Initial test

Garry Newman 2016-11-02 16:43:57 +00:00
parent a921d72908
commit bfe8805167
24 changed files with 717 additions and 1 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# App
## Methods
### `void` [[MarkContentCorrupt|Facepunch.Steamworks.App.MarkContentCorrupt]]( `bool` **missingFilesOnly** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `int` [[BuildId|Facepunch.Steamworks.App.BuildId]]
Returns the current BuildId of the game.
This is pretty useless, as it isn't guarenteed to return
the build id you're playing, or the latest build id.
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Auth
## Methods
### `Ticket` [[GetAuthSessionTicket|Facepunch.Steamworks.Auth.GetAuthSessionTicket]]( )
Creates an auth ticket.
Which you can send to a server to authenticate that you are who you say you are.
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# BaseSteamworks
## Methods
### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Dispose]]( )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[SetupCommonInterfaces|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.SetupCommonInterfaces]]( )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Update|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Update]]( )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `UInt32` [[AppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.AppId]]
Current running program's AppId
### `Inventory` [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Inventory]]
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[IsValid|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.IsValid]]
*No documentation available*
### `Networking` [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Networking]]
*No documentation available*
### `Workshop` [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Workshop]]
*No documentation available*
## Fields
### OnMessage
### OnUpdate

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# CallbackHandle
## Methods
### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackHandle.Dispose]]( )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# CallbackIdentifiers
## Methods
## Properties
## Fields
### SteamUser
### SteamGameServer
### SteamFriends
### SteamBilling
### SteamMatchmaking
### SteamContentServer
### SteamUtils
### ClientFriends
### ClientUser
### SteamApps
### SteamUserStats
### SteamNetworking
### ClientRemoteStorage
### ClientDepotBuilder
### SteamGameServerItems
### ClientUtils
### SteamGameCoordinator
### SteamGameServerStats
### Steam2Async
### SteamGameStats
### ClientHTTP
### ClientScreenshots
### SteamScreenshots
### ClientAudio
### ClientUnifiedMessages
### SteamStreamLauncher
### ClientController
### SteamController
### ClientParentalSettings
### ClientDeviceAuth
### ClientNetworkDeviceManager
### ClientMusic
### ClientRemoteClientManager
### ClientUGC
### SteamStreamClient
### ClientShortcuts
### ClientRemoteControlManager
### SteamAppList
### SteamMusic
### SteamMusicRemote
### ClientVR
### ClientGameNotification
### SteamGameNotification
### SteamHTMLSurface
### ClientVideo
### ClientInventory
### ClientBluetoothManager

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Client
## Methods
### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Dispose]]( )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Update|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Update]]( )
Should be called at least once every frame
## Properties
### `App` [[App|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.App]]
*No documentation available*
### `UInt32` [[AppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.AppId]]
Current running program's AppId
### `Auth` [[Auth|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Auth]]
*No documentation available*
### `string` [[BetaName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.BetaName]]
Current Beta name, if ser
### `Friends` [[Friends|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Friends]]
*No documentation available*
### `Inventory` [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Inventory]]
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[IsValid|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.IsValid]]
*No documentation available*
### `Networking` [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Networking]]
*No documentation available*
### `Overlay` [[Overlay|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Overlay]]
*No documentation available*
### `Screenshots` [[Screenshots|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Screenshots]]
*No documentation available*
### `ServerList` [[ServerList|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.ServerList]]
*No documentation available*
### `Stats` [[Stats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Stats]]
*No documentation available*
### `ulong` [[SteamId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.SteamId]]
Current user's SteamId
### `string` [[Username|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Username]]
Current user's Username
### `Voice` [[Voice|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Voice]]
*No documentation available*
### `Workshop` [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Workshop]]
*No documentation available*
## Fields
### OnMessage
### OnUpdate

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Config
## Methods
### `void` [[ForcePlatform|Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.ForcePlatform]]( `OperatingSystem` **os**, `Architecture` **arch** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `bool` [[UseThisCall|Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.UseThisCall]]
Some platforms allow/need CallingConvention.ThisCall. If you're crashing with argument null
errors on certain platforms, try flipping this to true.
I owe this logic to Riley Labrecque's hard work on - I don't have the knowledge
or patience to find this shit on my own, so massive thanks to him. And also massive thanks to him
for releasing his shit open source under the MIT license so we can all learn and iterate.
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Defines
## Methods
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Friends
## Methods
### `SteamFriend` [[Get|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.Get]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `Image` [[GetAvatar|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.GetAvatar]]( `AvatarSize` **size**, `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `string` [[GetName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.GetName]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.Refresh]]( )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `IEnumerable\<SteamFriend\>` [[All|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.All]]
Returns all friends, even blocked, ignored, friend requests etc
### `IEnumerable\<SteamFriend\>` [[AllBlocked|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.AllBlocked]]
*No documentation available*
### `IEnumerable\<SteamFriend\>` [[AllFriends|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.AllFriends]]
*No documentation available*
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Image
## Methods
### `Color` [[GetPixel|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.GetPixel]]( `int` **x**, `int` **y** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `Byte[]` [[Data|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Data]]
*No documentation available*
### `int` [[Height|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Height]]
*No documentation available*
### `int` [[Id|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Id]]
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[IsError|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.IsError]]
Return true if this image couldn't be loaded for some reason
### `bool` [[IsLoaded|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.IsLoaded]]
*No documentation available*
### `int` [[Width|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Width]]
*No documentation available*
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Inventory
## Methods
### `Definition` [[CreateDefinition|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.CreateDefinition]]( `int` **id** )
*No documentation available*
### `Result` [[Deserialize|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Deserialize]]( `Byte[]` **data**, `int` **dataLength** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Dispose]]( )
*No documentation available*
### `Definition` [[FindDefinition|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.FindDefinition]]( `int` **DefinitionId** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[PlaytimeHeartbeat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.PlaytimeHeartbeat]]( )
Call this at least every two minutes, every frame doesn't hurt.
You should call it when you consider it active play time.
IE - your player is alive, and playing.
Don't stress on it too much tho cuz it's super hijackable anyway.
### `Single` [[PriceCategoryToFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.PriceCategoryToFloat]]( `string` **price** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Refresh]]( )
Call this to retrieve the items.
Note that if this has already been called it won't
trigger a call to OnUpdate unless the items have changed
## Properties
## Fields
### OnUpdate
### Items
### SerializedItems
### SerializedExpireTime
### Definitions

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Networking
## Methods
### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking.Dispose]]( )
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[SendP2PPacket|Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking.SendP2PPacket]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `Byte[]` **data**, `int` **length**, `SendType` **eP2PSendType**, `int` **nChannel** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields
### OnP2PData
### OnIncomingConnection
### OnConnectionFailed

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Overlay
## Methods
### `void` [[AcceptFriendRequest|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.AcceptFriendRequest]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[AddFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.AddFriend]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[IgnoreFriendRequest|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.IgnoreFriendRequest]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[OpenAchievements|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenAchievements]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[OpenChat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenChat]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[OpenProfile|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenProfile]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[OpenStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenStats]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[OpenTrade|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenTrade]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[OpenUrl|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenUrl]]( `string` **url** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[OpenUserPage|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenUserPage]]( `string` **name**, `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[RemoveFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.RemoveFriend]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Screenshots
## Methods
### `void` [[Trigger|Facepunch.Steamworks.Screenshots.Trigger]]( )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# Server
## Methods
### `void` [[LogOnAnonymous|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.LogOnAnonymous]]( )
Log onto Steam anonymously
### `void` [[SetKey|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.SetKey]]( `string` **Key**, `string` **Value** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Update|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Update]]( )
Should be called at least once every frame
### `void` [[UpdatePlayer|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.UpdatePlayer]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `int` **score** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `UInt32` [[AppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.AppId]]
Current running program's AppId
### `ServerAuth` [[Auth|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Auth]]
*No documentation available*
### `int` [[BotCount|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.BotCount]]
Gets or sets the current BotCount.
This doesn't enforce any kind of limit, it just updates the master server.
### `string` [[GameDescription|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.GameDescription]]
Gets or sets the current Product
### `string` [[GameTags|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.GameTags]]
Gets or sets the current GameTags
### `Inventory` [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Inventory]]
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[IsValid|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.IsValid]]
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[LoggedOn|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.LoggedOn]]
*No documentation available*
### `string` [[MapName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.MapName]]
Gets or sets the current Map Name.
### `int` [[MaxPlayers|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.MaxPlayers]]
Gets or sets the current MaxPlayers.
This doesn't enforce any kind of limit, it just updates the master server.
### `string` [[ModDir|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.ModDir]]
Gets or sets the current ModDir
### `Networking` [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Networking]]
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[Passworded|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Passworded]]
Gets or sets the current Passworded
### `string` [[Product|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Product]]
Gets or sets the current Product
### `ServerQuery` [[Query|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Query]]
*No documentation available*
### `string` [[ServerName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.ServerName]]
Gets or sets the current ServerName
### `ServerStats` [[Stats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Stats]]
*No documentation available*
### `ulong` [[SteamId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.SteamId]]
Current user's SteamId
### `string` [[Username|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Username]]
Current user's Username
### `Workshop` [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Workshop]]
*No documentation available*
## Fields
### OnMessage
### OnUpdate

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# ServerAuth
## Methods
### `void` [[EndSession|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.EndSession]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[StartSession|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.StartSession]]( `Byte[]` **data**, `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields
### OnAuthChange

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# ServerList
## Methods
### `void` [[AddToFavourite|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.AddToFavourite]]( `Server` **server** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[AddToHistory|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.AddToHistory]]( `Server` **server** )
*No documentation available*
### `Request` [[Custom|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Custom]]( `IEnumerable\<string\>` **serverList** )
*No documentation available*
### `Request` [[Favourites|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Favourites]]( )
Favourite filters don't seem to work, so we don't bother.
You should apply them post process'dly
### `Request` [[History|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.History]]( )
History filters don't seem to work, so we don't bother.
You should apply them post process'dly
### `Request` [[Internet|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Internet]]( `Filter` **filter** )
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[IsFavourite|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.IsFavourite]]( `Server` **server** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[RemoveFromFavourite|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.RemoveFromFavourite]]( `Server` **server** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[RemoveFromHistory|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.RemoveFromHistory]]( `Server` **server** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# ServerQuery
## Methods
### `bool` [[GetOutgoingPacket|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery.GetOutgoingPacket]]( `Packet&` **packet** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Handle|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery.Handle]]( `Byte[]` **data**, `int` **size**, `UInt32` **address**, `UInt16` **port** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# ServerStats
## Methods
### `void` [[Commit|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Commit]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `Single` [[GetFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.GetFloat]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `Single` **defaultValue** )
*No documentation available*
### `int` [[GetInt|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.GetInt]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `int` **defaultValue** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Refresh]]( `ulong` **steamid** )
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[Set|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Set]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `int` **stat** )
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[Set|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Set]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `Single` **stat** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Stats
## Methods
### `Single` [[GetFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetFloat]]( `string` **name** )
*No documentation available*
### `Double` [[GetGlobalFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetGlobalFloat]]( `string` **name** )
*No documentation available*
### `Int64` [[GetGlobalInt|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetGlobalInt]]( `string` **name** )
*No documentation available*
### `int` [[GetInt|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetInt]]( `string` **name** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[UpdateGlobalStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.UpdateGlobalStats]]( `int` **days** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[UpdateStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.UpdateStats]]( )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# SteamFriend
## Methods
### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.Refresh]]( )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `ulong` [[CurrentAppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.CurrentAppId]]
The AppId this guy is playing
### `ulong` [[Id|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.Id]]
Steam Id
### `bool` [[IsBlocked|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsBlocked]]
Return true if blocked
### `bool` [[IsFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsFriend]]
Return true if is a friend. Returns false if blocked, request etc.
### `bool` [[IsOnline|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsOnline]]
Returns true if this friend is online
### `bool` [[IsPlaying|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsPlaying]]
Returns true if this friend is online and playing this game
### `bool` [[IsPlayingThisGame|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsPlayingThisGame]]
Returns true if this friend is online and playing this game
### `int` [[ServerGamePort|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerGamePort]]
*No documentation available*
### `UInt32` [[ServerIp|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerIp]]
*No documentation available*
### `ulong` [[ServerLobbyId|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerLobbyId]]
*No documentation available*
### `int` [[ServerQueryPort|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerQueryPort]]
*No documentation available*
## Fields
### Name

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Voice
## Methods
### `bool` [[Decompress|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.Decompress]]( `Byte[]` **input**, `MemoryStream` **output**, `UInt32` **samepleRate** )
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[Decompress|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.Decompress]]( `IntPtr` **input**, `int` **inputoffset**, `int` **inputsize**, `MemoryStream` **output**, `UInt32` **samepleRate** )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.Dispose]]( )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
### `DateTime` [[LastVoiceRecordTime|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.LastVoiceRecordTime]]
The last time voice was detected, recorded
### `UInt32` [[OptimalSampleRate|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.OptimalSampleRate]]
Returns the optimal sample rate for voice - according to Steam
### `TimeSpan` [[TimeSinceLastVoiceRecord|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.TimeSinceLastVoiceRecord]]
*No documentation available*
### `bool` [[WantsRecording|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.WantsRecording]]
If set to true we are listening to the mic.
You should usually toggle this with the press of a key for push to talk.
## Fields
### OnCompressedData
### OnUncompressedData
### IsRecording
### DesiredSampleRate

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Workshop
## Methods
### `Editor` [[CreateItem|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.CreateItem]]( `ItemType` **type** )
*No documentation available*
### `Query` [[CreateQuery|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.CreateQuery]]( )
*No documentation available*
### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.Dispose]]( )
*No documentation available*
### `Editor` [[EditItem|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.EditItem]]( `ulong` **itemId** )
*No documentation available*
### `Item` [[GetItem|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.GetItem]]( `ulong` **itemid** )
*No documentation available*
## Properties
## Fields


@ -1 +1,27 @@
Welcome to the Facepunch.Steamworks wiki!
# Facepunch.Steamworks
## Facepunch.Steamworks
* [[BaseSteamworks|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks]]
* [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory]]
* [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking]]
* [[Client|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client]]
* [[Overlay|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay]]
* [[ServerList|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList]]
* [[Auth|Facepunch.Steamworks.Auth]]
* [[App|Facepunch.Steamworks.App]]
* [[SteamFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend]]
* [[Friends|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends]]
* [[Image|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image]]
* [[Screenshots|Facepunch.Steamworks.Screenshots]]
* [[Stats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats]]
* [[Voice|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice]]
* [[Config|Facepunch.Steamworks.Config]]
* [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop]]
* [[Server|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server]]
* [[ServerAuth|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth]]
* [[ServerQuery|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery]]
* [[ServerStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats]]
* [[Color|Facepunch.Steamworks.Color]]
## Facepunch.Steamworks.Callbacks
* [[Result|Facepunch.Steamworks.Callbacks.Result]]