// vi: set ts=4 sw=4 : // vim: set tw=75 : // games.h - list of supported game mods and their data /* * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Will Day <willday@hpgx.net> * * This file is part of Metamod. * * Metamod is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Metamod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Metamod; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to * link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL * Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, * L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs * from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception * to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. * */ // This list is now kept in a separate file to facilitate generating the // list from game data stored in a convenient db. #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64__) # define MODARCH "_amd64" #else # define MODARCH "_i386" #endif {"action", "ahl"MODARCH".so", "ahl.dll", "Action Half-Life"}, {"ag", "ag"MODARCH".so", "ag.dll", "Adrenaline Gamer Steam"}, {"ag3", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Adrenalinegamer 3.x"}, {"aghl", "ag"MODARCH".so", "ag.dll", "Adrenalinegamer 4.x"}, {"arg", "arg"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Arg!"}, {"asheep", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Azure Sheep"}, {"bg", "bg"MODARCH".so", "bg.dll", "The Battle Grounds"}, {"bot", "bot"MODARCH".so", "bot.dll", "Bot"}, {"brainbread", "bb"MODARCH".so", "bb.dll", "Brain Bread"}, {"bumpercars", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Bumper Cars"}, {"buzzybots", "bb"MODARCH".so", "bb.dll", "BuzzyBots"}, {"cs13", "cs"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Counter-Strike 1.3"}, {"cstrike", "cs"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Counter-Strike"}, {"csv15", "cs"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "CS 1.5 for Steam"}, {"czero", "cs"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Counter-Strike:Condition Zero"}, {"dcrisis", "dc"MODARCH".so", "dc.dll", "Desert Crisis"}, {"dmc", "dmc"MODARCH".so", "dmc.dll", "Deathmatch Classic"}, {"dod", "dod"MODARCH".so", "dod.dll", "Day of Defeat"}, {"dpb", "pb.i386.so", "pb.dll", "Digital Paintball"}, {"dragonmodz", "hl"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Dragon Mod Z"}, {"esf", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Earth's Special Forces"}, {"existence", "ex"MODARCH".so", "existence.dll", "Existence"}, {"firearms", "fa"MODARCH".so", "firearms.dll", "Firearms"}, {"firearms25", "fa"MODARCH".so", "firearms.dll", "Retro Firearms"}, {"freeze", "mp"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Freeze"}, {"frontline", "front"MODARCH".so", "frontline.dll", "Frontline Force"}, {"gangstawars", "gangsta"MODARCH".so", "gwars27.dll", "Gangsta Wars"}, {"gangwars", "mp"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Gangwars"}, {"gearbox", "opfor"MODARCH".so", "opfor.dll", "Opposing Force"}, {"globalwarfare", "gw"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Global Warfare"}, {"goldeneye", "golden"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Goldeneye"}, {"hlrally", "hlr"MODARCH".so", "hlrally.dll", "HL-Rally"}, {"holywars", "hl"MODARCH".so", "holywars.dll", "Holy Wars"}, {"hostileintent", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Hostile Intent"}, {"ios", "ios"MODARCH".so", "ios.dll", "International Online Soccer"}, {"judgedm", "judge"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Judgement"}, {"kanonball", "hl"MODARCH".so", "kanonball.dll", "Kanonball"}, {"monkeystrike", "ms"MODARCH".so", "monkey.dll", "Monkeystrike"}, {"MorbidPR", "morbid"MODARCH".so", "morbid.dll", "Morbid Inclination"}, {"movein", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Move In!"}, {"ns", "ns"MODARCH".so", "ns.dll", "Natural Selection"}, {"nsp", "ns"MODARCH".so", "ns.dll", "Natural Selection Beta"}, {"oel", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "OeL Half-Life"}, {"og", "og"MODARCH".so", "og.dll", "Over Ground"}, {"ol", "ol"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Outlawsmod"}, {"ops1942", "spirit"MODARCH".so", "spirit.dll", "Operations 1942"}, {"osjb", "osjb"MODARCH".so", "jail.dll", "Open-Source Jailbreak"}, {"outbreak", "none", "hl.dll", "Out Break"}, {"oz", "mp"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Oz Deathmatch"}, {"paintball", "pb"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Paintball"}, {"penemy", "pe"MODARCH".so", "pe.dll", "Public Enemy"}, {"phineas", "phineas"MODARCH".so", "phineas.dll", "Phineas Bot"}, {"ponreturn", "ponr"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Point of No Return"}, {"pvk", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Pirates, Vikings and Knights"}, {"rc2", "rc2"MODARCH".so", "rc2.dll", "Rocket Crowbar 2"}, {"retrocs", "rcs"MODARCH".so", "rcs.dll", "Retro Counter-Strike"}, {"rewolf", "hl"MODARCH".so", "gunman.dll", "Gunman Chronicles"}, {"ricochet", "ricochet"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "Ricochet"}, {"rockcrowbar", "rc"MODARCH".so", "rc.dll", "Rocket Crowbar"}, {"rspecies", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Rival Species"}, {"scihunt", "shunt.so", "shunt.dll", "Scientist Hunt"}, {"sdm", "sdmmod"MODARCH".so", "sdmmod.dll", "Special Death Match"}, {"Ship", "ship"MODARCH".so", "ship.dll", "The Ship"}, {"si", "si"MODARCH".so", "si.dll", "Science & Industry"}, {"snow", "snow"MODARCH".so", "snow.dll", "Snow-War"}, {"stargatetc", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "StargateTC"}, {"svencoop", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Sven Coop"}, {"swarm", "swarm"MODARCH".so", "swarm.dll", "Swarm"}, {"tfc", "tfc"MODARCH".so", "tfc.dll", "Team Fortress Classic"}, {"thewastes", "thewastes"MODARCH".so", "thewastes.dll", "The Wastes"}, {"timeless", "pt"MODARCH".so", "timeless.dll", "Project Timeless"}, {"tod", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Tour of Duty"}, {"trainhunters", "th"MODARCH".so", "th.dll", "Train Hunters"}, {"trevenge", "trevenge.so", "trevenge.dll", "The Terrorist Revenge"}, {"TS", "ts"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "The Specialists"}, {"tt", "tt"MODARCH".so", "tt.dll", "The Trenches"}, {"underworld", "uw"MODARCH".so", "uw.dll", "Underworld Bloodline"}, {"valve", "hl"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Half-Life Deathmatch"}, {"vs", "vs"MODARCH".so", "mp.dll", "VampireSlayer"}, {"wantedhl", "hl"MODARCH".so", "wanted.dll", "Wanted!"}, {"wasteland", "whl_linux.so", "mp.dll", "Wasteland"}, {"weapon_wars", "ww"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Weapon Wars"}, {"wizwars", "mp"MODARCH".so", "hl.dll", "Wizard Wars"}, {"wormshl", "wormshl_i586.so", "wormshl.dll", "WormsHL"}, {"zp", "none", "mp.dll", "Zombie Panic"},