#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile Options #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_compile_options( -mmmx # Enable MMX extended instruction set -msse # Enable SSE extended instruction set -msse2 # Enable SSE2 extended instruction set -msse3 # Enable SSE3 extended instruction set -mssse3 # Enable SSSE3 extended instruction set -msse4.1 # Enable SSE4.1 extended instruction set -msse4.2 # Enable SSE4.2 extended instruction set -fcf-protection=none # Instrument control-flow architecture protection # Debug and RelWithDebInfo: Generate complete debug information in PDB files $<$,$>:/Zi> # Non-Debug: Enable automatic parallelization of loops $<$>:/Qvec> # Generate instructions for a specified machine type $,-march=native,-march=x86-64-v2> ) # Set the MSVC debug information format (/Zi (ProgramDatabase)) set(CMAKE_MSVC_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT "$<$,$>:ProgramDatabase>" )