/* * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to * link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL * Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, * L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs * from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception * to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. * */ #include "precompiled.h" // This method is the ONLY legal way to change a bot's current state void CCSBot::SetState(BotState *state) { PrintIfWatched("SetState: %s -> %s\n", m_state ? m_state->GetName() : "NULL", state->GetName()); // if we changed state from within the special Attack state, we are no longer attacking if (m_isAttacking) StopAttacking(); if (m_state) m_state->OnExit(this); state->OnEnter(this); m_state = state; m_stateTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; } void CCSBot::Idle() { SetTask(SEEK_AND_DESTROY); SetState(&m_idleState); } void CCSBot::EscapeFromBomb() { SetTask(ESCAPE_FROM_BOMB); SetState(&m_escapeFromBombState); } void CCSBot::Follow(CBasePlayer *player) { if (!player) return; // note when we began following if (!m_isFollowing || m_leader != player) m_followTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; m_isFollowing = true; m_leader = player; SetTask(FOLLOW); m_followState.SetLeader(player); SetState(&m_followState); } // Continue following our leader after finishing what we were doing void CCSBot::ContinueFollowing() { SetTask(FOLLOW); m_followState.SetLeader(m_leader); SetState(&m_followState); } // Stop following void CCSBot::StopFollowing() { m_isFollowing = false; m_leader = nullptr; m_allowAutoFollowTime = gpGlobals->time + 10.0f; } // Begin process of rescuing hostages void CCSBot::RescueHostages() { SetTask(RESCUE_HOSTAGES); } // Use the entity void CCSBot::UseEntity(CBaseEntity *entity) { m_useEntityState.SetEntity(entity); SetState(&m_useEntityState); } // DEPRECATED: Use TryToHide() instead. // Move to a hiding place. // If 'searchFromArea' is non-NULL, hiding spots are looked for from that area first. void CCSBot::Hide(CNavArea *searchFromArea, float duration, float hideRange, bool holdPosition) { DestroyPath(); CNavArea *source; Vector sourcePos; if (searchFromArea) { source = searchFromArea; sourcePos = *searchFromArea->GetCenter(); } else { source = m_lastKnownArea; sourcePos = pev->origin; } if (!source) { PrintIfWatched("Hide from area is NULL.\n"); Idle(); return; } m_hideState.SetSearchArea(source); m_hideState.SetSearchRange(hideRange); m_hideState.SetDuration(duration); m_hideState.SetHoldPosition(holdPosition); // search around source area for a good hiding spot Vector useSpot; const Vector *pos = FindNearbyHidingSpot(this, &sourcePos, source, hideRange, IsSniper()); if (!pos) { PrintIfWatched("No available hiding spots.\n"); // hide at our current position useSpot = pev->origin; } else { useSpot = *pos; } m_hideState.SetHidingSpot(useSpot); // build a path to our new hiding spot if (ComputePath(TheNavAreaGrid.GetNavArea(&useSpot), &useSpot, FASTEST_ROUTE) == false) { PrintIfWatched("Can't pathfind to hiding spot\n"); Idle(); return; } SetState(&m_hideState); } // Move to the given hiding place void CCSBot::Hide(const Vector *hidingSpot, float duration, bool holdPosition) { CNavArea *hideArea = TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea(hidingSpot); if (!hideArea) { PrintIfWatched("Hiding spot off nav mesh\n"); Idle(); return; } DestroyPath(); m_hideState.SetSearchArea(hideArea); m_hideState.SetSearchRange(750.0f); m_hideState.SetDuration(duration); m_hideState.SetHoldPosition(holdPosition); m_hideState.SetHidingSpot(*hidingSpot); // build a path to our new hiding spot if (ComputePath(hideArea, hidingSpot, FASTEST_ROUTE) == false) { PrintIfWatched("Can't pathfind to hiding spot\n"); Idle(); return; } SetState(&m_hideState); } // Try to hide nearby. Return true if hiding, false if can't hide here. // If 'searchFromArea' is non-NULL, hiding spots are looked for from that area first. bool CCSBot::TryToHide(CNavArea *searchFromArea, float duration, float hideRange, bool holdPosition, bool useNearest) { CNavArea *source; Vector sourcePos; if (searchFromArea) { source = searchFromArea; sourcePos = *searchFromArea->GetCenter(); } else { source = m_lastKnownArea; sourcePos = pev->origin; } if (!source) { PrintIfWatched("Hide from area is NULL.\n"); return false; } m_hideState.SetSearchArea(source); m_hideState.SetSearchRange(hideRange); m_hideState.SetDuration(duration); m_hideState.SetHoldPosition(holdPosition); // search around source area for a good hiding spot const Vector *pos = FindNearbyHidingSpot(this, &sourcePos, source, hideRange, IsSniper(), useNearest); if (!pos) { PrintIfWatched("No available hiding spots.\n"); return false; } m_hideState.SetHidingSpot(*pos); // build a path to our new hiding spot if (ComputePath(TheNavAreaGrid.GetNavArea(pos), pos, FASTEST_ROUTE) == false) { PrintIfWatched("Can't pathfind to hiding spot\n"); return false; } SetState(&m_hideState); return true; } // Retreat to a nearby hiding spot, away from enemies bool CCSBot::TryToRetreat() { const float maxRange = 1000.0f; const Vector *spot = FindNearbyRetreatSpot(this, maxRange); if (spot) { // ignore enemies for a second to give us time to hide // reaching our hiding spot clears our disposition IgnoreEnemies(10.0f); float holdTime = RANDOM_FLOAT(3.0f, 15.0f); StandUp(); Run(); Hide(spot, holdTime); PrintIfWatched("Retreating to a safe spot!\n"); return true; } return false; } void CCSBot::Hunt() { SetState(&m_huntState); } // Attack our the given victim // NOTE: Attacking does not change our task. void CCSBot::Attack(CBasePlayer *victim) { if (!victim) return; // zombies never attack if (cv_bot_zombie.value != 0.0f) return; // cannot attack if we are reloading if (IsActiveWeaponReloading()) return; // change enemy SetEnemy(victim); // Do not "re-enter" the attack state if we are already attacking if (IsAttacking()) return; // if we are currently hiding, increase our chances of crouching and holding position if (IsAtHidingSpot()) m_attackState.SetCrouchAndHold((RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 100) < 60.0f) != 0); else m_attackState.SetCrouchAndHold(false); PrintIfWatched("ATTACK BEGIN (reaction time = %g (+ update time), surprise time = %g, attack delay = %g)\n" #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES , GetProfile()->GetReactionTime(), m_surpriseDelay, GetProfile()->GetAttackDelay() #endif ); m_isAttacking = true; m_attackState.OnEnter(this); // cheat a bit and give the bot the initial location of its victim m_lastEnemyPosition = victim->pev->origin; m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; m_aimSpreadTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; // compute the angle difference between where are looking, and where we need to look Vector toEnemy = victim->pev->origin - pev->origin; Vector idealAngle = UTIL_VecToAngles(toEnemy); float_precision deltaYaw = float_precision(Q_abs(int64(m_lookYaw - idealAngle.y))); while (deltaYaw > 180.0f) deltaYaw -= 360.0f; if (deltaYaw < 0.0f) deltaYaw = -deltaYaw; // immediately aim at enemy - accuracy penalty depending on how far we must turn to aim // accuracy is halved if we have to turn 180 degrees float turn = deltaYaw * 0.0055555557;/// 180.0f; float accuracy = GetProfile()->GetSkill() / (1.0f + turn); SetAimOffset(accuracy); // define time when aim offset will automatically be updated // longer time the more we had to turn (surprise) m_aimOffsetTimestamp = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(0.25f + turn, 1.5f); } // Exit the Attack state void CCSBot::StopAttacking() { PrintIfWatched("ATTACK END\n"); m_attackState.OnExit(this); m_isAttacking = false; // if we are following someone, go to the Idle state after the attack to decide whether we still want to follow if (IsFollowing()) { Idle(); } } bool CCSBot::IsAttacking() const { return m_isAttacking; } // Return true if we are escaping from the bomb bool CCSBot::IsEscapingFromBomb() const { if (m_state == static_cast<const BotState *>(&m_escapeFromBombState)) return true; return false; } // Return true if we are defusing the bomb bool CCSBot::IsDefusingBomb() const { if (m_state == static_cast<const BotState *>(&m_defuseBombState)) return true; return false; } // Return true if we are hiding bool CCSBot::IsHiding() const { if (m_state == static_cast<const BotState *>(&m_hideState)) return true; return false; } // Return true if we are hiding and at our hiding spot bool CCSBot::IsAtHidingSpot() const { if (!IsHiding()) return false; return m_hideState.IsAtSpot(); } // Return true if we are huting bool CCSBot::IsHunting() const { if (m_state == static_cast<const BotState *>(&m_huntState)) return true; return false; } // Return true if we are in the MoveTo state bool CCSBot::IsMovingTo() const { if (m_state == static_cast<const BotState *>(&m_moveToState)) return true; return false; } // Return true if we are buying bool CCSBot::IsBuying() const { if (m_state == static_cast<const BotState *>(&m_buyState)) return true; return false; } // Move to potentially distant position void CCSBot::MoveTo(const Vector *pos, RouteType route) { m_moveToState.SetGoalPosition(*pos); m_moveToState.SetRouteType(route); SetState(&m_moveToState); } void CCSBot::PlantBomb() { SetState(&m_plantBombState); } // Bomb has been dropped - go get it void CCSBot::FetchBomb() { SetState(&m_fetchBombState); } void CCSBot::DefuseBomb() { SetState(&m_defuseBombState); } // Investigate recent enemy noise void CCSBot::InvestigateNoise() { SetState(&m_investigateNoiseState); }