#include "precompiled.h" std::ofstream g_ReGameDLLDebugLog; void Regamedll_Debug_logAlloc(size_t sz, void *ptr) { g_ReGameDLLDebugLog << "malloc(" << sz << ") => " << std::hex << (size_t)ptr << "\n"; g_ReGameDLLDebugLog.flush(); } void Regamedll_Debug_logRealloc(size_t sz, void *oldPtr, void *newPtr) { g_ReGameDLLDebugLog << "realloc(" << std::hex << (size_t)oldPtr << ", " << sz << ") => " << std::hex << (size_t)newPtr << "\n"; g_ReGameDLLDebugLog.flush(); } void Regamedll_Debug_logFree(void *ptr) { g_ReGameDLLDebugLog << "free(" << std::hex << (size_t)ptr << ")\n"; g_ReGameDLLDebugLog.flush(); } void Regamedll_Debug_logStrDup(const char *s, void *ptr) { g_ReGameDLLDebugLog << "strdup(" << std::hex << (size_t)ptr << ") => " << s << "\n"; g_ReGameDLLDebugLog.flush(); } void Regamedll_Debug_Init() { //g_ReGameDLLDebugLog.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit); //g_ReGameDLLDebugLog.open("d:\\REGAME_SERVER\\regamedll_debug.log", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); } void _print_chat(class CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *fmt, ...) { static char Dest[4096]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(Dest, sizeof(Dest), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (Q_strlen(Dest) < sizeof(Dest) - 2) Q_strcat(Dest, "\n"); else Dest[Q_strlen(Dest) - 1] = '\n'; UTIL_SayText(Dest, (class CBaseEntity *)pPlayer); } void _print_console(struct entvars_s *pev, const char *fmt, ...) { static char Dest[4096]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(Dest, sizeof(Dest), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (Q_strlen(Dest) < sizeof(Dest) - 2) Q_strcat(Dest, "\n"); else Dest[Q_strlen(Dest) - 1] = '\n'; ClientPrint(pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, Dest); } void _printf2(const char *fmt, ...) { /* * check is null, test the demo started before than searches pointer to refs */ if (&g_engfuncs == NULL || g_engfuncs.pfnServerPrint == NULL) return; static char Dest[4096]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(Dest, sizeof(Dest), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (Q_strlen(Dest) < sizeof(Dest) - 2) Q_strcat(Dest, "\n"); else Dest[Q_strlen(Dest) - 1] = '\n'; SERVER_PRINT(Dest); } #if defined(HOOK_GAMEDLL) && !defined(REGAMEDLL_UNIT_TESTS) extern int nCountHook; void Regamedll_Game_Init() { #ifdef _WIN32 if (g_ReGameDLLRuntimeConfig.disableAllHooks) return; #endif // _WIN32 printf2("[Hooker]: The total number hooks of functions is - %d", nCountHook); } #endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL