#include "precompiled.h" const float updateTimesliceDuration = 0.5f; int _navAreaCount = 0; int _currentIndex = 0; /* <343cbe> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:95 */ inline CNavNode *LadderEndSearch(CBaseEntity *entity, const Vector *pos, NavDirType mountDir) { Vector center = *pos; AddDirectionVector(¢er, mountDir, HalfHumanWidth); // Test the ladder dismount point first, then each cardinal direction one and two steps away for (int d = (-1); d < 2 * NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++d) { Vector tryPos = center; if (d >= NUM_DIRECTIONS) AddDirectionVector(&tryPos, (NavDirType)(d - NUM_DIRECTIONS), GenerationStepSize * 2.0f); else if (d >= 0) AddDirectionVector(&tryPos, (NavDirType)d, GenerationStepSize); // step up a rung, to ensure adjacent floors are below us tryPos.z += GenerationStepSize; SnapToGrid(&tryPos); // adjust height to account for sloping areas Vector tryNormal; if (GetGroundHeight(&tryPos, &tryPos.z, &tryNormal) == false) continue; // make sure this point is not on the other side of a wall const float fudge = 2.0f; TraceResult result; UTIL_TraceLine(center + Vector(0, 0, fudge), tryPos + Vector(0, 0, fudge), ignore_monsters, dont_ignore_glass, ENT(entity->pev), &result); #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES if (result.flFraction != 1.0f) continue; #else if (result.flFraction != 1.0f || result.fStartSolid) continue; #endif // REGAMEDLL_ADD // if no node exists here, create one and continue the search if (CNavNode::GetNode(&tryPos) == NULL) { return new CNavNode(&tryPos, &tryNormal, NULL); } } return NULL; } /* <343a56> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:30 */ CNavNode *CCSBot::AddNode(const Vector *destPos, const Vector *normal, NavDirType dir, CNavNode *source) { // check if a node exists at this location CNavNode *node = const_cast(CNavNode::GetNode(destPos)); // if no node exists, create one bool useNew = false; if (node == NULL) { node = new CNavNode(destPos, normal, source); useNew = true; } // connect source node to new node source->ConnectTo(node, dir); // optimization: if deltaZ changes very little, assume connection is commutative const float zTolerance = 10.0f; // 50.0f; if (fabs(source->GetPosition()->z - destPos->z) < zTolerance) { node->ConnectTo(source, OppositeDirection(dir)); node->MarkAsVisited(OppositeDirection(dir)); } if (useNew) { // new node becomes current node m_currentNode = node; } Vector ceiling; Vector floor; TraceResult result; bool crouch = false; const float epsilon = 0.1f; for (float y = -16.0f; y <= 16.0f + epsilon; y += 16.0f) { for (float x = -16.0f; x <= 16.0f + epsilon; x += 16.0f) { floor = *destPos + Vector(x, y, 5.0f); ceiling = *destPos + Vector(x, y, 72.0f - epsilon); UTIL_TraceLine(floor, ceiling, ignore_monsters, dont_ignore_glass, ENT(pev), &result); if (result.flFraction != 1.0f) { crouch = true; break; } } if (crouch) { node->SetAttributes(NAV_CROUCH); break; } } return node; } /* <343b40> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:150 */ void drawProgressMeter(float progress, char *title) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ALL, gmsgBotProgress); WRITE_BYTE(FLAG_PROGRESS_DRAW); WRITE_BYTE((int)progress); WRITE_STRING(title); MESSAGE_END(); } /* <3435ce> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:159 */ void startProgressMeter(const char *title) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ALL, gmsgBotProgress); WRITE_BYTE(FLAG_PROGRESS_START); WRITE_STRING(title); MESSAGE_END(); } /* <3435a8> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:167 */ void hideProgressMeter() { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ALL, gmsgBotProgress); WRITE_BYTE(FLAG_PROGRESS_HIDE); MESSAGE_END(); } /* <343b63> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:182 */ void CCSBot::StartLearnProcess() { startProgressMeter("#CZero_LearningMap"); drawProgressMeter(0, "#CZero_LearningMap"); BuildLadders(); Vector normal; Vector pos = pev->origin; SnapToGrid(&pos.x); SnapToGrid(&pos.y); if (!GetGroundHeight(&pos, &pos.z, &normal)) { CONSOLE_ECHO("ERROR: Start position invalid\n\n"); m_processMode = PROCESS_NORMAL; return; } m_currentNode = new CNavNode(&pos, &normal); m_goalPosition = pev->origin; m_processMode = PROCESS_LEARN; } // Search the world and build a map of possible movements. // The algorithm begins at the bot's current location, and does a recursive search // outwards, tracking all valid steps and generating a directed graph of CNavNodes. // Sample the map one "step" in a cardinal direction to learn the map. // Returns true if sampling needs to continue, or false if done. /* <343d37> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:217 */ bool CCSBot::LearnStep() { // take a step while (true) { if (m_currentNode == NULL) { // search is exhausted - continue search from ends of ladders NavLadderList::iterator iter; for (iter = TheNavLadderList.begin(); iter != TheNavLadderList.end(); ++iter) { CNavLadder *ladder = (*iter); // check ladder bottom if ((m_currentNode = LadderEndSearch(ladder->m_entity, &ladder->m_bottom, ladder->m_dir)) != 0) break; // check ladder top if ((m_currentNode = LadderEndSearch(ladder->m_entity, &ladder->m_top, ladder->m_dir)) != 0) break; } if (m_currentNode == NULL) { // all seeds exhausted, sampling complete GenerateNavigationAreaMesh(); return false; } } // Take a step from this node for (int dir = NORTH; dir < NUM_DIRECTIONS; dir++) { if (!m_currentNode->HasVisited((NavDirType)dir)) { float feetOffset = pev->origin.z - GetFeetZ(); // start at current node position Vector pos = *m_currentNode->GetPosition(); // snap to grid int cx = SnapToGrid(pos.x); int cy = SnapToGrid(pos.y); // attempt to move to adjacent node switch (dir) { case NORTH: cy -= GenerationStepSize; break; case SOUTH: cy += GenerationStepSize; break; case EAST: cx += GenerationStepSize; break; case WEST: cx -= GenerationStepSize; break; } pos.x = cx; pos.y = cy; m_generationDir = (NavDirType)dir; // mark direction as visited m_currentNode->MarkAsVisited(m_generationDir); // test if we can move to new position TraceResult result; Vector from, to; // modify position to account for change in ground level during step to.x = pos.x; to.y = pos.y; Vector toNormal; if (GetGroundHeight(&pos, &to.z, &toNormal) == false) { return true; } from = *m_currentNode->GetPosition(); Vector fromOrigin = from + Vector(0, 0, feetOffset); Vector toOrigin = to + Vector(0, 0, feetOffset); UTIL_SetOrigin(pev, toOrigin); UTIL_TraceLine(fromOrigin, toOrigin, ignore_monsters, dont_ignore_glass, ENT(pev), &result); bool walkable; if (result.flFraction == 1.0f && !result.fStartSolid) { // the trace didnt hit anything - clear float toGround = to.z; float fromGround = from.z; float epsilon = 0.1f; // check if ledge is too high to reach or will cause us to fall to our death if (toGround - fromGround > JumpCrouchHeight + epsilon || fromGround - toGround > DeathDrop) { walkable = false; } else { // check surface normals along this step to see if we would cross any impassable slopes Vector delta = to - from; const float inc = 2.0f; float along = inc; bool done = false; float ground; Vector normal; walkable = true; while (!done) { Vector p; // need to guarantee that we test the exact edges if (along >= GenerationStepSize) { p = to; done = true; } else { p = from + delta * (along / GenerationStepSize); } if (GetGroundHeight(&p, &ground, &normal) == false) { walkable = false; break; } // check for maximum allowed slope if (normal.z < 0.7f) { walkable = false; break; } along += inc; } } } // TraceLine hit something... else { if (IsEntityWalkable(VARS(result.pHit), WALK_THRU_EVERYTHING)) { walkable = true; } else { walkable = false; } } #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES // if we're incrementally generating, don't overlap existing nav areas CNavArea *overlap = TheNavAreaGrid.GetNavArea(&to, HumanHeight); if (overlap != NULL) { walkable = false; } #endif // REGAMEDLL_FIXES if (walkable) { // we can move here // create a new navigation node, and update current node pointer CNavNode *newNode = AddNode(&to, &toNormal, m_generationDir, m_currentNode); } return true; } } // all directions have been searched from this node - pop back to its parent and continue m_currentNode = m_currentNode->GetParent(); } } /* <34489e> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:392 */ void CCSBot::UpdateLearnProcess() { float startTime = g_engfuncs.pfnTime(); while (g_engfuncs.pfnTime() - startTime < updateTimesliceDuration) { if (LearnStep() == false) { StartAnalyzeAlphaProcess(); return; } } } /* <344750> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:409 */ void CCSBot::StartAnalyzeAlphaProcess() { m_processMode = PROCESS_ANALYZE_ALPHA; m_analyzeIter = TheNavAreaList.begin(); _navAreaCount = TheNavAreaList.size(); _currentIndex = 0; ApproachAreaAnalysisPrep(); DestroyHidingSpots(); startProgressMeter("#CZero_AnalyzingHidingSpots"); drawProgressMeter(0, "#CZero_AnalyzingHidingSpots"); } /* <34396c> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:427 */ bool CCSBot::AnalyzeAlphaStep() { ++_currentIndex; if (m_analyzeIter == TheNavAreaList.end()) return false; CNavArea *area = (*m_analyzeIter); area->ComputeHidingSpots(); area->ComputeApproachAreas(); ++m_analyzeIter; return true; } /* <3448de> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:443 */ void CCSBot::UpdateAnalyzeAlphaProcess() { float startTime = g_engfuncs.pfnTime(); while (g_engfuncs.pfnTime() - startTime < updateTimesliceDuration) { if (AnalyzeAlphaStep() == false) { drawProgressMeter(50, "#CZero_AnalyzingHidingSpots"); CleanupApproachAreaAnalysisPrep(); StartAnalyzeBetaProcess(); return; } } float progress = _currentIndex / _navAreaCount * 50.0f; drawProgressMeter(progress, "#CZero_AnalyzingHidingSpots"); } /* <344aed> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:467 */ void CCSBot::StartAnalyzeBetaProcess() { m_processMode = PROCESS_ANALYZE_BETA; m_analyzeIter = TheNavAreaList.begin(); _navAreaCount = TheNavAreaList.size(); _currentIndex = 0; } /* <3437c8> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:479 */ bool CCSBot::AnalyzeBetaStep() { ++_currentIndex; if (m_analyzeIter == TheNavAreaList.end()) return false; CNavArea *area = (*m_analyzeIter); area->ComputeSpotEncounters(); area->ComputeSniperSpots(); ++m_analyzeIter; return true; } /* <344b8d> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:495 */ void CCSBot::UpdateAnalyzeBetaProcess() { float startTime = g_engfuncs.pfnTime(); while (g_engfuncs.pfnTime() - startTime < updateTimesliceDuration) { if (AnalyzeBetaStep() == false) { drawProgressMeter(100, "#CZero_AnalyzingApproachPoints"); StartSaveProcess(); return; } } float progress = ((_currentIndex / _navAreaCount) + 1.0f) * 50.0f; drawProgressMeter(progress, "#CZero_AnalyzingApproachPoints"); } /* <344d1f> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:517 */ void CCSBot::StartSaveProcess() { m_processMode = PROCESS_SAVE; } /* <344d41> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:527 */ void CCSBot::UpdateSaveProcess() { char filename[256]; char msg[256]; char cmd[128]; GET_GAME_DIR(filename); Q_strcat(filename, "\\"); Q_strcat(filename, TheBots->GetNavMapFilename()); HintMessageToAllPlayers("Saving..."); SaveNavigationMap(filename); Q_sprintf(msg, "Navigation file '%s' saved.", filename); HintMessageToAllPlayers(msg); hideProgressMeter(); StartNormalProcess(); Q_sprintf(cmd, "map %s\n", STRING(gpGlobals->mapname)); SERVER_COMMAND(cmd); } /* <344e24> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_learn.cpp:554 */ void CCSBot::StartNormalProcess() { m_processMode = PROCESS_NORMAL; }