#define CONST_INTEGER_AS_STRING(x) #x //Wraps the integer in quotes, allowing us to form constant strings with it
#define __HACK_LINE_AS_STRING__(x) CONST_INTEGER_AS_STRING(x) //__LINE__ can only be converted to an actual number by going through this, otherwise the output is literally "__LINE__"
#define __LINE__AS_STRING __HACK_LINE_AS_STRING__(__LINE__) //Gives you the line number in constant string form
#if defined _MSC_VER || defined __INTEL_COMPILER
#define NOXREFCHECK int __retAddr; __asm { __asm mov eax, [ebp + 4] __asm mov __retAddr, eax }; Sys_Error("[NOXREFCHECK]: %s: (" __FILE__ ":" __LINE__AS_STRING ") NOXREF, but called from 0x%.08x", __func__, __retAddr)
// For EBP based stack (older gcc) (uncomment version apropriate for your compiler)
//#define NOXREFCHECK int __retAddr; __asm__ __volatile__("movl 4(%%ebp), %%eax;" "movl %%eax, %0":"=r"(__retAddr)::"%eax"); Sys_Error("[NOXREFCHECK]: %s: (" __FILE__ ":" __LINE__AS_STRING ") NOXREF, but called from 0x%.08x", __func__, __retAddr);
// For ESP based stack (newer gcc) (uncomment version apropriate for your compiler)
#define NOXREFCHECK int __retAddr; __asm__ __volatile__("movl 16(%%esp), %%eax;" "movl %%eax, %0":"=r"(__retAddr)::"%eax"); Sys_Error("[NOXREFCHECK]: %s: (" __FILE__ ":" __LINE__AS_STRING ") NOXREF, but called from 0x%.08x", __func__, __retAddr);