s1lentq 2f82bb17ae Reversed some function from player.cpp
Better implemented static members by all objects of the class
MSVC: Added loading of custom configurations for the test demo with the launch --regamedll-cfg-init filename.cfg (NOTE: The config should be in the "tests" folder)
Gradle script: Added stuff for each the test demo and their auto-unpacking the root folder HLDS
2015-07-05 17:19:59 +06:00

451 lines
12 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#define SF_WORLD_DARK 0x0001 // Fade from black at startup
#define SF_WORLD_TITLE 0x0002 // Display game title at startup
#define SF_WORLD_FORCETEAM 0x0004 // Force teams
edict_t *g_pBodyQueueHead;
CGlobalState gGlobalState;
float g_flWeaponCheat;
* Globals initialization
{ "{shot1", 0 }, // DECAL_GUNSHOT1
{ "{shot2", 0 }, // DECAL_GUNSHOT2
{ "{shot3", 0 }, // DECAL_GUNSHOT3
{ "{shot4", 0 }, // DECAL_GUNSHOT4
{ "{shot5", 0 }, // DECAL_GUNSHOT5
{ "{lambda01", 0 }, // DECAL_LAMBDA1
{ "{lambda02", 0 }, // DECAL_LAMBDA2
{ "{lambda03", 0 }, // DECAL_LAMBDA3
{ "{lambda04", 0 }, // DECAL_LAMBDA4
{ "{lambda05", 0 }, // DECAL_LAMBDA5
{ "{lambda06", 0 }, // DECAL_LAMBDA6
{ "{scorch1", 0 }, // DECAL_SCORCH1
{ "{scorch2", 0 }, // DECAL_SCORCH2
{ "{blood1", 0 }, // DECAL_BLOOD1
{ "{blood2", 0 }, // DECAL_BLOOD2
{ "{blood3", 0 }, // DECAL_BLOOD3
{ "{blood4", 0 }, // DECAL_BLOOD4
{ "{blood5", 0 }, // DECAL_BLOOD5
{ "{blood6", 0 }, // DECAL_BLOOD6
{ "{yblood1", 0 }, // DECAL_YBLOOD1
{ "{yblood2", 0 }, // DECAL_YBLOOD2
{ "{yblood3", 0 }, // DECAL_YBLOOD3
{ "{yblood4", 0 }, // DECAL_YBLOOD4
{ "{yblood5", 0 }, // DECAL_YBLOOD5
{ "{yblood6", 0 }, // DECAL_YBLOOD6
{ "{break1", 0 }, // DECAL_GLASSBREAK1
{ "{break2", 0 }, // DECAL_GLASSBREAK2
{ "{break3", 0 }, // DECAL_GLASSBREAK3
{ "{bigshot1", 0 }, // DECAL_BIGSHOT1
{ "{bigshot2", 0 }, // DECAL_BIGSHOT2
{ "{bigshot3", 0 }, // DECAL_BIGSHOT3
{ "{bigshot4", 0 }, // DECAL_BIGSHOT4
{ "{bigshot5", 0 }, // DECAL_BIGSHOT5
{ "{spit1", 0 }, // DECAL_SPIT1
{ "{spit2", 0 }, // DECAL_SPIT2
{ "{bproof1", 0 }, // DECAL_BPROOF1
{ "{gargstomp", 0 }, // DECAL_GARGSTOMP1, // Gargantua stomp crack
{ "{smscorch1", 0 }, // DECAL_SMALLSCORCH1, // Small scorch mark
{ "{smscorch2", 0 }, // DECAL_SMALLSCORCH2, // Small scorch mark
{ "{smscorch3", 0 }, // DECAL_SMALLSCORCH3, // Small scorch mark
{ "{mommablob", 0 }, // DECAL_MOMMABIRTH // BM Birth spray
{ "{mommablob", 0 }, // DECAL_MOMMASPLAT // BM Mortar spray?? need decal*/
TYPEDESCRIPTION CGlobalState::m_SaveData[] =
DEFINE_FIELD(CGlobalState, m_listCount, FIELD_INTEGER)
TYPEDESCRIPTION gGlobalEntitySaveData[] =
DEFINE_ARRAY(globalentity_t, name, FIELD_CHARACTER, 64),
DEFINE_ARRAY(globalentity_t, levelName, FIELD_CHARACTER, 32),
DEFINE_FIELD(globalentity_t, state, FIELD_INTEGER)
DLL_DECALLIST gDecals[42];
TYPEDESCRIPTION (*CGlobalState::pm_SaveData)[1];
TYPEDESCRIPTION gGlobalEntitySaveData[3];
#endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL
/* <1db42b> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:120 */
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(infodecal, CDecal);
/* <1db00a> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:123 */
NOBODY void CDecal::Spawn(void)
// Spawn(CDecal *const this); // 123
/* <1daee2> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:171 */
NOBODY void CDecal::StaticDecal(void)
// {
// TraceResult trace; // 173
// int entityIndex; // 174
// int modelIndex; // 174
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 176
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 176
// ENTINDEX(edict_t *pEdict); // 178
// VARS(edict_t *pent); // 180
// }
/* <1dad69> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:145 */
NOBODY void CDecal::TriggerDecal(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value)
// {
// TraceResult trace; // 149
// int entityIndex; // 150
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 152
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 152
// MESSAGE_BEGIN(int msg_dest,
// int msg_type,
// const float *pOrigin,
// edict_t *ed); // 154
// ENTINDEX(edict_t *pEdict); // 160
// VARS(edict_t *pent); // 163
// }
/* <1db068> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:190 */
NOBODY void CDecal::KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd)
// FStrEq(const char *sz1,
// const char *sz2); // 192
// KeyValue(CBaseEntity *const this,
// KeyValueData *pkvd); // 202
// KeyValue(CDecal *const this,
// KeyValueData *pkvd); // 190
/* <1db4f5> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:212 */
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(bodyque, CCorpse);
/* <1da107> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:214 */
NOXREF void InitBodyQue(void)
g_pBodyQueueHead = NULL;
/* <1db5bf> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:242 */
NOBODY void CopyToBodyQue(entvars_t *pev)
/* <1db5e9> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:275 */
NOBODY void ClearBodyQue(void)
/* <1db601> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:294 */
// Reset(CGlobalState *const this); // 296
/* <1db63b> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:299 */
NOBODY void CGlobalState::Reset(void)
/* <1db69e> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:305 */
globalentity_t *CGlobalState::Find(string_t globalname)
if (!globalname)
return NULL;
globalentity_t *pTest = m_pList;
const char *pEntityName = STRING(globalname);
while (pTest)
if (!Q_strcmp(pEntityName, pTest->name))
pTest = pTest->pNext;
return pTest;
/* <1db703> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:329 */
NOBODY void CGlobalState::DumpGlobals(void)
// {
// char *const estates; // 331
// globalentity_t *pTest; // 332
// }
/* <1db76a> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:345 */
NOBODY void CGlobalState::EntityAdd(string_t globalname, string_t mapName, GLOBALESTATE state)
// {
// globalentity_t *pNewEntity; // 349
// }
/* <1db7b3> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:360 */
void CGlobalState::EntitySetState(string_t globalname, GLOBALESTATE state)
globalentity_t *pEnt = Find(globalname);
if (pEnt)
pEnt->state = state;
/* <1db873> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:369 */
NOBODY const globalentity_t *CGlobalState::EntityFromTable(string_t globalname)
// {
// globalentity_t *pEnt; // 371
// Find(CGlobalState *const this,
// string_t globalname); // 371
// }
/* <1db91c> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:377 */
NOBODY GLOBALESTATE CGlobalState::EntityGetState(string_t globalname)
// {
// globalentity_t *pEnt; // 379
// Find(CGlobalState *const this,
// string_t globalname); // 379
// }
/* <1db9c5> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:402 */
NOBODY int CGlobalState::Save(CSave &save)
// {
// int i; // 404
// globalentity_t *pEntity; // 405
// }
/* <1dba07> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:422 */
NOBODY int CGlobalState::Restore(CRestore &restore)
// {
// int i; // 424
// int listCount; // 424
// globalentity_t tmpEntity; // 425
// ClearStates(CGlobalState *const this); // 428
// EntityAdd(CGlobalState *const this,
// string_t globalname,
// string_t mapName,
// GLOBALESTATE state); // 439
// }
/* <1dbaf2> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:444 */
NOBODY void CGlobalState::EntityUpdate(string_t globalname, string_t mapname)
// {
// globalentity_t *pEnt; // 446
// Find(CGlobalState *const this,
// string_t globalname); // 446
// }
/* <1dbbae> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:453 */
NOBODY void CGlobalState::ClearStates(void)
// {
// globalentity_t *pFree; // 455
// {
// globalentity_t *pNext; // 458
// }
// Reset(CGlobalState *const this); // 462
// }
/* <1dbc13> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:466 */
NOBODY void SaveGlobalState(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData)
// {
// class CSave saveHelper; // 468
// Save(CGlobalState *const this,
// class CSave &save); // 469
// CSave(CSave *const this,
// SAVERESTOREDATA *pdata); // 468
// ~CSave(CSave *const this,
// int const __in_chrg); // 468
// }
/* <1dbcde> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:473 */
NOBODY void RestoreGlobalState(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData)
// {
// class CRestore restoreHelper; // 475
// CRestore(CRestore *const this,
// SAVERESTOREDATA *pdata); // 475
// Restore(CGlobalState *const this,
// class CRestore &restore); // 476
// ~CRestore(CRestore *const this,
// int const __in_chrg); // 475
// }
/* <1dbe72> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:480 */
NOBODY void ResetGlobalState(void)
// ClearStates(CGlobalState *const this); // 482
/* <1dbeff> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:493 */
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(worldspawn, CWorld);
/* <1dad1d> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:502 */
void CWorld::Spawn_(void)
//int flength;
//char *pFile;
g_fGameOver = FALSE;
//TODO: reverse me
g_flWeaponCheat = g_engfuncs.pfnCVarGetFloat("sv_cheats");
/*g_szMapBriefingText[0] = 0;
flength = 0;
pFile = (char *)LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME(UTIL_VarArgs("maps/%s.txt",STRING(gpGlobals->mapname)), &flength);
if (pFile && flength)
Q_strncpy(g_szMapBriefingText, pFile, 510);
g_szMapBriefingText[510] = 0;
pFile = (char *)LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME(UTIL_VarArgs("maps/default.txt"), &flength);
if (pFile && flength)
Q_strncpy(g_szMapBriefingText, pFile, 510);
g_szMapBriefingText[510] = 0;
if (pFile)
/* <1dac06> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:542 */
NOBODY void CWorld::Precache_(void)
// GetClassPtr<CSoundEnt>(CSoundEnt *a); // 566
// InitBodyQue(void); // 574
// {
// int i; // 673
// }
// {
// class CBaseEntity *pEntity; // 705
// }
/* <1db153> ../cstrike/dlls/world.cpp:731 */
void CWorld::KeyValue_(KeyValueData *pkvd)
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "skyname"))
CVAR_SET_STRING("sv_skyname", pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "sounds"))
gpGlobals->cdAudioTrack = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "WaveHeight"))
pev->scale = atof(pkvd->szValue) * 0.125;
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
CVAR_SET_FLOAT("sv_wateramp", pev->scale);
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "MaxRange"))
pev->speed = atof(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "chaptertitle"))
pev->netname = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "startdark"))
int flag = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
if (flag)
pev->spawnflags |= SF_WORLD_DARK;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "newunit"))
if (atoi(pkvd->szValue))
CVAR_SET_FLOAT("sv_newunit", 1.0);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "gametitle"))
if (atoi(pkvd->szValue))
pev->spawnflags |= SF_WORLD_TITLE;
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "mapteams"))
pev->team = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "defaultteam"))
if (atoi(pkvd->szValue))
pev->spawnflags |= SF_WORLD_FORCETEAM;
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
void CWorld::Spawn(void)
void CWorld::Precache(void)
void CWorld::KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd)
#endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL