mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 23:20:17 +03:00
Using a reference to Vector into interfaces wrapper
Regamedll API: Added hook RoundEnd Added API EndRoundMessage
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ class GitVersioner {
return null;
static String prepareUrlToCommits(String url) {
if (url == null) {
// default remote url
return "https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS/commit/";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String childPath;
int pos = url.indexOf('@');
@ -72,9 +77,29 @@ class GitVersioner {
def branch = repo.getBranch()
def commitDate = new DateTime(1000L * commit.commitTime, DateTimeZone.UTC)
String url = null;
String remote_name = cfg.getString("branch", branch, "remote");
String url = cfg.getString("remote", remote_name, "url");
if (remote_name == null) {
for (String remotes : cfg.getSubsections("remote")) {
if (url != null) {
println 'Found a second remote: (' + remotes + '), url: (' + cfg.getString("remote", remotes, "url") + ')'
url = cfg.getString("remote", remotes, "url");
} else {
url = cfg.getString("remote", remote_name, "url");
println 'Debug: Start';
println ' cfg: (' + cfg + ')';
println ' branch: (' + branch + ')';
println ' remote_name: (' + remote_name + ')';
println ' url: (' + url + ')';
println 'Debug: End';
String urlCommits = prepareUrlToCommits(url);
if (!commit) {
@ -120,6 +120,9 @@ void setupToolchain(NativeBinarySpec b)
cfg.compilerOptions.floatingPointModel = FloatingPointModel.PRECISE
cfg.compilerOptions.enhancedInstructionsSet = EnhancedInstructionsSet.DISABLED
else {
cfg.compilerOptions.args '/Oi', '/GF', '/GS-'
if (mpLib)
@ -372,6 +375,6 @@ task generateAppVersion {
renderedFile.write(content, 'utf-8')
println 'The current ReGameDLL version is ' + verInfo.asVersion().toString() + ', maven version is ' + verInfo.asMavenVersion().toString() + ', commit id: ' + verInfo.commitID.toString() + ', commit author: ' + verInfo.authorCommit.toString();
println 'The current ReGameDLL version is ' + verInfo.asVersion().toString() + ', maven version is ' + verInfo.asMavenVersion().toString() + ', commit id: ' + verInfo.commitID.toString() + ', commit author: ' + verInfo.authorCommit.toString() + ', url: (' + verInfo.urlCommits.toString() + ')';
@ -74,9 +74,10 @@ enum
// custom enum
// used for EndRoundMessage() logged messages
enum ScenarionEventEndRound
enum ScenarioEventEndRound
@ -500,21 +501,44 @@ public:
// Checks if it still needs players to start a round, or if it has enough players to start rounds.
// Starts a round and returns true if there are enough players.
bool NeededPlayersCheck(bool &bNeededPlayers);
bool NeededPlayersCheck();
// Setup counts for m_iNumTerrorist, m_iNumCT, m_iNumSpawnableTerrorist, m_iNumSpawnableCT, etc.
void InitializePlayerCounts(int &NumAliveTerrorist, int &NumAliveCT, int &NumDeadTerrorist, int &NumDeadCT);
// Check to see if the round is over for the various game types. Terminates the round
// and returns true if the round should end.
bool PrisonRoundEndCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT, bool bNeededPlayers);
bool BombRoundEndCheck(bool bNeededPlayers);
bool HostageRescueRoundEndCheck(bool bNeededPlayers);
bool VIPRoundEndCheck(bool bNeededPlayers);
bool PrisonRoundEndCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT);
bool BombRoundEndCheck();
bool HostageRescueRoundEndCheck();
bool VIPRoundEndCheck();
// Check to see if the teams exterminated each other. Ends the round and returns true if so.
bool TeamExterminationCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT, bool bNeededPlayers);
void TerminateRound(float tmDelay, int iWinStatus);
bool TeamExterminationCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT);
// for internal functions API
bool NeededPlayersCheck_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool VIP_Escaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool VIP_Died_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool VIP_NotEscaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Prison_Escaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Prison_PreventEscape_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Prison_NotEscaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Prison_Neutralized_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Target_Bombed_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Target_Saved_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Target_Defused_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
// Team extermination
bool Round_Cts_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Round_Ts_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Round_Draw_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Hostage_Rescue_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
bool Hostage_NotRescued_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay);
// Check various conditions to end the map.
bool CheckGameOver();
@ -561,6 +585,13 @@ public:
bool IsMatchStarted() { return (m_fTeamCount != 0.0f || m_fCareerRoundMenuTime != 0.0f || m_fCareerMatchMenuTime != 0.0f); }
void SendMOTDToClient(edict_t *client);
inline void TerminateRound(float tmDelay, int iWinStatus)
m_iRoundWinStatus = iWinStatus;
m_fTeamCount = gpGlobals->time + tmDelay;
m_bRoundTerminating = true;
// allow the mode of fire on a friendly player (FFA)
inline bool IsFriendlyFireAttack() const
@ -669,6 +700,10 @@ protected:
int m_iRoundWinDifference;
float m_fCareerMatchMenuTime;
bool m_bSkipSpawn;
// custom
bool m_bNeededPlayers;
float m_flEscapeRatio;
typedef struct mapcycle_item_s
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ char *GetTeam(int teamNo)
return "";
void EndRoundMessage(const char *sentence, int event)
void EXT_FUNC EndRoundMessage(const char *sentence, int event)
char *team = NULL;
const char *message = &(sentence[1]);
@ -562,7 +562,12 @@ CHalfLifeMultiplay::CHalfLifeMultiplay()
sv_clienttrace = CVAR_GET_POINTER("sv_clienttrace");
InstallTutor(CVAR_GET_FLOAT("tutor_enable") != 0.0f);
m_bNeededPlayers = false;
m_flEscapeRatio = 0.0f;
g_pMPGameRules = this;
void CHalfLifeMultiplay::__MAKE_VHOOK(RefreshSkillData)()
@ -834,13 +839,6 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::__MAKE_VHOOK(GiveC4)()
void CHalfLifeMultiplay::TerminateRound(float tmDelay, int iWinStatus)
m_iRoundWinStatus = iWinStatus;
m_fTeamCount = gpGlobals->time + tmDelay;
m_bRoundTerminating = true;
void CHalfLifeMultiplay::QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(float tmDelay, int iWinStatus)
if (TheCareerTasks == NULL)
@ -947,9 +945,7 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::__MAKE_VHOOK(CheckWinConditions)()
// If a winner has already been determined and game of started.. then get the heck out of here
if (m_bFirstConnected && m_iRoundWinStatus != WINNER_NONE)
int scenarioFlags = UTIL_ReadFlags(round_infinite.string);
@ -963,29 +959,29 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::__MAKE_VHOOK(CheckWinConditions)()
InitializePlayerCounts(NumAliveTerrorist, NumAliveCT, NumDeadTerrorist, NumDeadCT);
// other player's check
bool bNeededPlayers = false;
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_NEED_PLAYERS) && NeededPlayersCheck(bNeededPlayers))
m_bNeededPlayers = false;
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_NEED_PLAYERS) && NeededPlayersCheck())
// Assasination/VIP scenarion check
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_VIP_ESCAPRE) && VIPRoundEndCheck(bNeededPlayers))
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_VIP_ESCAPRE) && VIPRoundEndCheck())
// Prison escape check
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_PRISON_ESCAPRE) && PrisonRoundEndCheck(NumAliveTerrorist, NumAliveCT, NumDeadTerrorist, NumDeadCT, bNeededPlayers))
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_PRISON_ESCAPRE) && PrisonRoundEndCheck(NumAliveTerrorist, NumAliveCT, NumDeadTerrorist, NumDeadCT))
// Bomb check
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_BOMB) && BombRoundEndCheck(bNeededPlayers))
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_BOMB) && BombRoundEndCheck())
// Team Extermination check
// CounterTerrorists won by virture of elimination
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_TEAM_EXTERMINATION) && TeamExterminationCheck(NumAliveTerrorist, NumAliveCT, NumDeadTerrorist, NumDeadCT, bNeededPlayers))
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_TEAM_EXTERMINATION) && TeamExterminationCheck(NumAliveTerrorist, NumAliveCT, NumDeadTerrorist, NumDeadCT))
// Hostage rescue check
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_HOSTAGE_RESCUE) && HostageRescueRoundEndCheck(bNeededPlayers))
if (!(scenarioFlags & SCENARIO_BLOCK_HOSTAGE_RESCUE) && HostageRescueRoundEndCheck())
// scenario not won - still in progress
@ -1072,7 +1068,28 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::InitializePlayerCounts(int &NumAliveTerrorist, int &Num
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::NeededPlayersCheck(bool &bNeededPlayers)
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::NeededPlayersCheck_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
// Start the round immediately when the first person joins
UTIL_LogPrintf("World triggered \"Game_Commencing\"\n");
// Make sure we are not on the FreezePeriod.
m_bFreezePeriod = FALSE;
m_bCompleteReset = true;
EndRoundMessage("#Game_Commencing", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
m_bFirstConnected = true;
if (TheBots != NULL)
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::NeededPlayersCheck()
// We needed players to start scoring
// Do we have them now?
@ -1080,7 +1097,7 @@ bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::NeededPlayersCheck(bool &bNeededPlayers)
if (!m_iNumSpawnableTerrorist || !m_iNumSpawnableCT)
UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_scoring");
bNeededPlayers = true;
m_bNeededPlayers = true;
m_bFirstConnected = false;
@ -1096,178 +1113,186 @@ bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::NeededPlayersCheck(bool &bNeededPlayers)
// Start the round immediately when the first person joins
UTIL_LogPrintf("World triggered \"Game_Commencing\"\n");
// Make sure we are not on the FreezePeriod.
m_bFreezePeriod = FALSE;
m_bCompleteReset = true;
EndRoundMessage("#Game_Commencing", ROUND_END_DRAW);
TerminateRound(IsCareer() ? 0 : 3, WINSTATUS_DRAW);
m_bFirstConnected = true;
if (TheBots != NULL)
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::NeededPlayersCheck_internal, this, WINSTATUS_DRAW, ROUND_GAME_COMMENCE, IsCareer() ? 0 : 3);
return false;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIPRoundEndCheck(bool bNeededPlayers)
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIP_Escaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
WRITE_BYTE(9); // command length in bytes
WRITE_SHORT(ENTINDEX(m_pVIP->edict())); // index number of primary entity
WRITE_SHORT(0); // index number of secondary entity
WRITE_LONG(15 | DRC_FLAG_FINAL); // eventflags (priority and flags)
EndRoundMessage("#VIP_Escaped", event);
// tell the bots the VIP got out
if (TheBots != NULL)
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIP_Died_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_VIP_ASSASSINATED;
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#VIP_Assassinated", event);
// tell the bots the VIP was killed
if (TheBots != NULL)
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIPRoundEndCheck()
// checks to scenario Escaped VIP on map with vip safety zones
if (m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES && m_pVIP != NULL)
if (m_pVIP->m_bEscaped)
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
WRITE_BYTE(9); // command length in bytes
WRITE_SHORT(ENTINDEX(m_pVIP->edict())); // index number of primary entity
WRITE_SHORT(0); // index number of secondary entity
WRITE_LONG(15 | DRC_FLAG_FINAL); // eventflags (priority and flags)
EndRoundMessage("#VIP_Escaped", ROUND_VIP_ESCAPED);
// tell the bots the VIP got out
if (TheBots != NULL)
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIP_Escaped_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_VIP_ESCAPED, 5);
// The VIP is dead
else if (m_pVIP->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO)
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_VIP_ASSASSINATED;
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#VIP_Assassinated", ROUND_VIP_ASSASSINATED);
// tell the bots the VIP was killed
if (TheBots != NULL)
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIP_Died_internal, this, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS, ROUND_VIP_ASSASSINATED, 5);
return false;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::PrisonRoundEndCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT, bool bNeededPlayers)
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_Escaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Terrorists_Escaped", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_PreventEscape_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
// CTs are rewarded based on how many terrorists have escaped...
m_iAccountCT += (1 - m_flEscapeRatio) * REWARD_CTS_PREVENT_ESCAPE;
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#CTs_PreventEscape", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_Neutralized_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
// CTs are rewarded based on how many terrorists have escaped...
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::PrisonRoundEndCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT)
// checks to scenario Escaped Terrorist's
if (m_bMapHasEscapeZone)
float_precision flEscapeRatio = float_precision(m_iHaveEscaped) / float_precision(m_iNumEscapers);
m_flEscapeRatio = float_precision(m_iHaveEscaped) / float_precision(m_iNumEscapers);
if (flEscapeRatio >= m_flRequiredEscapeRatio)
if (m_flEscapeRatio >= m_flRequiredEscapeRatio)
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Terrorists_Escaped", ROUND_TERRORISTS_ESCAPED);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_Escaped_internal, this, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS, ROUND_TERRORISTS_ESCAPED, 5);
else if (NumAliveTerrorist == 0 && flEscapeRatio < m_flRequiredEscapeRatio)
else if (NumAliveTerrorist == 0 && m_flEscapeRatio < m_flRequiredEscapeRatio)
// CTs are rewarded based on how many terrorists have escaped...
m_iAccountCT += (1 - flEscapeRatio) * REWARD_CTS_PREVENT_ESCAPE;
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#CTs_PreventEscape", ROUND_CTS_PREVENT_ESCAPE);
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_PreventEscape_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_CTS_PREVENT_ESCAPE, 5);
else if (NumAliveTerrorist == 0 && NumDeadTerrorist != 0 && m_iNumSpawnableCT > 0)
// CTs are rewarded based on how many terrorists have escaped...
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized", ROUND_ESCAPING_TERRORISTS_NEUTRALIZED);
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_Neutralized_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_ESCAPING_TERRORISTS_NEUTRALIZED, 5);
// else return true;
@ -1275,59 +1300,124 @@ bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::PrisonRoundEndCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAlive
return false;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::BombRoundEndCheck(bool bNeededPlayers)
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Target_Bombed_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_TARGET_BOMB;
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Target_Bombed", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Target_Defused_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_BOMB_PLANTED;
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Bomb_Defused", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::BombRoundEndCheck()
// Check to see if the bomb target was hit or the bomb defused.. if so, then let's end the round!
if (m_bTargetBombed && m_bMapHasBombTarget)
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_TARGET_BOMB;
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Target_Bombed", ROUND_TARGET_BOMB);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Target_Bombed_internal, this, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS, ROUND_TARGET_BOMB, 5);
else if (m_bBombDefused && m_bMapHasBombTarget)
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_BOMB_PLANTED;
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Bomb_Defused", ROUND_BOMB_DEFUSED);
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Target_Defused_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_BOMB_DEFUSED, 5);
return false;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::TeamExterminationCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT, bool bNeededPlayers)
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Round_Cts_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
m_iAccountCT += m_bMapHasBombTarget ? REWARD_BOMB_DEFUSED : REWARD_CTS_WIN;
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#CTs_Win", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Round_Ts_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
m_iAccountTerrorist += m_bMapHasBombTarget ? REWARD_BOMB_EXPLODED : REWARD_TERRORISTS_WIN;
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Terrorists_Win", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Round_Draw_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
EndRoundMessage("#Round_Draw", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::TeamExterminationCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAliveCT, int NumDeadTerrorist, int NumDeadCT)
if ((m_iNumCT > 0 && m_iNumSpawnableCT > 0) && (m_iNumTerrorist > 0 && m_iNumSpawnableTerrorist > 0))
@ -1351,65 +1441,62 @@ bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::TeamExterminationCheck(int NumAliveTerrorist, int NumAl
if (!nowin)
m_iAccountCT += m_bMapHasBombTarget ? REWARD_BOMB_DEFUSED : REWARD_CTS_WIN;
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#CTs_Win", ROUND_CTS_WIN);
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Round_Cts_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_CTS_WIN, 5);
// Terrorists WON
else if (NumAliveCT == 0 && NumDeadCT != 0)
m_iAccountTerrorist += m_bMapHasBombTarget ? REWARD_BOMB_EXPLODED : REWARD_TERRORISTS_WIN;
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#Terrorists_Win", ROUND_TERRORISTS_WIN);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Round_Ts_internal, this, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS, ROUND_TERRORISTS_WIN, 5);
else if (NumAliveCT == 0 && NumAliveTerrorist == 0)
EndRoundMessage("#Round_Draw", ROUND_END_DRAW);
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_DRAW);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Round_Draw_internal, this, WINSTATUS_DRAW, ROUND_END_DRAW, 5);
return false;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::HostageRescueRoundEndCheck(bool bNeededPlayers)
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Hostage_Rescue_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
if (!m_bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#All_Hostages_Rescued", event);
// tell the bots all the hostages have been rescued
if (TheBots != NULL)
if (IsCareer())
if (TheCareerTasks != NULL)
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::HostageRescueRoundEndCheck()
// Check to see if 50% of the hostages have been rescued.
CBaseEntity *hostage = NULL;
@ -1432,41 +1519,9 @@ bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::HostageRescueRoundEndCheck(bool bNeededPlayers)
// There are no hostages alive.. check to see if the CTs have rescued atleast 50% of them.
if (!bHostageAlive && iHostages > 0)
if (m_iHostagesRescued >= (iHostages * 0.5))
if (m_iHostagesRescued >= (iHostages * 0.5f))
if (!bNeededPlayers)
// Update the clients team score
EndRoundMessage("#All_Hostages_Rescued", ROUND_ALL_HOSTAGES_RESCUED);
// tell the bots all the hostages have been rescued
if (TheBots != NULL)
if (IsCareer())
if (TheCareerTasks != NULL)
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
return true;
return g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Hostage_Rescue_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_ALL_HOSTAGES_RESCUED, 5);
@ -2730,6 +2785,80 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::CheckFreezePeriodExpired()
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Target_Saved_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
EndRoundMessage("#Target_Saved", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Hostage_NotRescued_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_HOSTAGE_NOT_RESCUED;
EndRoundMessage("#Hostages_Not_Rescued", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_NotEscaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
EndRoundMessage("#Terrorists_Not_Escaped", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
bool CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIP_NotEscaped_internal(int winStatus, ScenarioEventEndRound event, float tmDelay) {
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_VIP_NOT_ESCAPED;
EndRoundMessage("#VIP_Not_Escaped", event);
TerminateRound(tmDelay, winStatus);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(tmDelay, winStatus);
return true;
void CHalfLifeMultiplay::CheckRoundTimeExpired()
if (HasRoundInfinite(true))
@ -2757,69 +2886,23 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::CheckRoundTimeExpired()
// New code to get rid of round draws!!
if (m_bMapHasBombTarget)
EndRoundMessage("#Target_Saved", ROUND_TARGET_SAVED);
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (!g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Target_Saved_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_TARGET_SAVED, 5))
else if (UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "hostage_entity") != NULL)
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_HOSTAGE_NOT_RESCUED;
EndRoundMessage("#Hostages_Not_Rescued", ROUND_HOSTAGE_NOT_RESCUED);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS);
if (!g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Hostage_NotRescued_internal, this, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS, ROUND_HOSTAGE_NOT_RESCUED, 5))
else if (m_bMapHasEscapeZone)
EndRoundMessage("#Terrorists_Not_Escaped", ROUND_TERRORISTS_NOT_ESCAPED);
TerminateRound(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_CTS);
if (!g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::Prison_NotEscaped_internal, this, WINSTATUS_CTS, ROUND_TERRORISTS_NOT_ESCAPED, 5))
else if (m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES)
m_iAccountTerrorist += REWARD_VIP_NOT_ESCAPED;
EndRoundMessage("#VIP_Not_Escaped", ROUND_VIP_NOT_ESCAPED);
if (IsCareer())
QueueCareerRoundEndMenu(5, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS);
if (!g_ReGameHookchains.m_RoundEnd.callChain(&CHalfLifeMultiplay::VIP_NotEscaped_internal, this, WINSTATUS_TERRORISTS, ROUND_VIP_NOT_ESCAPED, 5))
// This is done so that the portion of code has enough time to do it's thing.
@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ enum
// custom enum
// used for EndRoundMessage() logged messages
enum ScenarionEventEndRound
enum ScenarioEventEndRound
@ -375,6 +376,13 @@ public:
void MarkSpawnSkipped() { m_bSkipSpawn = false; }
float TimeRemaining() { return m_iRoundTimeSecs - gpGlobals->time + m_fRoundCount; }
bool IsMatchStarted() { return (m_fTeamCount != 0.0f || m_fCareerRoundMenuTime != 0.0f || m_fCareerMatchMenuTime != 0.0f); }
inline void TerminateRound(float tmDelay, int iWinStatus)
m_iRoundWinStatus = iWinStatus;
m_fTeamCount = gpGlobals->time + tmDelay;
m_bRoundTerminating = true;
CVoiceGameMgr m_VoiceGameMgr;
float m_fTeamCount; // m_flRestartRoundTime, the global time when the round is supposed to end, if this is not 0
@ -458,6 +466,10 @@ public:
int m_iRoundWinDifference;
float m_fCareerMatchMenuTime;
bool m_bSkipSpawn;
// custom
bool m_bNeededPlayers;
float m_flEscapeRatio;
typedef struct mapcycle_item_s
@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ public:
virtual void unregisterHook(hookfunc_t hook) = 0;
// Hook chain registry(for hooks [un]registration)
template<typename t_ret, typename ...t_args>
class IHookChainRegistryClassEmpty {
typedef t_ret(*hookfunc_t)(IHookChain<t_ret, t_args...>*, t_args...);
virtual void registerHook(hookfunc_t hook) = 0;
virtual void unregisterHook(hookfunc_t hook) = 0;
// Hook chain registry(for hooks [un]registration)
template<typename ...t_args>
class IVoidHookChainRegistry {
@ -170,6 +170,10 @@ typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<class CBasePlayer *, struct entvars_s *, struct e
typedef IVoidHookChain<class CBasePlayer *, struct entvars_s *, struct entvars_s *, Vector &, Vector &, struct TraceResult *> IReGameHook_RadiusFlash_TraceLine;
typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<class CBasePlayer *, struct entvars_s *, struct entvars_s *, Vector &, Vector &, struct TraceResult *> IReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine;
// RoundEnd hook
typedef IHookChain<bool, int, ScenarioEventEndRound, float> IReGameHook_RoundEnd;
typedef IHookChainRegistryClassEmpty<bool, int, ScenarioEventEndRound, float> IReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd;
class IReGameHookchains {
virtual ~IReGameHookchains() {}
@ -211,6 +215,7 @@ public:
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_GetForceCamera* GetForceCamera() = 0;
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_PlayerBlind* PlayerBlind() = 0;
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine* RadiusFlash_TraceLine() = 0;
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd* RoundEnd() = 0;
@ -229,6 +234,8 @@ struct ReGameFuncs_t {
void (*ApplyMultiDamage)(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker);
void (*AddMultiDamage)(entvars_t *pevInflictor, CBaseEntity *pEntity, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType);
void (*EndRoundMessage)(const char *sentence, int event);
class IReGameApi {
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ public:
virtual void SetObjectCollisionBox() = 0;
virtual int Classify() = 0;
virtual void DeathNotice(struct entvars_s *pevChild) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Killed(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, int iGib) = 0;
virtual int BloodColor() = 0;
virtual void TraceBleed(float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceBleed(float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual bool IsTriggered(CCSEntity *pActivator) = 0;
virtual ICSMonster *MyMonsterPointer() = 0;
virtual ICSquadMonster *MySquadMonsterPointer() = 0;
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ public:
virtual struct entvars_s *GetEntVars() const = 0;
virtual class CBaseEntity *GetEntity() const = 0;
virtual void FireBullets(int iShots, Vector vecSrc, Vector vecDirShooting, Vector vecSpread, float flDistance, int iBulletType, int iTracerFreq, int iDamage, entvars_t *pevAttacker) = 0;
virtual Vector FireBullets3(Vector vecSrc, Vector vecDirShooting, float vecSpread, float flDistance, int iPenetration, int iBulletType, int iDamage, float flRangeModifier, entvars_t *pevAttacker, bool bPistol, int shared_rand) = 0;
virtual void FireBullets(int iShots, Vector &vecSrc, Vector &vecDirShooting, Vector &vecSpread, float flDistance, int iBulletType, int iTracerFreq, int iDamage, entvars_t *pevAttacker) = 0;
virtual Vector FireBullets3(Vector &vecSrc, Vector &vecDirShooting, float vecSpread, float flDistance, int iPenetration, int iBulletType, int iDamage, float flRangeModifier, entvars_t *pevAttacker, bool bPistol, int shared_rand) = 0;
class ICSDelay: public ICSEntity {
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public:
class ICSMonster: public ICSToggle {
virtual void KeyValue(struct KeyValueData_s *pkvd) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Killed(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, int iGib) = 0;
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public:
virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0;
virtual int ObjectCaps() = 0;
virtual int Classify() = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Killed(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, int iGib) = 0;
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ public:
virtual int Save(CSave &save) = 0;
virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0;
virtual int ObjectCaps() = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int DamageDecal(int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Use(CCSEntity *pActivator, CCSEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value) = 0;
@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ public:
virtual void unregisterHook(hookfunc_t hook) = 0;
// Hook chain registry(for hooks [un]registration)
template<typename t_ret, typename ...t_args>
class IHookChainRegistryClassEmpty {
typedef t_ret(*hookfunc_t)(IHookChain<t_ret, t_args...>*, t_args...);
virtual void registerHook(hookfunc_t hook) = 0;
virtual void unregisterHook(hookfunc_t hook) = 0;
// Hook chain registry(for hooks [un]registration)
template<typename ...t_args>
class IVoidHookChainRegistry {
@ -170,6 +170,10 @@ typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<class CBasePlayer *, struct entvars_s *, struct e
typedef IVoidHookChain<class CBasePlayer *, struct entvars_s *, struct entvars_s *, Vector &, Vector &, struct TraceResult *> IReGameHook_RadiusFlash_TraceLine;
typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<class CBasePlayer *, struct entvars_s *, struct entvars_s *, Vector &, Vector &, struct TraceResult *> IReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine;
// RoundEnd hook
typedef IHookChain<bool, int, ScenarioEventEndRound, float> IReGameHook_RoundEnd;
typedef IHookChainRegistryClassEmpty<bool, int, ScenarioEventEndRound, float> IReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd;
class IReGameHookchains {
virtual ~IReGameHookchains() {}
@ -211,6 +215,7 @@ public:
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_GetForceCamera* GetForceCamera() = 0;
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_PlayerBlind* PlayerBlind() = 0;
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine* RadiusFlash_TraceLine() = 0;
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd* RoundEnd() = 0;
@ -229,6 +234,8 @@ struct ReGameFuncs_t {
void (*ApplyMultiDamage)(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker);
void (*AddMultiDamage)(entvars_t *pevInflictor, CBaseEntity *pEntity, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType);
void (*EndRoundMessage)(const char *sentence, int event);
class IReGameApi {
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ public:
virtual void SetObjectCollisionBox() = 0;
virtual int Classify() = 0;
virtual void DeathNotice(struct entvars_s *pevChild) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Killed(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, int iGib) = 0;
virtual int BloodColor() = 0;
virtual void TraceBleed(float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceBleed(float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual bool IsTriggered(CCSEntity *pActivator) = 0;
virtual ICSMonster *MyMonsterPointer() = 0;
virtual ICSquadMonster *MySquadMonsterPointer() = 0;
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ public:
virtual struct entvars_s *GetEntVars() const = 0;
virtual class CBaseEntity *GetEntity() const = 0;
virtual void FireBullets(int iShots, Vector vecSrc, Vector vecDirShooting, Vector vecSpread, float flDistance, int iBulletType, int iTracerFreq, int iDamage, entvars_t *pevAttacker) = 0;
virtual Vector FireBullets3(Vector vecSrc, Vector vecDirShooting, float vecSpread, float flDistance, int iPenetration, int iBulletType, int iDamage, float flRangeModifier, entvars_t *pevAttacker, bool bPistol, int shared_rand) = 0;
virtual void FireBullets(int iShots, Vector &vecSrc, Vector &vecDirShooting, Vector &vecSpread, float flDistance, int iBulletType, int iTracerFreq, int iDamage, entvars_t *pevAttacker) = 0;
virtual Vector FireBullets3(Vector &vecSrc, Vector &vecDirShooting, float vecSpread, float flDistance, int iPenetration, int iBulletType, int iDamage, float flRangeModifier, entvars_t *pevAttacker, bool bPistol, int shared_rand) = 0;
class ICSDelay: public ICSEntity {
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public:
class ICSMonster: public ICSToggle {
virtual void KeyValue(struct KeyValueData_s *pkvd) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Killed(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, int iGib) = 0;
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public:
virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0;
virtual int ObjectCaps() = 0;
virtual int Classify() = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Killed(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, int iGib) = 0;
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ public:
virtual int Save(CSave &save) = 0;
virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) = 0;
virtual int ObjectCaps() = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void TraceAttack(struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, struct TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int TakeDamage(struct entvars_s *pevInflictor, struct entvars_s *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual int DamageDecal(int bitsDamageType) = 0;
virtual void Use(CCSEntity *pActivator, CCSEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value) = 0;
@ -103,6 +103,43 @@ private:
origfunc_t m_OriginalFunc;
// Implementation for chains in modules
template<typename t_ret, typename t_class, typename ...t_args>
class IHookChainClassEmptyImpl : public IHookChain<t_ret, t_args...> {
typedef t_ret(*hookfunc_t)(IHookChain<t_ret, t_args...>*, t_args...);
typedef t_ret(t_class::*origfunc_t)(t_args...);
IHookChainClassEmptyImpl(void** hooks, origfunc_t orig, t_class *object) : m_Hooks(hooks), m_OriginalFunc(orig), m_Object(object)
if (orig == NULL)
regamedll_syserror("Non-void HookChain without original function.");
virtual ~IHookChainClassEmptyImpl() {}
virtual t_ret callNext(t_args... args) {
hookfunc_t nexthook = (hookfunc_t)m_Hooks[0];
if (nexthook)
IHookChainClassEmptyImpl nextChain(m_Hooks + 1, m_OriginalFunc, m_Object);
return nexthook(&nextChain, args...);
return (m_Object->*m_OriginalFunc)(args...);
virtual t_ret callOriginal(t_args... args) {
return (m_Object->*m_OriginalFunc)(args...);
void** m_Hooks;
t_class *m_Object;
origfunc_t m_OriginalFunc;
// Implementation for void chains in modules
template<typename ...t_args>
class IVoidHookChainImpl : public IVoidHookChain<t_args...> {
@ -228,6 +265,27 @@ public:
template<typename t_ret, typename t_class, typename ...t_args>
class IHookChainRegistryClassEmptyImpl : public IHookChainRegistryClassEmpty <t_ret, t_args...>, public AbstractHookChainRegistry {
typedef t_ret(*hookfunc_t)(IHookChain<t_ret, t_args...>*, t_args...);
typedef t_ret(t_class::*origfunc_t)(t_args...);
virtual ~IHookChainRegistryClassEmptyImpl() { }
t_ret callChain(origfunc_t origFunc, t_class *object, t_args... args) {
IHookChainClassEmptyImpl<t_ret, t_class, t_args...> chain(m_Hooks, origFunc, object);
return chain.callNext(args...);
virtual void registerHook(hookfunc_t hook) {
virtual void unregisterHook(hookfunc_t hook) {
template<typename ...t_args>
class IVoidHookChainRegistryImpl : public IVoidHookChainRegistry <t_args...>, public AbstractHookChainRegistry {
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ ReGameFuncs_t g_ReGameApiFuncs = {
IReGameHookRegistry_CBasePlayer_Spawn* CReGameHookchains::CBasePlayer_Spawn() { return &m_CBasePlayer_Spawn; }
@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ IReGameHookRegistry_CBaseAnimating_ResetSequenceInfo* CReGameHookchains::CBaseAn
IReGameHookRegistry_GetForceCamera* CReGameHookchains::GetForceCamera() { return &m_GetForceCamera; }
IReGameHookRegistry_PlayerBlind* CReGameHookchains::PlayerBlind() { return &m_PlayerBlind; }
IReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine* CReGameHookchains::RadiusFlash_TraceLine() { return &m_RadiusFlash_TraceLine; }
IReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd* CReGameHookchains::RoundEnd() { return &m_RoundEnd; }
int CReGameApi::GetMajorVersion()
@ -164,6 +164,9 @@ typedef IVoidHookChainRegistryImpl<CBasePlayer *, entvars_t *, entvars_t *, floa
typedef IVoidHookChainImpl<CBasePlayer *, entvars_t *, entvars_t *, Vector &, Vector &, TraceResult *> CReGameHook_RadiusFlash_TraceLine;
typedef IVoidHookChainRegistryImpl<CBasePlayer *, entvars_t *, entvars_t *, Vector &, Vector &, TraceResult *> CReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine;
typedef IHookChainClassImpl<bool, class CHalfLifeMultiplay, int, ScenarioEventEndRound, float> CReGameHook_RoundEnd;
typedef IHookChainRegistryClassEmptyImpl<bool, class CHalfLifeMultiplay, int, ScenarioEventEndRound, float> CReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd;
class CReGameHookchains: public IReGameHookchains {
// CBasePlayer virtual
@ -203,6 +206,7 @@ public:
CReGameHookRegistry_GetForceCamera m_GetForceCamera;
CReGameHookRegistry_PlayerBlind m_PlayerBlind;
CReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine m_RadiusFlash_TraceLine;
CReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd m_RoundEnd;
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_CBasePlayer_Spawn* CBasePlayer_Spawn();
@ -241,6 +245,7 @@ public:
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_GetForceCamera* GetForceCamera();
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_PlayerBlind* PlayerBlind();
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_RadiusFlash_TraceLine* RadiusFlash_TraceLine();
virtual IReGameHookRegistry_RoundEnd* RoundEnd();
@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ public:
virtual void SetObjectCollisionBox() { m_pEntity->SetObjectCollisionBox(); }
virtual int Classify() { return m_pEntity->Classify(); }
virtual void DeathNotice(entvars_t *pevChild) { m_pEntity->DeathNotice(pevChild); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int TakeDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->TakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->TakeHealth(flHealth, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void Killed(entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib) { m_pEntity->Killed(pevAttacker, iGib); }
virtual int BloodColor() { return m_pEntity->BloodColor(); }
virtual void TraceBleed(float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceBleed(flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void TraceBleed(float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceBleed(flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual bool IsTriggered(CCSEntity *pActivator) { return m_pEntity->IsTriggered(pActivator->m_pEntity) ? true : false; }
virtual ICSMonster *MyMonsterPointer() { return reinterpret_cast<ICSMonster *>(CBASE_TO_CSENTITY(m_pEntity->MyMonsterPointer())); }
virtual ICSquadMonster *MySquadMonsterPointer() { return (ICSquadMonster *)m_pEntity->MySquadMonsterPointer(); }
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ public:
virtual entvars_t *GetEntVars() const { return m_pEntity->pev; }
virtual CBaseEntity *GetEntity() const { return m_pEntity; }
virtual void FireBullets(int iShots, Vector vecSrc, Vector vecDirShooting, Vector vecSpread, float flDistance, int iBulletType, int iTracerFreq, int iDamage, entvars_t *pevAttacker) { m_pEntity->FireBullets(iShots, vecSrc, vecDirShooting, vecSpread, flDistance, iBulletType, iTracerFreq, iDamage, pevAttacker); };
virtual Vector FireBullets3(Vector vecSrc, Vector vecDirShooting, float vecSpread, float flDistance, int iPenetration, int iBulletType, int iDamage, float flRangeModifier, entvars_t *pevAttacker, bool bPistol, int shared_rand) { return m_pEntity->FireBullets3(vecSrc, vecDirShooting, vecSpread, flDistance, iPenetration, iBulletType, iDamage, flRangeModifier, pevAttacker, bPistol, shared_rand); };
virtual void FireBullets(int iShots, Vector &vecSrc, Vector &vecDirShooting, Vector &vecSpread, float flDistance, int iBulletType, int iTracerFreq, int iDamage, entvars_t *pevAttacker) { m_pEntity->FireBullets(iShots, vecSrc, vecDirShooting, vecSpread, flDistance, iBulletType, iTracerFreq, iDamage, pevAttacker); };
virtual Vector FireBullets3(Vector &vecSrc, Vector &vecDirShooting, float vecSpread, float flDistance, int iPenetration, int iBulletType, int iDamage, float flRangeModifier, entvars_t *pevAttacker, bool bPistol, int shared_rand) { return m_pEntity->FireBullets3(vecSrc, vecDirShooting, vecSpread, flDistance, iPenetration, iBulletType, iDamage, flRangeModifier, pevAttacker, bPistol, shared_rand); };
class CCSDelay: public CCSEntity {
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public:
CCSMonster(CBaseEntity *pEntity) : CCSToggle(pEntity) {}
virtual void KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd) { m_pEntity->KeyValue(pkvd); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int TakeDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->TakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->TakeHealth(flHealth, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void Killed(entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib) { m_pEntity->Killed(pevAttacker, iGib); }
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public:
virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) { return m_pEntity->Restore(restore); }
virtual int ObjectCaps() { return m_pEntity->ObjectCaps(); }
virtual int Classify() { return m_pEntity->Classify(); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int TakeDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->TakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->TakeHealth(flHealth, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void Killed(entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib) { m_pEntity->Killed(pevAttacker, iGib); }
@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ public:
virtual int Save(CSave &save) { return m_pEntity->Save(save); }
virtual int Restore(CRestore &restore) { return m_pEntity->Restore(restore); }
virtual int ObjectCaps() { return m_pEntity->ObjectCaps(); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual void TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector &vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { m_pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int TakeDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->TakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType); }
virtual int DamageDecal(int bitsDamageType) { return m_pEntity->DamageDecal(bitsDamageType); }
virtual void Use(CCSEntity *pActivator, CCSEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value) { m_pEntity->Use(pActivator->m_pEntity, pCaller->m_pEntity, useType, value); }
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