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#if defined _reapi_engine_included
#define _reapi_engine_included
#include <reapi_engine_const>
* Sets entvars data for an entity.
* Use the var_* EntVars enum
native set_entvar(const index, const EntVars:var, any:...);
* Returns entvar data from an entity.
* Use the var_* EntVars enum
native any:get_entvar(const index, const EntVars:var, any:...);
* Sets usercmd data.
* Use the ucmd_* UCmd enum
native set_ucmd(const ucmd, const UCmd:var, any:...);
* Returns usercmd data from an entity.
* Use the ucmd_* UCmd enum
native any:get_ucmd(const ucmd, const UCmd:var, any:...);
* Sets a NetAdr var.
* @param var The specified mvar, look at the enum NetAdrVars
* @return 1 on success.
native set_netadr(const adr, const NetAdrVars:var, any:...);
* Returns a NetAdr var
* @param var The specified mvar, look at the enum NetAdrVars
* @return If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via the 3rd argument and more, look at the argument list for the specified mvar
native any:get_netadr(const adr, const NetAdrVars:var, any:...);
* Gets value for key in buffer
* @param pbuffer Pointer to buffer
* @param key Key string
* @param value Buffer to copy value to
* @param maxlen Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
* @error If invalid buffer handler provided, an error will be thrown.
native get_key_value(const pbuffer, const key[], const value[], const maxlen);
* Sets value for key in buffer
* @param pbuffer Pointer to buffer
* @param key Key string
* @param value Value to set
* @noreturn
* @error If invalid buffer handler provided, an error will be thrown.
native set_key_value(const pbuffer, const key[], const value[]);
* Gets an AMXX string buffer from a infobuffer pointer
* @param buffer Info string pointer
* @param value String to copy value to
* @param maxlen Maximum size of the output buffer
* @return Returns a string buffer on infobuffer pointer
native get_key_value_buffer(const pbuffer, const output[], const maxlen);
* Sets value string to entire buffer
* @param buffer Pointer to buffer
* @param value Value to set
* @param maxlen Maximum size of the value buffer to set, -1 means copy all characters
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
native set_key_value_buffer(const pbuffer, const value[], const maxlen = -1);
* Gets the position of the bone
* @param entity Entity index
* @param bone Number of the bone
* @param vecOrigin Array to store origin in
* @param vecAngles Array to store angles in
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to maxEntities or
* the entity is not valid, an error will be thrown.
native GetBonePosition(const entity, const bone, Float:vecOrigin[3], Float:vecAngles[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
* Gets the position of the attachment
* @param entity Entity index
* @param attachment Number of the attachment
* @param vecOrigin Array to store origin in
* @param vecAngles Array to store angles in
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to maxEntities or
* the entity is not valid, an error will be thrown.
native GetAttachment(const entity, const attachment, Float:vecOrigin[3], Float:vecAngles[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
* Sets body group value based on entity's model group
* @param entity Entity index
* @param group Number of entity's model group index
* @param value Value to assign
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to maxEntities or
* the entity is not valid, an error will be thrown.
native SetBodygroup(const entity, const group, const value);
* Gets body group value based on entity's model group
* @param entity Entity index
* @param group Number of entity's model group index
* @return Body group value
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to maxEntities or
* the entity is not valid, an error will be thrown.
native GetBodygroup(const entity, const group);
* Gets sequence information based on entity's model current sequence index
* @param entity Entity index
* @param piFlags Sequence flags (1 = sequence loops)
* @param pflFrameRate Sequence framerate
* @param pflGroundSpeed Sequence ground speed
* @return True on success, false otherwise
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to maxEntities or
* the entity is not valid, an error will be thrown.
native bool:GetSequenceInfo(const entity, &piFlags, &Float:pflFrameRate, &Float:pflGroundSpeed);
* Test visibility of an entity from a given origin using either PVS or PAS
* @param entity Entity index
* @param origin Vector representing the origin from which visibility is checked
* @param type Type of visibility check: VisibilityInPVS (Potentially Visible Set) or VisibilityInPAS (Potentially Audible Set)
* @return 0 - Not visible
* 1 - Visible, passed by a leafnum
* 2 - Visible, passed by a headnode
* @remarks This function checks the visibility of the specified entity from the given origin, using either
* the Potentially Visible Set (PVS) or the Potentially Audible Set (PAS) depending on the provided type
native CheckVisibilityInOrigin(const ent, Float:origin[3], CheckVisibilityType:type = VisibilityInPVS);
* Sets the name of the map.
* @param mapname New map name.
* @noreturn
native rh_set_mapname(const mapname[]);
* Gets the name of the map.
* @param output Buffer to copy map name to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @param type MNT_SET will return the name of the current map
* MNT_TRUE will return the original map name independant of the name set with via rh_set_mapname
* @noreturn
native rh_get_mapname(output[], len, MapNameType:type = MNT_SET);
* Reverts back the original map name.
* @noreturn
native rh_reset_mapname();
* Emits a sound from an entity from the engine.
* @param entity Entity index or use 0 to emit from worldspawn at the specified position
* @param recipient Recipient index or use 0 to make all clients hear it
* @param channel Channel to emit from
* @param sample Sound file to emit
* @param vol Volume in percents
* @param attn Sound attenuation
* @param flags Emit flags
* @param pitch Sound pitch
* @param emitFlags Additional Emit2 flags, look at the defines like SND_EMIT2_*
* @param origin Specify origin and only on "param" entity worldspawn that is 0
* @return true if the emission was successfull, false otherwise
native bool:rh_emit_sound2(const entity, const recipient, const channel, const sample[], Float:vol = VOL_NORM, Float:attn = ATTN_NORM, const flags = 0, const pitch = PITCH_NORM, emitFlags = 0, const Float:origin[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0});
* Forces an userinfo update.
* @param playerEntIndex Player entity index (starts from 1)
* @noreturn
native rh_update_user_info(playerEntIndex);
* Kicks a client from server with message
* @param index Client index
* @param message Message that will be sent to client when it is deleted from server
* @noreturn
native rh_drop_client(const index, const message[] = "");
* -
* @param output Buffer to copy the ip address
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @noreturn
native rh_get_net_from(output[], len);
* Returns client's netchan playing time in seconds.
* @param index Client index
* @return Netchan connection time in seconds or 0 if client index is invalid or client is not connected
native rh_get_client_connect_time(const index);
enum MessageHook
* Registers a callback function to be called when a game message with the specified ID is received.
* @param msg_id The ID of the message to register the callback for.
* @param callback The name of the callback function.
* @param post Whether the callback should be invoked before or after processing the message. (optional)
* @note You can modify the message content using SetMessageParam native before the original function is invoked.
* Also can reading the message content using GetMessageParam native.
* In the callback function, use the return values from Hookchain return types, such as HC_CONTINUE, HC_SUPERCEDE, etc.
* to control the flow of message processing.
* @return Returns a handle to the registered message hook.
native MessageHook:RegisterMessage(const msg_id, const callback[], post = 0);
* Unregisters a game message hook identified by the specified handle.
* @param handle The handle of the message hook to unregister.
* @return Returns true if the message hook is successfully unregistered, otherwise false.
native bool:UnregisterMessage(const MessageHook:handle);
* Enables a game message hook identified by the specified handle.
* @param handle The handle of the message hook to enable.
* @return Returns true if the message hook is successfully enabled, otherwise false.
native bool:EnableHookMessage(const MessageHook:handle);
* Disables a game message hook identified by the specified handle.
* @param handle The handle of the message hook to disable.
* @return Returns true if the message hook is successfully disabled, otherwise false.
native bool:DisableHookMessage(const MessageHook:handle);
* Sets the parameter value for the specified index in the current game message.
* @param index The index of the parameter to set.
* @param value The value to set for the parameter.
* @return Returns true if the parameter value is successfully set, otherwise false.
native bool:SetMessageParam(const number, any:...);
* Retrieves the parameter value for the specified index in the current game message.
* @param index The index of the parameter to retrieve.
* @param ... Additional parameters depending on the type of the parameter being retrieved.
* @return Returns the retrieved parameter value.
native any:GetMessageParam(const number, any:...);
* Retrieves the type of the parameter at the specified index in the current game message.
* @param index The index of the parameter to retrieve the type for.
* @return Returns the type of the parameter, look at the enum MsgParamType
native MsgParamType:GetMessageParamType(const number);
* Retrieves the number of parameters in the current game message.
* @return Returns the number of parameters in the current game message.
native GetMessageParamCount();
* Retrieves the origin of the current game message.
* @param origin An array to store the origin coordinates of the game message.
* @return Returns true if the origin is successfully retrieved, otherwise false.
native bool:GetMessageOrigin(Float:origin[3]);
* Retrieves the destination of the current message.
* @return Returns the destination of the current message.
native GetMessageDest();
* Sets the block type for the specified message ID.
* @param msgid The ID of the message to set the block type for.
* @param type The type of block to set for the message, look at the enum MsgBlockType
* @return Returns true if the block type is successfully set, otherwise false.
native bool:SetMessageBlock(const msgid, MsgBlockType:type);
* Retrieves the block type for the specified message ID.
* @param msgid The ID of the message to retrieve the block type for.
* @return Returns the block type of the specified message, look at the enum MsgBlockType
native MsgBlockType:GetMessageBlock(const msgid);