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// meta_eiface.h - wrapper for engine/dll interface
* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Will Day <willday@hpgx.net>
* This file is part of Metamod.
* Metamod is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Metamod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Metamod; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
* link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
* Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version.
#include <extdll.h> // NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS, enginefuncs_t
#include <string.h> // memset()
#include "comp_dep.h"
#include "osdep.h" //unlikely, OPEN_ARGS
// We use our own versions of the engine/dll interface structs. We add a
// few dummy entries to the end and set them to 0. That way we are
// protected from updates to the HL SDK adding new functions which would
// cause a) the game dll copying arbitrary values from us and b) the game
// dll overwriting our memory when using an old Metamod with a new game
// dll.
const int c_NumDummies = 5;
typedef void (*pdummyfunc)(void);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// meta_new_dll_functions_t
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
struct meta_new_dll_functions_t : public NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS {
// Array of five dummy function pointers. Must be filled with NULL.
pdummyfunc dummies[c_NumDummies];
// functions :
meta_new_dll_functions_t() DLLINTERNAL;
void (*pfnOnFreeEntPrivateData) (edict_t*),
void (*pfnGameShutdown) (void),
int (*pfnShouldCollide) (edict_t*, edict_t*),
void (*pfnCvarValue) (const edict_t*, const char*),
void (*pfnCvarValue2) (const edict_t*, int, const char*, const char*)
meta_new_dll_functions_t( const meta_new_dll_functions_t& ) DLLINTERNAL;
meta_new_dll_functions_t& operator=( const meta_new_dll_functions_t& ) DLLINTERNAL;
// Fill this object with pointers copied from a NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS struct.
void DLLINTERNAL set_from( NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS* pFuncs );
// Copy the pointers from this object to a NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS struct.
void DLLINTERNAL copy_to( NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS* pFuncs );
// return the engine's version of NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS
int DLLINTERNAL version( void );
// data :
// The NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS struct also changed, but the version
// number did not change. That begs the question why to have
// it versioned in the first place, but whaddaya know.
// While the official version is left at 1, we internally
// calculate a different version of the engine's NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS
// struct since we know that the engine lies to us about the
// version that it uses.
// The default version is 1.
// With the enginefuncs interface version 156 the function
// pfnCvarValue() was added, which we call version 2.
// With the enginefuncs interface version 157 the function
// pfnCvarValue2() was added, which we call version 3.
// If Valve ever decides to change the version of the
// NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS interface in the future (haha),
// we are in trouble and will need to change our
// internal versions.
static int sm_version;
// functions :
// Calculates our idea of the engine's version of the
// NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS interface. Stores this version for future
// reference in m_version and returns it.
int determine_interface_version( void );
// Comfort function to determine the size of the NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS
// struct for the different versions.
// If passed a version number other than 0, the size for that
// specific version is returned.
// If passed 0 as version number (default) the size for the version
// that was determined to be the version of the currently connected
// engine's interface. Should that version have not yet been
// determined (via the enginefuncs_t interface), 0 is returned to
// indicated this error state.
size_t get_size( int version = 0 );
// Inline functions
inline meta_new_dll_functions_t::meta_new_dll_functions_t()
memset( this, 0, sizeof(meta_new_dll_functions_t) );
inline meta_new_dll_functions_t::meta_new_dll_functions_t( const meta_new_dll_functions_t& _rhs )
memcpy( this, &_rhs, sizeof(NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS) );
memset( dummies, 0, sizeof(pdummyfunc) * c_NumDummies );
inline meta_new_dll_functions_t& meta_new_dll_functions_t::operator=( const meta_new_dll_functions_t& _rhs)
memcpy( this, &_rhs, sizeof(NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS) );
return *this;
inline void meta_new_dll_functions_t::set_from( NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS* _pFuncs )
memcpy( this, _pFuncs, sizeof(NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS) );
inline int meta_new_dll_functions_t::version( void )
return sm_version ? sm_version : determine_interface_version();
// No meta version of DLL_FUNCTIONS because that won't be changing anymore.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// meta_enginefuncs_t
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
struct meta_enginefuncs_t : public enginefuncs_t {
// data :
// Array of five dummy function pointers. Must be filled with NULL.
pdummyfunc dummies[c_NumDummies];
// functions :
meta_enginefuncs_t() DLLINTERNAL;
// Spawn of the devil
int (*_pfnPrecacheModel) (char*),
int (*_pfnPrecacheSound) (char*),
void (*_pfnSetModel) (edict_t*, const char*),
int (*_pfnModelIndex) (const char*),
int (*_pfnModelFrames) (int),
void (*_pfnSetSize) (edict_t*, const float*, const float*),
void (*_pfnChangeLevel) (char*, char*),
void (*_pfnGetSpawnParms) (edict_t*),
void (*_pfnSaveSpawnParms) (edict_t*),
float (*_pfnVecToYaw) (const float*),
void (*_pfnVecToAngles) (const float*, float*),
void (*_pfnMoveToOrigin) (edict_t*, const float*, float, int),
void (*_pfnChangeYaw) (edict_t*),
void (*_pfnChangePitch) (edict_t*),
edict_t* (*_pfnFindEntityByString) (edict_t*, const char*, const char*),
int (*_pfnGetEntityIllum) (edict_t*),
edict_t* (*_pfnFindEntityInSphere) (edict_t*, const float*, float),
edict_t* (*_pfnFindClientInPVS) (edict_t*),
edict_t* (*_pfnEntitiesInPVS) (edict_t*),
void (*_pfnMakeVectors) (const float*),
void (*_pfnAngleVectors) (const float*, float*, float*, float*),
edict_t* (*_pfnCreateEntity) (void),
void (*_pfnRemoveEntity) (edict_t*),
edict_t* (*_pfnCreateNamedEntity) (int),
void (*_pfnMakeStatic) (edict_t*),
int (*_pfnEntIsOnFloor) (edict_t*),
int (*_pfnDropToFloor) (edict_t*),
int (*_pfnWalkMove) (edict_t*, float, float, int),
void (*_pfnSetOrigin) (edict_t*, const float*),
void (*_pfnEmitSound) (edict_t*, int, const char*, float, float, int, int),
void (*_pfnEmitAmbientSound) (edict_t*, float*, const char*, float, float, int, int),
void (*_pfnTraceLine) (const float*, const float*, int, edict_t*, TraceResult*),
void (*_pfnTraceToss) (edict_t*, edict_t*, TraceResult*),
int (*_pfnTraceMonsterHull) (edict_t*, const float*, const float*, int, edict_t*, TraceResult*),
void (*_pfnTraceHull) (const float*, const float*, int, int, edict_t*, TraceResult*),
void (*_pfnTraceModel) (const float*, const float*, int, edict_t*, TraceResult*),
const char* (*_pfnTraceTexture) (edict_t*, const float*, const float*),
void (*_pfnTraceSphere) (const float*, const float*, int, float, edict_t*, TraceResult*),
void (*_pfnGetAimVector) (edict_t*, float, float*),
void (*_pfnServerCommand) (char*),
void (*_pfnServerExecute) (void),
void (*_pfnClientCommand) (edict_t*, char*, ...),
void (*_pfnParticleEffect) (const float*, const float*, float, float),
void (*_pfnLightStyle) (int, char*),
int (*_pfnDecalIndex) (const char*),
int (*_pfnPointContents) (const float*),
void (*_pfnMessageBegin) (int, int, const float*, edict_t*),
void (*_pfnMessageEnd) (void),
void (*_pfnWriteByte) (int),
void (*_pfnWriteChar) (int),
void (*_pfnWriteShort) (int),
void (*_pfnWriteLong) (int),
void (*_pfnWriteAngle) (float),
void (*_pfnWriteCoord) (float),
void (*_pfnWriteString) (const char*),
void (*_pfnWriteEntity) (int),
void (*_pfnCVarRegister) (cvar_t*),
float (*_pfnCVarGetFloat) (const char*),
const char* (*_pfnCVarGetString) (const char*),
void (*_pfnCVarSetFloat) (const char*, float),
void (*_pfnCVarSetString) (const char*, const char*),
void (*_pfnAlertMessage) (ALERT_TYPE, char*, ...),
void (*_pfnEngineFprintf) (void*, char*, ...),
void* (*_pfnPvAllocEntPrivateData) (edict_t*, int32),
void* (*_pfnPvEntPrivateData) (edict_t*),
void (*_pfnFreeEntPrivateData) (edict_t*),
const char* (*_pfnSzFromIndex) (int),
int (*_pfnAllocString) (const char*),
struct entvars_s*(*_pfnGetVarsOfEnt) (edict_t*),
edict_t* (*_pfnPEntityOfEntOffset) (int),
int (*_pfnEntOffsetOfPEntity) (const edict_t*),
int (*_pfnIndexOfEdict) (const edict_t*),
edict_t* (*_pfnPEntityOfEntIndex) (int),
edict_t* (*_pfnFindEntityByVars) (struct entvars_s*),
void* (*_pfnGetModelPtr) (edict_t*),
int (*_pfnRegUserMsg) (const char*, int),
void (*_pfnAnimationAutomove) (const edict_t*, float),
void (*_pfnGetBonePosition) (const edict_t*, int, float*, float* ),
uint32 (*_pfnFunctionFromName) (const char*),
const char* (*_pfnNameForFunction) (uint32),
void (*_pfnClientPrintf) (edict_t*, PRINT_TYPE, const char*),
void (*_pfnServerPrint) (const char*),
const char* (*_pfnCmd_Args) (void),
const char* (*_pfnCmd_Argv) (int argc),
int (*_pfnCmd_Argc) (void),
void (*_pfnGetAttachment) (const edict_t*, int, float*, float*),
void (*_pfnCRC32_Init) (CRC32_t*),
void (*_pfnCRC32_ProcessBuffer) (CRC32_t*, void*, int),
void (*_pfnCRC32_ProcessByte) (CRC32_t*, unsigned char),
CRC32_t (*_pfnCRC32_Final) (CRC32_t),
int32 (*_pfnRandomLong) (int32, int32),
float (*_pfnRandomFloat) (float, float),
void (*_pfnSetView) (const edict_t*, const edict_t*),
float (*_pfnTime) (void),
void (*_pfnCrosshairAngle) (const edict_t*, float, float),
byte* (*_pfnLoadFileForMe) (char*, int*),
void (*_pfnFreeFile) (void*),
void (*_pfnEndSection) (const char*),
int (*_pfnCompareFileTime) (char*, char*, int*),
void (*_pfnGetGameDir) (char*),
void (*_pfnCvar_RegisterVariable) (cvar_t*),
void (*_pfnFadeClientVolume) (const edict_t*, int, int, int, int),
void (*_pfnSetClientMaxspeed) (const edict_t*, float),
edict_t* (*_pfnCreateFakeClient) (const char*),
void (*_pfnRunPlayerMove) (edict_t*, const float*, float, float, float, unsigned short, byte, byte),
int (*_pfnNumberOfEntities) (void),
char* (*_pfnGetInfoKeyBuffer) (edict_t*),
char* (*_pfnInfoKeyValue) (char*, char*),
void (*_pfnSetKeyValue) (char*, char*, char*),
void (*_pfnSetClientKeyValue) (int, char*, char*, char*),
int (*_pfnIsMapValid) (char*),
void (*_pfnStaticDecal) (const float*, int, int, int),
int (*_pfnPrecacheGeneric) (char*),
int (*_pfnGetPlayerUserId) (edict_t*),
void (*_pfnBuildSoundMsg) (edict_t*, int, const char*, float, float, int, int, int, int, const float*, edict_t*),
int (*_pfnIsDedicatedServer) (void),
cvar_t* (*_pfnCVarGetPointer) (const char*),
unsigned int (*_pfnGetPlayerWONId) (edict_t*),
void (*_pfnInfo_RemoveKey) (char*, const char*),
const char* (*_pfnGetPhysicsKeyValue) (const edict_t*, const char*),
void (*_pfnSetPhysicsKeyValue) (const edict_t*, const char*, const char*),
const char* (*_pfnGetPhysicsInfoString) (const edict_t*),
unsigned short (*_pfnPrecacheEvent) (int, const char*),
void (*_pfnPlaybackEvent) (int, const edict_t*, unsigned short, float, float*, float*, float, float, int, int, int, int),
unsigned char* (*_pfnSetFatPVS) (float*),
unsigned char* (*_pfnSetFatPAS) (float*),
int (*_pfnCheckVisibility) (const edict_t*, unsigned char*),
void (*_pfnDeltaSetField) (struct delta_s*, const char*),
void (*_pfnDeltaUnsetField) (struct delta_s*, const char*),
void (*_pfnDeltaAddEncoder) (char*, void (*)(struct delta_s*, const unsigned char*, const unsigned char*)),
int (*_pfnGetCurrentPlayer) (void),
int (*_pfnCanSkipPlayer) (const edict_t*),
int (*_pfnDeltaFindField) (struct delta_s*, const char*),
void (*_pfnDeltaSetFieldByIndex) (struct delta_s*, int),
void (*_pfnDeltaUnsetFieldByIndex) (struct delta_s*, int),
void (*_pfnSetGroupMask) (int, int),
int (*_pfnCreateInstancedBaseline) (int, struct entity_state_s*),
void (*_pfnCvar_DirectSet) (struct cvar_s*, char*),
void (*_pfnForceUnmodified) (FORCE_TYPE, float*, float*, const char*),
void (*_pfnGetPlayerStats) (const edict_t*, int*, int*),
void (*_pfnAddServerCommand) (char*, void (*) (void)),
qboolean (*_pfnVoice_GetClientListening) (int, int),
qboolean (*_pfnVoice_SetClientListening) (int, int, qboolean),
const char* (*_pfnGetPlayerAuthId) (edict_t*),
sequenceEntry_s* (*_pfnSequenceGet) (const char*, const char*),
sentenceEntry_s* (*_pfnSequencePickSentence) (const char*, int, int*),
int (*_pfnGetFileSize) (char*),
unsigned int (*_pfnGetApproxWavePlayLen) (const char*),
int (*_pfnIsCareerMatch) (void),
int (*_pfnGetLocalizedStringLength) (const char*),
void (*_pfnRegisterTutorMessageShown) (int),
int (*_pfnGetTimesTutorMessageShown) (int),
void (*_pfnProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer) (int*, int),
void (*_pfnConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer)(int*, int),
void (*_pfnResetTutorMessageDecayData) (void),
void (*_pfnQueryClientCvarValue) (const edict_t*, const char*),
void (*_pfnQueryClientCvarValue2) (const edict_t*, const char*, int)
meta_enginefuncs_t( const meta_enginefuncs_t& ) DLLINTERNAL;
meta_enginefuncs_t& operator=( const meta_enginefuncs_t& ) DLLINTERNAL;
// Fill this object with pointers copied from an enginefuncs_t struct.
void DLLINTERNAL set_from( enginefuncs_t *pFuncs );
// Copy the pointers from this object to an enginefuncs_t struct.
void DLLINTERNAL copy_to( enginefuncs_t *pFuncs );
// return the engine interface version
static int DLLINTERNAL version( void );
// data :
// The version of the engine functions interface. It is frozen at 138. But no one knows
// when that was and what it looked like then. So we simply interprete it as the
// number of functions that the enginefuncs struct contains.
// That means we get gaps inbetween versions and right now we can detect only
// about five different versions anyway, but that suffices for the current itches
// to get scratched.
// The default is hence 138.
// A value of 0 means "not yet determined".
// Other possible versions currently detectable:
// 144: engine versions after build 1996
// 147: engine versions after build 2384 with pfnGetFileSize()
// 155: all versions between build 2384 and the one
// including pfnQueryClientCvarValue()
// 156: includes pfnQueryClientCvarValue()
// 157: includes pfnQueryClientCvarValue2()
static int sm_version DLLHIDDEN;
// Inline functions
inline meta_enginefuncs_t::meta_enginefuncs_t()
memset( this, 0, sizeof(meta_enginefuncs_t) );
inline meta_enginefuncs_t::meta_enginefuncs_t( const meta_enginefuncs_t& _rhs )
memcpy( this, &_rhs, sizeof(enginefuncs_t) );
memset( dummies, 0, sizeof(pdummyfunc) * c_NumDummies );
inline meta_enginefuncs_t& meta_enginefuncs_t::operator=( const meta_enginefuncs_t& _rhs)
memcpy( this, &_rhs, sizeof(enginefuncs_t) );
return *this;
inline void meta_enginefuncs_t::set_from( enginefuncs_t* _pFuncs )
memcpy( this, _pFuncs, sizeof(enginefuncs_t) );
inline void meta_enginefuncs_t::copy_to( enginefuncs_t* _pFuncs )
memcpy( _pFuncs, this, sizeof(enginefuncs_t) );
inline int meta_enginefuncs_t::version( void )
return sm_version;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// HL_enginefuncs_t
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a specialisation of the meta_enginefuncs_t struct which is only
// used for the initial copy of the engine functions, i.e. those we get
// passed from the HL engine right at the beginning.
// This specialisation does some extra initialisation when getting set up
// like calculating the engine interface version and fixing up any invalid
// pointers.
// Since there is only one master copy of engine functions this could be
// implemented as a singleton. This is left as an option for later.
struct HL_enginefuncs_t : public meta_enginefuncs_t {
// functions :
HL_enginefuncs_t() DLLINTERNAL;
// Fill this object with pointers copied from an enginefuncs_t struct
// and fixup the interface.
// For this class this happens in the GiveFptrsToDll() function
// with the pointers passed from the HL engine.
void initialise_interface( enginefuncs_t *pFuncs ) DLLINTERNAL;
// functions :
// Moving copy_to() and set_from() to the private space.
void DLLINTERNAL set_from( enginefuncs_t *pFuncs ) { meta_enginefuncs_t::set_from( pFuncs ); };
void DLLINTERNAL copy_to( enginefuncs_t *pFuncs ) { meta_enginefuncs_t::copy_to( pFuncs ); };
// Determine the version of the engine interface from the
// enginefuncs signature.
void DLLINTERNAL determine_engine_interface_version( void );
// Fixup the enginefuncs pointers according to the determined
// version as some pointers may be invalid.
void DLLINTERNAL fixup_engine_interface( void );
inline HL_enginefuncs_t :: HL_enginefuncs_t() : meta_enginefuncs_t() { };
#endif /* META_EIFACE_H */