mirror of https://github.com/rehlds/rehlds.git synced 2025-03-13 05:50:20 +03:00

Implemented new function SV_EmitSound2 for 3-rd things and hook. (#213)

Added direct call for functions SV_EmitSound2 and SV_StartSound
Added cvar sv_rcon_condebug 0/1
This commit is contained in:
s1lentq 2016-06-06 15:05:20 +03:00 committed by asmodai
parent caf2960504
commit 762923fbc3
7 changed files with 128 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ Bugfixed version of rehlds contains an additional cvars:
<li>sv_auto_precache_sounds_in_models <1|0> // Automatically precache sounds attached to models. Deault: 0
<li>sv_delayed_spray_upload <1|0> // Upload custom sprays after entering the game instead of when connecting. It increases upload speed. Default: 0
<li>sv_echo_unknown_cmd <1|0> // Echo in the console when trying execute an uncknown command. Default: 0
<li>sv_rcon_condebug <1|0> // Print rcon debug in the console. Default: 1
<li>sv_force_ent_intersection <1|0> // In a 3-rd party plugins used to force colliding of SOLID_SLIDEBOX entities. Default: 0
<li>sv_rehlds_force_dlmax <1|0> // Force a client's cl_dlmax cvar to 1024. It avoids an excessive packets fragmentation. Default: 0
<li>sv_rehlds_hull_centering <1|0> // Use center of hull instead of corner. Default: 0
<li>sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_max_avg // Max average level of 'move' cmds for ban. Default: 400
<li>sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_max_burst // Max burst level of 'move' cmds for ban. Default: 2500
<li>sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_max_avg // Max average level of 'string' cmds for ban. Default: 80

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@ -71,6 +71,9 @@
#define FL_KILLME (1<<30) // This entity is marked for death -- This allows the engine to kill ents at the appropriate time
#define FL_DORMANT (1<<31) // Entity is dormant, no updates to client
// SV_EmitSound2 flags
#define SND_EMIT2_NOPAS (1<<0) // never to do check PAS
#define SND_EMIT2_INVOKER (1<<1) // do not send to the client invoker
// Engine edict->spawnflags
#define SF_NOTINDEATHMATCH 0x0800 // Do not spawn when deathmatch and loading entities from a file

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@ -544,6 +544,7 @@ extern cvar_t sv_auto_precache_sounds_in_models;
extern cvar_t sv_delayed_spray_upload;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_force_dlmax;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_hull_centering;
extern cvar_t sv_rcon_condebug;
extern int sv_playermodel;

View File

@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ cvar_t sv_delayed_spray_upload = { "sv_delayed_spray_upload", "0", 0, 0.0f, null
cvar_t sv_rehlds_force_dlmax = { "sv_rehlds_force_dlmax", "0", 0, 0.0f, nullptr };
cvar_t listipcfgfile = { "listipcfgfile", "listip.cfg", 0, 0.0f, nullptr };
cvar_t sv_rehlds_hull_centering = { "sv_rehlds_hull_centering", "0", 0, 0.0f, nullptr };
cvar_t sv_rcon_condebug = { "sv_rcon_condebug", "1", 0, 1.0f, nullptr };
/* <a6492> ../engine/sv_main.c:113 */
@ -3386,7 +3387,11 @@ int SV_Rcon_Validate(void)
if (SV_CheckRconFailure(&net_from))
Con_Printf("Banning %s for rcon hacking attempts\n", NET_AdrToString(net_from));
if (sv_rcon_condebug.value > 0.0f)
Con_Printf("Banning %s for rcon hacking attempts\n", NET_AdrToString(net_from));
Cbuf_AddText(va("addip %i %s\n", (int)sv_rcon_banpenalty.value, NET_BaseAdrToString(net_from)));
return 3;
@ -3415,19 +3420,29 @@ void SV_Rcon(netadr_t *net_from_)
Q_memcpy(remaining, &net_message.data[Q_strlen("rcon")], len);
remaining[len] = 0;
if (invalid)
bool bConDebug = true;
bool bConDebug = (sv_rcon_condebug.value > 0.0f);
if (bConDebug)
Con_Printf("Bad Rcon from %s:\n%s\n", NET_AdrToString(*net_from_), remaining);
Log_Printf("Bad Rcon: \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", remaining, NET_AdrToString(*net_from_));
Con_Printf("Rcon from %s:\n%s\n", NET_AdrToString(*net_from_), remaining);
Log_Printf("Rcon: \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", remaining, NET_AdrToString(*net_from_));
if (invalid)
Con_Printf("Bad Rcon from %s:\n%s\n", NET_AdrToString(*net_from_), remaining);
Log_Printf("Bad Rcon: \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", remaining, NET_AdrToString(*net_from_));
Con_Printf("Rcon from %s:\n%s\n", NET_AdrToString(*net_from_), remaining);
Log_Printf("Rcon: \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", remaining, NET_AdrToString(*net_from_));
SV_BeginRedirect(RD_PACKET, net_from_);
if (invalid)
if (bConDebug && invalid)
if (invalid == 2)
Con_Printf("Bad rcon_password.\n");
@ -3442,7 +3457,8 @@ void SV_Rcon(netadr_t *net_from_)
char *data = COM_Parse(COM_Parse(COM_Parse(remaining)));
if (!data)
Con_Printf("Empty rcon\n");
if (bConDebug)
Con_Printf("Empty rcon\n");
//missing SV_EndRedirect()
@ -7787,6 +7803,7 @@ void SV_Init(void)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MODELS; i++)

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@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ typedef IVoidHookChain<struct cvar_s *, const char *> IRehldsHook_Cvar_DirectSet
typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<struct cvar_s *, const char *> IRehldsHookRegistry_Cvar_DirectSet;
//SV_EstablishTimeBase hook
typedef IVoidHookChain<IGameClient *, usercmd_t *, int, int, int> IRehldsHook_SV_EstablishTimeBase;
typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<IGameClient *, usercmd_t *, int, int, int> IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EstablishTimeBase;
typedef IVoidHookChain<IGameClient *, struct usercmd_s *, int, int, int> IRehldsHook_SV_EstablishTimeBase;
typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<IGameClient *, struct usercmd_s *, int, int, int> IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EstablishTimeBase;
//SV_Spawn_f hook
typedef IVoidHookChain<> IRehldsHook_SV_Spawn_f;
@ -185,6 +185,10 @@ typedef IVoidHookChainRegistry<> IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_Spawn_f;
typedef IHookChain<int, enum sv_delta_s, IGameClient *, struct packet_entities_s *, struct sizebuf_s *> IRehldsHook_SV_CreatePacketEntities;
typedef IHookChainRegistry<int, enum sv_delta_s, IGameClient *, struct packet_entities_s *, struct sizebuf_s *> IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_CreatePacketEntities;
//SV_EmitSound2 hook
typedef IHookChain<bool, edict_t *, IGameClient *, int, const char*, float, float, int, int, int, const float*> IRehldsHook_SV_EmitSound2;
typedef IHookChainRegistry<bool, edict_t *, IGameClient *, int, const char*, float, float, int, int, int, const float*> IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EmitSound2;
class IRehldsHookchains {
virtual ~IRehldsHookchains() { }
@ -226,6 +230,7 @@ public:
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EstablishTimeBase* SV_EstablishTimeBase() = 0;
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_Spawn_f* SV_Spawn_f() = 0;
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_CreatePacketEntities* SV_CreatePacketEntities() = 0;
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EmitSound2* SV_EmitSound2() = 0;
struct RehldsFuncs_t {
@ -273,6 +278,8 @@ struct RehldsFuncs_t {
qboolean(*SV_FileInConsistencyList)(const char *filename, struct consistency_s **ppconsist);
qboolean(*Steam_NotifyClientConnect)(IGameClient *cl, const void *pvSteam2Key, unsigned int ucbSteam2Key);
void(*Steam_NotifyClientDisconnect)(IGameClient* cl);
void(*SV_StartSound)(int recipients, edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, int volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch);
bool(*SV_EmitSound2)(edict_t *entity, IGameClient *receiver, int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch, int emitFlags, const float *pOrigin);
class IRehldsApi {

View File

@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ cvar_t* EXT_FUNC GetCvarVars_api() {
return cvar_vars;
void EXT_FUNC SV_StartSound_api(int recipients, edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, int volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch) {
SV_StartSound(recipients, entity, channel, sample, volume, attenuation, flags, pitch);
void* EXT_FUNC Rehlds_GetPluginApi(const char *name) {
auto api = FindPluginApiByName(name);
return api ? api->impl : NULL;
@ -194,9 +198,76 @@ RehldsFuncs_t g_RehldsApiFuncs =
bool EXT_FUNC SV_EmitSound2_internal(edict_t *entity, IGameClient *pReceiver, int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch, int emitFlags, const float *pOrigin)
bool bSendPAS = (channel != CHAN_STATIC && !(flags & SND_FL_STOP) && !(emitFlags & SND_EMIT2_NOPAS));
vec3_t origin = {0, 0, 0};
if (entity && entity != g_psv.edicts)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
origin[i] = (entity->v.maxs[i] + entity->v.mins[i]) * 0.5f + entity->v.origin[i];
// only worldspawn
else if (pOrigin != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
origin[i] = pOrigin[i];
// spawn sound of the entity for everyone clients
if (!pReceiver)
if (!SV_BuildSoundMsg(entity, channel, sample, (int)(volume * 255.0f), attenuation, flags, pitch, origin, &g_psv.multicast))
return false;
int msg_destination = MSG_FL_NONE;
if (emitFlags & SND_EMIT2_INVOKER) {
msg_destination = MSG_FL_ONE;
if (bSendPAS)
SV_Multicast(entity, origin, msg_destination | MSG_FL_PAS, FALSE);
SV_Multicast(entity, origin, msg_destination | MSG_FL_BROADCAST, TRUE);
return true;
sizebuf_t *pBuffer;
client_t *receiver = pReceiver->GetClient();
if (bSendPAS && receiver->edict != entity) // if the sound for myself, then do not check PAS.
int leafnum = SV_PointLeafnum(origin);
if (!SV_ValidClientMulticast(receiver, leafnum, MSG_FL_PAS))
return false;
pBuffer = &receiver->datagram;
// reliable
pBuffer = &receiver->netchan.message;
// send to one client
return SV_BuildSoundMsg(entity, channel, sample, (int)(volume * 255.0f), attenuation, flags, pitch, origin, pBuffer) != FALSE;
bool EXT_FUNC SV_EmitSound2_api(edict_t *entity, IGameClient *receiver, int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch, int emitFlags, const float *pOrigin)
return g_RehldsHookchains.m_SV_EmitSound2.callChain(SV_EmitSound2_internal, entity, receiver, channel, sample, volume, attenuation, flags, pitch, emitFlags, pOrigin);
sizebuf_t* EXT_FUNC GetNetMessage_api()
return &net_message;
@ -376,6 +447,10 @@ IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_CreatePacketEntities* CRehldsHookchains::SV_CreatePacketE
return &m_SV_CreatePacketEntities;
IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EmitSound2* CRehldsHookchains::SV_EmitSound2() {
return &m_SV_EmitSound2;
int EXT_FUNC CRehldsApi::GetMajorVersion()

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@ -179,6 +179,10 @@ typedef IVoidHookChainRegistryImpl<> CRehldsHookRegistry_SV_Spawn_f;
typedef IHookChainImpl<int, sv_delta_t, IGameClient *, packet_entities_t *, sizebuf_t *> CRehldsHook_SV_CreatePacketEntities;
typedef IHookChainRegistryImpl<int, sv_delta_t, IGameClient *, packet_entities_t *, sizebuf_t *> CRehldsHookRegistry_SV_CreatePacketEntities;
//SV_EmitSound2 hook
typedef IHookChainImpl<bool, edict_t *, IGameClient *, int, const char*, float, float, int, int, int, const float*> CRehldsHook_SV_EmitSound2;
typedef IHookChainRegistryImpl<bool, edict_t *, IGameClient *, int, const char*, float, float, int, int, int, const float*> CRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EmitSound2;
class CRehldsHookchains : public IRehldsHookchains {
CRehldsHookRegistry_Steam_NotifyClientConnect m_Steam_NotifyClientConnect;
@ -218,6 +222,7 @@ public:
CRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EstablishTimeBase m_SV_EstablishTimeBase;
CRehldsHookRegistry_SV_Spawn_f m_SV_Spawn_f;
CRehldsHookRegistry_SV_CreatePacketEntities m_SV_CreatePacketEntities;
CRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EmitSound2 m_SV_EmitSound2;
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_Steam_NotifyClientConnect* Steam_NotifyClientConnect();
@ -257,6 +262,7 @@ public:
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EstablishTimeBase* SV_EstablishTimeBase();
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_Spawn_f* SV_Spawn_f();
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_CreatePacketEntities* SV_CreatePacketEntities();
virtual IRehldsHookRegistry_SV_EmitSound2* SV_EmitSound2();
extern CRehldsHookchains g_RehldsHookchains;
@ -278,4 +284,6 @@ public:
extern sizebuf_t* GetNetMessage_api();
extern IGameClient* GetHostClient_api();
extern int* GetMsgReadCount_api();
extern int* GetMsgReadCount_api();
bool SV_EmitSound2_api(edict_t *entity, IGameClient *receiver, int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch, int emitFlags, const float *pOrigin);