mirror of https://github.com/rehlds/metamod-r.git synced 2025-02-21 19:11:18 +03:00
2017-06-26 23:38:39 +03:00

210 lines
4.9 KiB

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#define TRI_COLLIDEWORLD 0x00000020
#define TRI_COLLIDEALL 0x00001000 // will collide with world and slideboxes
#define TRI_COLLIDEKILL 0x00004000 // tent is removed upon collision with anything
#define TRI_SPIRAL 0x00008000
#define TRI_ANIMATEDIE 0x00016000 //animate once and then die
#define TRI_WATERTRACE 0x00032000
#define CULL_FRUSTUM_POINT ( 1 << 0 )
#define CULL_FRUSTUM_SPHERE ( 1 << 1 )
#define CULL_FRUSTUM_PLANE ( 1 << 2 )
#define CULL_PVS ( 1 << 3 )
#define LIGHT_NONE ( 1 << 4 )
#define LIGHT_COLOR ( 1 << 5 )
#define LIGHT_INTENSITY ( 1 << 6 )
#define RENDER_FACEPLAYER ( 1 << 7 ) // m_vAngles == Player view angles
#define RENDER_FACEPLAYER_ROTATEZ ( 1 << 8 ) //Just like above but m_vAngles.z is untouched so the sprite can rotate.
#include "pman_particlemem.h"
//pure virtual baseclass
class CCoreTriangleEffect
int m_iRenderFlags;
float m_flNextPVSCheck;
bool m_bInPVS;
int m_iCollisionFlags;
float m_flPlayerDistance; //Used for sorting the particles, DO NOT TOUCH.
void * operator new(size_t size)
// Requested size should match size of class.
if ( size != sizeof( CCoreTriangleEffect ) )
#ifdef _WIN32
throw "Error in requested size of new particle class instance.";
return NULL;
return((CCoreTriangleEffect *) CMiniMem::Instance()->newBlock());
}//this asks for a new block of memory from the MiniMen class
virtual void Think( float time ) = 0;
virtual bool CheckVisibility ( void ) = 0;
virtual void Draw( void ) = 0;
virtual void Animate( float time ) = 0;
virtual void AnimateAndDie( float time ) = 0;
virtual void Expand( float time ) = 0;
virtual void Contract( float time ) = 0;
virtual void Fade( float time ) = 0;
virtual void Spin( float time ) = 0;
virtual void CalculateVelocity( float time ) = 0;
virtual void CheckCollision( float time ) = 0;
virtual void Touch(Vector pos, Vector normal, int index) = 0;
virtual void Die ( void ) = 0;
virtual void InitializeSprite( Vector org, Vector normal, model_s * sprite, float size, float brightness ) = 0;
virtual void Force ( void ) = 0;
float m_flSize; //scale of object
float m_flScaleSpeed; //speed at which object expands
float m_flContractSpeed; //speed at which object expands
float m_flStretchX;
float m_flStretchY;
float m_flBrightness; //transparency of object
float m_flFadeSpeed; //speed at which object fades
float m_flTimeCreated; //time object was instanced
float m_flDieTime; //time to remove an object
float m_flGravity; //how effected by gravity is this object
float m_flAfterDampGrav;
float m_flDampingVelocity;
float m_flDampingTime;
int m_iFramerate;
int m_iNumFrames;
int m_iFrame;
int m_iRendermode;
Vector m_vOrigin; //object's position
Vector m_vAngles; //normal angles of object
Vector m_vAVelocity;
Vector m_vVelocity;
Vector m_vLowLeft;
Vector m_vLowRight;
Vector m_vTopLeft;
Vector m_vColor;
float m_flMass;
model_s * m_pTexture;
float m_flBounceFactor;
char m_szClassname[32];
bool m_bInWater;
bool m_bAffectedByForce;
int m_iAfterDampFlags;
void SetLightFlag ( int iFlag )
m_iRenderFlags |= iFlag;
void SetCullFlag( int iFlag )
m_iRenderFlags |= iFlag;
int GetRenderFlags( void )
return m_iRenderFlags;
bool GetParticlePVS ( void )
return m_bInPVS;
void SetParticlePVS ( bool bPVSStat )
m_bInPVS = bPVSStat;
float GetNextPVSCheck( void )
return m_flNextPVSCheck;
void SetNextPVSCheck( float flTime )
m_flNextPVSCheck = flTime;
void SetCollisionFlags ( int iFlag )
m_iCollisionFlags |= iFlag;
void ClearCollisionFlags ( int iFlag )
m_iCollisionFlags &= ~iFlag;
int GetCollisionFlags ( void )
return m_iCollisionFlags;
void SetRenderFlag( int iFlag )
m_iRenderFlags |= iFlag;
float GetPlayerDistance ( void ) { return m_flPlayerDistance; }
void SetPlayerDistance ( float flDistance ) { m_flPlayerDistance = flDistance; }
float m_flOriginalSize;
Vector m_vOriginalAngles;
float m_flOriginalBrightness;
Vector m_vPrevOrigin;
float m_flNextCollisionTime;
static bool CheckSize(int size)
// This check will help prevent a class frome being defined later,
// that is larger than the max size MemoryPool is expecting,
// from being successfully allocated.
if (size > (unsigned long) CMiniMem::Instance()->MaxBlockSize())
#ifdef _WIN32
throw "New particle class is larger than memory pool max size, update lMaxParticleClassSize() function.";