mirror of https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS.git synced 2025-03-28 13:29:00 +03:00
s1lentq d8b12ee80b Regamedll API WIP: added some more API functions.
Added new cvar, mp_hegrenade_penetration, mp_nadedrops more details in game.cfg.
Let inflict damage by grenades to breakable objects.
2016-04-19 21:26:46 +06:00

596 lines
18 KiB

#pragma once
#include "iterator"
#include "xutility"
#include "memory"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(push, 8)
#endif // _MSC_VER
// TEMPLATE CLASS vector_vs6
template<class _Ty, class _A = allocator_<_Ty> >
class vector_vs6 {
typedef vector_vs6<_Ty, _A> _Myt;
typedef _A allocator_type;
typedef typename _A::size_type size_type;
typedef typename _A::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _A::pointer _Tptr;
typedef typename _A::const_pointer _Ctptr;
typedef typename _A::reference reference;
typedef typename _A::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename _A::value_type value_type;
typedef _Tptr iterator;
typedef _Ctptr const_iterator;
typedef reverse_iterator_<const_iterator, value_type,
const_reference, _Ctptr, difference_type>
typedef reverse_iterator_<iterator, value_type,
reference, _Tptr, difference_type>
explicit vector_vs6(const _A& _Al = _A())
: allocator(_Al), _First(0), _Last(0), _End(0) {}
explicit vector_vs6(size_type _N, const _Ty& _V = _Ty(),
const _A& _Al = _A())
: allocator(_Al)
{_First = allocator.allocate(_N, (void *)0);
_Ufill(_First, _N, _V);
_Last = _First + _N;
_End = _Last; }
vector_vs6(const _Myt& _X)
: allocator(_X.allocator)
{_First = allocator.allocate(_X.size(), (void *)0);
_Last = _Ucopy(_X.begin(), _X.end(), _First);
_End = _Last; }
typedef const_iterator _It;
vector_vs6(_It _F, _It _L, const _A& _Al = _A())
: allocator(_Al), _First(0), _Last(0), _End(0)
{insert(begin(), _F, _L); }
{__Destroy(_First, _Last);
allocator.deallocate(_First, _End - _First);
_First = 0, _Last = 0, _End = 0; }
_Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _X)
{if (this == &_X)
else if (_X.size() <= size())
{iterator_ _S = copy_(_X.begin(), _X.end(), _First);
__Destroy(_S, _Last);
_Last = _First + _X.size(); }
else if (_X.size() <= capacity())
{const_iterator _S = _X.begin() + size();
copy_(_X.begin(), _S, _First);
_Ucopy(_S, _X.end(), _Last);
_Last = _First + _X.size(); }
{__Destroy(_First, _Last);
allocator.deallocate(_First, _End - _First);
_First = allocator.allocate(_X.size(), (void *)0);
_Last = _Ucopy(_X.begin(), _X.end(),
_End = _Last; }
return (*this); }
void reserve(size_type _N)
{if (capacity() < _N)
{iterator _S = allocator.allocate(_N, (void *)0);
_Ucopy(_First, _Last, _S);
__Destroy(_First, _Last);
allocator.deallocate(_First, _End - _First);
_End = _S + _N;
_Last = _S + size();
_First = _S; }}
size_type capacity() const
{return (_First == 0 ? 0 : _End - _First); }
iterator begin()
{return (_First); }
const_iterator begin() const
{return ((const_iterator)_First); }
iterator end()
{return (_Last); }
const_iterator end() const
{return ((const_iterator)_Last); }
reverse_iterator rbegin()
{return (reverse_iterator(end())); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
{return (const_reverse_iterator(end())); }
reverse_iterator rend()
{return (reverse_iterator(begin())); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
{return (const_reverse_iterator(begin())); }
void resize(size_type _N, const _Ty& _X = _Ty())
{if (size() < _N)
insert(end(), _N - size(), _X);
else if (_N < size())
erase(begin() + _N, end()); }
size_type size() const
{return (_First == 0 ? 0 : _Last - _First); }
size_type max_size() const
{return (allocator.max_size()); }
bool empty() const
{return (size() == 0); }
_A get_allocator() const
{return (allocator); }
const_reference at(size_type _P) const
{if (size() <= _P)
return (*(begin() + _P)); }
reference at(size_type _P)
{if (size() <= _P)
return (*(begin() + _P)); }
const_reference operator[](size_type _P) const
{return (*(begin() + _P)); }
reference operator[](size_type _P)
{return (*(begin() + _P)); }
reference front()
{return (*begin()); }
const_reference front() const
{return (*begin()); }
reference back()
{return (*(end() - 1)); }
const_reference back() const
{return (*(end() - 1)); }
void push_back(const _Ty& _X)
{insert(end(), _X); }
void pop_back()
{erase(end() - 1); }
void assign(_It _F, _It _L)
{erase(begin(), end());
insert(begin(), _F, _L); }
void assign(size_type _N, const _Ty& _X = _Ty())
{erase(begin(), end());
insert(begin(), _N, _X); }
iterator insert(iterator _P, const _Ty& _X = _Ty())
{size_type _O = size_type(_P - begin());
insert(_P, 1, _X);
return (begin() + _O); }
void insert(iterator _P, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X)
{if (size_type(_End - _Last) < _M)
{size_type _N = size() + (_M < size() ? size() : _M);
iterator _S = allocator.allocate(_N, (void *)0);
iterator _Q = _Ucopy(_First, _P, _S);
_Ufill(_Q, _M, _X);
_Ucopy(_P, _Last, _Q + _M);
__Destroy(_First, _Last);
allocator.deallocate(_First, _End - _First);
_End = _S + _N;
_Last = _S + size() + _M;
_First = _S; }
else if (size_type(_Last - _P) < _M)
{_Ucopy(_P, _Last, _P + _M);
_Ufill(_Last, _M - (_Last - _P), _X);
fill_(_P, _Last, _X);
_Last += _M; }
else if (0 < _M)
{_Ucopy(_Last - _M, _Last, _Last);
copy_backward_(_P, _Last - _M, _Last);
fill_(_P, _P + _M, _X);
_Last += _M; }}
void insert(iterator _P, _It _F, _It _L)
{size_type _M = 0;
__Distance(_F, _L, _M);
if (_End - _Last < _M)
{size_type _N = size() + (_M < size() ? size() : _M);
iterator _S = allocator.allocate(_N, (void *)0);
iterator _Q = _Ucopy(_First, _P, _S);
_Q = _Ucopy(_F, _L, _Q);
_Ucopy(_P, _Last, _Q);
__Destroy(_First, _Last);
allocator.deallocate(_First, _End - _First);
_End = _S + _N;
_Last = _S + size() + _M;
_First = _S; }
else if (_Last - _P < _M)
{_Ucopy(_P, _Last, _P + _M);
_Ucopy(_F + (_Last - _P), _L, _Last);
copy_(_F, _F + (_Last - _P), _P);
_Last += _M; }
else if (0 < _M)
{_Ucopy(_Last - _M, _Last, _Last);
copy_backward_(_P, _Last - _M, _Last);
copy_(_F, _L, _P);
_Last += _M; }}
iterator erase(iterator _P)
{copy_(_P + 1, end(), _P);
__Destroy(_Last - 1, _Last);
return (_P); }
iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L)
{iterator _S = copy_(_L, end(), _F);
__Destroy(_S, end());
_Last = _S;
return (_F); }
void clear()
{erase(begin(), end()); }
bool _Eq(const _Myt& _X) const
{return (size() == _X.size()
&& equal_(begin(), end(), _X.begin())); }
bool _Lt(const _Myt& _X) const
{return (lexicographical_compare_(begin(), end(),
_X.begin(), _X.end())); }
void swap(_Myt& _X)
{if (allocator == _X.allocator)
{std::swap_(_First, _X._First);
std::swap_(_Last, _X._Last);
std::swap_(_End, _X._End); }
{_Myt _Ts = *this; *this = _X, _X = _Ts; }}
friend void swap(_Myt& _X, _Myt& _Y)
{_X.swap_(_Y); }
void __Destroy(iterator _F, iterator _L)
{for (; _F != _L; ++_F)
allocator.destroy(_F); }
iterator _Ucopy(const_iterator _F, const_iterator _L,
iterator _P)
{for (; _F != _L; ++_P, ++_F)
allocator.construct(_P, *_F);
return (_P); }
void _Ufill(iterator _F, size_type _N, const _Ty &_X)
{for (; 0 < _N; --_N, ++_F)
allocator.construct(_F, _X); }
void _Xran() const
{_THROW(out_of_range, "invalid vector_vs6<T> subscript"); }
_A allocator;
iterator _First, _Last, _End;
// CLASS vector_vs6<_Bool, allocator>
typedef unsigned int _Vbase; // word type for vector<bool> representation
const int __VBITS = CHAR_BIT * sizeof (_Vbase); // at least CHAR_BITS bits per word
typedef allocator_<_Vbase> _Bool_allocator;
template<class _Bool_allocator>
class vector_vs6<_Bool, _Bool_allocator> {
typedef _Bool_allocator _A;
typedef _Bool _Ty;
typedef vector_vs6<_Ty, _A> _Myt;
typedef vector_vs6<_Vbase, _A> _Vbtype;
typedef _A allocator_type;
typedef typename _A::size_type size_type;
typedef typename _A::difference_type difference_type;
// CLASS reference
class reference {
: _Mask(0), _Ptr(0) {}
reference(size_t _O, _Vbase *_P)
: _Mask((_Vbase)1 << _O), _Ptr(_P) {}
reference& operator=(const reference& _X)
{return (*this = bool(_X)); }
reference& operator=(bool _V)
{if (_V)
*_Ptr |= _Mask;
*_Ptr &= ~_Mask;
return (*this); }
void flip()
{*_Ptr ^= _Mask; }
bool operator~() const
{return (!bool(*this)); }
operator bool() const
{return ((*_Ptr & _Mask) != 0); }
_Vbase _Mask, *_Ptr;
typedef const reference const_reference;
typedef bool value_type;
// CLASS const_iterator
class iterator_;
class const_iterator : public _Ranit<_Bool, difference_type> {
: _Off(0), _Ptr(0) {}
const_iterator(size_t _O, const _Vbase *_P)
: _Off(_O), _Ptr((_Vbase*)_P) {}
const_iterator(const iterator_& _X)
: _Off(_X._Off), _Ptr(_X._Ptr) {}
const_reference operator*() const
{return (const_reference(_Off, _Ptr)); }
const_iterator& operator++()
return (*this); }
const_iterator operator++(int)
{const_iterator _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp); }
const_iterator& operator--()
return (*this); }
const_iterator operator--(int)
{const_iterator _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp); }
const_iterator& operator+=(difference_type _N)
{_Off += _N;
_Ptr += _Off / __VBITS;
_Off %= __VBITS;
return (*this); }
const_iterator& operator-=(difference_type _N)
{return (*this += -_N); }
const_iterator operator+(difference_type _N) const
{const_iterator _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp += _N); }
const_iterator operator-(difference_type _N) const
{const_iterator _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp -= _N); }
difference_type operator-(const const_iterator _X) const
{return (__VBITS * (_Ptr - _X._Ptr)
+ (difference_type)_Off
- (difference_type)_X._Off); }
const_reference operator[](difference_type _N) const
{return (*(*this + _N)); }
bool operator==(const const_iterator& _X) const
{return (_Ptr == _X._Ptr && _Off == _X._Off); }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& _X) const
{return (!(*this == _X)); }
bool operator<(const const_iterator& _X) const
{return (_Ptr < _X._Ptr
|| _Ptr == _X._Ptr && _Off < _X._Off); }
bool operator>(const const_iterator& _X) const
{return (_X < *this); }
bool operator<=(const const_iterator& _X) const
{return (!(_X < *this)); }
bool operator>=(const const_iterator& _X) const
{return (!(*this < _X)); }
void _Dec()
{if (_Off != 0)
_Off = __VBITS - 1, --_Ptr; }
void _Inc()
{if (_Off < __VBITS - 1)
_Off = 0, ++_Ptr; }
size_t _Off;
_Vbase *_Ptr;
// CLASS iterator_
class iterator_ : public const_iterator {
: const_iterator() {}
iterator_(size_t _O, _Vbase *_P)
: const_iterator(_O, _P) {}
reference operator*() const
{return (reference(_Off, _Ptr)); }
iterator_& operator++()
return (*this); }
iterator_ operator++(int)
{iterator_ _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp); }
iterator_& operator--()
return (*this); }
iterator_ operator--(int)
{iterator_ _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp); }
iterator_& operator+=(difference_type _N)
{_Off += _N;
_Ptr += _Off / __VBITS;
_Off %= __VBITS;
return (*this); }
iterator_& operator-=(difference_type _N)
{return (*this += -_N); }
iterator_ operator+(difference_type _N) const
{iterator_ _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp += _N); }
iterator_ operator-(difference_type _N) const
{iterator_ _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp -= _N); }
difference_type operator-(const iterator_ _X) const
{return (__VBITS * (_Ptr - _X._Ptr)
+ (difference_type)_Off
- (difference_type)_X._Off); }
reference operator[](difference_type _N) const
{return (*(*this + _N)); }
bool operator==(const iterator_& _X) const
{return (_Ptr == _X._Ptr && _Off == _X._Off); }
bool operator!=(const iterator_& _X) const
{return (!(*this == _X)); }
bool operator<(const iterator_& _X) const
{return (_Ptr < _X._Ptr
|| _Ptr == _X._Ptr && _Off < _X._Off); }
bool operator>(const iterator_& _X) const
{return (_X < *this); }
bool operator<=(const iterator_& _X) const
{return (!(_X < *this)); }
bool operator>=(const iterator_& _X) const
{return (!(*this < _X)); }
typedef reverse_iterator_<const_iterator, value_type,
const_reference, const_reference *, difference_type>
typedef reverse_iterator_<iterator_, value_type,
reference, reference *, difference_type>
explicit vector_vs6(const _A& _Al = _A())
: _Size(0), _Vec(_Al) {}
explicit vector_vs6(size_type _N, const bool _V = false,
const _A& _Al = _A())
: _Vec(_Nw(_N), _V ? -1 : 0, _Al) {_Trim(_N); }
typedef const_iterator _It;
vector_vs6(_It _F, _It _L, const _A& _Al = _A())
: _Size(0), _Vec(_Al)
{insert(begin(), _F, _L); }
{_Size = 0; }
void reserve(size_type _N)
{_Vec.reserve(_Nw(_N)); }
size_type capacity() const
{return (_Vec.capacity() * __VBITS); }
iterator_ begin()
{return (iterator_(0, _Vec.begin())); }
const_iterator begin() const
{return (const_iterator(0, _Vec.begin())); }
iterator_ end()
{iterator_ _Tmp = begin();
if (0 < _Size)
_Tmp += _Size;
return (_Tmp); }
const_iterator end() const
{const_iterator _Tmp = begin();
if (0 < _Size)
_Tmp += _Size;
return (_Tmp); }
reverse_iterator rbegin()
{return (reverse_iterator(end())); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
{return (const_reverse_iterator(end())); }
reverse_iterator rend()
{return (reverse_iterator(begin())); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
{return (const_reverse_iterator(begin())); }
void resize(size_type _N, bool _X = false)
{if (size() < _N)
insert(end(), _N - size(), _X);
else if (_N < size())
erase(begin() + _N, end()); }
size_type size() const
{return (_Size); }
size_type max_size() const
{return (_Vec.max_size() * __VBITS); }
bool empty() const
{return (size() == 0); }
_A get_allocator() const
{return (_Vec.get_allocator()); }
const_reference at(size_type _P) const
{if (size() <= _P)
return (*(begin() + _P)); }
reference at(size_type _P)
{if (size() <= _P)
return (*(begin() + _P)); }
const_reference operator[](size_type _P) const
{return (*(begin() + _P)); }
reference operator[](size_type _P)
{return (*(begin() + _P)); }
reference front()
{return (*begin()); }
const_reference front() const
{return (*begin()); }
reference back()
{return (*(end() - 1)); }
const_reference back() const
{return (*(end() - 1)); }
void push_back(const bool _X)
{insert(end(), _X); }
void pop_back()
{erase(end() - 1); }
void assign(_It _F, _It _L)
{erase(begin(), end());
insert(begin(), _F, _L); }
void assign(size_type _N, const bool _X = false)
{erase(begin(), end());
insert(begin(), _N, _X); }
iterator_ insert(iterator_ _P, const bool _X = false)
{size_type _O = _P - begin();
insert(_P, 1, _X);
return (begin() + _O); }
void insert(iterator_ _P, size_type _M, const bool _X)
{if (0 < _M)
{if (capacity() - size() < _M)
{size_type _O = _P - begin();
_Vec.resize(_Nw(size() + _M), 0);
_P = begin() + _O; }
copy_backward_(_P, end(), end() + _M);
fill_(_P, _P + _M, _X);
_Size += _M; }}
void insert(iterator_ _P, _It _F, _It _L)
{size_type _M = 0;
__Distance(_F, _L, _M);
if (0 < _M)
{if (capacity() - size() < _M)
{size_type _O = _P - begin();
_Vec.resize(_Nw(size() + _M), 0);
_P = begin() + _O; }
copy_backward_(_P, end(), end() + _M);
copy_(_F, _L, _P);
_Size += _M; }}
iterator_ erase(iterator_ _P)
{copy_(_P + 1, end(), _P);
_Trim(_Size - 1);
return (_P); }
iterator_ erase(iterator_ _F, iterator_ _L)
{iterator_ _S = copy_(_L, end(), _F);
_Trim(_S - begin());
return (_F); }
void clear()
{erase(begin(), end()); }
void flip()
{for (_Vbtype::iterator_ _S = _Vec.begin();
_S != _Vec.end(); ++_S)
*_S = ~*_S;
_Trim(_Size); }
bool _Eq(const _Myt& _X) const
{return (_Size == _X._Size && _Vec._Eq(_X._Vec)); }
bool _Lt(const _Myt& _X) const
{return (_Size < _X._Size
|| _Size == _X._Size && _Vec._Lt(_X._Vec)); }
void swap(_Myt& _X)
{std::swap_(_Size, _X._Size);
_Vec.swap_(_X._Vec); }
friend void swap(_Myt& _X, _Myt& _Y)
{_X.swap_(_Y); }
static void swap(reference _X, reference _Y)
{bool _V = _X;
_X = _Y;
_Y = _V; }
static size_type _Nw(size_type _N)
{return ((_N + __VBITS - 1) / __VBITS); }
void _Trim(size_type _N)
{size_type _M = _Nw(_N);
if (_M < _Vec.size())
_Vec.erase(_Vec.begin() + _M, _Vec.end());
_Size = _N;
_N %= __VBITS;
if (0 < _N)
_Vec[_M - 1] &= ((_Vbase)1 << _N) - 1; }
void _Xran() const
{_THROW(out_of_range, "invalid vector_vs6<bool> subscript"); }
size_type _Size;
_Vbtype _Vec;
typedef vector_vs6<_Bool, _Bool_allocator> _Bvector;
template<class _Ty, class _A> inline
bool operator==(const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _X,
const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _Y)
{return (_X._Eq(_Y)); }
template<class _Ty, class _A> inline
bool operator!=(const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _X,
const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _Y)
{return (!(_X == _Y)); }
template<class _Ty, class _A> inline
bool operator<(const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _X,
const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _Y)
{return (_X._Lt(_Y)); }
template<class _Ty, class _A> inline
bool operator>(const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _X,
const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _Y)
{return (_Y < _X); }
template<class _Ty, class _A> inline
bool operator<=(const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _X,
const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _Y)
{return (!(_Y < _X)); }
template<class _Ty, class _A> inline
bool operator>=(const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _X,
const vector_vs6<_Ty, _A>& _Y)
{return (!(_X < _Y)); }
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // _MSC_VER