING(player->pev->netname); if (FStrEq(name, "")) continue; if (!player->IsBot()) continue; if (!player->IsAlive() && player->m_iTeam == kickTeam) { SERVER_COMMAND(UTIL_VarArgs("kick \"%s\"\n", STRING(player->pev->netname))); return true; } } for (i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i)); if (player == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(player->pev)) continue; const char *name = STRING(player->pev->netname); if (FStrEq(name, "")) continue; if (!player->IsBot()) continue; if (player->m_iTeam == kickTeam) { SERVER_COMMAND(UTIL_VarArgs("kick \"%s\"\n", STRING(player->pev->netname))); return true; } } return false; } /* <4ad7ad> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:305 */ NOBODY bool UTIL_IsTeamAllBots(int team) { int botCount = 0; for (int i=1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i)); if (player == NULL) continue; if (player->m_iTeam != team) continue; if (FNullEnt(player->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(player->pev->netname), "")) continue; if (!(player->pev->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)) return false; ++botCount; } return (botCount) ? true : false; } /* <4ad86a> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:343 */ NOBODY extern CBasePlayer *UTIL_GetClosestPlayer(const Vector *pos, float *distance) { CBasePlayer *closePlayer = NULL; float closeDistSq = 999999999999.9f; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i)); if (!IsEntityValid(player)) continue; if (!player->IsAlive()) continue; float distSq = (player->pev->origin - *pos).LengthSquared(); if (distSq < closeDistSq) { closeDistSq = distSq; closePlayer = static_cast(player); } } if (distance) *distance = sqrt(closeDistSq); return closePlayer; } /* <4ad86a> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:343 */ NOBODY extern CBasePlayer *UTIL_GetClosestPlayer(const Vector *pos, int team, float *distance) { CBasePlayer *closePlayer = NULL; float closeDistSq = 999999999999.9f; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i)); if (!IsEntityValid(player)) continue; if (!player->IsAlive()) continue; if (player->m_iTeam != team) continue; float distSq = (player->pev->origin - *pos).LengthSquared(); if (distSq < closeDistSq) { closeDistSq = distSq; closePlayer = static_cast(player); } } if (distance) *distance = sqrt(closeDistSq); return closePlayer; } /* <4ad0de> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:411 */ const char *UTIL_GetBotPrefix() { return cv_bot_prefix.string; } /* <4adb11> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:418 */ void UTIL_ConstructBotNetName(char *name, int nameLength, const BotProfile *profile) { if (profile == NULL) { name[0] = 0; return; } // if there is no bot prefix just use the profile name. if ((UTIL_GetBotPrefix() == NULL) || (Q_strlen(UTIL_GetBotPrefix()) == 0)) { Q_strncpy(name, profile->GetName(), nameLength); return; } Q_snprintf(name, nameLength, "%s %s", UTIL_GetBotPrefix(), profile->GetName()); } /* <4adb6c> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:440 */ NOBODY bool UTIL_IsVisibleToTeam(const Vector &spot, int team, float maxRange) { for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i)); if (player == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(player->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(player->pev->netname), "")) continue; if (!player->IsAlive()) continue; if (player->m_iTeam != team) continue; if (maxRange > 0.0f && (spot - player->Center()).IsLengthGreaterThan(maxRange)) continue; TraceResult result; UTIL_TraceLine(player->EyePosition(), spot, ignore_monsters, ignore_glass, ENT(player->pev), &result); if (result.flFraction == 1.0f) return true; } return false; } /* <4adc8e> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:479 */ CBasePlayer *UTIL_GetLocalPlayer(void) { if (!IS_DEDICATED_SERVER()) return static_cast(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1)); return NULL; } /* <4adcab> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:491 */ NOBODY Vector UTIL_ComputeOrigin(entvars_t *pevVars) { if ((pevVars->origin.x == 0.0) && (pevVars->origin.y == 0.0) && (pevVars->origin.z == 0.0)) return (pevVars->absmax + pevVars->absmin) *0.5; else return pevVars->origin; } NOBODY Vector UTIL_ComputeOrigin(CBaseEntity *pEntity) { return UTIL_ComputeOrigin(pEntity->pev); } NOBODY Vector UTIL_ComputeOrigin(edict_t *pentEdict) { return UTIL_ComputeOrigin(VARS(pentEdict)); } /* <4adf8a> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:513 */ NOBODY void UTIL_DrawBeamFromEnt(int iIndex, Vector vecEnd, int iLifetime, byte bRed, byte bGreen, byte bBlue) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecEnd); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BEAMENTPOINT); WRITE_SHORT(iIndex); WRITE_COORD(vecEnd.x); WRITE_COORD(vecEnd.y); WRITE_COORD(vecEnd.z); WRITE_SHORT(s_iBeamSprite); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(iLifetime); WRITE_BYTE(10); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(bRed); WRITE_BYTE(bGreen); WRITE_BYTE(bBlue); WRITE_BYTE(255); WRITE_BYTE(0); MESSAGE_END(); } /* <4ae02e> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:537 */ NOBODY void UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(Vector vecStart, Vector vecEnd, int iLifetime, byte bRed, byte bGreen, byte bBlue) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecStart); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BEAMPOINTS); WRITE_COORD(vecStart.x); WRITE_COORD(vecStart.y); WRITE_COORD(vecStart.z); WRITE_COORD(vecEnd.x); WRITE_COORD(vecEnd.y); WRITE_COORD(vecEnd.z); WRITE_SHORT(s_iBeamSprite); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(iLifetime); WRITE_BYTE(10); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(bRed); WRITE_BYTE(bGreen); WRITE_BYTE(bBlue); WRITE_BYTE(255); WRITE_BYTE(0); MESSAGE_END(); } /* <4ae0d3> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:563 */ void CONSOLE_ECHO(char *pszMsg, ...) { va_list argptr; static char szStr[1024]; va_start(argptr, pszMsg); #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES Q_vsnprintf(szStr, sizeof(szStr), pszMsg, argptr); #else vsprintf(szStr, pszMsg, argptr); #endif // REGAMEDLL_FIXES va_end(argptr); (*g_engfuncs.pfnServerPrint)(szStr); } /* <4ae13e> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:577 */ void CONSOLE_ECHO_LOGGED(char *pszMsg, ...) { va_list argptr; static char szStr[1024]; va_start(argptr, pszMsg); #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES Q_vsnprintf(szStr, sizeof(szStr), pszMsg, argptr); #else vsprintf(szStr, pszMsg, argptr); #endif // REGAMEDLL_FIXES va_end(argptr); (*g_engfuncs.pfnServerPrint)(szStr); UTIL_LogPrintf(szStr); } /* <4ae198> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:592 */ void BotPrecache(void) { s_iBeamSprite = PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/smoke.spr"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/bell1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/blip1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/blip2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/button11.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/latchunlocked2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/lightswitch2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("ambience/quail1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("events/tutor_msg.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("events/enemy_died.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("events/friend_died.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("events/task_complete.wav"); } /* <4ae1b1> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:666 */ void InitBotTrig(void) { for (int i = 0; i < COS_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { float_precision angle = 2.0f * M_PI * (float)i / (float)(COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1); cosTable[i] = cos( angle ); } } ///* <4ae1fd> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:675 */ //float BotCOS(float angle) //{ // angle = NormalizeAnglePositive(angle); // int i = angle * (COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1) / 360.0f; // return cosTable[ i ]; //} // ///* <4ae261> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:682 */ //float BotSIN(float angle) //{ // angle = NormalizeAnglePositive(angle - 90); // int i = angle * (COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1) / 360.0f; // return cosTable[ i ]; //} /* <4ae1fd> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:675 */ float BotCOS(float angle) { angle = NormalizeAnglePositive(angle); int i = angle * ((COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1) / 360.0f); return cosTable[ i ]; } /* <4ae261> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:682 */ float BotSIN(float angle) { angle = NormalizeAnglePositive(angle - 90); int i = angle * ((COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1) / 360.0f); return cosTable[ i ]; } /* <4ae2c5> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:694 */ NOBODY bool IsGameEventAudible(GameEventType event, CBaseEntity *entity, CBaseEntity *other, float *range, PriorityType *priority, bool *isHostile) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(entity); if (entity == NULL || !player->IsPlayer()) player = NULL; const float ShortRange = 1000.0f; const float NormalRange = 2000.0f; switch(event) { case EVENT_WEAPON_FIRED: { if (player->m_pActiveItem == NULL) return false; switch(player->m_pActiveItem->m_iId) { case WEAPON_HEGRENADE: case WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE: case WEAPON_FLASHBANG: case WEAPON_SHIELDGUN: case WEAPON_C4: return false; case WEAPON_KNIFE: case WEAPON_TMP: *range = ShortRange; break; case WEAPON_M4A1: { CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = static_cast(player->m_pActiveItem); if (pWeapon->m_iWeaponState & WPNSTATE_M4A1_SILENCED) { *range = ShortRange; } else { *range = NormalRange; } break; } case WEAPON_USP: { CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = static_cast(player->m_pActiveItem); if (pWeapon->m_iWeaponState & WPNSTATE_M4A1_SILENCED) { *range = ShortRange; } else { *range = NormalRange; } break; } case WEAPON_AWP: *range = 99999.0f; break; default: *range = NormalRange; break; } *priority = PRIORITY_HIGH; *isHostile = true; return true; } case EVENT_HE_GRENADE_EXPLODED: *range = 99999.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_HIGH; *isHostile = true; return true; case EVENT_FLASHBANG_GRENADE_EXPLODED: *range = 1000.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_LOW; *isHostile = true; return true; case EVENT_SMOKE_GRENADE_EXPLODED: *range = 1000.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_LOW; *isHostile = true; return true; case EVENT_GRENADE_BOUNCED: *range = 500.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_LOW; *isHostile = true; return true; case EVENT_BREAK_GLASS: case EVENT_BREAK_WOOD: case EVENT_BREAK_METAL: case EVENT_BREAK_FLESH: case EVENT_BREAK_CONCRETE: *range = 1100.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; *isHostile = true; return true; case EVENT_DOOR: *range = 1100.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; *isHostile = false; return true; case EVENT_WEAPON_FIRED_ON_EMPTY: case EVENT_PLAYER_FOOTSTEP: case EVENT_WEAPON_RELOADED: case EVENT_WEAPON_ZOOMED: case EVENT_PLAYER_LANDED_FROM_HEIGHT: *range = 1100.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_LOW; *isHostile = false; return true; case EVENT_HOSTAGE_USED: case EVENT_HOSTAGE_CALLED_FOR_HELP: *range = 1200.0f; *priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; *isHostile = false; return true; } return false; } /* <4ae3c1> ../game_shared/bot/bot_util.cpp:838 */ void HintMessageToAllPlayers(const char *message) { hudtextparms_t textParms; textParms.x = -1; textParms.y = -1; textParms.effect = 0; textParms.r1 = 100; textParms.g1 = -1; textParms.b1 = 100; textParms.r2 = -1; textParms.g2 = -1; textParms.b2 = -1; textParms.fadeinTime = 1; textParms.fadeoutTime = 5; textParms.holdTime = 5; textParms.fxTime = 0; textParms.channel = 0; UTIL_HudMessageAll(textParms, message); }