#if defined _reapi_gamedll_included #endinput #endif #define _reapi_gamedll_included #include /* * Sets a value to an CSGameRules_Members members * * @param member The specified member, look at the enum's with name CSGameRules_Members * * @return 1 on success. */ native set_member_game(CSGameRules_Members:member, any:...); /* * Returns a value from an CSGameRules_Members members * * @param member The specified member, look at the enum's with name CSGameRules_Members * * @return If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via 3rd argument and more, look at argument list for specified member * */ native any:get_member_game(CSGameRules_Members:member, any:...); /* * Sets a value to an entity's member * * @param index Entity index * @param member The specified member, look at the enum's with name *_Members * * @return 1 on success. */ native set_member(const index, any:member, any:...); /* * Returns a value from an entity's member * * @param index Entity index * @param member The specified member, look at the enum's with name *_Members * * @return If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via 3rd argument and more, look at argument list for specified member */ native any:get_member(const index, any:member, any:...); /* * Sets a movevars value to an playermove * * @param var The specified mvar, look at the enum's MoveVars * * @return 1 on success. */ native set_movevar(const MoveVars:var, any:...); /* * Returns a movevars value from an playermove * * @param var The specified mvar, look at the enum's MoveVars * * @return If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via 3rd argument and more, look at argument list for specified mvar */ native any:get_movevar(const MoveVars:var, any:...); /* * Assign the number of the player animations. * * @param index Client index * @param playerAnim Specific the number animation * * @noreturn */ native rg_set_animation(const index, PLAYER_ANIM:playerAnim); /* * Adds money to player's account. * * @param index Client index * @param amount The amount of money * @param bTrackChange If the bTrackChange is 1, the amount of money added will also be displayed. * * @noreturn */ native rg_add_account(const index, amount, AccountSet:typeSet = AS_ADD, bool:bTrackChange = true); /* * Gives item to player * * @param index Client index * @param pszName Classname item * * @noreturn */ native rg_give_item(index, const pszName[], GiveType:type = GT_APPEND); /* * Give the player default items * * @param index Client index * * @noreturn */ native rg_give_default_items(const index); /* * Give the player shield * * @param index Client index * @param bDeploy to get shield from holster * * @noreturn */ native rg_give_shield(const index, bool:bDeploy = true); /* * Inflicts in a radius from the source position. * * @param vecSrc The source position * @param inflictor Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun) * @param attacker Attacker is the entity that tirggered the damage (such as the gun's owner). * @param flDamage The amount of damage * @param flRadius Radius damage * @param iClassIgnore To specify classes that are immune to damage. * @param bitsDamageType Damage type DMG_* * * @noreturn */ native rg_dmg_radius(Float:vecSrc[3], const inflictor, const attacker, const Float:flDamage, const Float:flRadius, const iClassIgnore, const bitsDamageType); /* * Resets the global multi damage accumulator * * @noreturn */ native rg_multidmg_clear(); /* * inflicts contents of global multi damage register on victim * * @param inflictor Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun) * @param attacker Attacker is the entity that tirggered the damage (such as the gun's owner). * * @noreturn */ native rg_multidmg_apply(const inflictor, const attacker); /* * Adds damage the accumulator * * @param inflictor Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun) * @param victim A victim that takes damage * @param flDamage The amount of damage * @param bitsDamageType Damage type DMG_* * * @noreturn */ native rg_multidmg_add(const inflictor, const victim, const Float:flDamage, const bitsDamageType); /* * Fire bullets from entity * * @param inflictor Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun) * @param attacker Attacker is the entity that tirggered the damage (such as the gun's owner). * @param shots The number of shots * @param vecSrc The source position of the barrel * @param vecDirShooting Direction shooting * @param vecSpread Spread * @param flDistance Max shot distance * @param iBulletType Bullet type, look at the enum's with name Bullet cssdk_const.inc * @param iTracerFreq Tracer frequancy * @param iDamage Damage amount * * @noreturn */ native rg_fire_bullets(const inflictor, const attacker, const shots, Float:vecSrc[3], Float:vecDirShooting[3], Float:vecSpread[3], const Float:flDistance, const Bullet:iBulletType, const iTracerFreq, const iDamage); /* * Fire bullets from player's weapon * * @param inflictor Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun) * @param attacker Attacker is the entity that tirggered the damage (such as the gun's owner). * @param vecSrc The source position of the barrel * @param vecDirShooting Direction shooting * @param vecSpread Spread * @param flDistance Max shot distance * @param iPenetration The number of penetration * @param iBulletType Bullet type, look at the enum's with name Bullet cssdk_const.inc * @param iDamage Damage amount * @param flRangeModifier Damage range modifier * @param bPistol Pistol shot * @param shared_rand Use player's random seed, get circular gaussian spread * * @return Float:[3] The result spread */ native Float:[3] rg_fire_bullets3(const inflictor, const attacker, Float:vecSrc[3], Float:vecDirShooting[3], const Float:vecSpread, const Float:flDistance, const iPenetration, const Bullet:iBulletType, const iDamage, const Float:flRangeModifier, const bool:bPistol, const shared_rand); /* * Complete the round * * @param tmDelay Delay before the onset of a new round. * @param st Which team won * @param event The event is the end of the round * @param message The message on round end * @param sentence The sound at the end of the round * * @noreturn */ native rg_round_end(const Float:tmDelay, const WinStatus:st, const ScenarioEventEndRound:event = ROUND_NONE, const message[] = "default", const sentence[] = "default"); /* * Update current scores * * @param iCtsWins The amount of wins to won * @param iTsWins The amount of wins to won * @param bAdd Adds the score to the current amount wins. * * @noreturn */ native rg_update_teamscores(const iCtsWins = 0, const iTsWins = 0, const bool:bAdd = true); /* * Creates an entity using Counter-Strike's custom CreateNamedEntity wrapper. * * @param classname Entity class name * * @return Index of the created entity or 0 otherwise * */ native rg_create_entity(const classname[]); /* * Finds an entity in the world using Counter-Strike's custom FindEntityByString wrapper. * * @param start_index Entity index to start searching from. -1 to start from the first entity * @param classname Classname to search for * * @return Entity index > 0 if found, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_find_ent_by_class(start_index, const classname[]); /* * Finds an entity in the world using Counter-Strike's custom FindEntityByString wrapper, matching by owner. * * @param start_index Entity index to start searching from. -1 to start from the first entity * @param classname Classname to search for * * @return 1 if found, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_find_ent_by_owner(&start_index, const classname[], owner); /* * Returns some information about a weapon. * * @param weapon name or id Weapon id, see WEAPON_* constants WeaponIdType or weapon_* name * @param WpnInfo:type Info type, see WI_* constants * * @return Weapon information value * @error If weapon_id and type are out of bound, an error will be thrown. * */ native any:rg_get_weapon_info(any:...); /* * Sets specific values of weapons info. * * @param weapon_id Weapon id, see WEAPON_* constants * @param type Info type, see WI_* constants * * @return 1 if successfully, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_set_weapon_info(const {WeaponIdType,_}:weapon_id, WpnInfo:type, any:...); /* * Remove all the player's stuff * * @param index Client index * * @noreturn * */ native rg_remove_all_items(const index, bool:bRemoveSuit); /* * Remove specifed the player's item by class name * * @param index Client index * @param item_name Class name item * * @return 1 if found and remove, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_remove_item(const index, const item_name[]); /* * Returns amount of ammo in the client's backpack for a specific weapon. * * @param index Client index * @param weapon Weapon id * * @return Amount of ammo in backpack * */ native rg_get_user_bpammo(const index, WeaponIdType:weapon); /* * Sets amount of ammo in the client's backpack for a specific weapon. * * @param index Client index * @param weapon Weapon id * @param amount New backpack ammo amount to set * * @noreturn * */ native rg_set_user_bpammo(const index, WeaponIdType:weapon, amount); /* * Sets the client's defusekit status and allows to set a custom HUD icon and color. * * @param index Client index * @param defusekit If nonzero the client will have a defusekit, otherwise it will be removed * @param color Color RGB * @param icon HUD sprite to use as icon * @param flash If nonzero the icon will flash red * * @noreturn * */ native rg_give_defusekit(const index, bool:bDefusekit = true, Float:color[] = {0.0, 160.0, 0.0}, const icon[] = "defuser", bool:bFlash = false); /* * Returns the client's armor value and retrieves the type of armor. * * @param index Client index * @param armortype Variable to store armor type in * * @return Amount of armor, 0 if client has no armor * */ native rg_get_user_armor(const index, &ArmorType:armortype); /* * Sets the client's armor value the type of armor. * * @param index Client index * @param armorvalue Amount of armor to set * @param armortype Armor type * * @noreturn * */ native rg_set_user_armor(const index, armorvalue, ArmorType:armortype); /* * Sets the client's team without killing the player, and sets the client model. * @note To obtain of TeamName use the following: * new TeamName:team = get_member(id, m_iTeam); * * @param index Client index * @param team Team id * @param model Internal model, use MODEL_AUTO for a random appearance or if MODEL_UNASSIGNED not update it. * * @param send_teaminfo If true, a TeamInfo message will be sent * * @return 1 if successfully, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_set_user_team(const index, {TeamName,_}:team, {ModelName,_}:model = MODEL_AUTO, bool:send_teaminfo = true); /* * Sets the client's player model. * * @param index Client index * @param model Model name * @param update_index If true, the modelindex is updated as well * * @return 1 if successfully, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_set_user_model(const index, const model[], bool:update_index = false); /* * Reset model user * * @param index Client index * * @return 1 if successfully, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_reset_user_model(const index); /* * Transfer C4 to player * * @param index Client index * @param receiver Receiver index, if 0 so will transfer a random to player * * @return 1 if successfully, 0 otherwise * */ native rg_transfer_c4(const index, const receiver = 0);