#pragma once // This file is a wrapper around the SDK's enginecallback.h file. We need // this because we use a different type for the global object g_engfuncs, // which is still compatible with the enginefuncs_t that the SDK // uses. // This is only done for files that belong to Metamod, not other projects // like plugins that use this file, or others that include it, too. // Since we don't have a clean seperation of include files right now we // "hack" our way around that by using a flag METAMOD_CORE which is set // when compiling Metamod proper. #include // ALERT, etc #ifdef METAMOD_CORE #undef enginefuncs_t #endif // Also, create some additional macros for engine callback functions, which // weren't in SDK dlls/enginecallbacks.h but probably should have been. #define GET_INFOKEYBUFFER (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetInfoKeyBuffer) #define INFOKEY_VALUE (*g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue) #define SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetClientKeyValue) #define REG_SVR_COMMAND (*g_engfuncs.pfnAddServerCommand) #define SERVER_PRINT (*g_engfuncs.pfnServerPrint) #define SET_SERVER_KEYVALUE (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetKeyValue) #define QUERY_CLIENT_CVAR_VALUE (*g_engfuncs.pfnQueryClientCvarValue) #define QUERY_CLIENT_CVAR_VALUE2 (*g_engfuncs.pfnQueryClientCvarValue2)