2024-05-23 10:54:49 +03:00

592 lines
20 KiB

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "winnls.h"
#include "winternl.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
#include "initguid.h"
#include "d3d11_4.h"
#include "vkd3d-proton-interop.h"
#include "dxvk-interop.h"
#include "vrclient_private.h"
#include "flatapi.h"
#include "wine/unixlib.h"
#define PATH_MAX 4096
struct compositor_data compositor_data = {0};
static BOOL vrclient_loaded;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE instance, DWORD reason, void *reserved)
TRACE("(%p, %u, %p)\n", instance, reason, reserved);
switch (reason)
#ifdef __x86_64__
init_type_info_rtti( (char *)instance );
init_rtti( (char *)instance );
#endif /* __x86_64__ */
if (compositor_data.client_core_linux_side)
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Cleanup_params params =
.linux_side = compositor_data.client_core_linux_side,
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Cleanup, &params );
compositor_data.client_core_linux_side = NULL;
VRCLIENT_CALL( vrclient_unload, NULL );
vrclient_loaded = FALSE;
return TRUE;
static BOOL array_reserve(void **elements, SIZE_T *capacity, SIZE_T count, SIZE_T size)
SIZE_T max_capacity, new_capacity;
void *new_elements;
if (count <= *capacity)
return TRUE;
max_capacity = ~(SIZE_T)0 / size;
if (count > max_capacity)
return FALSE;
new_capacity = max(1, *capacity);
while (new_capacity < count && new_capacity <= max_capacity / 2)
new_capacity *= 2;
if (new_capacity < count)
new_capacity = count;
if (!*elements)
new_elements = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, new_capacity * size);
new_elements = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, *elements, new_capacity * size);
if (!new_elements)
return FALSE;
*elements = new_elements;
*capacity = new_capacity;
return TRUE;
struct w_steam_iface *create_win_interface(const char *name, void *linux_side)
iface_constructor constructor;
TRACE("trying to create %s\n", name);
if (!linux_side) return NULL;
if ((constructor = find_iface_constructor( name ))) return constructor( linux_side );
ERR("Don't recognize interface name: %s\n", name);
return NULL;
static int load_vrclient(void)
static const WCHAR PROTON_VR_RUNTIME_W[] = {'P','R','O','T','O','N','_','V','R','_','R','U','N','T','I','M','E',0};
static const WCHAR winevulkanW[] = {'w','i','n','e','v','u','l','k','a','n','.','d','l','l',0};
struct vrclient_init_params params = {.winevulkan = LoadLibraryW( winevulkanW )};
#ifdef _WIN64
static const char append_path[] = "/bin/linux64/";
static const char append_path[] = "/bin/";
if (vrclient_loaded) return 1;
/* PROTON_VR_RUNTIME is provided by the proton setup script */
if(!GetEnvironmentVariableW(PROTON_VR_RUNTIME_W, pathW, ARRAY_SIZE(pathW)))
DWORD type, size;
LSTATUS status;
HKEY vr_key;
if ((status = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Wine\\VR", 0, KEY_READ, &vr_key)))
WINE_WARN("Could not create key, status %#x.\n", status);
return 0;
size = sizeof(pathW);
if ((status = RegQueryValueExW(vr_key, PROTON_VR_RUNTIME_W, NULL, &type, (BYTE *)pathW, &size)))
WINE_WARN("Could not query value, status %#x.\n", status);
return 0;
if (type != REG_SZ)
WINE_ERR("Unexpected value type %#x.\n", type);
return 0;
sz = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UNIXCP, 0, pathW, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
ERR("Can't convert path to unixcp! %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pathW));
return 0;
params.unix_path = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sz + sizeof(append_path) );
sz = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UNIXCP, 0, pathW, -1, params.unix_path, sz, NULL, NULL );
ERR("Can't convert path to unixcp! %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pathW));
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, params.unix_path);
return 0;
strcat( params.unix_path, append_path );
TRACE( "got openvr runtime path: %s\n", params.unix_path );
VRCLIENT_CALL( vrclient_init, &params );
if (params._ret) vrclient_loaded = TRUE;
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, params.unix_path );
return vrclient_loaded;
void *CDECL HmdSystemFactory(const char *name, int *return_code)
struct vrclient_HmdSystemFactory_params params = {.name = name, .return_code = return_code};
TRACE("name: %s, return_code: %p\n", name, return_code);
if (!load_vrclient()) return NULL;
VRCLIENT_CALL( vrclient_HmdSystemFactory, &params );
return create_win_interface( name, params._ret );
void *CDECL VRClientCoreFactory(const char *name, int *return_code)
struct vrclient_VRClientCoreFactory_params params = {.name = name, .return_code = return_code};
TRACE("name: %s, return_code: %p\n", name, return_code);
if (!load_vrclient()) return NULL;
VRCLIENT_CALL( vrclient_VRClientCoreFactory, &params );
return create_win_interface( name, params._ret );
static int8_t is_hmd_present_reg(void)
DWORD type, value, wait_status, size;
DWORD is_hmd_present = 0;
LSTATUS status;
HANDLE event;
HKEY vr_key;
if ((status = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Wine\\VR", 0, KEY_READ, &vr_key)))
WINE_ERR("Could not create key, status %#x.\n", status);
return FALSE;
size = sizeof(value);
if ((status = RegQueryValueExA(vr_key, "state", NULL, &type, (BYTE *)&value, &size)))
WINE_ERR("Could not query value, status %#x.\n", status);
return FALSE;
if (type != REG_DWORD)
WINE_ERR("Unexpected value type %#x.\n", type);
return FALSE;
if (value)
return value == 1;
event = CreateEventA( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
while (1)
if (RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(vr_key, FALSE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, event, TRUE))
WINE_ERR("Error registering registry change notification.\n");
goto done;
size = sizeof(value);
if ((status = RegQueryValueExA(vr_key, "state", NULL, &type, (BYTE *)&value, &size)))
WINE_ERR("Could not query value, status %#x.\n", status);
goto done;
if (value)
while ((wait_status = WaitForSingleObject(event, 1000)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
WINE_ERR("VR state wait timeout.\n");
if (wait_status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
WINE_ERR("Got unexpected wait status %#x.\n", wait_status);
if (value != 1)
goto done;
size = sizeof(is_hmd_present);
if ((status = RegQueryValueExA(vr_key, "is_hmd_present", NULL, &type, (BYTE *)&is_hmd_present, &size)))
WINE_ERR("Could not query is_hmd_present value, status %#x.\n", status);
return is_hmd_present;
static void *ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface( void *object, const char *name_and_version, struct client_core_data *user_data )
struct w_steam_iface *win_object;
struct generic_interface *iface;
iface_destructor destructor;
TRACE( "%p %p\n", object, name_and_version );
if (!(win_object = create_win_interface(name_and_version, object)))
ERR("Failed to create win object %s.\n", name_and_version);
return NULL;
if ((destructor = find_iface_destructor( name_and_version )))
if (array_reserve((void **)&user_data->created_interfaces,
&user_data->created_interfaces_size, user_data->created_interface_count + 1,
iface = &user_data->created_interfaces[user_data->created_interface_count++];
iface->object = win_object;
iface->dtor = destructor;
ERR("Failed to add interface to array.\n");
if (name_and_version && !strncmp(name_and_version, "FnTable:", 8))
return *((void **)win_object);
return win_object;
static void destroy_compositor_data(void)
TRACE("Destroying compositor data.\n");
memset(&compositor_data, 0, sizeof(compositor_data));
static void ivrclientcore_cleanup( struct client_core_data *user_data )
struct generic_interface *iface;
for (i = 0; i < user_data->created_interface_count; ++i)
iface = &user_data->created_interfaces[i];
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, user_data->created_interfaces);
user_data->created_interfaces = NULL;
user_data->created_interfaces_size = 0;
user_data->created_interface_count = 0;
w_Texture_t vrclient_translate_texture_dxvk( const w_Texture_t *texture, w_VRVulkanTextureData_t *vkdata,
IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface, IDXGIVkInteropDevice **p_dxvk_device,
VkImageLayout *image_layout, VkImageCreateInfo *image_info )
w_Texture_t vktexture;
VkImage image_handle;
dxvk_surface->lpVtbl->GetDevice(dxvk_surface, p_dxvk_device);
(*p_dxvk_device)->lpVtbl->GetVulkanHandles(*p_dxvk_device, &vkdata->m_pInstance,
&vkdata->m_pPhysicalDevice, &vkdata->m_pDevice);
(*p_dxvk_device)->lpVtbl->GetSubmissionQueue(*p_dxvk_device, &vkdata->m_pQueue, &vkdata->m_nQueueFamilyIndex);
image_info->pNext = NULL;
dxvk_surface->lpVtbl->GetVulkanImageInfo(dxvk_surface, &image_handle, image_layout, image_info);
vkdata->m_nImage = (uint64_t)image_handle;
vkdata->m_nWidth = image_info->extent.width;
vkdata->m_nHeight = image_info->extent.height;
vkdata->m_nFormat = image_info->format;
vkdata->m_nSampleCount = image_info->samples;
vktexture = *texture;
vktexture.handle = vkdata;
vktexture.eType = TextureType_Vulkan;
return vktexture;
w_Texture_t vrclient_translate_texture_d3d12( const w_Texture_t *texture, w_VRVulkanTextureData_t *vkdata,
ID3D12DXVKInteropDevice *d3d12_device, ID3D12Resource *d3d12_resource,
ID3D12CommandQueue *d3d12_queue, VkImageLayout *image_layout,
VkImageCreateInfo *image_info )
w_Texture_t vktexture;
VkImage image_handle;
UINT64 buffer_offset;
D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resource_desc;
VkFormat vk_format = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
TRACE("%p %p %p %p %p %p\n", texture, vkdata, d3d12_device, d3d12_resource, d3d12_queue, image_layout);
d3d12_resource->lpVtbl->GetDesc(d3d12_resource, &resource_desc);
switch (resource_desc.Format)
case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB: vk_format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB; break;
case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM: vk_format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; break;
ERR("Unsupported DXGI format %#x.\n", resource_desc.Format);
return *texture;
if (resource_desc.Dimension != D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D)
ERR("Unsupported resource dimension %#x.\n", resource_desc.Dimension);
return *texture;
TRACE("DXGI format: %#x, width: %I64u, height: %u, mip levels: %u, array size: %u, sample count: %u, VkFormat %#x.\n",
resource_desc.Format, resource_desc.Width, resource_desc.Height, resource_desc.MipLevels,
resource_desc.DepthOrArraySize, resource_desc.SampleDesc.Count, vk_format);
d3d12_device->lpVtbl->GetVulkanHandles(d3d12_device, &vkdata->m_pInstance, &vkdata->m_pPhysicalDevice, &vkdata->m_pDevice);
d3d12_device->lpVtbl->GetVulkanQueueInfo(d3d12_device, d3d12_queue, &vkdata->m_pQueue, &vkdata->m_nQueueFamilyIndex);
d3d12_device->lpVtbl->GetVulkanImageLayout(d3d12_device, d3d12_resource, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_SHADER_RESOURCE, image_layout);
d3d12_device->lpVtbl->GetVulkanResourceInfo(d3d12_device, d3d12_resource, (UINT64*)&image_handle, &buffer_offset);
/* For now, only these fields are used. */
image_info->mipLevels = resource_desc.MipLevels;
image_info->arrayLayers = resource_desc.DepthOrArraySize;
vkdata->m_nImage = (uint64_t)image_handle;
vkdata->m_nWidth = resource_desc.Width;
vkdata->m_nHeight = resource_desc.Height;
vkdata->m_nFormat = vk_format;
vkdata->m_nSampleCount = resource_desc.SampleDesc.Count;
vktexture = *texture;
vktexture.handle = vkdata;
vktexture.eType = TextureType_Vulkan;
return vktexture;
uint32_t __thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_Init( struct w_steam_iface *_this, uint32_t eApplicationType )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_Init_params params =
.linux_side = _this->u_iface,
.eApplicationType = eApplicationType,
TRACE( "%p\n", _this );
InitializeCriticalSection( &_this->user_data.critical_section );
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_Init, &params );
if (params._ret) WARN( "error %#x\n", params._ret );
return params._ret;
void __thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_Cleanup( struct w_steam_iface *_this )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_Cleanup_params params =
.linux_side = _this->u_iface,
TRACE( "%p\n", _this );
ivrclientcore_cleanup( &_this->user_data );
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_Cleanup, &params );
void *__thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_GetGenericInterface( struct w_steam_iface *_this,
const char *pchNameAndVersion, uint32_t *peError )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_GetGenericInterface_params params =
.linux_side = _this->u_iface,
.pchNameAndVersion = pchNameAndVersion,
.peError = peError,
TRACE( "%p\n", _this );
/* In theory we could pass this along, but we'd have to generate a separate
* set of thunks for it. Hopefully this will work as it is. */
if (pchNameAndVersion && !strncmp( pchNameAndVersion, "FnTable:", 8 )) params.pchNameAndVersion += 8;
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_GetGenericInterface, &params );
if (!params._ret)
WARN( "Failed to create %s.\n", pchNameAndVersion );
return NULL;
params._ret = ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface( params._ret, pchNameAndVersion, &_this->user_data );
return params._ret;
int8_t __thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_BIsHmdPresent( struct w_steam_iface *_this )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_BIsHmdPresent_params params = {.linux_side = _this->u_iface};
TRACE( "linux_side %p, compositor_data.client_core_linux_side %p.\n", _this->u_iface,
compositor_data.client_core_linux_side );
/* BIsHmdPresent() currently always returns FALSE on Linux if called before Init().
* Return true if the value stored by steam.exe helper in registry says the HMD is presnt. */
if (compositor_data.client_core_linux_side || !is_hmd_present_reg())
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_002_BIsHmdPresent, &params );
return params._ret;
return TRUE;
uint32_t __thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Init( struct w_steam_iface *_this,
uint32_t eApplicationType, const char *pStartupInfo )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Init_params params =
.linux_side = _this->u_iface,
.eApplicationType = eApplicationType,
.pStartupInfo = pStartupInfo,
TRACE( "%p\n", _this );
InitializeCriticalSection( &_this->user_data.critical_section );
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Init, &params );
if (params._ret) WARN( "error %#x\n", params._ret );
else compositor_data.client_core_linux_side = params.linux_side;
return params._ret;
void __thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Cleanup( struct w_steam_iface *_this )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Cleanup_params params =
.linux_side = _this->u_iface,
TRACE( "%p\n", _this );
ivrclientcore_cleanup( &_this->user_data );
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_Cleanup, &params );
void *__thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_GetGenericInterface( struct w_steam_iface *_this,
const char *pchNameAndVersion, uint32_t *peError )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_GetGenericInterface_params params =
.linux_side = _this->u_iface,
.pchNameAndVersion = pchNameAndVersion,
.peError = peError,
TRACE( "%p\n", _this );
/* In theory we could pass this along, but we'd have to generate a separate
* set of thunks for it. Hopefully this will work as it is. */
if (pchNameAndVersion && !strncmp( pchNameAndVersion, "FnTable:", 8 )) params.pchNameAndVersion += 8;
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_GetGenericInterface, &params );
if (!params._ret)
WARN( "Failed to create %s.\n", pchNameAndVersion );
return NULL;
params._ret = ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface( params._ret, pchNameAndVersion, &_this->user_data );
return params._ret;
int8_t __thiscall winIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_BIsHmdPresent( struct w_steam_iface *_this )
struct IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_BIsHmdPresent_params params = {.linux_side = _this->u_iface};
TRACE( "linux_side %p, compositor_data.client_core_linux_side %p.\n", _this->u_iface,
compositor_data.client_core_linux_side );
/* BIsHmdPresent() currently always returns FALSE on Linux if called before Init().
* Return true if the value stored by steam.exe helper in registry says the HMD is presnt. */
if (compositor_data.client_core_linux_side || !is_hmd_present_reg())
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003_BIsHmdPresent, &params );
return params._ret;
return TRUE;
const w_CameraVideoStreamFrame_t_0914 * __thiscall winIVRTrackedCamera_IVRTrackedCamera_001_GetVideoStreamFrame(struct w_steam_iface *_this, uint32_t nDeviceIndex)
static w_CameraVideoStreamFrame_t_0914 w_frame;
struct IVRTrackedCamera_IVRTrackedCamera_001_GetVideoStreamFrame_params params =
.linux_side = _this->u_iface,
.nDeviceIndex = nDeviceIndex,
._ret = &w_frame,
TRACE("%p\n", _this);
VRCLIENT_CALL( IVRTrackedCamera_IVRTrackedCamera_001_GetVideoStreamFrame, &params );
return params._ret;