Filtering of validation logs is now extended beyond BCn formats and now covers other format which have their feature set misreported by the driver, this significantly drives down the amount of logs depending on the title.
Implements an algorithm to determine formats that can be aliased as views without needing `VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT`, this avoids spamming warning logs on view creation when the aliased formats will function in practice.
There was an oversight with exclusive subpasses which could lead to RPs with more than one subpass could be created even though one pass was exclusive, this oversight was not finishing the render pass at the end of `AddSubpass`. This could lead to a future subpass adding to the end of that RP even though it was intended to exclusively have a single subpass.
This case occurs in titles such as Celeste (in-game) and breaks rendering on GPUs that may require exclusive subpasses for proper functionality.
The Khronos Validation Layer can often generate warning/error logs due to our intentional breakage from Vulkan specification, these can occur several times a frame resulting in the logs being spammed and making it difficult to extract useful information out of logs. The scope of these logs has now been reduced with more general filtering and the introduction of specialized filtering to handle complex cases such as BCn hacks with `libadrenotools` on Adreno devices.
Descriptor set updates were broken on the non-push-descriptor path due to lifetime issues with VkDescriptorSetLayout's usage during the execution phase which entirely broke rendering on AMD/Mali GPUs due to them not supporting `VK_KHR_push_descriptor`.
This commit addresses that by moving the allocation of a descriptor set to outside the lambda and into the recording phase, it also simplifies the semantics and resources passed into the lambda by removing redundancies.
The Vulkan render pass cache was fundamentally broken since it was designed around the Render Pass Compatibility clause due to being designed for framebuffer compatibility initially. As this scope was extended to a general render pass cache, the amount of data in the key was not extended to include everything it should have. This commit introduces the missing pieces in the RP cache and simplifies the underlying code in the process.
The backing for shader data would implicitly be zero-initialized due to a `resize` on every shader parse, this was entirely unnecessary as we would overwrite the entire range regardless.
We avoid this by using statically allocated storage and a span over it containing the shader bytecode which avoids any unnecessary clear semantics without resorting to more complex solutions such as a custom allocator.
Implements a cache for storing `VkFramebuffer` objects with a special path on devices with `VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer` to allow for more cache hits due to an abstract image rather than a specific one.
Caching framebuffers is a fairly crucial optimization due to the cost of creating framebuffers on TBDRs since it involves calculating tiling memory allocations and in the case of Adreno's proprietary driver involves several kernel calls for mapping and allocating the corresponding framebuffer memory.
There are a lot of cases of `VkImageView` being recreated arbitrarily due to it being tied to the ephemeral object `TextureView` rather than `Texture`, this commit flips that by storing all `VkImageView`s inside `Texture` with `TextureView` simply holding a copy of the handle to them. Additionally, this change results in stable `VkImageView` handles and helps in paving the path for framebuffer caching when `VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer` is unavailable.
Implements a cache for storing `VkRenderPass` objects which are often reused, they are not extremely expensive to create generally but this is a required step to build up to a framebuffer cache which is an extremely expensive object to create on TBDRs generally since it involves calculating tiling memory allocations and in the case of Adreno's proprietary driver involves several kernel calls for mapping and allocating the corresponding memory.
We run into a lot of successive subpasses with the exact same framebuffer configuration which we now exploit to avoid the creation of a new subpass due to the overhead involved with this. This provides significant performance boosts in certain cases due to the magnitude of difference in the amount of subpasses being created while providing next to no benefit in other cases.
The check for the fence cycle being the same as the current cycle was incorrectly inverted to be the opposite of what it should have been, leading to bugs.
The responsibility for synchronizing a texture and locking it is now on the `PresentationEngine` rather than the API-user as this'll allow more fine grained locking and delay waiting until necessary.
As we require a relaxed version of the Vulkan render pass compatibility clause for caching multi-subpass render passes, we now utilize a quirk to determine if this is supported which it is on Nvidia/Adreno while AMD/Mali where it isn't supported we force single-subpass render passes.
We found out that certain vendors such as Nvidia had a limitation on the global priority of a queue and requesting `VK_QUEUE_GLOBAL_PRIORITY_HIGH_EXT` would result in `VK_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_EXT`. A quirk has been introduced to supply the maximum supported global priority which is currently set on a per-vendor basis to avoid future crashes.
Implements a cache for storing `VkPipeline` objects which are fairly expensive to create and doing so on a per-frame basis was rather wasteful and consumed a significant part of frametime. It should be noted that this is **not** compliant with the Vulkan specification and **will** break unless the driver supports a relaxed version of the Vulkan specification's Render Pass Compatibility clause.
We can use inline push descriptors for writing to descriptor rather than allocating a descriptor set for a one time write and freeing it as this is rather inefficient while an inline push descriptor generally ends up being a direct `memcpy` on the driver side designed for this use-case.
We want Skyline to have the most favorable GPU scheduling possible due to low latency and high throughput requirements, we request high priority scheduling due to this reason.
This implements all Maxwell3D registers and HLE Vulkan state for Tessellation including invalidation of the TCS (Tessellation Control Shader) state during state changes.
Previously constant buffer updates would be handled on the CPU and only the end result would be synced to the GPU before execute. This caused issues as if the constant buffer contents was changed between each draw in a renderpass (e.g. text rendering) the draws themselves would only see the final resulting constant buffer.
We had earlier tried to fix this by using vkCmdUpdateBuffer however this caused significant performance loss due to an oversight in Adreno drivers. We could have worked around this simply by using vkCmdCopy buffer however there would still be a performance loss due to renderpasses being split up with copies inbetween.
To avoid this we introduce 'megabuffers', a brand new technique not done before in any other switch emulators. Rather than replaying the copies in sequence on the GPU, we take advantage of the fact that buffers are generally small in order to replay buffers on the GPU instead. Each write and subsequent usage of a buffer will cause a copy of the buffer with that write, and all prior applied to be pushed into the megabuffer, this way at the start of execute the megabuffer will hold all used states of the buffer simultaneously. Draws then reference these individual states in sequence to allow everything to work without any copies. In order to support this buffers have been moved to an immediate sync model, with synchronisation being done at usage-time rather than execute (in order to keep contents properly sequenced) and GPU-side writes now need to be explictly marked (since they prevent megabuffering). It should also be noted that a fallback path using cmdCopyBuffer exists for the cases where buffers are too large or GPU dirty.
As bindings weren't correctly handled due to the fact that `EmitSPIRV` would change the bindings, the shader module cache would not correctly function and have no cache hits in `find` and rather have them in `try_emplace` which negated any performance benefit of it. This has now been fixed by retaining the initial cache key for insertion into the cache while also storing the post-emit bindings and restoring them during a cache hit.
Implements caching of the compiled shader module (`VkShaderModule`) in an associative map based on the supplied IR, bindings and runtime state to avoid constant recompilation of shaders. This doesn't entirely address shader compilation as an issue since host shader compilation is tied to Vulkan pipeline objects rather than Vulkan shader modules, they need to be cached to prevent costly host shader recompilation.
This implements the first step of a full shader cache with caching any IR by treating the shared pointer as a handle and key for an associative map alongside hashing the Maxwell shader bytecode, it supports both single shader program and dual vertex program caching.
We desire the ability to hash and check equality of data across spans to use associative containers such as `std::unordered_map` with spans. The implemented functions provide an easy way to do that.
Mostly based off of yuzu's implementation, this will need to be extended in the future to open up a UI for configuring controllers according to the applications requirements.
As there was no check for the lack of a `GuestTexture`/`GuestBuffer`, it would lead to UB when a texture/buffer that had no guest such as the `zeroTexture` from `GraphicsContext` would be marked as dirty they would cause a call to `NCE::RetrapRegions` with a `nullptr` handle that would be dereferenced and cause a segmentation fault.
In certain situations such as constant buffer updates, we desire to use the guest buffer as a shadow buffer forwarding all writes directly to it while we update the host using inline buffer updates so they happen in-sequence. This requires special behavior as we cannot let any synchronization operations take place as they would break the shadow buffer, as a result, an external synchronization flag has been added to prevent this from happening.
It should be noted that this flag is not respected for buffer recreation which will lead to UB, this can and will break updates in certain cases and this change isn't complete without buffer manager support.
The offset of the view wasn't added to the `vkCmdUpdateBuffer`, this would cause the offset to be incorrect given the buffer was a view of a larger buffer that wasn't the start of it. This commit fixes that by adding the offset of the view to the buffer update.
We didn't call `MarkGpuDirty` on textures/buffers prior to GPU usage, this would cause them to not be R/W protected when they should be and provide outdated copies if there were any read accesses from the CPU (which are not possible at the moment since we assume all accesses are writes at the moment). This has now been fixed by calling it after synchronizing the resource.
The terminology "Non-Graphics pass" was deemed to be fairly inaccurate since it simply covered all Vulkan commands (not "passes") outside the render-pass scope, these may be graphical operations such as blits and therefore it is more accurate to use the new terminology of "Outside-RenderPass command" due to the lack of such an implication while being consistent with the Vulkan specification.
Previously constant buffer updates would be handled on the CPU and only the end result would be synced to the GPU before execute. This caused issues as if the constant buffer contents was changed between each draw in a renderpass (e.g. text rendering) the draws themselves would only see the final resulting constant buffer. Fix this by updating cbufs on the GPU/CPU seperately, only ever syncing them back at the start or after a guest side CPU write, at the moment only a single word is updated at a time however this can be optimised in the future to batch all consecutive updates into one large one.