#define R_AL -2 // (ALLY) pals. Good alternative to R_NO when applicable.
#define R_FR -1 // (FEAR) will run
#define R_NO 0 // (NO RELATIONSHIP) disregard
#define R_DL 1 // (DISLIKE) will attack
#define R_HT 2 // (HATE) will attack this character instead of any visible DISLIKEd characters
#define R_NM 3 // (NEMESIS) A monster Will ALWAYS attack its nemsis, no matter what
#define SF_MONSTER_WAIT_TILL_SEEN BIT(0) // spawnflag that makes monsters wait until player can see them before attacking.
#define SF_MONSTER_GAG BIT(1) // no idle noises from this monster
#define SF_MONSTER_PRISONER BIT(4) // monster won't attack anyone, no one will attacks him.
#define SF_MONSTER_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT BIT(7) //spawnflag that makes monsters wait to check for attacking until the script is done or they've been attacked
#define SF_MONSTER_PREDISASTER BIT(8) //this is a predisaster scientist or barney. Influences how they speak.
#define SF_MONSTER_FADECORPSE BIT(9) // Fade out corpse after death
// These bits represent the monster's memory
#define MEMORY_CLEAR 0
#define bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED BIT(0) // right now only used for houndeyes.
#define bits_MEMORY_INCOVER BIT(1) // monster knows it is in a covered position.
#define bits_MEMORY_SUSPICIOUS BIT(2) // Ally is suspicious of the player, and will move to provoked more easily
#define bits_MEMORY_PATH_FINISHED BIT(3) // Finished monster path (just used by big momma for now)
#define bits_MEMORY_ON_PATH BIT(4) // Moving on a path
#define bits_MEMORY_MOVE_FAILED BIT(5) // Movement has already failed
#define bits_MEMORY_FLINCHED BIT(6) // Has already flinched
#define bits_MEMORY_KILLED BIT(7) // HACKHACK -- remember that I've already called my Killed()