
Metamod plugin that allows protocol 47 and 48 no-steam clients to connect to ReHLDS servers.
Reunion is a continuation of the DProto project adapted for ReHLDS.
You can try playing on one of many servers that are using Reunion: Game Tracker
Environment requirement
- ReHLDS API >= 3.10
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Go to
and make new directory named reunion
- its a game directory; cstrike for Counter-Strike, valve for Half-Life, etc -
to /addons/reunion/ -
Go to metamod installation directory (usually its /addons/metamod/) and edit plugins.ini:
add this line for windows
win32 addons\reunion\reunion_mm.dll
or this for linux
linux addons/reunion/
at the beginning of the file -
to server root or gamedir. -
Start the server. When server loads, type
meta list
in console. You'll see something like this:
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unlod
[ 1] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm_i386. v0.1.58 ini Start Never
[ 2] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.8.1.3 ini Start ANY
2 plugins, 2 running
- Ready to use
If reunion doesn't work, meta list says this: Currently loaded plugins: description stat pend file vers src load unlod [ 1] Reunion fail load reunion_mm_i386. v0.1.65 ini Start Never
Start server with -console +log on +mp_logecho 1
parameters and look through console output. You'll find the reason there.
Click to expand
I configured SteamIdHashSalt as well as in the dproto, but players get a different steamids. Why?
Reunion uses an another hashing algorythm with improved security. Knowing of someones's steamid before enabling SteamIdHashSalt doesn't help to get same id after hashing. -
Is it possible to do something against steamid changers?
No, idchangers generates a correct authorization tickets and it's impossible on serverside identify that steamid was changed. You can only set a SteamIdHashSalt option to prevent a substitution to specific steamid of another player. -
Why some server monitorings can't receive the players list from server?
They use an incorrect query format and must be rewritten using latest PHP-Source-Query script or equivalent. -
In dproto was option Game_Name, but in reunion it has not. How to change the game name?
Use plugin. -
Why has SmartSteamEmu3 support been removed?
To open-source the Reunion project, we had to remove some sensitive components.
This includes theSmartSteamEmu3
emulator's authorization code. Removing it won't significantly affect server online activity since this emulator is rare among non-steam clients.
Build instructions
Checking requirements
There are several software requirements for building reunion:
Visual Studio 2015 (C++14 standard) and later
cmake >= 3.10 GCC >= 4.9.2 (Optional) ICC >= 15.0.1 20141023 (Optional) LLVM (Clang) >= 6.0 (Optional)
Use Visual Studio
to build, open msvc/Reunion.sln
and just select from the solution configurations list Release
or Debug
- Optional options using --compiler=[gcc] --jobs=[N] -D[option]=[ON or OFF]
(without square brackets)
-c=|--compiler=[icc|gcc|clang] - Select preferred C/C++ compiler to build -j=|--jobs=[N] - Specifies the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously (For faster building) Definitions (-D) DEBUG - Enables debugging mode USE_STATIC_LIBSTDC - Enables static linking library libstdc++
./ --compiler=intel
- LLVM (Clang)
./ --compiler=clang
./ --compiler=gcc
Checking build environment (Debian / Ubuntu)
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Installing required packages
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y gcc-multilib g++-multilib sudo apt-get install -y build-essential sudo apt-get install -y libc6-dev libc6-dev-i386
Select the preferred C/C++ Compiler installation
1) sudo apt-get install -y gcc g++ 2) sudo apt-get install -y clang
- @Crock, @Lev, and other people such as @PRoSToTeM@ who participated or helped with the development of DProto
- @theAsmodai for contributions as Reunion project former maintainer
- @dreamstalker for the rehlds project, as well as the contributors involved in this project
- @NordicWarrior for testing and feedback
- @kazakh758 for testing a fix of issue related to the client hanging on connect