- Fixed path_track paths saving as pointers instead of handles
- Fixed player animations not falling to base class correctly
- Fixed logic_externaldata creating garbage in trailing spaces
- Added "SetHandModelSkin" input
- Added unique colors for various types of console message, adjustable via convars
- Added the ability to use map-specific weapon scripts
- Added a way to display (placeholder) text entirely from Faceposer scenes
- Added "autobreak" keyvalue to game_text, which automatically breaks long text into different lines
- Added the ability to change a game_text's font (very limited)
- Added LightToggle input to point_spotlight
- Added Enable/DisableSprites on npc_manhack
- Added ai_goal_police behavior from metrocops to Combine soldiers and citizens
- Added func_precipitation particle rain systems from the Alien Swarm SDK
- Added new func_precipitation spawnflags for controlling behavior in particle types
- Added "mapbase_version" cvar which shows the version of Mapbase a mod might be running on
- Fixed an oversight with NPC crouch activities which was causing npc_metropolice to stop firing in standoffs
- Added toggleable patches to npc_combine AI which make soldiers less likely to stand around without shooting or rush to melee when not needed
- Added key for custom logo font on env_credits scripts
- Added SetSpeed and SetPushDir inputs for trigger_push
- Added a bunch of I/O/KV to func_fish_pool to allow for more control over the fish
- Added OnLostEnemy/Player support for npc_combine_camera
- Added enhanced save/restore for the Response System, toggleable via convar
- Added a convar which allows users to disable weapon autoswitching when picking up ammo
- Split VScript base script into its own file
- Added VScript descriptions for NPC squads and the manager class which handles them
- Moved several classes, functions, etc. to the VScript library itself for future usage in other projects, like VBSP
- Added VScript to VBSP with basic map file interfacing
- Made some VScript documentation more clear due to deprecation of online documentation
- Added VScript "hook" registration, creating a standardized system which shows up in script_help documentation
- Added VScript-driven custom weapons
- Added clientside VScript scopes
- Added a bunch of weapon-related VScript functions
- Split a bunch of cluttered VScript stuff into different files
- Added VScript functions for "following" entities/bonemerging
- Added VScript functions for grenades
- Added a few more VScript trigger functions
- Added OnDeath hook for VScript
- Fixed documentation for aliased functions in VScript
- Fixed $bumpmask not working on SDK_LightmappedGeneric
- Made vertex blend swapping in Hammer use a constant instead of a combo (makes it easier to compile the shader, especially for $bumpmask's sake)
- Fixed brush phong, etc. causing SDK_WorldVertexTransition to stop working
- Added limited support for $envmapmask in the bumpmapping shader
- Fixed more issues with parallax corrected cubemaps and instances
- Made instance variable recursion consistent with VMFII
- Added keyvalue to hl2_gamerules which allows respawning in singleplayer
- Added the game instructor system (including env_instructor_hint) from later Valve games using a VDC tutorial which adjusts the version from the Alien Swarm SDK to FPS rules and a Source 2013 environment; Also added new KV and icons for further control from mappers (tutorial mentioned by Maestra Fenix)
- Added L4D/TF2 glows + point_glow entity as an all-purpose SDK-based off-shoot of tf_glow
- Fixed weapon pickup sound not playing (reported by Sl0th and later Cvoxulary)
- Fixed env_projectedtextures not updating on save/load
- Added func_fake_worldportal, a spatial point_camera inspired by linked_portal_door based on SDK code alone (WIP, may be changed a lot in future updates)
- Added option for point_camera and func_reflective_glass to use different render targets, therefore allowing multiple cameras and mirrors to be active at the same time
- Added additional RT camera textures to choose from with a default of 3, but also controllable through a -numcameratextures command line param
- Added adjustable convars for main view NearZ and skybox NearZ (suggested by someone recently, also suggested by Klems over a year ago)
- Fixed map-specific localization files, cleaned up map-specific file code
- Added a new block to gameinfo.txt which allows mods to automatically append their own command line parameters
- Fixed math_lightpattern corruption when setting pattern/style while active
- Fixed the "Touch" input crashing when given no entity
- Added a way to add EFlags via keyvalue (suggested by Niker107)
- Fixed ai_script_conditions not working without a NPC actor (reported by MetroHam)
- Fixed point_radiation_source causing huge problems when intensity is 0, even though it was already advised against (reported by beefbacon)
- Added "Mapbase" header to Mapbase-specific code files
- Fixed an issue with updating sky_camera not obtaining area correctly, causing some entities to not draw in the skybox
- Added "CopyFogController" and "CopyFogControllerWithScale" inputs to sky_camera, which copy fog parameters directly from a fog controller
- Added "SetScale" input to sky_camera for live scale changing
- Added convar to control player crouch speed multiplier (suggested by ArtyIF)
- Added a ton of fixes for people running the Debug configuration of the codebase (partial credit to stepa2)
- Added support for pre-defined enums and constants in VScript, starting with various values from the SDK code (damage types, trace masks, etc.)
- Added limited support for Valve's Quaternion class in VScript
- Added new instance helper capabilities, destructible game instances, and other misc. changes to VScript library
- Replaced most of the VScript "accessor" classes with direct references to the original classes, as they were getting complicated fast and adding new VScript-only functions to the original classes might not be as bad as previously thought
- Added base NPC hooks for AI sensing in VScript (allows control over sight and hearing), also exposed CSound for it
- Added various functions and hooks for VPhysics integration in VScript
- Added VScript-based custom suit devices
- Expanded trace info exposed to VScript to allow plane and surface access (suggested by krassell)
- Added ability to insert localization strings through VScript
- Added various misc. VScript functions with various purposes, including reading/writing EFlags, movetypes, collision groups, etc.
- Fixed VBSP not being able to correctly parse parallax corrected cubemaps in maps with instances
- Fixed filter_damage_mod blocking all damage which doesn't match the secondary filter regardless of secondary filter mode
- Fixed impulse 101 and other give-related commands leaving behind weapons with occupied slots
- Fixed a crash with scripted_sound's PlaySoundOnEntity when the entity doesn't exist
- Added OnSoundFinished output to ambient_generic
- Added the ability to use custom models/nuggets with item_grubnugget
- Fixed a crash with citizen medics healing nonexistent targets
- Added "SetDistLook" and "SetDistTooFar" inputs for NPCs, allowing manual adjustment of NPC sight distance
- Added keyvalue and input to env_microphone for utilizing a different audio channel
- Added "SetPitchScale" input to env_microphone
- Fixed info_player_view_proxy not using angles
- Fixed dirt variant elite model not being recognized as elite
- Made headcrab hints properly register the start of use (for hint outputs)
- Made RPG use a more realistic firing rate for NPCs which aren't constrained by slow RPG animations, like soldiers
- Added spawnflag for func_breakable_surf to correctly play the break sound
- Added keyvalue for using cheaper warn sound code for combine_mines
- Added "OnSpawnNPC" output for npc_combinedropship when it spawns a soldier, rollermine, or strider
- Added signal gesture activities
- Fixed stunstick not using metrocop knockout/stun code correctly
- Fixed a possible crash involving a NPC's weapon being removed during alt-fire
- Fixed(?) flashlight shadow filters
- Added support for multiple look entities in trigger_look
- Added npc_metropolice alt-firing
- Fixed npc_metropolice using pistol burst firing on weapon_357
- Fixed npc_metropolice not deploying manhacks/throwing grenades in standoffs
- Fixed npc_metropolice not recognizing some crouch activities correctly
- Changed weapon_357 so it runs a tracer each shot from NPCs
- Added SDK_ShatteredGlass, a Mapbase version of ShatteredGlass
- Added "SetSpeedModifier" to NPCs, based on 1upD's shadow walker code
- Made game_convar_mod much more reliable
- Fixed non-mirrored npc_turret_lab refusing to die
- Made npc_turret_lab use SMG1 ammo instead of AR2 ammo
- Fixed block LOS brushes sometimes not working with players (and possibly similar issues)
- Raised maximum renderable entities from 4096 to 16384, based on ficool2's limit research
- Added SDK_ShatteredGlass, a Mapbase version of ShatteredGlass. Can display parallax corrected cubemaps from its unbroken form
- Fixed VBSP breaking func_breakable_surf, etc. when using parallax corrected cubemaps
- Raised maximum VBSP entities from 8192 to 65536, based on ficool2's limit research
- Raised maximum VBSP worldlights from 8192 to 65536, based on ficool2's limit research
- Raised maximum VBSP overlays from 512 to 8192, based on ficool2's limit research
- Other misc. fixes
- Applied the nexttoken security fix (suggested by ficool2, important for MP port, no #ifdef MAPBASE because of volume of changes and irrelevance to readers)
- Fixed a crash with the follower wait point start/stop using handlers
- Fixed game_ui activator crash
- Changed vphysics triggers to accept more entities
- Fixed player squadmates not obeying hint node facing (e.g. wait points)
- Fixed npc_snipers
- prop_vehicle_jeep_old no longer changes classname
- Restored and added the other CTakeDamageInfo fields for point_damageinfo
- Fixed game_metadata not saving correctly
- Fixed logic_measure_movement not functioning while possessing spawnflags
- Added scripts/mapbase_rpc.txt script with choosable app ID and game image
- Fixed some casing that broke Linux support
- Added proper WorldVertexTransition blending to translucency and selfillum (translucency may need the translucent texture to be $basetexture, not $basetexture2)
- Added modified parallax corrected cubemaps to shader code (although currently unusable)
- Fixed Variant_ParseInput
- Added/restored custom scanner speed (experimental, needs more work)
- Several miscellaneous code changes/fixes and comment adjustments
- Experimental RPC stuff for the future
- Fixed players running over allies with vehicles (kind of)
- Modified redirect filter infrastructure to support when there's no target filter (meaning it will just make sure the entity exists)
- Fixed SDK_EyeRefract
- Fixed env_beam SetStart/EndEntity
- New "OnStateChange" output on NPCs
- scripted_face removed (use generic facing VCDs instead)
- Fixed RPC
- View ID nodraw keyvalue + reflective glass view ID fix
- CopyAnimationDataFrom expansion (more variables copied)
- Fixed pre-Mapbase env_projectedtextures not updating after loading a save
- Fixed(?) player companion grenade throwing being interrupted
- Added convars for secondary and NPC shotgun pellet amounts
- NPC fade distance/scale transfers to its ragdoll
- Made node graph rebuild occur sooner after map load
- Added option to disable "node graph out of date" message
- Fixed ent_fire delay (decimals discarded before)
- "SetFilter" on func_clip_vphysics
- Fixed func_tank zero barrel (untested)
- Fixed npc_turret_ground parenting fix
- Added toggle-able weapon_crossbow experimental hit location code
- Fixed ally grenades being considered Combine grenades
- Added SDK_MonitorScreen and SDK_UnlitTwoTexture
- Updated README
- Added !activator/!caller support to logic_collision_pair
- Fixed ortho not working in script_intro
- Added Nbc66's closed captioning language fix
- Applied fade fix to server ragdolls
- Added combine_mine friend/foe filters
- Fixed env_starfield pausing
- Reworked PickupWeapon/Item inputs
- Fixed context response system $ usage
- Fixed env_break_shooter velocity/speed
- Made func_breakable "Spawn on break" support other entities
- Fixed OnThrowGrenade > point_entity_replace blip
- Added mapname to logic_externaldata
- Added "Random Template" to point_template
- Added "Use LOS" to trigger_look
- Added flags based on L4D(2) to trigger_playermovement
- Added npc_combine_s "Alternate Capable" keyvalue that enables both grenades and alt-fire at the same time regardless of elite status
- Fixed npc_combine_s DropGrenade input
- Miscellaneous code and comment changes