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// metamod.h - (main) description of metamod operations
* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Will Day <willday@hpgx.net>
* This file is part of Metamod.
* Metamod is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Metamod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Metamod; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
* link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
* Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version.
#ifndef METAMOD_H
#define METAMOD_H
#include "comp_dep.h"
#include "meta_api.h" // META_RES, etc
#include "mlist.h" // MPluginList, etc
#include "mreg.h" // MRegCmdList, etc
#include "conf_meta.h" // MConfig
#include "osdep.h" // NAME_MAX, etc
#include "types_meta.h" // mBOOL
#include "mplayer.h" // MPlayerList
#include "meta_eiface.h" // HL_enginefuncs_t, meta_enginefuncs_t
#include "engine_t.h" // engine_t, Engine
// file that lists plugins to load at startup
#define PLUGINS_INI "addons/metamod/plugins.ini"
#define OLD_PLUGINS_INI "metamod.ini"
// file that contains commands to metamod plugins at startup
#define EXEC_CFG "addons/metamod/exec.cfg"
#define OLD_EXEC_CFG "metaexec.cfg"
// previously, file that contained path for an override-gamedll
#define OLD_GAMEDLL_TXT "metagame.ini"
// generic config file
#define CONFIG_INI "addons/metamod/config.ini"
// metamod module handle
extern DLHANDLE metamod_handle DLLHIDDEN;
// cvar to contain version
extern cvar_t meta_version DLLHIDDEN;
// Info about the game dll/mod.
typedef struct gamedll_s {
char name[NAME_MAX]; // ie "cstrike" (from gamedir)
const char *desc; // ie "Counter-Strike"
char gamedir[PATH_MAX]; // ie "/home/willday/half-life/cstrike"
char pathname[PATH_MAX]; // ie "/home/willday/half-life/cstrike/dlls/cs_i386.so"
char const *file; // ie "cs_i386.so"
char real_pathname[PATH_MAX]; // in case pathname overridden by bot, etc
DLHANDLE handle;
gamedll_funcs_t funcs; // dllapi_table, newapi_table
} gamedll_t;
extern gamedll_t GameDLL DLLHIDDEN;
// SDK variables for storing engine funcs and globals.
extern HL_enginefuncs_t g_engfuncs DLLHIDDEN;
extern globalvars_t *gpGlobals DLLHIDDEN;
// Our modified version of the engine funcs, to give to plugins.
extern meta_enginefuncs_t g_plugin_engfuncs DLLHIDDEN;
// Config structure.
extern MConfig *Config DLLHIDDEN;
// List of plugins loaded/opened/running.
extern MPluginList *Plugins DLLHIDDEN;
// List of command functions registered by plugins.
extern MRegCmdList *RegCmds DLLHIDDEN;
// List of cvar structures registered by plugins.
extern MRegCvarList *RegCvars DLLHIDDEN;
// List of user messages registered by gamedll.
extern MRegMsgList *RegMsgs DLLHIDDEN;
// Data provided to plugins.
// Separate copies to prevent plugins from modifying "readable" parts.
// See meta_api.h for meta_globals_t structure.
extern meta_globals_t PublicMetaGlobals DLLHIDDEN;
extern meta_globals_t PrivateMetaGlobals DLLHIDDEN;
// hook function tables
extern DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pHookedDllFunctions DLLHIDDEN;
extern NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pHookedNewDllFunctions DLLHIDDEN;
extern int metamod_not_loaded DLLHIDDEN;
// Holds cached player info, right now only things for querying cvars
// Max players is always 32, small enough that we can use a static array
extern MPlayerList g_Players DLLHIDDEN;
extern int requestid_counter DLLHIDDEN;
int DLLINTERNAL metamod_startup(void);
mBOOL DLLINTERNAL meta_init_gamedll(void);
mBOOL DLLINTERNAL meta_load_gamedll(void);
// ===== lotsa macros... ======================================================
// These are the meat of the metamod processing, and are as ugly as (or
// uglier) than they look. This is done via macros, because of the varying
// parameter types (int, void, edict_t*, etc) as well as varying
// function-pointer types and different api tables (dllapi, newapi,
// engine), which just can't be passed to a function. And, since the
// operation is similar for each api call, I didn't want to keep
// duplicating code all over the place. Thus the ugly macros.
// The basic operation is, for each api call:
// - iterate through list of plugins
// - for each plugin, if it provides this api call, then call the
// function in the plugin
// - call the "real" function (in the game dll, or from the engine)
// - for each plugin, check for a "post" version of the function, and call
// if present
// Also, for any api call, each plugin has the opportunity to replace the
// real routine, in two ways:
// - prevent the real routine from being called ("supercede")
// - allow the real routine to be called, but change the value that's
// returned ("override")
// Thus after each plugin is called, its META_RETURN flag is checked, and
// action taken appropriately. Note that supercede/override only affects
// the _real_ routine; other plugins will still be called.
// In addition to the SUPERCEDE and OVERRIDE flags, there are two
// additional flags a plugin can return:
// - HANDLED ("I did something here")
// - IGNORED ("I didn't really do anything")
// These aren't used by metamod itself, but could be used by plugins to
// get an idea if a previous plugin did anything.
// The 5 basic macros are:
// These 5 are actually used to build second level macros for each api type
// (dllapi, newapi, engine), with the CALL_PLUGIN macro being used twice
// (before and after). Altogether, they end up expanding to approx 150
// lines of code for _each_ api call. Ack, ugly indeed.
// However, due to some functions returning 'void', and others returning an
// actual value, I had to have separate macros for the two, since I
// couldn't seem to generalize the two into a form that the compiler would
// accept. Thus there are "_void" versions of the 5 macros; these are
// listed first.
// ===== macros for void-returning functions ==================================
// return (void)
#define RETURN_API_void() \
// ===== macros for type-returning functions ==================================
// return a value
#define RETURN_API(ret_t) \
{return(GET_RET_CLASS(ret_val, ret_t));}
// ===== end macros ===========================================================
// ============================================================================
// Api-hook performance monitoring
// ============================================================================
extern long double total_tsc DLLHIDDEN;
extern unsigned long long count_tsc DLLHIDDEN;
extern unsigned long long active_tsc DLLHIDDEN;
extern unsigned long long min_tsc DLLHIDDEN;
inline unsigned long long DLLINTERNAL GET_TSC(void) {
union { struct { unsigned int eax, edx; } split; unsigned long long full; } tsc;
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc":"=a"(tsc.split.eax), "=d"(tsc.split.edx));
mov tsc.split.eax, eax
mov tsc.split.edx, edx
active_tsc = GET_TSC()
total_tsc += GET_TSC() - active_tsc
active_tsc = GET_TSC()
#define API_END_TSC_TRACKING() { \
unsigned long long run_tsc = GET_TSC() - active_tsc; \
total_tsc += run_tsc; \
count_tsc++; \
if(min_tsc == 0 || run_tsc < min_tsc) \
min_tsc = run_tsc; \
// ===== end ==================================================================
// ===== performance monitor disabled =========================================
// ===== end ==================================================================
#endif /*META_PERFMON*/
#endif /* METAMOD_H */