mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 12:59:05 +03:00
Merge branch 'mapbase-source:develop' into develop
This commit is contained in:
@ -194,7 +194,9 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install GCC/G++ multilib
run: sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
- name: Pick game
if: inputs.project-group == 'game' || inputs.project-group == 'shaders'
@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ Direct contributions:
=-- https://github.com/mapbase-source/source-sdk-2013/pull/206 (Fix CScriptNetMsgHelper::WriteEntity())
=-- https://github.com/mapbase-source/source-sdk-2013/pull/213 (VScript HUD visibility control, optimizations for 3D skybox angles/fake worldportals)
=-- https://github.com/mapbase-source/source-sdk-2013/pull/229 (VScript VGUI HUD viewport parenting, game_text and vgui_text_display VScript font fallback)
=-- https://github.com/mapbase-source/source-sdk-2013/pull/261 (Misc VScript additions)
=-- https://github.com/mapbase-source/source-sdk-2013/pull/279 (weapon_custom_scripted fixes)
== Contributions from z33ky:
=-- https://github.com/mapbase-source/source-sdk-2013/pull/21 (Various GCC/Linux compilation fixes)
@ -4042,6 +4042,92 @@ void C_BaseAnimating::FireEvent( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int
#ifdef MAPBASE // From Alien Swarm SDK
char token[256];
char szParticleEffect[256];
// Get the particle effect name
const char *p = options;
p = nexttoken(token, p, ' ', sizeof(token));
if ( token )
Q_strncpy( szParticleEffect, token, sizeof(szParticleEffect) );
// Get the attachment point index
p = nexttoken(token, p, ' ', sizeof(token));
bool bStopInstantly = ( token && !Q_stricmp( token, "instantly" ) );
ParticleProp()->StopParticlesNamed( szParticleEffect, bStopInstantly );
int iControlPoint = 1;
int iAttachment = -1;
int iEffectIndex = -1;
char token[256];
char szParticleEffect[256];
// Get the particle effect name
const char *p = options;
p = nexttoken(token, p, ' ', sizeof(token));
if ( token )
Q_strncpy( szParticleEffect, token, sizeof(szParticleEffect) );
// Get the control point number
p = nexttoken(token, p, ' ', sizeof(token));
if ( token )
iControlPoint = atoi( token );
// Get the attachment type
p = nexttoken(token, p, ' ', sizeof(token));
if ( token )
iAttachType = GetAttachTypeFromString( token );
if ( iAttachType == -1 )
Warning("Invalid attach type specified for particle effect anim event. Trying to spawn effect '%s' with attach type of '%s'\n", szParticleEffect, token );
// Get the attachment point index
p = nexttoken(token, p, ' ', sizeof(token));
if ( token )
iAttachment = atoi(token);
// See if we can find any attachment points matching the name
if ( token[0] != '0' && iAttachment == 0 )
iAttachment = LookupAttachment( token );
if ( iAttachment == -1 )
Warning("Failed to find attachment point specified for particle effect anim event. Trying to spawn effect '%s' on attachment named '%s'\n", szParticleEffect, token );
iEffectIndex = ParticleProp()->FindEffect( szParticleEffect );
if ( iEffectIndex == -1 )
Warning("Failed to find specified particle effect. Trying to add CP to '%s' on attachment named '%s'\n", szParticleEffect, token );
ParticleProp()->AddControlPoint( iEffectIndex, iControlPoint, this, (ParticleAttachment_t)iAttachType, iAttachment );
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
@ -4291,6 +4377,22 @@ void C_BaseAnimating::FireEvent( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (!RunScript( options ))
Warning( "%s failed to run AE_VSCRIPT_RUN on client with \"%s\"\n", GetDebugName(), options );
if (!RunScriptFile( options ))
Warning( "%s failed to run AE_VSCRIPT_RUN_FILE on client with \"%s\"\n", GetDebugName(), options );
@ -1477,6 +1477,11 @@ public:
ivgui()->AddTickSignal( this->GetVPanel(), i );
void RemoveTickSignal()
ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( this->GetVPanel() );
void AddActionSignalTarget( HSCRIPT messageTarget )
@ -1867,6 +1872,7 @@ public:
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( MakeReadyForUse, "" )\
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( AddTickSignal, "" )\
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( RemoveTickSignal, "" )\
@ -76,6 +76,23 @@ int CAI_BaseNPC::GetActivityID(const char* actName)
return m_pActivitySR->GetStringID(actName);
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Purpose: Gets an activity ID or registers a new private one if it doesn't exist
int CAI_BaseNPC::GetOrRegisterActivity( const char *actName )
int actID = GetActivityID( actName );
if (actID == ACT_INVALID)
actID = ActivityList_RegisterPrivateActivity( actName );
AddActivityToSR( actName, actID );
return actID;
#define ADD_ACTIVITY_TO_SR(activityname) AddActivityToSR(#activityname,activityname)
@ -671,13 +671,27 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::Ignite( float flFlameLifetime, bool bNPCOnly, float flSize, bo
BaseClass::Ignite( flFlameLifetime, bNPCOnly, flSize, bCalledByLevelDesigner );
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Alyx's enemy ignited code from below can now be run on any NPC as long as
// it's our current enemy.
if ( GetEnemy() && GetEnemy()->IsNPC() )
GetEnemy()->MyNPCPointer()->EnemyIgnited( this );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer();
if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IRelationType( this ) != D_LI )
CNPC_Alyx *alyx = CNPC_Alyx::GetAlyx();
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Alyx's code continues to run if Alyx was not this NPC's enemy.
if ( alyx && alyx != GetEnemy() )
if ( alyx )
alyx->EnemyIgnited( this );
@ -3026,6 +3040,10 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::PopulatePoseParameters( void )
m_poseAim_Yaw = LookupPoseParameter( "aim_yaw" );
m_poseMove_Yaw = LookupPoseParameter( "move_yaw" );
#ifdef MAPBASE
m_poseInteractionRelativeYaw = LookupPoseParameter( "interaction_relative_yaw" );
@ -9526,6 +9544,12 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent )
m_hCine->FireScriptEvent( atoi( pEvent->options ) );
#ifdef MAPBASE
else if ( GetHintNode() )
GetHintNode()->FireScriptEvent( atoi( pEvent->options ) );
// FIXME: look so see if it's playing a vcd and fire those instead
@ -12333,6 +12357,7 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC( CAI_BaseNPC, CBaseCombatCharacter, "The base class all NPC
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsCommandable, "Check if the NPC is commandable." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsInPlayerSquad, "Check if the NPC is in the player's squad." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsMedic, "Returns true if this NPC is a medic." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( VScriptGetCine, "GetCine", "Get the NPC's currently running scripted sequence if it has one." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetScriptState, "Get the NPC's current scripted sequence state." )
@ -12443,7 +12468,11 @@ BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t )
DEFINE_FIELD( flNextAttemptTime, FIELD_TIME ),
#ifdef MAPBASE
DEFINE_FIELD( bHasSeparateSequenceNames, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
DEFINE_FIELD( iszRelatedInteractions, FIELD_STRING ),
@ -13507,6 +13536,10 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::CineCleanup()
// Clear interaction partner, because we're not running a scripted sequence anymore
#ifdef MAPBASE
// We need the interaction partner for server ragdoll death cleanup, so don't clear if we're not alive
if (IsAlive())
m_hInteractionPartner = NULL;
@ -14847,32 +14880,66 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::ParseScriptedNPCInteractions(void)
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "entry_sequence", 14))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "entry_activity", 14))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iActivity = GetActivityID(szValue);
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "sequence", 8))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "activity", 8))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity = GetActivityID(szValue);
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "exit_sequence", 13))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "exit_activity", 13))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iActivity = GetActivityID(szValue);
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "their_", 6))
const char *szTheirName = szName + 6;
sInteraction.bHasSeparateSequenceNames = true;
if (!Q_strncmp(szTheirName, "entry_sequence", 14))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szTheirName, "entry_activity", 14))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szTheirName, "sequence", 8))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szTheirName, "activity", 8))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szTheirName, "exit_sequence", 13))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szTheirName, "exit_activity", 13))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
// Add anything else to our miscellaneous criteria
szCriteria = UTIL_VarArgs("%s,%s:%s", szCriteria, szName, szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "delay", 5))
sInteraction.flDelay = atof(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "origin_max_delta", 16))
sInteraction.flDistSqr = atof(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "angles_max_diff", 15))
sInteraction.flMaxAngleDiff = atof(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "loop_in_action", 14) && !FStrEq(szValue, "0"))
sInteraction.iFlags |= SCNPC_FLAG_LOOP_IN_ACTION;
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "dont_teleport_at_end", 20))
if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "me") || !Q_stricmp(szValue, "both"))
if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "me"))
else if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "them") || !Q_stricmp(szValue, "both"))
else if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "them"))
else if (!Q_stricmp( szValue, "both" ))
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "needs_weapon", 12))
@ -14899,6 +14966,11 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::ParseScriptedNPCInteractions(void)
sInteraction.iszTheirWeapon = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "related_interactions", 20))
sInteraction.iszRelatedInteractions = AllocPooledString(szValue);
// Add anything else to our miscellaneous criteria
@ -15130,8 +15202,23 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::AddScriptedNPCInteraction( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteract
// Purpose:
const char *CAI_BaseNPC::GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase )
const char *CAI_BaseNPC::GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase, bool bOtherNPC )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (bOtherNPC && pInteraction->bHasSeparateSequenceNames)
// Check unique phases
if ( pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iActivity != ACT_INVALID )
int iSequence = SelectWeightedSequence( (Activity)pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iActivity );
return GetSequenceName( iSequence );
if ( pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iszSequence != NULL_STRING )
return STRING(pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iszSequence);
if ( pInteraction->sPhases[iPhase].iActivity != ACT_INVALID )
int iSequence = SelectWeightedSequence( (Activity)pInteraction->sPhases[iPhase].iActivity );
@ -15225,6 +15312,37 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::StartScriptedNPCInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedN
// Setup next attempt
pInteraction->flNextAttemptTime = gpGlobals->curtime + pInteraction->flDelay + RandomFloat(-2,2);
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (pInteraction->iszRelatedInteractions != NULL_STRING)
// Delay related interactions as well
char szRelatedInteractions[256];
Q_strncpy( szRelatedInteractions, STRING( pInteraction->iszRelatedInteractions ), sizeof( szRelatedInteractions ) );
char *pszInteraction = strtok( szRelatedInteractions, "," );
while (pszInteraction)
bool bWildCard = Matcher_ContainsWildcard( pszInteraction );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ScriptedInteractions.Count(); i++ )
ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pOtherInteraction = &m_ScriptedInteractions[i];
if ( Matcher_NamesMatch( pszInteraction, STRING( pOtherInteraction->iszInteractionName ) ) && pOtherInteraction != pInteraction )
if (pOtherInteraction->flNextAttemptTime < pInteraction->flNextAttemptTime)
pOtherInteraction->flNextAttemptTime = pInteraction->flNextAttemptTime;
// Not looking for multiple
if (!bWildCard)
pszInteraction = strtok( NULL, "," );
// Spawn a scripted sequence for this NPC to play the interaction anim
CAI_ScriptedSequence *pMySequence = (CAI_ScriptedSequence*)CreateEntityByName( "scripted_sequence" );
@ -15256,6 +15374,15 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::StartScriptedNPCInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedN
CAI_ScriptedSequence *pTheirSequence = NULL;
if ( pOtherNPC )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (pInteraction->bHasSeparateSequenceNames)
pszEntrySequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_ENTRY, true );
pszSequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_SEQUENCE, true );
pszExitSequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_EXIT, true );
pTheirSequence = (CAI_ScriptedSequence*)CreateEntityByName( "scripted_sequence" );
pTheirSequence->KeyValue( "m_iszEntry", pszEntrySequence );
pTheirSequence->KeyValue( "m_iszPlay", pszSequence );
@ -15279,6 +15406,26 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::StartScriptedNPCInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedN
// Tell their sequence to keep their position relative to me
pTheirSequence->SetupInteractionPosition( this, pInteraction->matDesiredLocalToWorld );
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( !(pInteraction->iFlags & SCNPC_FLAG_TEST_OTHER_ANGLES) )
// Set up interaction yaw pose if it exists
float flYaw = AngleDistance( angDesired.y, angOtherAngles.y );
int nInteractionPose = LookupPoseInteractionRelativeYaw();
if (nInteractionPose > -1)
SetPoseParameter( nInteractionPose, flYaw );
nInteractionPose = pOtherNPC->LookupPoseInteractionRelativeYaw();
if (nInteractionPose > -1)
pOtherNPC->SetPoseParameter( nInteractionPose, flYaw );
// Spawn both sequences at once
@ -15367,7 +15514,7 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced )
return false;
// Default AI prevents interactions while melee attacking, but not ranged attacking
if ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK1 ) || IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK2 ) )
if ( ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK1 ) || IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK2 ) ) && !CanStartDynamicInteractionDuringMelee() )
return false;
@ -15556,8 +15703,14 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::CalculateValidEnemyInteractions( void )
if (bSame)
// Resolve the activity or sequence, and make sure our enemy has it
const char *pszSequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_SEQUENCE, true );
if ( !pszSequence )
if ( pNPC->LookupSequence( pszSequence ) == -1 )
// Use sequence? or activity?
if ( pInteraction->sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity != ACT_INVALID )
@ -15573,53 +15726,6 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::CalculateValidEnemyInteractions( void )
if ( pNPC->LookupSequence( STRING(pInteraction->sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iszSequence) ) == -1 )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (pInteraction->MiscCriteria != NULL_STRING)
// Test against response system criteria
AI_CriteriaSet set;
ModifyOrAppendCriteria( set );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if( pPlayer )
pPlayer->ModifyOrAppendPlayerCriteria( set );
ReAppendContextCriteria( set );
DevMsg("Testing %s misc criteria\n", STRING(pInteraction->MiscCriteria));
int index;
const char *criteriavalue;
char key[128];
char value[128];
const char *p = STRING(pInteraction->MiscCriteria);
while ( p )
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL, STRING(pInteraction->MiscCriteria) );
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL );
index = set.FindCriterionIndex(key);
if (index != -1)
criteriavalue = set.GetValue(index);
if (!Matcher_Match(value, criteriavalue))
// Test with empty string in case our criteria is != or something
criteriavalue = "";
if (!Matcher_Match(value, criteriavalue))
pInteraction->bValidOnCurrentEnemy = true;
@ -15789,7 +15895,95 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionIsAllowed( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInter
return true;
// m_iDynamicInteractionsAllowed == TRS_FALSE case is already handled in CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction().
return !(pInteraction->iFlags & SCNPC_FLAG_MAPBASE_ADDITION && m_iDynamicInteractionsAllowed == TRS_NONE);
if (pInteraction->iFlags & SCNPC_FLAG_MAPBASE_ADDITION && m_iDynamicInteractionsAllowed == TRS_NONE)
return false;
// Test misc. criteria here since some of it may not have been valid on initial calculation, but could be now
if (pInteraction->MiscCriteria != NULL_STRING)
// Test against response system criteria
AI_CriteriaSet set;
ModifyOrAppendCriteria( set );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if (pPlayer)
pPlayer->ModifyOrAppendPlayerCriteria( set );
// Get criteria from target if we want it
if ( V_strstr( STRING( pInteraction->MiscCriteria ), "their_" ) )
// Currently, in order to get everything which might be desired, we call the other NPC's ModifyOrAppendCriteria.
// We put it in a separate criteria set, then assign a prefix and append it to the main set, similar to how contexts are appended.
// This includes a few global criterions which we might not need, so we throw them out before they're merged.
// This isn't a very efficient solution, but there are no better options available without rewriting parts of the response criteria system.
AI_CriteriaSet theirSet;
pOtherNPC->ModifyOrAppendCriteria( theirSet );
set.EnsureCapacity( (theirSet.GetCount()-2) + set.GetCount() ); // We know we'll be throwing out 2 global criterions
char sz[ 128 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < theirSet.GetCount(); i++ )
const char *name = theirSet.GetName( i );
const char *value = theirSet.GetValue( i );
if (FStrEq( name, "map" ) || FStrEq( name, "episodic" ) || FStrEq( name, "is_console" )
|| FStrEq( name, "month" ) || FStrEq( name, "day" )
|| FStrEq( name, "is_console" ) || FStrEq( name, "is_pc" )
|| V_strnicmp( name, "world", 5 ) == 0)
// Global criterion, ignore
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "their_%s", name );
if (ai_debug_dyninteractions.GetInt() == 3)
Msg( "%i: %s -> %s:%s\n", i, name, sz, value );
set.AppendCriteria( sz, value );
// Append this afterwards because it has its own prefix system
pOtherNPC->AppendContextToCriteria( set, "their_" );
ReAppendContextCriteria( set );
int index;
const char *criteriavalue;
char key[128];
char value[128];
const char *p = STRING( pInteraction->MiscCriteria );
while ( p )
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL, STRING( pInteraction->MiscCriteria ) );
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL );
index = set.FindCriterionIndex( key );
if (index != -1)
criteriavalue = set.GetValue( index );
if (!Matcher_Match( value, criteriavalue ))
return false;
// Test with empty string in case our criteria is != or something
criteriavalue = "";
if (!Matcher_Match( value, criteriavalue ))
return false;
return true;
@ -15827,6 +16021,11 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInte
Msg(" %s distsqr: %0.2f (%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f), desired: <%0.2f (%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f)\n", GetDebugName(), flDistSqr,
pOtherNPC->GetAbsOrigin().x, pOtherNPC->GetAbsOrigin().y, pOtherNPC->GetAbsOrigin().z, pInteraction->flDistSqr, vecOrigin.x, vecOrigin.y, vecOrigin.z );
#ifdef MAPBASE
Vector vecForward, vecRight;
GetVectors( &vecForward, &vecRight, NULL );
NDebugOverlay::Circle( vecOrigin + Vector(0,0,2), vecForward, vecRight, FastSqrt(pInteraction->flDistSqr), 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 0.1f );
@ -15839,6 +16038,11 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInte
Msg(" %s is at: %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", GetDebugName(), GetAbsOrigin().x, GetAbsOrigin().y, GetAbsOrigin().z );
Msg(" %s distsqr: %0.2f (%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f), desired: (%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f)\n", GetDebugName(), flDistSqr,
pOtherNPC->GetAbsOrigin().x, pOtherNPC->GetAbsOrigin().y, pOtherNPC->GetAbsOrigin().z, vecOrigin.x, vecOrigin.y, vecOrigin.z );
#ifdef MAPBASE
Vector vecForward, vecRight;
GetVectors( &vecForward, &vecRight, NULL );
NDebugOverlay::Circle( vecOrigin + Vector( 0, 0, 2 ), vecForward, vecRight, FastSqrt( pInteraction->flDistSqr ), 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 0.1f );
if ( pOtherNPC )
@ -15855,14 +16059,28 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInte
for ( int ang = 0; ang < 3; ang++ )
float flAngDiff = AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles[ang], angAngles[ang] );
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( fabs(flAngDiff) > pInteraction->flMaxAngleDiff )
if ( fabs(flAngDiff) > DSS_MAX_ANGLE_DIFF )
bMatches = false;
if ( !bMatches )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( bDebug )
Msg(" %s angle not matched: (%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f), desired (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", GetDebugName(),
anglemod(angEnemyAngles.x), anglemod(angEnemyAngles.y), anglemod(angEnemyAngles.z), anglemod(angAngles.x), anglemod(angAngles.y), anglemod(angAngles.z) );
Msg(" diff: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles.x, angAngles.x ), AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles.y, angAngles.y ), AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles.z, angAngles.z ) );
return false;
if ( bDebug )
@ -15870,6 +16088,13 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInte
anglemod(angEnemyAngles.x), anglemod(angEnemyAngles.y), anglemod(angEnemyAngles.z), anglemod(angAngles.x), anglemod(angAngles.y), anglemod(angAngles.z) );
#ifdef MAPBASE
// If we're not using angles, then use the NPC's current angles
angAngles = pOtherNPC->GetAbsAngles();
// TODO: Velocity check, if we're supposed to
if ( pInteraction->iFlags & SCNPC_FLAG_TEST_OTHER_VELOCITY )
@ -15949,6 +16174,7 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInte
if ( bDebug )
NDebugOverlay::Box( vecPos, GetHullMins(), GetHullMaxs(), 255,0,0, 100, 1.0 );
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetAbsOrigin(), vecPos, 16.0f, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 1.0f );
return false;
@ -15956,7 +16182,39 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInte
//NDebugOverlay::Box( vecPos, GetHullMins(), GetHullMaxs(), 0,255,0, 100, 1.0 );
NDebugOverlay::Axis( vecPos, angAngles, 20, true, 10.0 );
NDebugOverlay::Axis( vecPos, angAngles, 20, true, 1.0 );
// Instead, make sure we fit into where the sequence movement ends at
const char *pszSequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_SEQUENCE );
int nSeq = LookupSequence( pszSequence );
if ( pszSequence && nSeq != -1 )
Vector vecDeltaPos;
QAngle angDeltaAngles;
GetSequenceMovement( nSeq, 0.0f, 1.0f, vecDeltaPos, angDeltaAngles );
if (!vecDeltaPos.IsZero())
QAngle angInteraction = GetAbsAngles();
angInteraction[YAW] = m_flInteractionYaw;
Vector vecPos;
VectorRotate( vecDeltaPos, angInteraction, vecPos );
vecPos += GetAbsOrigin();
AI_TraceHull( vecPos, vecPos, GetHullMins(), GetHullMaxs(), MASK_SOLID, &traceFilter, &tr);
if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 )
if ( bDebug )
NDebugOverlay::Box( vecPos, GetHullMins(), GetHullMaxs(), 255,0,0, 100, 1.0 );
NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetAbsOrigin(), vecPos, 16.0f, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 1.0f );
return false;
@ -15980,6 +16238,25 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::HasInteractionCantDie( void )
return ( m_bCannotDieDuringInteraction && IsRunningDynamicInteraction() );
// Purpose: Return true if this NPC has valid interactions on the current enemy.
bool CAI_BaseNPC::HasValidInteractionsOnCurrentEnemy( void )
if ( !GetEnemy() || !GetEnemy()->IsNPC() )
return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ScriptedInteractions.Count(); i++ )
ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction = &m_ScriptedInteractions[i];
if ( pInteraction->bValidOnCurrentEnemy )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
@ -16213,6 +16490,21 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::ModifyOrAppendEnemyCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& set, CBaseEntity
set.AppendCriteria( "enemyclass", g_pGameRules->AIClassText( pEnemy->Classify() ) ); // UTIL_VarArgs("%i", pEnemy->Classify())
set.AppendCriteria( "distancetoenemy", UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", EnemyDistance(pEnemy) ) );
set.AppendCriteria( "timesincecombat", "-1" );
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = pEnemy->MyNPCPointer();
if (pNPC)
set.AppendCriteria("enemy_is_npc", "1");
set.AppendCriteria( "enemy_activity", CAI_BaseNPC::GetActivityName( pNPC->GetActivity() ) );
set.AppendCriteria( "enemy_weapon", pNPC->GetActiveWeapon() ? pNPC->GetActiveWeapon()->GetClassname() : "0" );
set.AppendCriteria("enemy_is_npc", "0");
pEnemy->AppendContextToCriteria( set, "enemy_" );
@ -425,6 +425,9 @@ struct ScriptedNPCInteraction_t
iszTheirWeapon = NULL_STRING;
#ifdef MAPBASE
vecRelativeEndPos = vec3_origin;
bHasSeparateSequenceNames = false;
flMaxAngleDiff = DSS_MAX_ANGLE_DIFF;
iszRelatedInteractions = NULL_STRING;
MiscCriteria = NULL_STRING;
@ -432,6 +435,10 @@ struct ScriptedNPCInteraction_t
sPhases[i].iszSequence = NULL_STRING;
sPhases[i].iActivity = ACT_INVALID;
#ifdef MAPBASE
sTheirPhases[i].iszSequence = NULL_STRING;
sTheirPhases[i].iActivity = ACT_INVALID;
@ -459,10 +466,14 @@ struct ScriptedNPCInteraction_t
float flNextAttemptTime;
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Unrecognized keyvalues are tested against response criteria later.
// This was originally a CUtlVector that carries response contexts, but I couldn't get it working due to some CUtlVector-struct shenanigans.
// It works when we use a single string_t that's split and read each time the code runs, but feel free to improve on this.
string_t MiscCriteria; // CUtlVector<ResponseContext_t>
ScriptedNPCInteraction_Phases_t sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_NUM_PHASES]; // The animations played by the target NPC, if they are different
bool bHasSeparateSequenceNames;
float flMaxAngleDiff;
string_t iszRelatedInteractions; // These interactions will be delayed as well when this interaction is used.
// Unrecognized keyvalues which are tested against response criteria later.
string_t MiscCriteria;
@ -838,6 +849,9 @@ protected: // pose parameters
int m_poseAim_Pitch;
int m_poseAim_Yaw;
int m_poseMove_Yaw;
#ifdef MAPBASE
int m_poseInteractionRelativeYaw;
virtual void PopulatePoseParameters( void );
@ -845,6 +859,10 @@ public:
// Return the stored pose parameter for "move_yaw"
inline int LookupPoseMoveYaw() { return m_poseMove_Yaw; }
#ifdef MAPBASE
inline int LookupPoseInteractionRelativeYaw() { return m_poseInteractionRelativeYaw; }
@ -1304,10 +1322,14 @@ private:
float GetInteractionYaw( void ) const { return m_flInteractionYaw; }
bool IsRunningDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState != NPCINT_NOT_RUNNING && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
bool IsActiveDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState == NPCINT_RUNNING_ACTIVE && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
CAI_BaseNPC *GetInteractionPartner( void );
void ParseScriptedNPCInteractions( void );
void AddScriptedNPCInteraction( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction );
const char *GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase );
const char *GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase, bool bOtherNPC = false );
void StartRunningInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, bool bActive );
void StartScriptedNPCInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, Vector vecOtherOrigin, QAngle angOtherAngles );
void CheckForScriptedNPCInteractions( void );
@ -1320,17 +1342,16 @@ protected:
bool InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, Vector &vecOrigin, QAngle &angAngles );
virtual bool CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced = false );
bool IsRunningDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState != NPCINT_NOT_RUNNING && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
bool IsActiveDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState == NPCINT_RUNNING_ACTIVE && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *GetRunningDynamicInteraction( void ) { return &(m_ScriptedInteractions[m_iInteractionPlaying]); }
void SetInteractionCantDie( bool bCantDie ) { m_bCannotDieDuringInteraction = bCantDie; }
bool HasInteractionCantDie( void );
bool HasValidInteractionsOnCurrentEnemy( void );
virtual bool CanStartDynamicInteractionDuringMelee() { return false; }
void InputForceInteractionWithNPC( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void StartForcedInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, int iInteraction );
void CleanupForcedInteraction( void );
void CalculateForcedInteractionPosition( void );
CAI_BaseNPC *GetInteractionPartner( void );
// Forced interactions
@ -1974,6 +1995,9 @@ public:
virtual void Ignite( float flFlameLifetime, bool bNPCOnly = true, float flSize = 0.0f, bool bCalledByLevelDesigner = false );
#ifdef MAPBASE
virtual void EnemyIgnited( CAI_BaseNPC *pVictim ) {}
virtual bool PassesDamageFilter( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
@ -2228,6 +2252,9 @@ public:
static const char* GetActivityName (int actID);
static void AddActivityToSR(const char *actName, int conID);
#ifdef MAPBASE
static int GetOrRegisterActivity( const char *actName );
static void AddEventToSR(const char *eventName, int conID);
static const char* GetEventName (int actID);
@ -1610,6 +1610,12 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::StartTask( const Task_t *pTask )
// as this should only run with the NPC "receiving" the interaction
ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction = m_hForcedInteractionPartner->GetRunningDynamicInteraction();
if ( !(pInteraction->iFlags & SCNPC_FLAG_TEST_OTHER_ANGLES) )
// Get our target's origin
Vector vecTarget = m_hForcedInteractionPartner->GetAbsOrigin();
@ -1617,7 +1623,7 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::StartTask( const Task_t *pTask )
float angInteractionAngle = pInteraction->angRelativeAngles.y;
angInteractionAngle += 180.0f;
GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcIdealYaw( vecTarget ) + angInteractionAngle );
GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( AngleNormalize( CalcIdealYaw( vecTarget ) + angInteractionAngle ) );
if (FacingIdeal())
@ -4113,6 +4119,15 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask )
m_hCine->SynchronizeSequence( this );
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( IsRunningDynamicInteraction() && m_poseInteractionRelativeYaw > -1 )
// Animations in progress require pose parameters to be set every frame, so keep setting the interaction relative yaw pose.
// The random value is added to help it pass server transmit checks.
SetPoseParameter( m_poseInteractionRelativeYaw, GetPoseParameter( m_poseInteractionRelativeYaw ) + RandomFloat( -0.1f, 0.1f ) );
@ -88,6 +88,15 @@ static void DispatchComeback( CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup *pExpress, CBaseEntity *
// add in any provided contexts from the parameters onto the ones stored in the followup
criteria.Merge( followup.followup_contexts );
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink = dynamic_cast<CAI_ExpresserSink *>(pRespondent))
criteria.AppendCriteria( "dist_from_issuer", UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", (pRespondent->GetAbsOrigin() - pSpeaker->GetAbsOrigin()).Length() ) );
g_ResponseQueueManager.GetQueue()->AppendFollowupCriteria( followup.followup_concept, criteria, pSink->GetSinkExpresser(), pSink, pRespondent, pSpeaker, kDRT_SPECIFIC );
pSink->Speak( followup.followup_concept, &criteria );
// This is kludgy and needs to be fixed in class hierarchy, but for now, try to guess at the most likely
// kinds of targets and dispatch to them.
if (CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *>(pRespondent))
@ -99,6 +108,7 @@ static void DispatchComeback( CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup *pExpress, CBaseEntity *
pActor->Speak( followup.followup_concept, &criteria );
#if 0
@ -902,6 +902,17 @@ BEGIN_DATADESC( CAI_Hint )
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnNPCStartedUsing, "OnNPCStartedUsing" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnNPCStoppedUsing, "OnNPCStoppedUsing" ),
#ifdef MAPBASE
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[0], "OnScriptEvent01" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[1], "OnScriptEvent02" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[2], "OnScriptEvent03" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[3], "OnScriptEvent04" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[4], "OnScriptEvent05" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[5], "OnScriptEvent06" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[6], "OnScriptEvent07" ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnScriptEvent[7], "OnScriptEvent08" ),
@ -1705,6 +1716,19 @@ void CAI_Hint::NPCStoppedUsing( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC )
m_OnNPCStoppedUsing.Set( pNPC, pNPC, this );
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Purpose:
void CAI_Hint::FireScriptEvent( int nEvent )
if ( ( nEvent >= 1 ) && ( nEvent <= 8 ) )
m_OnScriptEvent[nEvent - 1].FireOutput( m_hHintOwner, this );
CON_COMMAND(ai_dump_hints, "")
@ -323,6 +323,9 @@ public:
void FixupTargetNode();
void NPCStartedUsing( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC );
void NPCStoppedUsing( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC );
#ifdef MAPBASE
void FireScriptEvent( int nEvent );
HintIgnoreFacing_t GetIgnoreFacing() const { return m_NodeData.fIgnoreFacing; }
@ -385,6 +388,10 @@ private:
float m_nodeFOV;
Vector m_vecForward;
#ifdef MAPBASE
COutputEvent m_OnScriptEvent[8];
// The next hint in list of all hints
friend class CAI_HintManager;
@ -128,6 +128,12 @@ ConceptInfo_t g_ConceptInfos[] =
// Passenger behaviour
#ifdef MAPBASE
{ TLK_NEW_ENEMY, SPEECH_IMPORTANT,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, AICF_DEFAULT, },
@ -1259,6 +1265,38 @@ void CAI_PlayerAlly::OnKilledNPC( CBaseCombatCharacter *pKilled )
#ifdef MAPBASE
void CAI_PlayerAlly::OnEnemyRangeAttackedMe( CBaseEntity *pEnemy, const Vector &vecDir, const Vector &vecEnd )
BaseClass::OnEnemyRangeAttackedMe( pEnemy, vecDir, vecEnd );
if ( IRelationType( pEnemy ) <= D_FR )
AI_CriteriaSet modifiers;
ModifyOrAppendEnemyCriteria( modifiers, pEnemy );
Vector vecEntDir = (pEnemy->EyePosition() - EyePosition());
float flDot = DotProduct( vecEntDir.Normalized(), vecDir );
modifiers.AppendCriteria( "shot_dot", CNumStr( flDot ) );
if (GetLastDamageTime() == gpGlobals->curtime)
modifiers.AppendCriteria( "missed", "0" );
modifiers.AppendCriteria( "missed", "1" );
// Check if they're out of ammo
if ( pEnemy->IsCombatCharacter() && pEnemy->MyCombatCharacterPointer()->GetActiveWeapon() && pEnemy->MyCombatCharacterPointer()->GetActiveWeapon()->Clip1() <= 0 )
modifiers.AppendCriteria( "last_attack", "1" );
modifiers.AppendCriteria( "last_attack", "0" );
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_TAKING_FIRE, modifiers );
void CAI_PlayerAlly::TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator )
@ -1762,6 +1800,54 @@ bool CAI_PlayerAlly::IsAllowedToSpeak( AIConcept_t concept, bool bRespondingToPl
return true;
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Purpose: Specifically for player allies handling followup responses.
// Better-accounts for unknown concepts so that users are free in what they use.
bool CAI_PlayerAlly::IsAllowedToSpeakFollowup( AIConcept_t concept, CBaseEntity *pIssuer, bool bSpecific )
CAI_AllySpeechManager * pSpeechManager = GetAllySpeechManager();
ConceptInfo_t * pInfo = pSpeechManager->GetConceptInfo( concept );
ConceptCategory_t category = SPEECH_PRIORITY; // Must be SPEECH_PRIORITY to get around semaphore
if ( !IsOkToSpeak( category, true ) )
return false;
// If this followup is specifically targeted towards us, speak if we're not already speaking
// If it's meant to be spoken by anyone, respect speech delay and semaphore
if ( bSpecific )
if ( !GetExpresser()->CanSpeakAfterMyself() )
return false;
if ( !GetExpresser()->CanSpeak() )
return false;
CAI_TimedSemaphore *pSemaphore = GetExpresser()->GetMySpeechSemaphore( this );
if ( pSemaphore && !pSemaphore->IsAvailable( this ) )
// Only if the semaphore holder isn't the one dispatching the followup
if ( pSemaphore->GetOwner() != pIssuer )
return false;
if ( !pSpeechManager->ConceptDelayExpired( concept ) )
return false;
if ( ( pInfo && pInfo->flags & AICF_SPEAK_ONCE ) && GetExpresser()->SpokeConcept( concept ) )
return false;
if ( !GetExpresser()->CanSpeakConcept( concept ) )
return false;
return true;
bool CAI_PlayerAlly::SpeakIfAllowed( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers, bool bRespondingToPlayer, char *pszOutResponseChosen, size_t bufsize )
@ -132,6 +132,13 @@
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Additional concepts for companions in mods
#define TLK_TAKING_FIRE "TLK_TAKING_FIRE" // Someone fired at me (regardless of whether I was hit)
#define TLK_NEW_ENEMY "TLK_NEW_ENEMY" // A new enemy appeared while combat was already in progress
#define TLK_COMBAT_IDLE "TLK_COMBAT_IDLE" // Similar to TLK_ATTACKING, but specifically for when *not* currently attacking (e.g. when in cover or reloading)
#define TALKRANGE_MIN 500.0 // don't talk to anyone farther away than this
@ -315,6 +322,10 @@ public:
void OnKilledNPC( CBaseCombatCharacter *pKilled );
#ifdef MAPBASE
void OnEnemyRangeAttackedMe( CBaseEntity *pEnemy, const Vector &vecDir, const Vector &vecEnd );
// Damage handling
@ -392,6 +403,9 @@ public:
bool ShouldSpeakRandom( AIConcept_t concept, int iChance );
bool IsAllowedToSpeak( AIConcept_t concept, bool bRespondingToPlayer = false );
#ifdef MAPBASE
bool IsAllowedToSpeakFollowup( AIConcept_t concept, CBaseEntity *pIssuer, bool bSpecific );
virtual bool SpeakIfAllowed( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers = NULL, bool bRespondingToPlayer = false, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0 );
#ifdef MAPBASE
virtual bool SpeakIfAllowed( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet& modifiers, bool bRespondingToPlayer = false, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0 );
@ -126,6 +126,13 @@ public:
virtual void OnSpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept, AI_Response *response ) {};
virtual void OnStartSpeaking() {}
virtual bool UseSemaphore() { return true; }
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Works around issues with CAI_ExpresserHost<> class hierarchy
virtual CAI_Expresser *GetSinkExpresser() { return NULL; }
virtual bool IsAllowedToSpeakFollowup( AIConcept_t concept, CBaseEntity *pIssuer, bool bSpecific ) { return true; }
virtual bool Speak( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet *pCriteria, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL ) { return false; }
struct ConceptHistory_t
@ -244,9 +251,15 @@ public:
static bool RunScriptResponse( CBaseEntity *pTarget, const char *response, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria, bool file );
#ifdef MAPBASE
CAI_TimedSemaphore *GetMySpeechSemaphore( CBaseEntity *pNpc );
bool SpeakRawScene( const char *pszScene, float delay, AI_Response *response, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL );
// This will create a fake .vcd/CChoreoScene to wrap the sound to be played
#ifdef MAPBASE
@ -311,11 +324,15 @@ private:
template <class BASE_NPC>
class CAI_ExpresserHost : public BASE_NPC, protected CAI_ExpresserSink
class CAI_ExpresserHost : public BASE_NPC, public CAI_ExpresserSink
#ifdef MAPBASE
CAI_Expresser *GetSinkExpresser() { return this->GetExpresser(); }
virtual void NoteSpeaking( float duration, float delay );
virtual bool Speak( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers = NULL, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL );
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
#include "ai_baseactor.h"
#include "ai_speech.h"
//#include "flex_expresser.h"
#ifdef MAPBASE
#include "sceneentity.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
@ -170,15 +173,25 @@ void CResponseQueue::RemoveExpresserHost(CBaseEntity *host)
#ifdef MAPBASE
/// Get the expresser for a base entity.
static CAI_Expresser *InferExpresserFromBaseEntity(CBaseEntity * RESTRICT pEnt, CAI_ExpresserSink **ppSink = NULL)
if ( CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink = dynamic_cast<CAI_ExpresserSink *>(pEnt) )
if (ppSink)
*ppSink = pSink;
return pSink->GetSinkExpresser();
return NULL;
/// Get the expresser for a base entity.
/// TODO: Kind of an ugly hack until I get the class hierarchy straightened out.
static CAI_Expresser *InferExpresserFromBaseEntity(CBaseEntity * RESTRICT pEnt)
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer(pEnt) )
if ( CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *>(pEnt) )
return pPlayer->GetExpresser();
@ -197,6 +210,7 @@ static CAI_Expresser *InferExpresserFromBaseEntity(CBaseEntity * RESTRICT pEnt)
return NULL;
void CResponseQueue::CDeferredResponse::Quash()
@ -205,6 +219,23 @@ void CResponseQueue::CDeferredResponse::Quash()
m_fDispatchTime = 0;
#ifdef MAPBASE
void CResponseQueue::AppendFollowupCriteria( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet &set, CAI_Expresser *pEx,
CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink, CBaseEntity *pTarget, CBaseEntity *pIssuer, DeferredResponseTarget_t nTargetType )
// Allows control over which followups interrupt speech routines
set.AppendCriteria( "followup_allowed_to_speak", (pSink->IsAllowedToSpeakFollowup( concept, pIssuer, nTargetType == kDRT_SPECIFIC )) ? "1" : "0" );
set.AppendCriteria( "followup_target_type", UTIL_VarArgs( "%i", (int)nTargetType ) );
// NOTE: This assumes any expresser entity derived from CBaseFlex is also derived from CBaseCombatCharacter
if (pTarget->IsCombatCharacter())
set.AppendCriteria( "is_speaking", (pEx->IsSpeaking() || IsRunningScriptedSceneWithSpeechAndNotPaused( assert_cast<CBaseFlex*>(pTarget) )) ? "1" : "0" );
set.AppendCriteria( "is_speaking", "0" );
bool CResponseQueue::DispatchOneResponse(CDeferredResponse &response)
// find the target.
@ -272,9 +303,15 @@ bool CResponseQueue::DispatchOneResponse(CDeferredResponse &response)
continue; // too far
#ifdef MAPBASE
CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink = NULL;
pEx = InferExpresserFromBaseEntity( pTarget, &pSink );
pEx = InferExpresserFromBaseEntity(pTarget);
if ( !pEx || pTarget == pIssuer )
AI_CriteriaSet characterCriteria;
pEx->GatherCriteria(&characterCriteria, response.m_concept, NULL);
@ -282,6 +319,11 @@ bool CResponseQueue::DispatchOneResponse(CDeferredResponse &response)
characterCriteria.AppendCriteria( "dist_from_issuer", UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", sqrt(distIssuerToTargetSq) ) );
#ifdef MAPBASE
AppendFollowupCriteria( response.m_concept, characterCriteria, pEx, pSink, pTarget, pIssuer, kDRT_ALL );
AI_Response prospectiveResponse;
if ( pEx->FindResponse( prospectiveResponse, response.m_concept, &characterCriteria ) )
@ -304,14 +346,26 @@ bool CResponseQueue::DispatchOneResponse(CDeferredResponse &response)
return false; // we're done right here.
// Get the expresser for the target.
#ifdef MAPBASE
CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink = NULL;
pEx = InferExpresserFromBaseEntity( pTarget, &pSink );
pEx = InferExpresserFromBaseEntity(pTarget);
if (!pEx)
return false;
AI_CriteriaSet characterCriteria;
pEx->GatherCriteria(&characterCriteria, response.m_concept, NULL);
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( pIssuer )
characterCriteria.AppendCriteria( "dist_from_issuer", UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", (pTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - pIssuer->GetAbsOrigin()).Length() ) );
AppendFollowupCriteria( response.m_concept, characterCriteria, pEx, pSink, pTarget, pIssuer, kDRT_SPECIFIC );
pEx->Speak( response.m_concept, &characterCriteria );
return true;
@ -364,7 +418,12 @@ bool CResponseQueue::DispatchOneResponse_ThenANY( CDeferredResponse &response, A
continue; // too far
#ifdef MAPBASE
CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink = NULL;
pEx = InferExpresserFromBaseEntity( pTarget, &pSink );
pEx = InferExpresserFromBaseEntity(pTarget);
if ( !pEx )
@ -376,6 +435,11 @@ bool CResponseQueue::DispatchOneResponse_ThenANY( CDeferredResponse &response, A
characterCriteria.AppendCriteria( "dist_from_issuer", UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", sqrt(distIssuerToTargetSq) ) );
#ifdef MAPBASE
AppendFollowupCriteria( response.m_concept, characterCriteria, pEx, pSink, pTarget, pIssuer, kDRT_ANY );
AI_Response prospectiveResponse;
#ifdef MAPBASE
@ -116,6 +116,11 @@ public:
inline int GetNumExpresserTargets() const;
inline CBaseEntity *GetExpresserHost(int which) const;
#ifdef MAPBASE
void AppendFollowupCriteria( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet &set, CAI_Expresser *pEx,
CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink, CBaseEntity *pTarget, CBaseEntity *pIssuer, DeferredResponseTarget_t nTargetType );
/// Actually send off one response to a consumer
/// Return true if dispatch succeeded
@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ void CBaseAnimating::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent )
#ifdef MAPBASE
else if ( pEvent->event == AE_NPC_RESPONSE )
if (!MyNPCPointer()->GetExpresser()->IsSpeaking())
if (MyNPCPointer() && MyNPCPointer()->GetExpresser() && !MyNPCPointer()->GetExpresser()->IsSpeaking())
DispatchResponse( pEvent->options );
@ -1344,6 +1344,18 @@ void CBaseAnimating::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent )
DispatchResponse( pEvent->options );
else if ( pEvent->event == AE_VSCRIPT_RUN )
if (!RunScript( pEvent->options ))
Warning( "%s failed to run AE_VSCRIPT_RUN on server with \"%s\"\n", GetDebugName(), pEvent->options );
else if ( pEvent->event == AE_VSCRIPT_RUN_FILE )
if (!RunScriptFile( pEvent->options ))
Warning( "%s failed to run AE_VSCRIPT_RUN_FILE on server with \"%s\"\n", GetDebugName(), pEvent->options );
else if ( pEvent->event == AE_RAGDOLL )
@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ public:
virtual bool CanBecomeServerRagdoll( void ) { return true; }
#ifdef MAPBASE
virtual void OnEnemyRangeAttackedMe( CBaseEntity *pEnemy, const Vector &vecDir, const Vector &vecEnd ) {}
// -----------------------
// Damage
// -----------------------
@ -10300,8 +10300,9 @@ bool CBaseEntity::ScriptAddOutput( const char *pszOutputName, const char *pszTar
const char *CBaseEntity::ScriptGetKeyValue( const char *pszKeyName )
static char szValue[128];
GetKeyValue( pszKeyName, szValue, sizeof(szValue) );
return szValue;
if ( GetKeyValue( pszKeyName, szValue, sizeof(szValue) ) )
return szValue;
return NULL;
@ -190,6 +190,24 @@ int CAI_FuncTankBehavior::SelectSchedule()
// Purpose:
void CAI_FuncTankBehavior::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet &set )
BaseClass::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( set );
#ifdef MAPBASE
set.AppendCriteria( "ft_mounted", m_bMounted ? "1" : "0" );
if (m_hFuncTank)
set.AppendCriteria( "ft_classname", m_hFuncTank->GetClassname() );
m_hFuncTank->AppendContextToCriteria( set, "ft_" );
// Purpose:
// Input : activity -
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ public:
bool CanManTank( CFuncTank *pTank, bool bForced );
void ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet &set );
Activity NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity );
// Conditions:
@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ ConVar zombie_decaymax( "zombie_decaymax", "0.4" );
ConVar zombie_ambushdist( "zombie_ambushdist", "16000" );
#ifdef MAPBASE
ConVar zombie_no_flinch_during_unique_anim( "zombie_no_flinch_during_unique_anim", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Prevents zombies from flinching during actbusies and scripted sequences." );
// For a couple of reasons, we keep a running count of how
// many zombies in the world are angry at any given time.
@ -1745,7 +1749,11 @@ void CNPC_BaseZombie::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent )
dmgInfo.SetDamagePosition( vecHeadCrabPosition );
#ifdef MAPBASE
ReleaseHeadcrab( vecHeadCrabPosition, vVelocity *iSpeed, true, false, true );
ReleaseHeadcrab( EyePosition(), vVelocity * iSpeed, true, false, true );
GuessDamageForce( &dmgInfo, vVelocity, vecHeadCrabPosition, 0.5f );
TakeDamage( dmgInfo );
@ -1927,6 +1935,31 @@ void CNPC_BaseZombie::OnScheduleChange( void )
bool CNPC_BaseZombie::CanFlinch( void )
if (!BaseClass::CanFlinch())
return false;
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (zombie_no_flinch_during_unique_anim.GetBool())
// Don't flinch if currently playing actbusy animation (navigating to or from one is fine)
if (m_ActBusyBehavior.IsInsideActBusy())
return false;
// Don't flinch if currently playing scripted sequence (navigating to or from one is fine)
if (m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT && (IsCurSchedule( SCHED_SCRIPTED_WAIT, false ) || IsCurSchedule( SCHED_SCRIPTED_FACE, false )))
return false;
return true;
int CNPC_BaseZombie::SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode )
@ -2435,6 +2468,20 @@ void CNPC_BaseZombie::RemoveHead( void )
void CNPC_BaseZombie::SetModel( const char *szModelName )
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Zombies setting the same model again is a problem when they should maintain their current sequence (e.g. during dynamic interactions)
if ( IsRunningDynamicInteraction() && GetModelIndex() != 0 && FStrEq( szModelName, STRING(GetModelName()) ) )
BaseClass::SetModel( szModelName );
bool CNPC_BaseZombie::ShouldPlayFootstepMoan( void )
if( random->RandomInt( 1, zombie_stepfreq.GetInt() * s_iAngryZombies ) == 1 )
@ -2450,9 +2497,15 @@ bool CNPC_BaseZombie::ShouldPlayFootstepMoan( void )
#define CRAB_HULL_EXPAND 1.1f
bool CNPC_BaseZombie::HeadcrabFits( CBaseAnimating *pCrab )
bool CNPC_BaseZombie::HeadcrabFits( CBaseAnimating *pCrab, const Vector *vecOrigin )
Vector vecSpawnLoc = pCrab->GetAbsOrigin();
Vector vecSpawnLoc;
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (vecOrigin)
vecSpawnLoc = *vecOrigin;
vecSpawnLoc = pCrab->GetAbsOrigin();
CTraceFilterSimpleList traceFilter( COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
traceFilter.AddEntityToIgnore( pCrab );
@ -2535,7 +2588,12 @@ void CNPC_BaseZombie::ReleaseHeadcrab( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &ve
SetHeadcrabSpawnLocation( iCrabAttachment, pAnimatingGib );
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Server ragdolls don't have a valid origin on spawn, so we have to use the origin originally passed
if( !HeadcrabFits( pAnimatingGib, m_bForceServerRagdoll ? &vecOrigin : NULL ) )
if( !HeadcrabFits(pAnimatingGib) )
@ -2552,11 +2610,20 @@ void CNPC_BaseZombie::ReleaseHeadcrab( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &ve
if( UTIL_ShouldShowBlood(BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW) )
UTIL_BloodImpact( pGib->WorldSpaceCenter(), Vector(0,0,1), BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW, 1 );
Vector vecGibCenter;
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Server ragdolls don't have a valid origin on spawn, so we have to use the origin originally passed
if (m_bForceServerRagdoll)
vecGibCenter = vecOrigin;
vecGibCenter = pGib->WorldSpaceCenter();
UTIL_BloodImpact( vecGibCenter, Vector(0,0,1), BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW, 1 );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
Vector vecSpot = pGib->WorldSpaceCenter();
Vector vecSpot = vecGibCenter;
vecSpot.x += random->RandomFloat( -8, 8 );
vecSpot.y += random->RandomFloat( -8, 8 );
@ -2590,6 +2657,9 @@ void CNPC_BaseZombie::ReleaseHeadcrab( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &ve
// Inherit some misc. properties
pCrab->m_bForceServerRagdoll = m_bForceServerRagdoll;
pCrab->m_iViewHideFlags = m_iViewHideFlags;
// Add response context for companion response (more reliable than checking for post-death zombie entity)
pCrab->AddContext( "from_zombie", "1", 2.0f );
// make me the crab's owner to avoid collision issues
@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ public:
int OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual float GetReactionDelay( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ) { return 0.0; }
bool CanFlinch( void );
virtual int SelectSchedule ( void );
virtual int SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode );
virtual void BuildScheduleTestBits( void );
@ -186,9 +188,10 @@ public:
// Headcrab releasing/breaking apart
void RemoveHead( void );
virtual void SetZombieModel( void ) { };
virtual void SetModel( const char *szModelName );
virtual void BecomeTorso( const Vector &vecTorsoForce, const Vector &vecLegsForce );
virtual bool CanBecomeLiveTorso() { return false; }
virtual bool HeadcrabFits( CBaseAnimating *pCrab );
virtual bool HeadcrabFits( CBaseAnimating *pCrab, const Vector *vecOrigin = NULL );
void ReleaseHeadcrab( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecVelocity, bool fRemoveHead, bool fRagdollBody, bool fRagdollCrab = false );
void SetHeadcrabSpawnLocation( int iCrabAttachment, CBaseAnimating *pCrab );
@ -1092,10 +1092,14 @@ void CNPC_Alyx::Event_KilledOther( CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &
void CNPC_Alyx::EnemyIgnited( CAI_BaseNPC *pVictim )
#ifdef MAPBASE
BaseClass::EnemyIgnited( pVictim );
if ( FVisible( pVictim ) )
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_ENEMY_BURNING );
@ -1252,6 +1256,7 @@ void CNPC_Alyx::DoCustomSpeechAI( void )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer();
#ifndef MAPBASE // Ported to CNPC_PlayerCompanion
if ( HasCondition(COND_NEW_ENEMY) && GetEnemy() )
if ( GetEnemy()->Classify() == CLASS_HEADCRAB )
@ -1278,6 +1283,7 @@ void CNPC_Alyx::DoCustomSpeechAI( void )
// Darkness mode speech
ClearCondition( COND_ALYX_IN_DARK );
@ -1917,6 +1923,7 @@ int CNPC_Alyx::SelectSchedule( void )
int CNPC_Alyx::SelectScheduleDanger( void )
#ifndef MAPBASE
if( HasCondition( COND_HEAR_DANGER ) )
CSound *pSound;
@ -1929,6 +1936,7 @@ int CNPC_Alyx::SelectScheduleDanger( void )
return BaseClass::SelectScheduleDanger();
@ -412,7 +412,6 @@ ScriptHook_t CNPC_Citizen::g_Hook_SelectModel;
BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC( CNPC_Citizen, CAI_BaseActor, "npc_citizen from Half-Life 2" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsMedic, "Returns true if this citizen is a medic." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsAmmoResupplier, "Returns true if this citizen is an ammo resupplier." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( CanHeal, "Returns true if this citizen is a medic or ammo resupplier currently able to heal/give ammo." )
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ ConVar npc_combine_protected_run( "npc_combine_protected_run", "0", FCVAR_NONE,
ConVar npc_combine_altfire_not_allies_only( "npc_combine_altfire_not_allies_only", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Mapbase: Elites are normally only allowed to fire their alt-fire attack at the player and the player's allies; This allows elites to alt-fire at other enemies too." );
ConVar npc_combine_new_cover_behavior( "npc_combine_new_cover_behavior", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Mapbase: Toggles small patches for parts of npc_combine AI related to soldiers failing to take cover. These patches are minimal and only change cases where npc_combine would otherwise look at an enemy without shooting or run up to the player to melee attack when they don't have to. Consult the Mapbase wiki for more information." );
ConVar npc_combine_fixed_shootpos( "npc_combine_fixed_shootpos", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Mapbase: Toggles fixed Combine soldier shoot position." );
@ -2959,6 +2961,28 @@ Vector CNPC_Combine::Weapon_ShootPosition( )
// FIXME: rename this "estimated" since it's not based on animation
// FIXME: the orientation won't be correct when testing from arbitary positions for arbitary angles
#ifdef MAPBASE
// HACKHACK: This weapon shoot position code does not work properly when in close range, causing the aim
// to drift to the left as the enemy gets closer to it.
// This problem is usually bearable for regular combat, but it causes dynamic interaction yaw to be offset
// as well, preventing most from ever being triggered.
// Ideally, this should be fixed from the root cause, but due to the sensitivity of such a change, this is
// currently being tied to a cvar which is off by default.
// If the cvar is disabled but the soldier has valid interactions on its current enemy, then a separate hack
// will still attempt to correct the drift as the enemy gets closer.
if ( npc_combine_fixed_shootpos.GetBool() )
right *= 0.0f;
else if ( HasValidInteractionsOnCurrentEnemy() )
float flDistSqr = GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter().DistToSqr( WorldSpaceCenter() );
if (flDistSqr < Square( 128.0f ))
right *= (flDistSqr / Square( 128.0f ));
if ( bStanding )
if( HasShotgun() )
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
#include "mapbase/GlobalStrings.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "npc_headcrab.h"
#include "npc_BaseZombie.h"
ConVar ai_debug_readiness("ai_debug_readiness", "0" );
@ -640,6 +642,55 @@ void CNPC_PlayerCompanion::DoCustomSpeechAI( void )
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_PLDEAD );
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Unique new enemy concepts ported from Alyx
// The casts have been changed to dynamic_cast due to the risk of non-CBaseHeadcrab/CNPC_BaseZombie enemies using those classes
if ( HasCondition(COND_NEW_ENEMY) && GetEnemy() )
int nClass = GetEnemy()->Classify();
if ( nClass == CLASS_HEADCRAB )
CBaseHeadcrab *pHC = dynamic_cast<CBaseHeadcrab*>(GetEnemy());
if ( pHC )
// If we see a headcrab for the first time as he's jumping at me, freak out!
if ( ( GetEnemy()->GetEnemy() == this ) && pHC->IsJumping() && gpGlobals->curtime - GetEnemies()->FirstTimeSeen(GetEnemy()) < 0.5 )
// If we see a headcrab leaving a zombie that just died, mention it
// (Note that this is now a response context since some death types remove the zombie instantly)
int nContext = pHC->FindContextByName( "from_zombie" );
if ( nContext > -1 && !ContextExpired( nContext ) ) // pHC->GetOwnerEntity() && ( pHC->GetOwnerEntity()->Classify() == CLASS_ZOMBIE ) && !pHC->GetOwnerEntity()->IsAlive()
else if ( nClass == CLASS_ZOMBIE )
CNPC_BaseZombie *pZombie = dynamic_cast<CNPC_BaseZombie*>(GetEnemy());
// If we see a zombie getting up, mention it
if ( pZombie && pZombie->IsGettingUp() )
if ( gpGlobals->curtime - GetEnemies()->TimeAtFirstHand( GetEnemy() ) <= 1.0f && nClass != CLASS_BULLSEYE )
// New concept which did not originate from Alyx, but is in the same category as the above concepts.
// This is meant to be used when a new enemy enters the arena while combat is already in progress.
// (Note that this can still trigger when combat begins, but unlike TLK_STARTCOMBAT, it has no delay
// between combat engagements.)
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_NEW_ENEMY );
@ -910,8 +961,21 @@ int CNPC_PlayerCompanion::SelectScheduleDanger()
if ( pSound && (pSound->m_iType & SOUND_DANGER) )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( pSound->SoundChannel() == SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_ZOMBINE_GRENADE )
SetSpeechTarget( pSound->m_hOwner );
else if (!(pSound->SoundContext() & (SOUND_CONTEXT_MORTAR | SOUND_CONTEXT_FROM_SNIPER)) || IsOkToCombatSpeak())
SetSpeechTarget( pSound->m_hOwner );
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_DANGER );
if ( !(pSound->SoundContext() & (SOUND_CONTEXT_MORTAR|SOUND_CONTEXT_FROM_SNIPER)) || IsOkToCombatSpeak() )
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_DANGER );
if ( HasCondition( COND_PC_SAFE_FROM_MORTAR ) )
@ -4309,6 +4373,20 @@ void CNPC_PlayerCompanion::Event_KilledOther( CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeD
// Purpose: Called by enemy NPC's when they are ignited
// Input : pVictim - entity that was ignited
void CNPC_PlayerCompanion::EnemyIgnited( CAI_BaseNPC *pVictim )
BaseClass::EnemyIgnited( pVictim );
if ( FVisible( pVictim ) )
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_ENEMY_BURNING );
// Purpose: Handles custom combat speech stuff ported from Alyx.
@ -4376,6 +4454,21 @@ void CNPC_PlayerCompanion::DoCustomCombatAI( void )
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_MANY_ENEMIES );
// If we're not currently attacking or vulnerable, try speaking
else if ( gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastAttackTime() > 1.0f && (!HasCondition( COND_SEE_ENEMY ) || IsCurSchedule( SCHED_RELOAD ) || IsCurSchedule( SCHED_HIDE_AND_RELOAD )) )
int chance = ( IsMoving() ) ? 20 : 3;
if ( ShouldSpeakRandom( TLK_COMBAT_IDLE, chance ) )
AI_CriteriaSet modifiers;
modifiers.AppendCriteria( "in_cover", HasMemory( bits_MEMORY_INCOVER ) ? "1" : "0" );
modifiers.AppendCriteria( "lastseenenemy", UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", gpGlobals->curtime - GetEnemyLastTimeSeen() ) );
SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_COMBAT_IDLE, modifiers );
@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ public:
virtual void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void Event_KilledOther( CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void EnemyIgnited( CAI_BaseNPC *pVictim );
virtual void DoCustomCombatAI( void );
@ -526,6 +526,10 @@ bool CWeaponPistol::Reload( void )
return fRet;
#ifdef MAPBASE
ConVar weapon_pistol_upwards_viewkick( "weapon_pistol_upwards_viewkick", "0" );
// Purpose:
@ -538,7 +542,11 @@ void CWeaponPistol::AddViewKick( void )
QAngle viewPunch;
#ifdef MAPBASE
viewPunch.x = weapon_pistol_upwards_viewkick.GetBool() ? random->RandomFloat( -0.5f, -0.25f ) : random->RandomFloat( 0.25f, 0.5f );
viewPunch.x = random->RandomFloat( 0.25f, 0.5f );
viewPunch.y = random->RandomFloat( -.6f, .6f );
viewPunch.z = 0.0f;
@ -1557,6 +1557,16 @@ CBaseEntity *CreateServerRagdoll( CBaseAnimating *pAnimating, int forceBone, con
pRagdoll->CollisionProp()->SetCollisionBounds( mins, maxs );
#ifdef MAPBASE
// If this was a NPC running a dynamic interaction, disable collisions with the interaction partner
if (pAnimating->IsNPC() /*&& pAnimating->MyNPCPointer()->IsRunningDynamicInteraction()*/)
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = pAnimating->MyNPCPointer();
if (pNPC->GetInteractionPartner() && pNPC->GetInteractionPartner()->VPhysicsGetObject())
PhysDisableEntityCollisions( pRagdoll, pNPC->GetInteractionPartner() );
variant_t variant;
pAnimating->FireNamedOutput("OnServerRagdoll", variant, pRagdoll, pAnimating);
@ -7734,6 +7734,93 @@ void CBasePlayer::ResetAutoaim( void )
m_fOnTarget = false;
#ifdef MAPBASE
ConVar player_debug_probable_aim_target( "player_debug_probable_aim_target", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "" );
// Purpose:
CBaseEntity *CBasePlayer::GetProbableAimTarget( const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDir )
trace_t tr;
CBaseEntity *pIgnore = NULL;
if (IsInAVehicle())
pIgnore = GetVehicleEntity();
CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities traceFilter( this, pIgnore, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
// Based on dot product and distance
// If we aim directly at something, only return it if there's not a larger entity slightly off-center
// Should be weighted based on whether an entity is a NPC, etc.
CBaseEntity *pBestEnt = NULL;
float flBestWeight = 0.0f;
for (CBaseEntity *pEntity = UTIL_EntitiesInPVS( this, NULL ); pEntity; pEntity = UTIL_EntitiesInPVS( this, pEntity ))
// Combat characters can be unviewable if they just died
if (!pEntity->IsViewable() && !pEntity->IsCombatCharacter())
if (pEntity == this || pEntity->GetMoveParent() == this || pEntity == GetVehicleEntity())
Vector vecEntDir = (pEntity->EyePosition() - vecSrc);
float flDot = DotProduct( vecEntDir.Normalized(), vecDir);
if (flDot < m_flFieldOfView)
// Make sure we can see it
UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, pEntity->EyePosition(), MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &tr );
if (tr.m_pEnt != pEntity)
if (pEntity->IsCombatCharacter())
// Trace between centers as well just in case our eyes are blocked
UTIL_TraceLine( WorldSpaceCenter(), pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &tr );
if (tr.m_pEnt != pEntity)
float flWeight = flDot - (vecEntDir.LengthSqr() / Square( 2048.0f ));
if (pEntity->IsCombatCharacter())
// Hostile NPCs are more likely targets
if (IRelationType( pEntity ) <= D_FR)
flWeight += 0.5f;
else if (pEntity->GetFlags() & FL_AIMTARGET)
// FL_AIMTARGET is often used for props like explosive barrels
flWeight += 0.25f;
if (player_debug_probable_aim_target.GetBool())
float flWeightClamped = 1.0f - RemapValClamped( flWeight, -2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
pEntity->EntityText( 0, UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", flWeight ), 2.0f, flWeightClamped * 255.0f, 255.0f, flWeightClamped * 255.0f, 255 );
if (flWeight > flBestWeight)
pBestEnt = pEntity;
flBestWeight = flWeight;
if (player_debug_probable_aim_target.GetBool())
Msg( "Best probable aim target is %s\n", pBestEnt->GetDebugName() );
NDebugOverlay::EntityBounds( pBestEnt, 255, 100, 0, 0, 2.0f );
return pBestEnt;
// ==========================================================================
// > Weapon stuff
// ==========================================================================
@ -608,6 +608,11 @@ public:
virtual bool ShouldAutoaim( void );
void SetTargetInfo( Vector &vecSrc, float flDist );
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Tries to figure out what the player is trying to aim at
CBaseEntity *GetProbableAimTarget( const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDir );
void SetViewEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
CBaseEntity *GetViewEntity( void ) { return m_hViewEntity; }
@ -1396,11 +1396,31 @@ void CAI_ScriptedSequence::ModifyScriptedAutoMovement( Vector *vecNewPos )
VMatrix matInteractionPosition = m_matInteractionPosition;
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Account for our own sequence movement
pAnimating = m_hTargetEnt->GetBaseAnimating();
if (pAnimating)
Vector vecDeltaPos;
QAngle angDeltaAngles;
pAnimating->GetSequenceMovement( pAnimating->GetSequence(), 0.0f, pAnimating->GetCycle(), vecDeltaPos, angDeltaAngles );
if (!vecDeltaPos.IsZero())
VMatrix matLocalMovement;
matLocalMovement.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vecDeltaPos, angDeltaAngles );
MatrixMultiply( m_matInteractionPosition, matLocalMovement, matInteractionPosition );
// We've been asked to maintain a specific position relative to the other NPC
// we're interacting with. Lerp towards the relative position.
VMatrix matMeToWorld, matLocalToWorld;
matMeToWorld.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vecRelativeOrigin, angRelativeAngles );
MatrixMultiply( matMeToWorld, m_matInteractionPosition, matLocalToWorld );
MatrixMultiply( matMeToWorld, matInteractionPosition, matLocalToWorld );
// Get the desired NPC position in worldspace
Vector vecOrigin;
@ -83,6 +83,10 @@ ConVar ai_shot_bias_min( "ai_shot_bias_min", "-1.0", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
ConVar ai_shot_bias_max( "ai_shot_bias_max", "1.0", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
ConVar ai_debug_shoot_positions( "ai_debug_shoot_positions", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
#if defined(MAPBASE) && defined(GAME_DLL)
ConVar ai_shot_notify_targets( "ai_shot_notify_targets", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Allows fired bullets to notify the NPCs and players they are targeting, regardless of whether they hit them or not. Can be used for custom AI and speech." );
// Utility func to throttle rate at which the "reasonable position" spew goes out
static double s_LastEntityReasonableEmitTime;
bool CheckEmitReasonablePhysicsSpew()
@ -2081,6 +2085,25 @@ void CBaseEntity::FireBullets( const FireBulletsInfo_t &info )
CTakeDamageInfo dmgInfo( this, pAttacker, flCumulativeDamage, nDamageType );
gamestats->Event_WeaponHit( pPlayer, info.m_bPrimaryAttack, pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()->GetClassname(), dmgInfo );
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( ai_shot_notify_targets.GetBool() )
if ( IsPlayer() )
// Look for probable target to notify of attack
CBaseEntity *pAimTarget = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>(this)->GetProbableAimTarget( info.m_vecSrc, info.m_vecDirShooting );
if ( pAimTarget && pAimTarget->IsCombatCharacter() )
pAimTarget->MyCombatCharacterPointer()->OnEnemyRangeAttackedMe( this, vecDir, vecEnd );
else if ( GetEnemy() && GetEnemy()->IsCombatCharacter() )
GetEnemy()->MyCombatCharacterPointer()->OnEnemyRangeAttackedMe( this, vecDir, vecEnd );
@ -233,6 +233,11 @@ void EventList_RegisterSharedEvents( void )
#ifdef MAPBASE // From Alien Swarm SDK
@ -252,5 +257,8 @@ void EventList_RegisterSharedEvents( void )
#ifdef MAPBASE
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ typedef enum
#ifdef MAPBASE // From Alien Swarm SDK
@ -88,6 +93,9 @@ typedef enum
#ifdef MAPBASE
AE_NPC_RESPONSE, // Play a response system concept if we're not speaking
AE_NPC_RESPONSE_FORCED, // Always play a response system concept
AE_VSCRIPT_RUN, // Run vscript code (server + client)
AE_VSCRIPT_RUN_FILE, // Run vscript file (server + client)
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "igameevents.h"
#include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h"
#include "icommandline.h"
#include "IEffects.h"
@ -1094,7 +1095,7 @@ const char *CScriptReadWriteFile::FileRead( const char *szFile )
char pszFullName[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( pszFullName, sizeof(pszFullName), SCRIPT_RW_FULL_PATH_FMT, szFile );
if ( !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pszFullName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, true ) )
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-script_dotslash_read" ) && !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pszFullName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, true ) )
DevWarning( 2, "Invalid file location : %s\n", szFile );
return NULL;
@ -1143,7 +1144,7 @@ bool CScriptReadWriteFile::FileExists( const char *szFile )
char pszFullName[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( pszFullName, sizeof(pszFullName), SCRIPT_RW_FULL_PATH_FMT, szFile );
if ( !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pszFullName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, true ) )
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-script_dotslash_read" ) && !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pszFullName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, true ) )
DevWarning( 2, "Invalid file location : %s\n", szFile );
return NULL;
@ -1224,7 +1225,7 @@ HSCRIPT CScriptReadWriteFile::KeyValuesRead( const char *szFile )
char pszFullName[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( pszFullName, sizeof(pszFullName), SCRIPT_RW_FULL_PATH_FMT, szFile );
if ( !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pszFullName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, true ) )
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-script_dotslash_read" ) && !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pszFullName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, true ) )
DevWarning( 2, "Invalid file location : %s\n", szFile );
return NULL;
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ bool CWeaponCustomScripted::RunWeaponHook( ScriptHook_t &hook, HSCRIPT &cached,
if ( !cached )
if ( hook.CanRunInScope( m_ScriptScope ) )
if ( m_ScriptScope.IsInitialized() && hook.CanRunInScope( m_ScriptScope ) )
cached = hook.m_hFunc;
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ bool CWeaponCustomScripted::RunWeaponHook( ScriptHook_t &hook, HSCRIPT &cached,
if (cached)
hook.m_hFunc = cached;
return hook.Call( m_ScriptScope, retVal, pArgs, false );
@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ void CWeaponCustomScripted::ItemPreFrame( void )
void CWeaponCustomScripted::ItemPostFrame( void )
@ -118,15 +118,14 @@ class CSimpleCallChainer
function PostScriptExecute()
local func;
try {
func = scope[prefix];
} catch(e) {
if ( prefix in scope )
local func = scope[prefix];
if ( typeof func == "function" )
if (typeof(func) != "function")
function Call()
@ -569,4 +568,4 @@ if (developer)
__Documentation.RegisterHelp( "Lerp", "float Lerp(float, float, float)", "" );
__Documentation.RegisterHelp( "SimpleSpline", "float SimpleSpline(float)", "" );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user