#include "precompiled.h"

* Globals initialization

CSoundEnt *pSoundEnt = NULL;


LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(soundent, CSoundEnt, CCSSoundEnt);

// CSound - Clear - zeros all fields for a sound
void CSound::Clear()
	m_vecOrigin = g_vecZero;
	m_iType = 0;
	m_iVolume = 0;
	m_flExpireTime = 0;
	m_iNextAudible = 0;

// Reset - clears the volume, origin, and type for a sound,
// but doesn't expire or unlink it.
void CSound::Reset()
	m_vecOrigin = g_vecZero;
	m_iType = 0;
	m_iVolume = 0;

// FIsSound - returns TRUE if the sound is an Audible sound
NOXREF BOOL CSound::FIsSound()
	if (m_iType & (bits_SOUND_COMBAT | bits_SOUND_WORLD | bits_SOUND_PLAYER | bits_SOUND_DANGER))
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

// FIsScent - returns TRUE if the sound is actually a scent
NOXREF BOOL CSound::FIsScent()
	if (m_iType & (bits_SOUND_CARCASS | bits_SOUND_MEAT | bits_SOUND_GARBAGE))
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

void CSoundEnt::__MAKE_VHOOK(Spawn)()
	pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;

	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 1;

// Think - at interval, the entire active sound list is checked
// for sounds that have ExpireTimes less than or equal
// to the current world time, and these sounds are deallocated.
void CSoundEnt::__MAKE_VHOOK(Think)()
	int iSound;
	int iPreviousSound;

	// how often to check the sound list.
	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.3;

	iPreviousSound = SOUNDLIST_EMPTY;
	iSound = m_iActiveSound;

	while (iSound != SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
		if (m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_flExpireTime <= gpGlobals->time && m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_flExpireTime != SOUND_NEVER_EXPIRE)
			int iNext = m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;

			// move this sound back into the free list
			FreeSound(iSound, iPreviousSound);

			iSound = iNext;
			iPreviousSound = iSound;
			iSound = m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;

	if (m_fShowReport)
		ALERT(at_aiconsole, "Soundlist: %d / %d  (%d)\n", ISoundsInList(SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE), ISoundsInList(SOUNDLISTTYPE_FREE), ISoundsInList(SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE) - m_cLastActiveSounds);
		m_cLastActiveSounds = ISoundsInList(SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE);

// Precache - dummy function
void CSoundEnt::__MAKE_VHOOK(Precache)()

// FreeSound - clears the passed active sound and moves it
// to the top of the free list. TAKE CARE to only call this
// function for sounds in the Active list
void CSoundEnt::FreeSound(int iSound, int iPrevious)
	if (!pSoundEnt)
		// no sound ent!

	if (iPrevious != SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
		// iSound is not the head of the active list, so
		// must fix the index for the Previous sound
		// pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iPrevious ].m_iNext = m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;
		pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iPrevious ].m_iNext = pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;
		// the sound we're freeing IS the head of the active list.
		pSoundEnt->m_iActiveSound = pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;

	// make iSound the head of the Free list.
	pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext = pSoundEnt->m_iFreeSound;
	pSoundEnt->m_iFreeSound = iSound;

// IAllocSound - moves a sound from the Free list to the
// Active list returns the index of the alloc'd sound
int CSoundEnt::IAllocSound()
	int iNewSound;

	if (m_iFreeSound == SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
		// no free sound!
		ALERT(at_console, "Free Sound List is full!\n");

	// there is at least one sound available, so move it to the
	// Active sound list, and return its SoundPool index.

	// copy the index of the next free sound
	iNewSound = m_iFreeSound;

	// move the index down into the free list.
	m_iFreeSound = m_SoundPool[ iNewSound ].m_iNext;

	// point the new sound at the top of the active list.
	m_SoundPool[ iNewSound ].m_iNext = m_iActiveSound;

	// now make the new sound the top of the active list. You're done.
	m_iActiveSound = iNewSound;

	return iNewSound;

// InsertSound - Allocates a free sound and fills it with
// sound info.
void CSoundEnt::InsertSound(int iType, const Vector &vecOrigin, int iVolume, float flDuration)
	int iThisSound;

	if (!pSoundEnt)
		// no sound ent!

	iThisSound = pSoundEnt->IAllocSound();

	if (iThisSound == SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
		ALERT(at_console, "Could not AllocSound() for InsertSound() (DLL)\n");

	pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iThisSound ].m_vecOrigin = vecOrigin;
	pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iThisSound ].m_iType = iType;
	pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iThisSound ].m_iVolume = iVolume;
	pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iThisSound ].m_flExpireTime = gpGlobals->time + flDuration;

// Initialize - clears all sounds and moves them into the
// free sound list.
void CSoundEnt::Initialize()
  	int i;
	int iSound;

	m_cLastActiveSounds = 0;
	m_iFreeSound = 0;
	m_iActiveSound = SOUNDLIST_EMPTY;

	// clear all sounds, and link them into the free sound list.
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_WORLD_SOUNDS; ++i)
		m_SoundPool[ i ].Clear();
		m_SoundPool[ i ].m_iNext = i + 1;

	// terminate the list here.
	m_SoundPool[ i - 1 ].m_iNext = SOUNDLIST_EMPTY;

	// now reserve enough sounds for each client
	for (i = 0; i < gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i)
		iSound = pSoundEnt->IAllocSound();

		if (iSound == SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
			ALERT(at_console, "Could not AllocSound() for Client Reserve! (DLL)\n");

		pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_flExpireTime = SOUND_NEVER_EXPIRE;

	if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("displaysoundlist") == 1)
		m_fShowReport = TRUE;
		m_fShowReport = FALSE;

// ISoundsInList - returns the number of sounds in the desired
// sound list.
int CSoundEnt::ISoundsInList(int iListType)
	int i;
	int iThisSound;

		iThisSound = m_iFreeSound;
	else if (iListType == SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE)
		iThisSound = m_iActiveSound;
		ALERT(at_console, "Unknown Sound List Type!\n");

	if (iThisSound == SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
		return 0;

	i = 0;

	while (iThisSound != SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
		iThisSound = m_SoundPool[ iThisSound ].m_iNext;

	return i;

// ActiveList - returns the head of the active sound list
NOXREF int CSoundEnt::ActiveList()
	if (!pSoundEnt)

	return pSoundEnt->m_iActiveSound;

// FreeList - returns the head of the free sound list
NOXREF int CSoundEnt::FreeList()
	if (!pSoundEnt)

	return pSoundEnt->m_iFreeSound;

// SoundPointerForIndex - returns a pointer to the instance
// of CSound at index's position in the sound pool.
CSound *CSoundEnt::SoundPointerForIndex(int iIndex)
	if (!pSoundEnt)
		return NULL;

	if (iIndex > (MAX_WORLD_SOUNDS - 1))
		ALERT(at_console, "SoundPointerForIndex() - Index too large!\n");
		return NULL;

	if (iIndex < 0)
		ALERT(at_console, "SoundPointerForIndex() - Index < 0!\n");
		return NULL;

	return &pSoundEnt->m_SoundPool[ iIndex ];

// Clients are numbered from 1 to MAXCLIENTS, but the client
// reserved sounds in the soundlist are from 0 to MAXCLIENTS - 1,
// so this function ensures that a client gets the proper index
// to his reserved sound in the soundlist.
int CSoundEnt::ClientSoundIndex(edict_t *pClient)
	int iReturn = ENTINDEX(pClient) - 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(HOOK_GAMEDLL)

	if (iReturn < 0 || iReturn > gpGlobals->maxClients)
		ALERT(at_console, "** ClientSoundIndex returning a bogus value! **\n");


	return iReturn;