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#if defined _reapi_engine_included
#define _reapi_engine_included
#include <reapi_engine_const>
* Sets entvars data for an entity.
* Use the var_* EntVars enum
native set_entvar(const index, const EntVars:var, any:...);
* Returns entvar data from an entity.
* Use the var_* EntVars enum
native any:get_entvar(const index, const EntVars:var, any:...);
* Sets usercmd data.
* Use the ucmd_* UCmd enum
native set_ucmd(const ucmd, const UCmd:var, any:...);
* Returns entvar data from an entity.
* Use the ucmd_* UCmd enum
native any:get_ucmd(const ucmd, const UCmd:var, any:...);
* Gets value for key in buffer
* @param pbuffer Pointer to buffer
* @param key Key string
* @param value Buffer to copy value to
* @param maxlen Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients or
* the client is not connected, an error will be thrown.
native get_key_value(const pbuffer, const key[], const value[], const maxlen);
* Sets value for key in buffer
* @param pbuffer Pointer to buffer
* @param key Key string
* @param value Value to set
* @noreturn
native set_key_value(const pbuffer, const key[], const value[]);
* Gets the position of the bone
* @param entity Entity index
* @param bone Number of the bone
* @param vecOrigin Array to store origin in
* @param vecAngles Array to store angles in
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to maxEntities or
* the entity is not valid, an error will be thrown.
native GetBonePosition(const entity, const bone, Float:vecOrigin[3], Float:vecAngles[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
* Gets the position of the attachment
* @param entity Entity index
* @param attachment Number of the attachment
* @param vecOrigin Array to store origin in
* @param vecAngles Array to store angles in
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to maxEntities or
* the entity is not valid, an error will be thrown.
native GetAttachment(const entity, const attachment, Float:vecOrigin[3], Float:vecAngles[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
* Sets the name of the map.
* @param mapname New map name.
* @noreturn
native rh_set_mapname(const mapname[]);
* Gets the name of the map.
* @param output Buffer to copy map name to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @param type MNT_SET will return the name of the current map
* MNT_TRUE will return the original map name independant of the name set with via rh_set_mapname
* @noreturn
native rh_get_mapname(output[], len, MapNameType:type = MNT_SET);
* Reverts back the original map name.
* @noreturn
native rh_reset_mapname();
* Emits a sound from an entity from the engine.
* @param entity Entity index or use 0 to emit from worldspawn at the specified position
* @param recipient Recipient index or use 0 to make all clients hear it
* @param channel Channel to emit from
* @param sample Sound file to emit
* @param vol Volume in percents
* @param attn Sound attenuation
* @param flags Emit flags
* @param pitch Sound pitch
* @param emitFlags Additional Emit2 flags, look at the defines like SND_EMIT2_*
* @param origin Specify origin and only on "param" entity worldspawn that is 0
* @return true if the emission was successfull, false otherwise
native bool:rh_emit_sound2(const entity, const recipient, const channel, const sample[], Float:vol = VOL_NORM, Float:attn = ATTN_NORM, const flags = 0, const pitch = PITCH_NORM, emitFlags = 0, const Float:origin[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0});
* Forces an userinfo update.
* @param playerEntIndex Player entity index (starts from 1)
* @noreturn
native rh_update_user_info(playerEntIndex);