#include "precompiled.h" CMapInfo *g_pMapInfo = nullptr; CMapInfo::CMapInfo() { m_flBombRadius = 500.0f; m_iBuyingStatus = BUYING_EVERYONE; #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (g_pMapInfo) { // Should only be one of these. ALERT(at_warning, "Warning: Multiple info_map_parameters entities in map!\n"); } else #endif { g_pMapInfo = this; } } void CMapInfo::CheckMapInfo() { bool bCTCantBuy, bTCantBuy; switch (m_iBuyingStatus) { case BUYING_EVERYONE: bCTCantBuy = false; bTCantBuy = false; ALERT(at_console, "EVERYONE CAN BUY!\n"); break; case BUYING_ONLY_CTS: bCTCantBuy = false; bTCantBuy = true; ALERT(at_console, "Only CT's can buy!!\n"); break; case BUYING_ONLY_TERRORISTS: bCTCantBuy = true; bTCantBuy = false; ALERT(at_console, "Only T's can buy!!\n"); break; case BUYING_NO_ONE: bCTCantBuy = true; bTCantBuy = true; ALERT(at_console, "No one can buy!!\n"); break; default: bCTCantBuy = false; bTCantBuy = false; break; } CSGameRules()->m_flBombRadius = m_flBombRadius; CSGameRules()->m_bCTCantBuy = bCTCantBuy; CSGameRules()->m_bTCantBuy = bTCantBuy; } void CMapInfo::KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd) { if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "buying")) { m_iBuyingStatus = (InfoMapBuyParam)Q_atoi(pkvd->szValue); pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "bombradius")) { m_flBombRadius = (float)Q_atoi(pkvd->szValue); if (m_flBombRadius > MAX_BOMB_RADIUS) m_flBombRadius = MAX_BOMB_RADIUS; pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } } void CMapInfo::Spawn() { pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW; } void CMapInfo::UpdateOnRemove() { g_pMapInfo = nullptr; } LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_map_parameters, CMapInfo, CCSMapInfo)