# [ReUnion](https://github.com/rehlds/reUnion) Changelog --- ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/ - 2024-06-30 ### Added - Added `reunion2018` prefixes for SteamID as an authkey type for compatibility with dev version of Reunion `AuthVersion >= 3` ### Fixed * Fixed collisions of `SteamIDs` with `AuthVersion >= 3`, due to truncation of authkey to 31 chars (Thanks for report, Alexs) * Fixed collisions of `SteamIDs` issued to non-unique serial numbers `0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100_0000_0000` (for clients with bad `HDDsn`, SteamID will be based on VALVE_ by IP) > [!WARNING] > CONFIG UPDATED **Full Changelog**: [](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/compare/ ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/ - 2014-06-21 ### Added - Added game tags using CVar `sv_tags`. - Added new option `IDClientsLimit` for sets max number of clients from single steamid (Useful for debugging with multiple instances clients). ### Fixed - Fixed `*sid` from userinfo. - Fixed can't connect to game server when server is paused. > [!WARNING] > CONFIG UPDATED > DO NOT UPDATE `.SO` WITHOUT CONFIG UPDATE > [!CAUTION] > IN THIS VERSION THE LENGTH OF `SteamIdHashSalt` MUST EXCEED `31` CHARACTERS **Full Changelog**: [](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/compare/legacy-archive... --- # Legacy Beta-releases ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2023-01-20 ### Changed - Major refactoring of `QueryLimiter` ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2019-10-26 ### Changed - `API` expanded. ### Added - Added IP Whitelist for `QueryLimiterExceptIP` setting. ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-05 ### Changed - Improved protection against attacks. Requires latest `ReHlds`. ### Fixed - Fixed buggy client freeze fix not working. ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-05 ### Fixed - Fixed display of avatars ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-05 ### Fixed - Fixed a bug in processing `query requests` (thx `BombermaG`). Most likely it has nothing to do with the `TAB problem`, but just in case. ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-05 ### Fixed - Fixed beta errors. ### Added - Now it runs HLTV and can separately filter requests from several ports of one IP (the number is specified in the config). > [!WARNING] > Don't forget to install hash salt. ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-05 ### Added - Backported old `API` support. ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-05 ### Added - New auth ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-04 ### Fixed - Fixed bug with sending empty list of players when `QueryFloodBanTime` = `0` (thanks to `HUNTERsp4x`). Those who don't have `0` can stay on `112`. ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-11-04 ### Changed - Some code refactoring ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2021-01-04 ### Added - Added config option QueryFloodBanLevel ### Fixed - Fixed SmartSteamEmu authorization on linux servers ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2019-10-26 ### Added - Added some security checks. ### Changed - Extended `API`. ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-02-11 ### Added - Added `EnableQueryLimiter` option ### Changed - `QueryFloodBanTime` can be set to 0 to block flood without ban ## [``](https://github.com/rehlds/ReUnion/releases/tag/legacy-archive) - 2018-01-07 ### Fixed - `Hotfix`: Requires `ReHLDS API` not lower than `3.4.X.X`.