mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 13:30:31 +03:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
namespace Steamworks.Data
internal enum NetConfig : int
Invalid = 0,
FakePacketLoss_Send = 2,
FakePacketLoss_Recv = 3,
FakePacketLag_Send = 4,
FakePacketLag_Recv = 5,
FakePacketReorder_Send = 6,
FakePacketReorder_Recv = 7,
FakePacketReorder_Time = 8,
FakePacketDup_Send = 26,
FakePacketDup_Recv = 27,
FakePacketDup_TimeMax = 28,
TimeoutInitial = 24,
TimeoutConnected = 25,
SendBufferSize = 9,
SendRateMin = 10,
SendRateMax = 11,
NagleTime = 12,
IP_AllowWithoutAuth = 23,
SDRClient_ConsecutitivePingTimeoutsFailInitial = 19,
SDRClient_ConsecutitivePingTimeoutsFail = 20,
SDRClient_MinPingsBeforePingAccurate = 21,
SDRClient_SingleSocket = 22,
SDRClient_ForceRelayCluster = 29,
SDRClient_DebugTicketAddress = 30,
SDRClient_ForceProxyAddr = 31,
LogLevel_AckRTT = 13,
LogLevel_PacketDecode = 14,
LogLevel_Message = 15,
LogLevel_PacketGaps = 16,
LogLevel_P2PRendezvous = 17,
LogLevel_SDRRelayPings = 18,
Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
namespace Steamworks.Data
enum NetConfigResult
BadValue = -1, // No such configuration value
BadScopeObj = -2, // Bad connection handle, etc
BufferTooSmall = -3, // Couldn't fit the result in your buffer
OK = 1,
OKInherited = 2, // A value was not set at this level, but the effective (inherited) value was returned.
Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
namespace Steamworks.Data
enum NetConfigType
Int32 = 1,
Int64 = 2,
Float = 3,
String = 4,
FunctionPtr = 5, // NOTE: When setting callbacks, you should put the pointer into a variable and pass a pointer to that variable.
Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_CreateListenSocketIP")]
private static extern Socket _CreateListenSocketIP( IntPtr self, ref NetAddress localAddress, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions );
private static extern Socket _CreateListenSocketIP( IntPtr self, ref NetAddress localAddress, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions );
internal Socket CreateListenSocketIP( ref NetAddress localAddress, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions )
internal Socket CreateListenSocketIP( ref NetAddress localAddress, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions )
var returnValue = _CreateListenSocketIP( Self, ref localAddress, nOptions, ref pOptions );
return returnValue;
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ConnectByIPAddress")]
private static extern Connection _ConnectByIPAddress( IntPtr self, ref NetAddress address, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions );
private static extern Connection _ConnectByIPAddress( IntPtr self, ref NetAddress address, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions );
internal Connection ConnectByIPAddress( ref NetAddress address, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions )
internal Connection ConnectByIPAddress( ref NetAddress address, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions )
var returnValue = _ConnectByIPAddress( Self, ref address, nOptions, ref pOptions );
return returnValue;
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_CreateListenSocketP2P")]
private static extern Socket _CreateListenSocketP2P( IntPtr self, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions );
private static extern Socket _CreateListenSocketP2P( IntPtr self, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions );
internal Socket CreateListenSocketP2P( int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions )
internal Socket CreateListenSocketP2P( int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions )
var returnValue = _CreateListenSocketP2P( Self, nVirtualPort, nOptions, ref pOptions );
return returnValue;
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ConnectP2P")]
private static extern Connection _ConnectP2P( IntPtr self, ref NetIdentity identityRemote, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions );
private static extern Connection _ConnectP2P( IntPtr self, ref NetIdentity identityRemote, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions );
internal Connection ConnectP2P( ref NetIdentity identityRemote, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions )
internal Connection ConnectP2P( ref NetIdentity identityRemote, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions )
var returnValue = _ConnectP2P( Self, ref identityRemote, nVirtualPort, nOptions, ref pOptions );
return returnValue;
@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_SendMessages")]
private static extern void _SendMessages( IntPtr self, int nMessages, ref SteamNetworkingMessage_t pMessages, [In,Out] long[] pOutMessageNumberOrResult );
private static extern void _SendMessages( IntPtr self, int nMessages, ref NetMsg pMessages, [In,Out] long[] pOutMessageNumberOrResult );
internal void SendMessages( int nMessages, ref SteamNetworkingMessage_t pMessages, [In,Out] long[] pOutMessageNumberOrResult )
internal void SendMessages( int nMessages, ref NetMsg pMessages, [In,Out] long[] pOutMessageNumberOrResult )
_SendMessages( Self, nMessages, ref pMessages, pOutMessageNumberOrResult );
@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer")]
private static extern Connection _ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer( IntPtr self, ref NetIdentity identityTarget, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions );
private static extern Connection _ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer( IntPtr self, ref NetIdentity identityTarget, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions );
internal Connection ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer( ref NetIdentity identityTarget, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions )
internal Connection ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer( ref NetIdentity identityTarget, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions )
var returnValue = _ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer( Self, ref identityTarget, nVirtualPort, nOptions, ref pOptions );
return returnValue;
@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket")]
private static extern Socket _CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket( IntPtr self, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions );
private static extern Socket _CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket( IntPtr self, int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions );
internal Socket CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket( int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions )
internal Socket CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket( int nVirtualPort, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions )
var returnValue = _CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket( Self, nVirtualPort, nOptions, ref pOptions );
return returnValue;
@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ConnectP2PCustomSignaling")]
private static extern Connection _ConnectP2PCustomSignaling( IntPtr self, IntPtr pSignaling, ref NetIdentity pPeerIdentity, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions );
private static extern Connection _ConnectP2PCustomSignaling( IntPtr self, IntPtr pSignaling, ref NetIdentity pPeerIdentity, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions );
internal Connection ConnectP2PCustomSignaling( IntPtr pSignaling, ref NetIdentity pPeerIdentity, int nOptions, ref NetConfig_t pOptions )
internal Connection ConnectP2PCustomSignaling( IntPtr pSignaling, ref NetIdentity pPeerIdentity, int nOptions, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t pOptions )
var returnValue = _ConnectP2PCustomSignaling( Self, pSignaling, ref pPeerIdentity, nOptions, ref pOptions );
return returnValue;
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
private static extern IntPtr _AllocateMessage( IntPtr self, int cbAllocateBuffer );
internal SteamNetworkingMessage_t AllocateMessage( int cbAllocateBuffer )
internal NetMsg AllocateMessage( int cbAllocateBuffer )
var returnValue = _AllocateMessage( Self, cbAllocateBuffer );
return SteamNetworkingMessage_t.Fill( returnValue );
return NetMsg.Fill( returnValue );
#region FunctionMeta
@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetGlobalConfigValueInt32")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetGlobalConfigValueInt32( IntPtr self, NetConfig eValue, int val );
private static extern bool _SetGlobalConfigValueInt32( IntPtr self, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, int val );
internal bool SetGlobalConfigValueInt32( NetConfig eValue, int val )
internal bool SetGlobalConfigValueInt32( SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, int val )
var returnValue = _SetGlobalConfigValueInt32( Self, eValue, val );
return returnValue;
@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetGlobalConfigValueFloat")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetGlobalConfigValueFloat( IntPtr self, NetConfig eValue, float val );
private static extern bool _SetGlobalConfigValueFloat( IntPtr self, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, float val );
internal bool SetGlobalConfigValueFloat( NetConfig eValue, float val )
internal bool SetGlobalConfigValueFloat( SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, float val )
var returnValue = _SetGlobalConfigValueFloat( Self, eValue, val );
return returnValue;
@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetGlobalConfigValueString")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetGlobalConfigValueString( IntPtr self, NetConfig eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val );
private static extern bool _SetGlobalConfigValueString( IntPtr self, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val );
internal bool SetGlobalConfigValueString( NetConfig eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val )
internal bool SetGlobalConfigValueString( SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val )
var returnValue = _SetGlobalConfigValueString( Self, eValue, val );
return returnValue;
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetConnectionConfigValueInt32")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetConnectionConfigValueInt32( IntPtr self, Connection hConn, NetConfig eValue, int val );
private static extern bool _SetConnectionConfigValueInt32( IntPtr self, Connection hConn, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, int val );
internal bool SetConnectionConfigValueInt32( Connection hConn, NetConfig eValue, int val )
internal bool SetConnectionConfigValueInt32( Connection hConn, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, int val )
var returnValue = _SetConnectionConfigValueInt32( Self, hConn, eValue, val );
return returnValue;
@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetConnectionConfigValueFloat")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetConnectionConfigValueFloat( IntPtr self, Connection hConn, NetConfig eValue, float val );
private static extern bool _SetConnectionConfigValueFloat( IntPtr self, Connection hConn, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, float val );
internal bool SetConnectionConfigValueFloat( Connection hConn, NetConfig eValue, float val )
internal bool SetConnectionConfigValueFloat( Connection hConn, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, float val )
var returnValue = _SetConnectionConfigValueFloat( Self, hConn, eValue, val );
return returnValue;
@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetConnectionConfigValueString")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetConnectionConfigValueString( IntPtr self, Connection hConn, NetConfig eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val );
private static extern bool _SetConnectionConfigValueString( IntPtr self, Connection hConn, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val );
internal bool SetConnectionConfigValueString( Connection hConn, NetConfig eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val )
internal bool SetConnectionConfigValueString( Connection hConn, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string val )
var returnValue = _SetConnectionConfigValueString( Self, hConn, eValue, val );
return returnValue;
@ -258,10 +258,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetConfigValue")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetConfigValue( IntPtr self, NetConfig eValue, NetScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, NetConfigType eDataType, IntPtr pArg );
private static extern bool _SetConfigValue( IntPtr self, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, SteamNetworkingConfigScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, SteamNetworkingConfigDataType eDataType, IntPtr pArg );
internal bool SetConfigValue( NetConfig eValue, NetScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, NetConfigType eDataType, IntPtr pArg )
internal bool SetConfigValue( SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, SteamNetworkingConfigScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, SteamNetworkingConfigDataType eDataType, IntPtr pArg )
var returnValue = _SetConfigValue( Self, eValue, eScopeType, scopeObj, eDataType, pArg );
return returnValue;
@ -270,10 +270,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SetConfigValueStruct")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _SetConfigValueStruct( IntPtr self, ref NetConfig_t opt, NetScope eScopeType, long scopeObj );
private static extern bool _SetConfigValueStruct( IntPtr self, ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t opt, SteamNetworkingConfigScope eScopeType, long scopeObj );
internal bool SetConfigValueStruct( ref NetConfig_t opt, NetScope eScopeType, long scopeObj )
internal bool SetConfigValueStruct( ref SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t opt, SteamNetworkingConfigScope eScopeType, long scopeObj )
var returnValue = _SetConfigValueStruct( Self, ref opt, eScopeType, scopeObj );
return returnValue;
@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_GetConfigValue")]
private static extern NetConfigResult _GetConfigValue( IntPtr self, NetConfig eValue, NetScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, ref NetConfigType pOutDataType, IntPtr pResult, ref UIntPtr cbResult );
private static extern NetConfigResult _GetConfigValue( IntPtr self, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, SteamNetworkingConfigScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, ref SteamNetworkingConfigDataType pOutDataType, IntPtr pResult, ref UIntPtr cbResult );
internal NetConfigResult GetConfigValue( NetConfig eValue, NetScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, ref NetConfigType pOutDataType, IntPtr pResult, ref UIntPtr cbResult )
internal NetConfigResult GetConfigValue( SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, SteamNetworkingConfigScope eScopeType, long scopeObj, ref SteamNetworkingConfigDataType pOutDataType, IntPtr pResult, ref UIntPtr cbResult )
var returnValue = _GetConfigValue( Self, eValue, eScopeType, scopeObj, ref pOutDataType, pResult, ref cbResult );
return returnValue;
@ -293,10 +293,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_GetConfigValueInfo")]
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.I1 )]
private static extern bool _GetConfigValueInfo( IntPtr self, NetConfig eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string pOutName, ref NetConfigType pOutDataType, [In,Out] NetScope[] pOutScope, [In,Out] NetConfig[] pOutNextValue );
private static extern bool _GetConfigValueInfo( IntPtr self, SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string pOutName, ref SteamNetworkingConfigDataType pOutDataType, [In,Out] SteamNetworkingConfigScope[] pOutScope, [In,Out] SteamNetworkingConfigValue[] pOutNextValue );
internal bool GetConfigValueInfo( NetConfig eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string pOutName, ref NetConfigType pOutDataType, [In,Out] NetScope[] pOutScope, [In,Out] NetConfig[] pOutNextValue )
internal bool GetConfigValueInfo( SteamNetworkingConfigValue eValue, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof( Utf8StringToNative ) )] string pOutName, ref SteamNetworkingConfigDataType pOutDataType, [In,Out] SteamNetworkingConfigScope[] pOutScope, [In,Out] SteamNetworkingConfigValue[] pOutNextValue )
var returnValue = _GetConfigValueInfo( Self, eValue, pOutName, ref pOutDataType, pOutScope, pOutNextValue );
return returnValue;
@ -304,10 +304,10 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_GetFirstConfigValue")]
private static extern NetConfig _GetFirstConfigValue( IntPtr self );
private static extern SteamNetworkingConfigValue _GetFirstConfigValue( IntPtr self );
internal NetConfig GetFirstConfigValue()
internal SteamNetworkingConfigValue GetFirstConfigValue()
var returnValue = _GetFirstConfigValue( Self );
return returnValue;
@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ namespace Steamworks.Data
internal ulong LSearchID; // m_ullSearchID uint64
internal ulong SteamIDPlayerFound; // m_SteamIDPlayerFound CSteamID
internal ulong SteamIDLobby; // m_SteamIDLobby CSteamID
internal RequestPlayersForGameResultCallback_t_PlayerAcceptState_t PlayerAcceptState; // m_ePlayerAcceptState RequestPlayersForGameResultCallback_t_PlayerAcceptState_t
internal PlayerAcceptState_t PlayerAcceptState; // m_ePlayerAcceptState RequestPlayersForGameResultCallback_t_PlayerAcceptState_t
internal int PlayerIndex; // m_nPlayerIndex int32
internal int TotalPlayersFound; // m_nTotalPlayersFound int32
internal int TotalPlayersAcceptedGame; // m_nTotalPlayersAcceptedGame int32
@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ namespace Steamworks
// ESteamNetworkingConfigScope
internal enum NetScope : int
internal enum SteamNetworkingConfigScope : int
_Global = 1,
_SocketsInterface = 2,
@ -2138,7 +2138,7 @@ namespace Steamworks
// ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType
internal enum NetConfigType : int
internal enum SteamNetworkingConfigDataType : int
_Int32 = 1,
_Int64 = 2,
@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@ namespace Steamworks
// ESteamNetworkingConfigValue
internal enum NetConfig : int
internal enum SteamNetworkingConfigValue : int
_Invalid = 0,
_FakePacketLoss_Send = 2,
@ -185,13 +185,6 @@ namespace Steamworks.Data
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Platform.StructPlatformPackSize )]
internal struct NetAddress
internal ushort Port; // m_port uint16
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Platform.StructPlatformPackSize )]
internal struct PingLocation
@ -200,4 +193,13 @@ namespace Steamworks.Data
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Platform.StructPlatformPackSize )]
internal struct SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t
internal SteamNetworkingConfigValue Value; // m_eValue ESteamNetworkingConfigValue
internal SteamNetworkingConfigDataType DataType; // m_eDataType ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType
//internal (anonymous at ../public/steam/steamnetworkingtypes.h:1171:2) Val; // m_val union (anonymous union at ../public/steam/steamnetworkingtypes.h:1171:2)
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ public static class Cleanup
type = type.Replace( "SteamItemDef_t", "InventoryDefId" );
type = type.Replace( "ChatRoomEnterResponse", "RoomEnter" );
type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkPingLocation_t", "PingLocation" );
type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingConfigValue", "NetConfig" );
type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingConfigScope", "NetScope" );
type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingConfigDataType", "NetConfigType" );
//type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingConfigValue", "NetConfig" );
//type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingConfigScope", "NetScope" );
//type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingConfigDataType", "NetConfigType" );
type = type.Replace( "HSteamNetConnection", "Connection" );
type = type.Replace( "HSteamListenSocket", "Socket" );
type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingIPAddr", "NetAddress" );
@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ public static class Cleanup
type = type.Replace( "InputAnalogActionData_t", "AnalogState" );
type = type.Replace( "InputMotionData_t", "MotionState" );
type = type.Replace( "MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t", "MatchMakingKeyValuePair" );
type = type.Replace( "ISteamNetworkingMessage", "SteamNetworkingMessage_t" );
type = type.Replace( "ISteamNetworkingMessage", "NetMsg" );
type = type.Replace( "SteamNetworkingMessage_t", "NetMsg" );
type = type.Replace( "RequestPlayersForGameResultCallback_t_PlayerAcceptState_t", "PlayerAcceptState_t" );
return type;
@ -69,11 +72,11 @@ public static class Cleanup
if ( type == "SteamNetworkingErrMsg" ) return false;
if ( type == "SteamNetworkingMicroseconds" ) return false;
if ( type == "FSteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutput" ) return false;
if ( type == "SteamNetworkingMessage_t" ) return false;
if ( type == "NetMsg" ) return false;
if ( type == "SteamDatagramErrMsg" ) return false;
if ( type == "NetConfig_t" ) return false;
if ( type == "ConnectionInfo" ) return false;
if ( type == "SteamNetworkingIPAddr" ) return false;
if ( type == "NetAddress" ) return false;
if ( type == "NetIdentity" ) return false;
if ( type == "SteamNetworkingQuickConnectionStatus" ) return false;
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ internal class BaseType
if ( basicType == "DigitalState" ) return new StructType { NativeType = type, VarName = varname, StructName = basicType };
if ( basicType == "AnalogState" ) return new StructType { NativeType = type, VarName = varname, StructName = basicType };
if ( basicType == "MotionState" ) return new StructType { NativeType = type, VarName = varname, StructName = basicType };
if ( basicType == "NetMsg" ) return new StructType { NativeType = type, VarName = varname, StructName = basicType };
if ( basicType.StartsWith( "E" ) && char.IsUpper( basicType[1] ) ) return new EnumType { NativeType = type.Substring( 1 ), VarName = varname };
if ( basicType.EndsWith( "_t" ) ) return new StructType { NativeType = type, VarName = varname, StructName = basicType };
Reference in New Issue
Block a user