mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 17:15:22 +03:00
@ -20,6 +20,28 @@
* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to/*
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
* link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
* Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version.
@ -349,6 +371,615 @@ extern cvar_t sv_proxies;
extern cvar_t sv_outofdatetime;
extern cvar_t mapchangecfgfile;
extern qboolean allow_cheats;
extern cvar_t mp_logecho;
extern cvar_t mp_logfile;
extern cvar_t sv_allow_download;
extern cvar_t sv_send_logos;
extern cvar_t sv_send_resources;
extern cvar_t sv_log_singleplayer;
extern cvar_t sv_logsecret;
extern cvar_t sv_log_onefile;
extern cvar_t sv_logbans;
extern cvar_t sv_allow_upload;
extern cvar_t sv_max_upload;
extern cvar_t hpk_maxsize;
extern cvar_t sv_visiblemaxplayers;
extern cvar_t sv_downloadurl;
extern cvar_t sv_allow_dlfile;
extern cvar_t sv_version;
extern cvar_t sv_echo_unknown_cmd;
extern cvar_t sv_auto_precache_sounds_in_models;
extern cvar_t sv_delayed_spray_upload;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_force_dlmax;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_hull_centering;
extern cvar_t sv_rcon_condebug;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_userinfo_transmitted_fields;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_attachedentities_playeranimationspeed_fix;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_local_gametime;
extern cvar_t sv_rehlds_send_mapcycle;
extern cvar_t sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed;
extern cvar_t sv_invalid_length;
extern cvar_t sv_msg_badread;
extern int sv_playermodel;
extern char outputbuf[MAX_ROUTEABLE_PACKET];
extern redirect_t sv_redirected;
extern netadr_t sv_redirectto;
extern cvar_t sv_rcon_minfailures;
extern cvar_t sv_rcon_maxfailures;
extern cvar_t sv_rcon_minfailuretime;
extern cvar_t sv_rcon_banpenalty;
extern cvar_t scr_downloading;
enum GameType_e
extern GameType_e g_eGameType;
extern int fatbytes;
extern int giNextUserMsg;
extern int hashstrings_collisions;
extern delta_t *g_pplayerdelta;
extern delta_t *g_pentitydelta;
extern delta_t *g_pcustomentitydelta;
extern delta_t *g_pclientdelta;
extern delta_t *g_pweapondelta;
extern delta_t *g_pusercmddelta;
extern unsigned char fatpvs[1024];
extern int fatpasbytes;
extern unsigned char fatpas[1024];
extern int gPacketSuppressed;
extern char localinfo[MAX_LOCALINFO];
extern char localmodels[MAX_MODELS][5];
extern ipfilter_t ipfilters[MAX_IPFILTERS];
extern int numipfilters;
extern userfilter_t userfilters[MAX_USERFILTERS];
extern int numuserfilters;
extern challenge_t g_rg_sv_challenges[MAX_CHALLENGES];
extern rcon_failure_t g_rgRconFailures[32];
extern deltacallback_t g_svdeltacallback;
delta_t *SV_LookupDelta(char *name);
NOXREF void SV_DownloadingModules(void);
void SV_GatherStatistics(void);
void SV_DeallocateDynamicData(void);
void SV_ReallocateDynamicData(void);
void SV_AllocClientFrames(void);
qboolean SV_IsPlayerIndex(int index);
qboolean SV_IsPlayerIndex_wrapped(int index);
void SV_ClearPacketEntities(client_frame_t *frame);
void SV_AllocPacketEntities(client_frame_t *frame, int numents);
void SV_ClearFrames(client_frame_t ** frames);
void SV_Serverinfo_f(void);
void SV_Localinfo_f(void);
void SV_User_f(void);
void SV_Users_f(void);
void SV_CountPlayers(int *clients);
void SV_CountProxies(int *proxies);
void SV_FindModelNumbers(void);
void SV_StartParticle(const vec_t *org, const vec_t *dir, int color, int count);
void SV_StartSound(int recipients, edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, int volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch);
void SV_StartSound_internal(int recipients, edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, int volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch);
qboolean SV_BuildSoundMsg(edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, int volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch, const float *origin, sizebuf_t *buffer);
int SV_HashString(const char *string, int iBounds);
int SV_LookupSoundIndex(const char *sample);
void SV_BuildHashedSoundLookupTable(void);
void SV_AddSampleToHashedLookupTable(const char *pszSample, int iSampleIndex);
qboolean SV_ValidClientMulticast(client_t *client, int soundLeaf, int to);
void SV_Multicast(edict_t *ent, vec_t *origin, int to, qboolean reliable);
void SV_WriteMovevarsToClient(sizebuf_t *message);
void SV_WriteDeltaDescriptionsToClient(sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_SetMoveVars(void);
void SV_QueryMovevarsChanged(void);
void SV_SendServerinfo(sizebuf_t *msg, client_t *client);
void SV_SendServerinfo_internal(sizebuf_t *msg, client_t *client);
void SV_SendResources(sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_WriteClientdataToMessage(client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_WriteSpawn(sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_SendUserReg(sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_New_f(void);
void SV_SendRes_f(void);
void SV_Spawn_f(void);
void SV_Spawn_f_internal(void);
void SV_CheckUpdateRate(double *rate);
void SV_RejectConnection(netadr_t *adr, char *fmt, ...);
void SV_RejectConnectionForPassword(netadr_t *adr);
int SV_GetFragmentSize(void *state);
qboolean SV_FilterUser(USERID_t *userid);
int SV_CheckProtocol(netadr_t *adr, int nProtocol);
int SV_CheckProtocol_internal(netadr_t *adr, int nProtocol);
bool SV_CheckChallenge_api(const netadr_t &adr, int nChallengeValue);
int SV_CheckChallenge(netadr_t *adr, int nChallengeValue);
int SV_CheckIPRestrictions(netadr_t *adr, int nAuthProtocol);
int SV_CheckIPRestrictions_internal(netadr_t *adr, int nAuthProtocol);
int SV_CheckIPConnectionReuse(netadr_t *adr);
int SV_FinishCertificateCheck(netadr_t *adr, int nAuthProtocol, char *szRawCertificate, char *userinfo);
int SV_FinishCertificateCheck_internal(netadr_t *adr, int nAuthProtocol, char *szRawCertificate, char *userinfo);
int SV_CheckKeyInfo(netadr_t *adr, char *protinfo, unsigned short *port, int *pAuthProtocol, char *pszRaw, char *cdkey);
int SV_CheckKeyInfo_internal(netadr_t *adr, char *protinfo, unsigned short *port, int *pAuthProtocol, char *pszRaw, char *cdkey);
int SV_CheckForDuplicateSteamID(client_t *client);
qboolean SV_CheckForDuplicateNames(char *userinfo, qboolean bIsReconnecting, int nExcludeSlot);
int SV_CheckUserInfo(netadr_t *adr, char *userinfo, qboolean bIsReconnecting, int nReconnectSlot, char *name);
int SV_FindEmptySlot(netadr_t *adr, int *pslot, client_t ** ppClient);
void SV_ConnectClient(void);
void SV_ConnectClient_internal(void);
void SVC_Ping(void);
int SV_GetChallenge(const netadr_t& adr);
void SVC_GetChallenge(void);
void SVC_ServiceChallenge(void);
void SV_ResetModInfo(void);
int SV_GetFakeClientCount(void);
NOXREF qboolean SV_GetModInfo(char *pszInfo, char *pszDL, int *version, int *size, qboolean *svonly, qboolean *cldll, char *pszHLVersion);
NOXREF qboolean RequireValidChallenge(netadr_t *adr);
NOXREF qboolean ValidInfoChallenge(netadr_t *adr, const char *nugget);
NOXREF int GetChallengeNr(netadr_t *adr);
NOXREF qboolean CheckChallengeNr(netadr_t *adr, int nChallengeValue);
NOXREF void ReplyServerChallenge(netadr_t *adr);
NOXREF qboolean ValidChallenge(netadr_t *adr, int challengeNr);
NOXREF void SVC_InfoString(void);
NOXREF void SVC_Info(qboolean bDetailed);
NOXREF void SVC_PlayerInfo(void);
NOXREF void SVC_RuleInfo(void);
int SVC_GameDllQuery(const char *s);
void SV_FlushRedirect(void);
void SV_EndRedirect(void);
void SV_BeginRedirect(redirect_t rd, netadr_t *addr);
void SV_ResetRcon_f(void);
void SV_AddFailedRcon(netadr_t *adr);
qboolean SV_CheckRconFailure(netadr_t *adr);
int SV_Rcon_Validate(void);
void SV_Rcon(netadr_t *net_from_);
void SV_ConnectionlessPacket(void);
void SV_CheckRate(client_t *cl);
void SV_ProcessFile(client_t *cl, char *filename);
qboolean SV_FilterPacket(void);
void SV_SendBan(void);
void SV_ReadPackets(void);
void SV_CheckTimeouts(void);
int SV_CalcPing(client_t *cl);
void SV_SendFullClientUpdateForAll(client_t *client);
void SV_FullClientUpdate(client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *sb);
void SV_EmitEvents(client_t *cl, packet_entities_t *pack, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_EmitEvents_internal(client_t *cl, packet_entities_t *pack, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_AddToFatPVS(vec_t *org, mnode_t *node);
unsigned char *SV_FatPVS(float *org);
void SV_AddToFatPAS(vec_t *org, mnode_t *node);
unsigned char *SV_FatPAS(float *org);
int SV_PointLeafnum(vec_t *p);
void TRACE_DELTA(char *fmt, ...);
void SV_SetCallback(int num, qboolean remove, qboolean custom, int *numbase, qboolean full, int offset);
void SV_SetNewInfo(int newblindex);
void SV_WriteDeltaHeader(int num, qboolean remove, qboolean custom, int *numbase, qboolean newbl, int newblindex, qboolean full, int offset);
void SV_InvokeCallback(void);
int SV_FindBestBaseline(int index, entity_state_t ** baseline, entity_state_t *to, int num, qboolean custom);
int SV_CreatePacketEntities(sv_delta_t type, client_t *client, packet_entities_t *to, sizebuf_t *msg);
int SV_CreatePacketEntities_internal(sv_delta_t type, client_t *client, packet_entities_t *to, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_EmitPacketEntities(client_t *client, packet_entities_t *to, sizebuf_t *msg);
qboolean SV_ShouldUpdatePing(client_t *client);
NOXREF qboolean SV_HasEventsInQueue(client_t *client);
void SV_GetNetInfo(client_t *client, int *ping, int *packet_loss);
int SV_CheckVisibility(edict_t *entity, unsigned char *pset);
void SV_EmitPings(client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_EmitPings_internal(client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_WriteEntitiesToClient(client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_CleanupEnts(void);
qboolean SV_SendClientDatagram(client_t *client);
void SV_UpdateUserInfo(client_t *client);
void SV_UpdateToReliableMessages(void);
void SV_SkipUpdates(void);
void SV_SendClientMessages(void);
void SV_ExtractFromUserinfo(client_t *cl);
int SV_ModelIndex(const char *name);
void SV_AddResource(resourcetype_t type, const char *name, int size, unsigned char flags, int index);
size_t SV_CountResourceByType(resourcetype_t type, resource_t **pResourceList = nullptr, size_t nListMax = 0, size_t *nWidthFileNameMax = nullptr);
void SV_CreateGenericResources(void);
void SV_CreateResourceList(void);
void SV_ClearCaches(void);
void SV_PropagateCustomizations(void);
void SV_WriteVoiceCodec(sizebuf_t *pBuf);
void SV_WriteVoiceCodec_internal(sizebuf_t *pBuf);
void SV_CreateBaseline(void);
void SV_BroadcastCommand(char *fmt, ...);
void SV_BuildReconnect(sizebuf_t *msg);
NOXREF void SV_ReconnectAllClients(void);
void SetCStrikeFlags(void);
void SV_ActivateServer(int runPhysics);
void SV_ActivateServer_internal(int runPhysics);
void SV_ServerShutdown(void);
int SV_SpawnServer(qboolean bIsDemo, char *server, char *startspot);
void SV_LoadEntities(void);
void SV_ClearEntities(void);
int RegUserMsg(const char *pszName, int iSize);
qboolean StringToFilter(const char *s, ipfilter_t *f);
USERID_t *SV_StringToUserID(const char *str);
void SV_BanId_f(void);
void Host_Kick_f(void);
void SV_RemoveId_f(void);
void SV_WriteId_f(void);
void SV_ListId_f(void);
void SV_AddIP_f(void);
void SV_RemoveIP_f(void);
void SV_ListIP_f(void);
void SV_WriteIP_f(void);
void SV_KickPlayer(int nPlayerSlot, int nReason);
void SV_InactivateClients(void);
void SV_FailDownload(const char *filename);
const char *Q_stristr(const char *pStr, const char *pSearch);
qboolean IsSafeFileToDownload(const char *filename);
void SV_BeginFileDownload_f(void);
void SV_SetMaxclients(void);
void SV_HandleRconPacket(void);
void SV_CheckCmdTimes(void);
void SV_CheckForRcon(void);
qboolean SV_IsSimulating(void);
void SV_CheckMapDifferences(void);
void SV_Frame();
void SV_Frame_Internal();
void SV_Drop_f(void);
void SV_RegisterDelta(char *name, char *loadfile);
void SV_InitDeltas(void);
void SV_InitEncoders(void);
void SV_Init(void);
void SV_Shutdown(void);
qboolean SV_CompareUserID(USERID_t *id1, USERID_t *id2);
qboolean SV_CompareUserID_internal(USERID_t *id1, USERID_t *id2);
char *SV_GetIDString(USERID_t *id);
char *SV_GetIDString_internal(USERID_t *id);
char *SV_GetClientIDString(client_t *client);
int GetGameAppID(void);
qboolean IsGameSubscribed(const char *gameName);
NOXREF qboolean BIsValveGame(void); do so. If
* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version.
#pragma once
#include "maintypes.h"
// TODO: I think this defines must be in /common/
const int NUM_EDICTS = 900;
const int MAX_NAME = 32;
#include "custom_int.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include "cvar.h"
#include "dll_state.h"
#include "consistency.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "entity_state.h"
#include "delta.h"
#include "delta_packet.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "progs.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "server_static.h"
#include "usermsg.h"
#include "userid.h"
#include "pm_defs.h"
#include "inst_baseline.h"
#include "net_ws.h"
// Sound flags
SND_FL_VOLUME = BIT(0), // send volume
SND_FL_ATTENUATION = BIT(1), // send attenuation
SND_FL_LARGE_INDEX = BIT(2), // send sound number as short instead of byte
SND_FL_PITCH = BIT(3), // send pitch
SND_FL_SENTENCE = BIT(4), // set if sound num is actually a sentence num
SND_FL_STOP = BIT(5), // stop the sound
SND_FL_CHANGE_VOL = BIT(6), // change sound vol
SND_FL_CHANGE_PITCH = BIT(7), // change sound pitch
SND_FL_SPAWNING = BIT(8) // we're spawning, used in some cases for ambients (not sent across network)
// Message send destination flags
MSG_FL_NONE = 0, // No flags
MSG_FL_BROADCAST = BIT(0), // Broadcast?
MSG_FL_PVS = BIT(1), // Send to PVS
MSG_FL_PAS = BIT(2), // Send to PAS
MSG_FL_ONE = BIT(7), // Send to single client
const int RESOURCE_INDEX_BITS = 12;
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES
typedef enum redirect_e
RD_NONE = 0,
} redirect_t;
typedef enum server_state_e
ss_dead = 0,
ss_loading = 1,
ss_active = 2,
} server_state_t;
typedef struct server_s
qboolean active;
qboolean paused;
qboolean loadgame;
double time;
double oldtime;
int lastcheck;
double lastchecktime;
char name[64];
char oldname[64];
char startspot[64];
char modelname[64];
struct model_s *worldmodel;
CRC32_t worldmapCRC;
unsigned char clientdllmd5[16];
resource_t resourcelist[MAX_RESOURCE_LIST];
int num_resources;
consistency_t consistency_list[MAX_CONSISTENCY_LIST];
int num_consistency;
const char *model_precache[MAX_MODELS];
struct model_s *models[MAX_MODELS];
unsigned char model_precache_flags[MAX_MODELS];
struct event_s event_precache[MAX_EVENTS];
const char *sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS];
short int sound_precache_hashedlookup[MAX_SOUNDS_HASHLOOKUP_SIZE];
qboolean sound_precache_hashedlookup_built;
const char *generic_precache[MAX_GENERIC];
char generic_precache_names[MAX_GENERIC][64];
int num_generic_names;
const char *lightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
int num_edicts;
int max_edicts;
edict_t *edicts;
struct entity_state_s *baselines;
extra_baselines_t *instance_baselines;
server_state_t state;
sizebuf_t datagram;
unsigned char datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
sizebuf_t reliable_datagram;
unsigned char reliable_datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
sizebuf_t multicast;
unsigned char multicast_buf[1024];
sizebuf_t spectator;
unsigned char spectator_buf[1024];
sizebuf_t signon;
unsigned char signon_data[32768];
} server_t;
struct rehlds_server_t {
// map for sv.model_precache (for faster resolving of model index by its name)
#if defined(REHLDS_FIXES)
CStringKeyStaticMap<int, 7, MAX_MODELS * 2> modelsMap; // case-sensitive keys for better performance
#elif defined(REHLDS_OPT_PEDANTIC)
CICaseStringKeyStaticMap<int, 7, MAX_MODELS * 2> modelsMap; // use case-insensitive keys to conform original engine's behavior
// Extended net buffers
uint8_t reliableDatagramBuffer[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD];
uint8_t signonData[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD];
uint8_t spectatorBuffer[MAX_DATAGRAM];
// Extended resource list
resource_t resources[RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT];
char precachedGenericResourceNames[RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT][MAX_QPATH];
size_t precachedGenericResourceCount;
typedef struct client_frame_s
double senttime;
float ping_time;
clientdata_t clientdata;
weapon_data_t weapondata[64];
packet_entities_t entities;
} client_frame_t;
typedef struct client_s
qboolean active;
qboolean spawned;
qboolean fully_connected;
qboolean connected;
qboolean uploading;
qboolean hasusrmsgs;
qboolean has_force_unmodified;
netchan_t netchan;
int chokecount;
int delta_sequence;
qboolean fakeclient;
qboolean proxy;
usercmd_t lastcmd;
double connecttime;
double cmdtime;
double ignorecmdtime;
float latency;
float packet_loss;
double localtime;
double nextping;
double svtimebase;
sizebuf_t datagram;
byte datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
double connection_started;
double next_messagetime;
double next_messageinterval;
qboolean send_message;
qboolean skip_message;
client_frame_t *frames;
event_state_t events;
edict_t *edict;
const edict_t *pViewEntity;
int userid;
USERID_t network_userid;
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
qboolean sendinfo;
float sendinfo_time;
char hashedcdkey[64];
char name[32];
int topcolor;
int bottomcolor;
int entityId;
resource_t resourcesonhand;
resource_t resourcesneeded;
FileHandle_t upload;
qboolean uploaddoneregistering;
customization_t customdata;
int crcValue;
int lw;
int lc;
char physinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
qboolean m_bLoopback;
uint32 m_VoiceStreams[2];
double m_lastvoicetime;
int m_sendrescount;
qboolean m_bSentNewResponse;
} client_t;
typedef struct rcon_failure_s rcon_failure_t;
typedef struct challenge_s challenge_t;
typedef struct deltacallback_s
int *numbase;
int num;
qboolean remove;
qboolean custom;
qboolean newbl;
int newblindex;
qboolean full;
int offset;
} deltacallback_t;
extern char *pr_strings;
extern char *gNullString;
extern qboolean scr_skipupdate;
extern float scr_centertime_off;
extern float g_LastScreenUpdateTime;
extern int SV_UPDATE_BACKUP;
extern int SV_UPDATE_MASK;
extern globalvars_t gGlobalVariables;
extern server_static_t g_psvs;
extern server_t g_psv;
extern rehlds_server_t g_rehlds_sv;
extern cvar_t sv_lan;
extern cvar_t sv_lan_rate;
extern cvar_t sv_aim;
extern cvar_t sv_skycolor_r;
extern cvar_t sv_skycolor_g;
extern cvar_t sv_skycolor_b;
extern cvar_t sv_skyvec_x;
extern cvar_t sv_skyvec_y;
extern cvar_t sv_skyvec_z;
extern cvar_t sv_skyname;
extern cvar_t sv_spectatormaxspeed;
extern cvar_t sv_airaccelerate;
extern cvar_t sv_wateraccelerate;
extern cvar_t sv_waterfriction;
extern cvar_t sv_zmax;
extern cvar_t sv_wateramp;
extern cvar_t mapcyclefile;
extern cvar_t motdfile;
extern cvar_t servercfgfile;
extern cvar_t lservercfgfile;
extern cvar_t logsdir;
extern cvar_t bannedcfgfile;
extern cvar_t listipcfgfile;
extern cvar_t syserror_logfile;
extern decalname_t sv_decalnames[MAX_BASE_DECALS];
extern int sv_decalnamecount;
extern UserMsg *sv_gpNewUserMsgs;
extern UserMsg *sv_gpUserMsgs;
extern playermove_t g_svmove;
extern int sv_lastnum;
extern extra_baselines_t g_sv_instance_baselines;
extern qboolean g_bOutOfDateRestart;
extern int g_userid;
extern delta_info_t *g_sv_delta;
extern delta_t *g_peventdelta;
extern cvar_t rcon_password;
extern cvar_t sv_enableoldqueries;
extern cvar_t sv_instancedbaseline;
extern cvar_t sv_contact;
extern cvar_t sv_maxupdaterate;
extern cvar_t sv_minupdaterate;
extern cvar_t sv_filterban;
extern cvar_t sv_minrate;
extern cvar_t sv_maxrate;
extern cvar_t sv_logrelay;
extern cvar_t violence_hblood;
extern cvar_t violence_ablood;
extern cvar_t violence_hgibs;
extern cvar_t violence_agibs;
extern cvar_t sv_newunit;
extern cvar_t sv_clienttrace;
extern cvar_t sv_timeout;
extern cvar_t sv_failuretime;
extern cvar_t sv_cheats;
extern cvar_t sv_password;
extern cvar_t sv_proxies;
extern cvar_t sv_outofdatetime;
extern cvar_t mapchangecfgfile;
extern qboolean allow_cheats;
extern cvar_t mp_logecho;
extern cvar_t mp_logfile;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user