- Fixed path_track paths saving as pointers instead of handles
- Fixed player animations not falling to base class correctly
- Fixed logic_externaldata creating garbage in trailing spaces
- Added "SetHandModelSkin" input
- Added unique colors for various types of console message, adjustable via convars
- Added the ability to use map-specific weapon scripts
- Added a way to display (placeholder) text entirely from Faceposer scenes
- Added "autobreak" keyvalue to game_text, which automatically breaks long text into different lines
- Added the ability to change a game_text's font (very limited)
- Added LightToggle input to point_spotlight
- Added Enable/DisableSprites on npc_manhack
- Added ai_goal_police behavior from metrocops to Combine soldiers and citizens
- Added func_precipitation particle rain systems from the Alien Swarm SDK
- Added new func_precipitation spawnflags for controlling behavior in particle types
- Added "mapbase_version" cvar which shows the version of Mapbase a mod might be running on
- Fixed an oversight with NPC crouch activities which was causing npc_metropolice to stop firing in standoffs
- Added toggleable patches to npc_combine AI which make soldiers less likely to stand around without shooting or rush to melee when not needed
- Added key for custom logo font on env_credits scripts
- Added SetSpeed and SetPushDir inputs for trigger_push
- Added a bunch of I/O/KV to func_fish_pool to allow for more control over the fish
- Added OnLostEnemy/Player support for npc_combine_camera
- Added enhanced save/restore for the Response System, toggleable via convar
- Added a convar which allows users to disable weapon autoswitching when picking up ammo
- Split VScript base script into its own file
- Added VScript descriptions for NPC squads and the manager class which handles them
- Moved several classes, functions, etc. to the VScript library itself for future usage in other projects, like VBSP
- Added VScript to VBSP with basic map file interfacing
- Made some VScript documentation more clear due to deprecation of online documentation
- Added VScript "hook" registration, creating a standardized system which shows up in script_help documentation
- Added VScript-driven custom weapons
- Added clientside VScript scopes
- Added a bunch of weapon-related VScript functions
- Split a bunch of cluttered VScript stuff into different files
- Added VScript functions for "following" entities/bonemerging
- Added VScript functions for grenades
- Added a few more VScript trigger functions
- Added OnDeath hook for VScript
- Fixed documentation for aliased functions in VScript
- Fixed $bumpmask not working on SDK_LightmappedGeneric
- Made vertex blend swapping in Hammer use a constant instead of a combo (makes it easier to compile the shader, especially for $bumpmask's sake)
- Fixed brush phong, etc. causing SDK_WorldVertexTransition to stop working
- Added limited support for $envmapmask in the bumpmapping shader
- Fixed more issues with parallax corrected cubemaps and instances
- Made instance variable recursion consistent with VMFII
- Fixed parallax corrected cubemaps not working when cubemaps are disabled
- Fixed a crash with some new script_intro code
- Fixed item_health/suitcharger not emptying or using correct animation with keyvalue charge
- Added a new "Always touchable" spawnflag for weapons and items that should disregard obstructions
- Added "OnFoundNPC" output on scripted_sequence for when a NPC starts moving to play the script
- Fixed npc_snipers not working when parented or not working when attacking parented targets
- Changed "ai_nographrebuildmessage" to "ai_norebuildgraphmessage" to reduce confusion and increase visibility (it is assumed nobody was using it before, at least not in a compatibility-breaking way)
- Added damage bit modification to filter_damage_mod
- Added Add/RemoveSolidFlags input to all entities + added "Collide with owner" solid flag from the VDC
- Added custom model support to item_health/suitcharger
- Applied the nexttoken security fix (suggested by ficool2, important for MP port, no #ifdef MAPBASE because of volume of changes and irrelevance to readers)
- Fixed a crash with the follower wait point start/stop using handlers
- Fixed game_ui activator crash
- Changed vphysics triggers to accept more entities
- Fixed player squadmates not obeying hint node facing (e.g. wait points)
- Fixed npc_snipers
- prop_vehicle_jeep_old no longer changes classname
- Restored and added the other CTakeDamageInfo fields for point_damageinfo
- Fixed game_metadata not saving correctly
- Fixed logic_measure_movement not functioning while possessing spawnflags
- Added scripts/mapbase_rpc.txt script with choosable app ID and game image
- Fixed some casing that broke Linux support
- Added proper WorldVertexTransition blending to translucency and selfillum (translucency may need the translucent texture to be $basetexture, not $basetexture2)
- Added modified parallax corrected cubemaps to shader code (although currently unusable)
- Fixed Variant_ParseInput
- Added/restored custom scanner speed (experimental, needs more work)
- Several miscellaneous code changes/fixes and comment adjustments