/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ #ifndef DECALS_H #define DECALS_H // // Dynamic Decals // enum decal_e { DECAL_GUNSHOT1 = 0, DECAL_GUNSHOT2, DECAL_GUNSHOT3, DECAL_GUNSHOT4, DECAL_GUNSHOT5, DECAL_LAMBDA1, DECAL_LAMBDA2, DECAL_LAMBDA3, DECAL_LAMBDA4, DECAL_LAMBDA5, DECAL_LAMBDA6, DECAL_SCORCH1, DECAL_SCORCH2, DECAL_BLOOD1, DECAL_BLOOD2, DECAL_BLOOD3, DECAL_BLOOD4, DECAL_BLOOD5, DECAL_BLOOD6, DECAL_YBLOOD1, DECAL_YBLOOD2, DECAL_YBLOOD3, DECAL_YBLOOD4, DECAL_YBLOOD5, DECAL_YBLOOD6, DECAL_GLASSBREAK1, DECAL_GLASSBREAK2, DECAL_GLASSBREAK3, DECAL_BIGSHOT1, DECAL_BIGSHOT2, DECAL_BIGSHOT3, DECAL_BIGSHOT4, DECAL_BIGSHOT5, DECAL_SPIT1, DECAL_SPIT2, DECAL_BPROOF1, // Bulletproof glass decal DECAL_GARGSTOMP1, // Gargantua stomp crack DECAL_SMALLSCORCH1, // Small scorch mark DECAL_SMALLSCORCH2, // Small scorch mark DECAL_SMALLSCORCH3, // Small scorch mark DECAL_MOMMABIRTH, // Big momma birth splatter DECAL_MOMMASPLAT, }; typedef struct { const char *name; int index; } DLL_DECALLIST; extern DLL_DECALLIST gDecals[]; #endif // DECALS_H