#include #include #include #include "cppunitlite/MainAdapter.h" #include "cppunitlite/Test.h" #include "cppunitlite/TestRegistry.h" int MainAdapter::writeAllTestsInfoToFile(const char* fname) { FILE* outFile = fopen(fname, "w"); if (outFile == NULL) { return 1; } fprintf(outFile, "\n"); fprintf(outFile, "\n"); Test* curTest = TestRegistry::getFirstTest(); while (curTest != NULL) { fprintf(outFile, "getName()); fprintf(outFile, " group=\"%s\" ", curTest->getGroup()); fprintf(outFile, " timeout=\"%d\" ", curTest->getTimeout()); fprintf(outFile, "/>\n"); curTest = curTest->getNext(); } fprintf(outFile, "\n"); fclose(outFile); return 0; } int MainAdapter::runTest(const char* groupName, const char* testName) { Test* curTest = TestRegistry::getFirstTest(); while (curTest != NULL) { if (!strcmp(groupName, curTest->getGroup()) && !strcmp(testName, curTest->getName())) { break; } curTest = curTest->getNext(); } if (curTest == NULL) { printf("Test group='%s' name='%s' not found\n", groupName, testName); return 2; } TestResult result; curTest->run(result); if (result.getFailureCount()) { return 1; } else if (result.getWarningCount()) { return 3; } else { return 0; } } int MainAdapter::runGroup(const char* groupName) { Test* curTest = TestRegistry::getFirstTest(); int ranTests = 0; int warnTest = 0; while (curTest != NULL) { if (strcmp(groupName, curTest->getGroup())) { curTest = curTest->getNext(); continue; } TestResult result; curTest->run(result); ranTests++; if (result.getFailureCount()) { return 1; } if (result.getWarningCount()) { warnTest++; } curTest = curTest->getNext(); } if (ranTests == 0) { printf("No tests with group='%s' found\n", groupName); return 2; } if (warnTest > 0) { printf("There were no test failures, but with warnings: %d; Tests executed: %d\n", warnTest, ranTests); return 3; } printf("There were no test failures; Tests executed: %d\n", ranTests); return 0; } int MainAdapter::runAllTests() { Test* curTest = TestRegistry::getFirstTest(); int ranTests = 0; int warnTest = 0; while (curTest != NULL) { TestResult result; curTest->run(result); ranTests++; if (result.getFailureCount()) { return 1; } if (result.getWarningCount()) { warnTest++; } curTest = curTest->getNext(); } if (warnTest > 0) { printf("There were no test failures, but with warnings: %d; Tests executed: %d\n", warnTest, ranTests); return 3; } printf("There were no test failures; Tests executed: %d\n", ranTests); return 0; } int MainAdapter::testsEntryPoint(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-all")) { return runAllTests(); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-writeTestInfo")) { if (argc != 3) { printf("-writeTestInfo requires file name\n"); } return writeAllTestsInfoToFile(argv[2]); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-runTest")) { if (argc != 4) { printf("-runTest requires group name and test name\n"); } return runTest(argv[2], argv[3]); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-runGroup")) { if (argc != 3) { printf("-runGroup requires group name\n"); } return runGroup(argv[2]); } printf("Bad argument specified\n"); return 1; }