#include "precompiled.h" /* * Globals initialization */ #ifndef HOOK_GAMEDLL NavDirType Opposite[ NUM_DIRECTIONS ] = { SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, EAST }; CNavNode *CNavNode::m_list = NULL; unsigned int CNavNode::m_listLength = 0; #endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL //NOXREF Extent NodeMapExtent; /* <4f79dc> ../game_shared/bot/nav_node.cpp:23 */ CNavNode::CNavNode(const Vector *pos, const Vector *normal, CNavNode *parent) { m_pos = *pos; m_normal = *normal; static unsigned int nextID = 1; m_id = nextID++; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++i) m_to[i] = NULL; m_visited = 0; m_parent = parent; m_next = IMPL(m_list); IMPL(m_list) = this; IMPL(m_listLength)++; m_isCovered = FALSE; m_area = NULL; m_attributeFlags = 0; } // Create a connection FROM this node TO the given node, in the given direction /* <4f7a31> ../game_shared/bot/nav_node.cpp:54 */ void CNavNode::ConnectTo(CNavNode *node, NavDirType dir) { m_to[ dir ] = node; } // Return node at given position // TODO: Need a hash table to make this lookup fast /* <4f7a75> ../game_shared/bot/nav_node.cpp:64 */ const CNavNode *CNavNode::GetNode(const Vector *pos) { const float tolerance = 0.45f * GenerationStepSize; for (const CNavNode *node = IMPL(m_list); node != NULL; node = node->m_next) { float dx = ABS(node->m_pos.x - pos->x); float dy = ABS(node->m_pos.y - pos->y); float dz = ABS(node->m_pos.z - pos->z); if (dx < tolerance && dy < tolerance && dz < tolerance) return node; } return NULL; } // Return true if this node is bidirectionally linked to // another node in the given direction /* <4f7af2> ../game_shared/bot/nav_node.cpp:86 */ BOOL CNavNode::IsBiLinked(NavDirType dir) const { if (m_to[ dir ] && m_to[ dir ]->m_to[ Opposite[dir] ] == this) return true; return false; } // Return true if this node is the NW corner of a quad of nodes // that are all bidirectionally linked /* <4f7b1c> ../game_shared/bot/nav_node.cpp:100 */ BOOL CNavNode::IsClosedCell() const { if (IsBiLinked( SOUTH ) && IsBiLinked( EAST ) && m_to[ EAST ]->IsBiLinked( SOUTH ) && m_to[ SOUTH ]->IsBiLinked( EAST ) && m_to[ EAST ]->m_to[ SOUTH ] == m_to[ SOUTH ]->m_to[ EAST ]) return true; return false; }